Wednesday, June 21, 2017

"A Special Election" Health Care and Relocating Populations

The demoncrats will never change and the proof was made in this last “special election”.  The demoncrats firmly believe that money will secure elections and this same mentality is quite apparent when they want a government program to help people; mostly the poor, by simply throwing money at it.  This has been a proven fallacy ever since the “Social Security Act of 1933”.  Back then, you could bury someone for $255, but that particular benefit has never changed and depending upon what demographic area one is from; the present cost for a burial ranges from $3000 to $15000 minimum. 

Every “government sponsored program” is rife with ever increasing costs and all of them are essentially broke, for which the demoncrats are the perpetrators for suggesting and legislating all these programs.  When more money is needed, the demoncrats have no problem raising taxes, as well as voting themselves a non-disclosed raise, unless it is leaked to the press, or if one cares to view the “Congressional Record”.  The one lesson that we can learn from all this, is that money cannot buy everything, unless you are a poor person, who is indebted to their representatives for giving them an unearned and undeserved “handout”, thereby securing their next election. 

If one cares to examine both the “Ten Commandments” and “The Bill of Rights”, both these documents expound what is called “self-responsibility”.  The bottom line for both these documents is “do no harm”, which by the way, is much the same oath that doctors take.  For now, I will spare my readers from a new term that can be seen on “Death Certificates”… “Iatrogentic Disease”, which simply means “Death by Doctor”, for which I personally contacted “” and had this term added.  I wonder if Shariah Law expounds any form of “self-responsibility”, hmm…  Perhaps not, because one can hardly believe in the sanctity of life, when one kills another for the sake of religion, or the murder, oops, honor killing of a daughter. 

Probably the best example of a more recent “government handout program”, is “ObamaCare”, or how to remove competition from the health care market place; close rural hospitals; leave the entire nation with a 20,000 doctor deficient; raise the cost of every medical procedure and lifesaving drugs law, which will eventually end up with the rationing of health care.  Is that enough to sum it up?  The whole idea of a government sponsored anything, is to implement more control over the population.  Your “Birth Certificate” and “Social Security Number” follows you from the cradle to the grave and do not attempt to get a job; bank account, or credit without those documents.  Since when is “self-responsibility” equivalent to “government control”?

“ObamaCare” would never have been necessary if just one law was passed, to allow all health care insurance providers to cross State lines.  Simple and then it would not had been necessary to rob “Medicare” of 900 million dollars to initially to fund “ObamaCare” and of course we would not be in the predicament we have been duly warned about during the legislative debates of 2010, not to mention a reckless statement coming from the House Minority Leader that “We must pass this bill before we read it.” 

Now I am going to make mention of something that could come straight out of the “Twilight Zone”.  I and others, who circulated in the same circles, know that there is covert movement that is systemic to “The Matrix” and have known about this since 1995.  That faction has every intention to herding people back into the cities.  There are a number of proofs to this paradigm; the rise in the cost of gasoline; the closing of rural hospitals; the unprecedented amount in the construction of apartment complexes throughout the nation and that most of the really good jobs are now becoming more prevalent in the cities.  9-11 was a false flag attack, which promulgated the so-called “Patriot Acts, I & 2”; The Military Commissions Act of 2007 and the NDAA on the eve of New Year’s of 2011.  If you believe that 9-11 was not a false flag attack; I have proof that will blow you out of the water.  Some of that proof was viewed right in front of our faces, but we simply did not see it in such a way, because the explanation would seem to come from a Sci-Fi movie and the proof that such a thing exists was in the removal of the debris.

A special note to my readers; someone brought to my attention that I have misspellings in these blogs.  There was just one unintentional misspelling of the country of Hungary, for which I apologize. If one carefully breaks down one particular spelling, it aptly describes a certain political party.  I do this for one reason and unless they change from their unconstitutional like conduct, I will continue to purposely misspell it.  Nothing has done more spiritual damage to this nation than “Political Correctness”, which seems to be fully adopted and used at every possible opportunity, in order to make everyone else look like the “bad guy”.   

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.