Saturday, April 8, 2017

April 8th 2017 Blog

Nothing unites a country more than a common enemy.  I was pleased to hear that even the Democrats (yes I spelled it correctly this time because they earned it) are backing up what President Trump did this past Thursday night.  It is a shame that such action is necessary, because we have to endure a so-called “leader”, who has thumbed his nose at the entire world, in the use of a banned form of murder.

Some have criticized President Trump for acting in an unconstitutional like manner, but that is not the case, because Article II is quite clear that the President of the United States does have the authority to use unilateral action, when the need arises.  In fact, such unilateral action has been taken by Presidents 125 times in our history.  Decisive action became necessary, because of the nature of an unprovoked attack on defenseless citizens and attempting to hide this fact, by destroying the hospital where the many victims were being treated.  And yes, President Trump can and perhaps will continue to perform unilateral action, for which I personally feel this is the spanking Assad needed for being so naughty. 

In addition, it might become necessary for President Trump to request from Congress, a formal declaration of war, but we can only hope that the bloody nose Assad received might quell his aspirations.  Yes, of course Russia had to have a “show” of force, by placing one their ships in close proximally to our vessels, but I firmly believe they do not have the stomach for a battle, much less a protracted war.  Just go back nearly 55 years, when the Russians were attempting to break a blockade on their way to Cuba.  Yes, our President back then was breaking a sweat, but our resolve was to give the Russians a fever.

And yes, there is an end game to what President Trump has countered to Assad’s atrocity, but as Special Advisor Gorka stated there is an “end game”, but we are not tipping our hand, as did Obama, emphasis mine.  Clearly, the Russians and the Iranians have voiced their response, but neither one of them is going to twitch, because their silence thereafter is deafening.

I must say something here; President Trump has made some astute picks for key positions in his Administration; Nicky Halley has proven to be fearless in the face of all the representatives of the so-called “United Nations”.  And I must tip my hat to (Rock Star) Sean Spicer, who will not allow the Press Corp to intimidate him in the slightest and has a mind like a trap, when reminding all those in that tense room, of the many missteps they have made in many prior White House Briefings and not even a snicker, when Spicer makes a joke, but that might be the case because of his straight face when telling one, but tickles me, because if it were not true what he stated, it would not be funny, unless it was sarcasm.

Both the House and the Senate have two weeks off, to perhaps reflect upon the progress or disappointments since their first session.  Now they have some time to face their hometown constituents and hopefully those meetings will be more civil than the ones in the recent past.  We simply cannot afford a sharply divided nation, with the stakes so high, with both domestic and international tensions.   

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.