Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12th 2017 Blog

The Elitists and Globalists are still touting “human caused climate change”, for which there is absolutely no proof whatsoever.  This narrative has been touted since 1995 and despite all efforts (with the exception of killing off most of the population) there has been no effective changes made.  A “carbon tax” is simply a tax and just another way to steal money from us and using “human caused climate change” as the engine to drive us into such a tax.  Many if not all protestors (mindless puppets) who are also touting “human caused climate change”, have no idea what they are talking about, for the simple reason they have not examined any of the so-called “evidence” and merely toeing the “Liberal” line for the Elitists and the Globalists.

In addition, both China and India are the heaviest air polluters and will not pay any “carbon tax”, which means we in the United States will bear all the burden of paying for foreign air pollution.  Such a venue is a totalitarian or communistic mentality and if we did accept TPP, we would most certainly be subjected to the “carbon tax”, because it would the global corporations who would be in control over all commerce.  Therefore, President Trump was absolutely correct in rejecting the TPP, because he knew the consequences, with certainty and lose all the sovereignty we have left.

It is also interesting to take careful note as to all those who are touting “human caused climate change”, who are the one that have a direct effect on our environment, by flying to and fro to all those meetings about climate change, in addition to their gas guzzling SUVs.  The key here is if we want change; let it begin with me… by acting locally and reverting back to an Aquarian society and permaculture.  Have they changed their lifestyle to living in earth sheltered homes, to take advantage of the thermal aspects by up to 50% in energy savings?  Are you aware that there are buildings around the world that are built from earthen materials that are still standing after many centuries?  The average age of a stick-built house is approximately 60 to 100 years and consumes a tremendous amount of energy in the production of thermally inefficient materials, in addition to the use of energy to transport those same materials to building sites and your local home improvement stores; not to mention the energy it takes to both heat and cool them.  Most earth type buildings can be built from soil on the building sites!!!

Climate change is an inescapable factor for being a resident of planet Earth.  Although we had eras of climate change, the Earth itself has built-in self-preservation factors; one of which are clouds, which reflect the sun’s energy back into space.  Another very interesting feature is our atmosphere that protects us from the intense solar radiation, even during the occasional solar winds. 

Our atmosphere has the same radiation protection as 13 feet of concrete!  This is in addition to our magnetic field, for without our magnetic field our atmosphere would most surely be stripped away as it did on the planet Mars, because its magnetic field disappeared billions of years ago.  Perhaps Mars did have life at one time, but one can dig deep into Mars and will not find a smidgen of life, so get over it.  Without oxygen, Mars is as dead as our moon.  Biology 101; “life comes from life”.  As an aside, going to Mars is not going to yield any benefits, because in order to live there, we would have to live deep underground, in order to be protected from the sun’s radiation.  If such is the case, then we would be better off and have a living environment to view by dwelling in our own oceans and we have that technology already.

Our planet Earth has gone through climatic phases with or without human life, so human life has virtually no effect on the climate, with perhaps one or two exceptions; the fact that we have some humans who think they are God or god like creatures, such as those who control HAARP and the chemical spraying of our atmosphere.

No matter how much of a tax is placed upon humans, will not change the fact that the Earth itself and the activity of the sun, will have the ultimate control over both our climate and weather.  It was during our “Ice Age” that there was more volcanic activity than any other time in our geological history; for the simple reason that with so much volcanic dust in our atmosphere, the sun’s energy could not reach the surface to heat it up.

For more information look for the following;
Chemistry Expert States Carbon Dioxide cannot cause Global Warming

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.