Tuesday, June 20, 2017

“There is nothing more terrifying than ignorance in action.”

There is a systemic reason why students are against “Free Speech”, as guaranteed by our “First Amendment”.  The reason is very simple; the left’s issues and rhetoric is too weak to stand up against opposing arguments or more to the heart of the matter… the truth.  I viewed Ted Cruz today in an interview.  He stated that college campuses are a place to present and debate ideas.  While Ted Cruz was attending college, one of his professors was Alan Dershowitz and is a Liberal, for whom Ted Cruz had some “spirited debates”, including outside the classroom and are still good friends.  This is what colleges should be emulating and not creating enemies of their own brothers and sisters; meaning all Americans.

We never in our history have taken to the streets our displeasure of an election result.  We simply did what all other previous generations have done and waited for the next election and this is what made America so great… that we can become our own activists at the polling booths.  But now all that is changing and it comes from at least one billionaire radical named “George Soros”, who has also interfered in Europe’s election process as well, but I am quite sure that none of my readers ever heard about this.  To those who are not aware of “George Soros’s” background… he was born in Hungry and was a Nazi collaborator and now a Communist.  Therefore, if you want to believe that the “Cold War” ended back in 1989, I have some sorry news for you.  The “Cold War” is now located in our backyard and college campuses, as well as many of our once laudable institutions.

I am also going to mention another place that Communism is practiced and my readers will be quite incensed about this one… in our courtrooms.  The reason; the BAR is a foreign institution with its roots in Communism.  When one studies law like I have for more than 20 years, the same can make the same discoveries I have.  “The American Bar Association”, is a branch of a national organization titled; “The National Lawyers Guild Communist Party” and can be found recorded in the United States Code at: [28 U. S. C. 3002, section 15a]. re; “What Difference Does It Make?!” 

It should be quite apparent that I know much more than I reveal in this blog, but even more so, I have a much greater understanding on how the world really works.  Solomon said it best, “…with knowledge comes great sorrow…”  Some people simply do not want the truth, but the truth can be a two-edged sword; one side understanding all truth and the other side is for those as Jack Nicolson stated in the movie “A Few Good Men”, you can’t handle the truth!”  There is another third aspect of the truth, with great power [and knowledge] comes great responsibility.  It has been stated that “knowledge is power”, but I firmly believe that statement has an omission and should be rendered; “With the right knowledge is power!”
I never want my readers to ever be in a lurch and the very reason in prior blogs I have stated, “I want feedback!” for which I have received so little.  Okay, there might be two reasons for this “sound of silence”.  1) All my readers are in complete agreement… yeah, right.  2) Very few want to display their ignorance.  Guess what folks, prior to my intense studies, I was in this same venue of ignorance.  I was a dummy, but I am not asking my readers to do as I have done, because every one of you has your own life to live, families, children, etc.  I was never married and consequently no children, so you could say I was in a rather unique situation when all my time was my own.  I traveled, lived and worked in several places in the United States, which by itself was an education.

I am not here to give you my entire biography, but there are times when certain things need to be shared when the time and opportunity is ripe, or lends itself to be revealed.  I am here, despite any retractors, to open minds to at least some of the truth as I have come to know and understand it and the fact that I know what I know and the responsibility that it carries.  A city that wants to be visited has the most lighting.  “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6; “There is nothing more terrifying than ignorance in action.” Goethe- Engraved on a plague at the Naval War College.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.