Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10th 2017 Blog

And now for something completely different… I did something quite out of the ordinary in my research today.  Believe it or not, I am a music fan, but one might consider me quite old (63) to be viewing videos of current pop music videos.  We hear much of this kind of music on a daily basis from television advertising, so I did some exploring.  One in particular caught my ear from a recent Nissan television ad titled, “Black Sheep” by Gin Wigmore and have heard it before in fast food places.  By the way, I do not normally patronize “fast-food” places, because of the lack of nutrition that can be gained.  I would get nothing more than a cup of coffee and use their Wi-Fi.

Speaking of “gained” there is so little to be redeemed from “Pop Music”, mainly because it is a quasi-culture.  Most of what I viewed are sexual in nature—well there is no getting away from the fact that we are after all “sexual beings”.  Nevertheless, sex is often confused with what love is really all about, but I am not going to philosophize, because this is not the specific agenda of this treatise.  What really got my attention was the number of views of each of these.  I listened to the one that originally got my attention, but to the right of the “youtube” screen were other video listings and decided to click on “300 of the most viewed as of March 2017”.  All those songs were excerpts that were 10 to 15 seconds in length.  The number of views started at over 300 million to over 1.3 billion views of a song from Korea by PSY, which is a put-down song about the affluent, which is quite ironic.

I truly wonder… has anyone considered all the human energy and the investment of all the fossil fuel energy, required to produce all that music, as well as the never ending concerts?  And then I thought about the insurmountable amount of money needed to attend these concerts and records sales that might just put a dent in the national debt!  Not to mention the use of credit cards, to pay for those concerts and worry about paying for it later, if they have not already considered bankruptcy. How many of those concert goers have ever had one serious thought as to the economic impact of investing all that time in more constructive pursuits?

And I wonder how many of those concert goers lives would change, if they read, “The Art of the Deal”, which preceded the presidential election of the man who authored that book!  What is happening, is that all those listeners of pop music are doing nothing more than enriching the lives of the performers such as; Marc Anthony; Katy Perry; Rihanna; Miley Cyrus; Justin Bieber; Taylor Swift; Eminum, just to name a few.  Many are Hispanic, who produces their videos in the ghettos of Central and South America and all those poor people cheering them on.  When the making of the video is completed, these same people return to their impoverished lifestyle.

There is still another “darker side” that even fewer people consider and that is who is charge of this “quasi-culture”.  It is none other than the Prince and Power of the air, “Satan the Devil”.  Satan used to be at the “Throne of God” and was his music maker.  His name at that time was “Lucifer”, which means “light bringer” and music does have a lightening effect on the heart.  But now that “Lucifer” was cast down from Heaven to become “Satan”, which means “adversary”; who has effectively swayed particularly our young people into a culture that is short-lived.  So, what is to become of these people or what kind of future have they considered? 

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.