Friday, April 28, 2017

The First One Hundred Days

April 28th 2017 Blog

I know… this is day 99 for the Trump Administration, but I do enjoy my weekends off and it will be my younger brother’s birthday tomorrow.  It is interesting to note that “The First One Hundred Days”, was coined during the FDR Administration in 1933, but was actually referring to the first one hundreds of Congress!  Another interesting note is that FDR signed 99 Executive Orders during those first 100 days in office.  President Obama signed 26 Executive Orders within his first 100 days and President Trump signed 56.  Mind you, President Obama’s many Executive Orders circumvented what should had been legislated through Congress, but there was a Demoncratic majority in the Senate, so they did not mind toeing the Liberal/Democratic line for one of their own.

Chuck Schumer could not help himself to chime in for a comment about President Trump’s first 100 days and stated, “…the swamp is murkier than ever.”  I believe he is correct in that assessment, because for who should know better than Chuck Schumer, for the simple reason he is one the alligators!  We can only hope Schumer’s constituents are taking careful notes on their representative and ask, “What did Chuck Schumer accomplish in these last 100 days?”  I can tell you plainly that Schumer was doing precisely what Hitlary was doing on the campaign trail; bad mouthing Donald Trump.  A man on the job is judged by his accomplishments and a man who does nothing more than criticize, lacks judgment and good character.  May we add Nancy Pelosi to this mix?

We have witnessed a man who believes so much in the American Dream that he wants that dream for as many as he can during his tenure as President of the United States.  He has yet to break a promise.  In addition, there were things happening that became systemic, just because people around the world see him as a man of convictions and character.  The Stock Market has yet to blink since it has been rising without stopping, even before his inauguration.  Illegal immigrants poised to jump our border have waned by about 70 percent, which metaphorically speaking President Trump is “The Wall”!  

Speaking of promises; yes President Trump has been facing what I have warned in my first blogs… that he will be fighting an uphill battle.  The main reason why he cannot get all of his promises through is because of all the political posturing that is so prevalent in Washington D.C.  The “political posturing” is systemic to those who truly wield all the power and anyone possessing this power, will not give it up so easily. 

There is one thing that President Trump needs to do, in order to get his promises fulfilled; and that is to emulate Ronald Reagan, by bringing the issues directly to the people, but not by just being a “twitter bug”.  President Trump could be far more effective if he stages rallies in the districts of those who will be up for their mid-term elections and present his case.  If we are to “Make America Great Again”, we must start with a committee of one and not pointing the finger, because when one points their index finger there are always three pointing back.  Come on… you know the old slogan for recycling… “When considering change, let it begin with me.”  If one is going to continue do the same things over and over again, how can one expect the results to change? 

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.