Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 7th 2017 Blog

I am sure you have heard about Devin Nunes stepping down from the Congressional investigation involving the Russian interference of our recent national election.  There were several left-wing groups who filed a complaint to a government ethics office.  It is rather funny how all these different left-wing groups filed a complaint all at the same time, which means there had to be a coordinator, informing all these groups on what to do and how to do it.  And I firmly believe it was former President Obama who is that coordinator and I can back that up, even though no one else clued me in, which means this is purely conjecture on my part, but based upon some facts and why I surmised my firm belief.

We know that former President Obama was somehow able to come up with money not only for Iran, but also to covertly fund liberal groups.  There are always lawsuits coming against people from the government all the time and all the money rewarded to the government from those lawsuits are supposed to go directly to the United States Treasury.  However, somehow Obama was able to circumvent that protocol and keep those funds from the Treasury and used that money for his own purposes.  No one in the news was able to answer the question of how Obama got all that money he was giving away, but that particular question was never cited!!!

It is the Congress who holds all the purse strings for expenditures, but Obama circumvented those financial channels, as he did many times before when the legislature would not move on his agendas, using “Executive Orders” instead of the proper legislation process or protocol.  Nevertheless, I firmly believe the same left-wing groups that Obama gave all that money to, were called upon to get Devin Nunes removed from the Russian investigation and it worked! 

Even though Obama is out of office, he vowed to cause trouble for the next administration and the very reason why he is still located in the Washington D.C. area; in a large house with plenty of bedrooms to house all his former boot-lickers, like Sandra Rice and Valerie Plaine, who were his closest advisors.

Surprise!  President Trump is no slouch when it comes to decisive action, so in response to the gassing of civilians in Syria, President Trump ordered more than 40 Tomahawk missiles to be fired upon Syrian airports and chemical facilities.  If Obama were still in office, he would “draw another red line” and do nothing.  President Trump is far more astute than to tip his hand as to warn the enemy of an impending attack.  How much warning was given to the latest victims of gassing?  Can you spell “zero”?  In addition, Syria is not equipped to precisely place those gas bombs, so it is easy to say that only the Russians have that capability, for which Nicky Haley gave the Russians an ultimatum…do something or we (the United States) will!  24 hours was more than enough time for the Russians to make up their minds and did not think or believe that such a preemptive raid was in President Trump’s mind.  Unless President Assad sues for peace, he can full-well expect more such raids.   However, the "wild card" in this equation is Iran's involvement and it would not be surprising if some terrorist cell groups in the United States may stage their own raids in response.

The Russians might rattle their sabers, but personally I do not believe that Putin wants a direct confrontation with the United States.  There is only one thing at stake for the Russians in Syria… a much coveted warm-water port that they were able to secure.  Russia is well-known to be a “bear”, which simply means once they gain something, they are not so quick to surrender it.  In my opinion, I believe that President Putin might request a pow-wow with President Trump, for which Trump might consider allowing Russian to retain their “warm-water port” if they cease from using their aircraft for Assad.  However, Assad might have other thoughts about that, because I am quite sure that Assad traded a “warm-water port” for Russian air support.   

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.