Thursday, June 22, 2017

Special Election; James Hodgkinnson and a President Trump Rally

It truly amazes me how some people can make an excuse for a dismal failure, even when those failures occur one after another.  How can one expect a measure of success, when one continues to do the same things over and over again, with the same results?  It has been said that “Your comfort zone is your failure zone.”  I am referring to the loss of Jon Ossoff’s bid to win a Congressional District.  Ever since Donald Trump won the Presidential election, no Democrat had a chance of winning the 4 special elections that have taken place.  The main reason for these losses is that the Democrats have no issues, or platform with just one exception; demonizing President Donald Trump.  All one has to do is examine all the past issues that make up the Democratic Party—Social Security; Welfare; Medicare; Medicaid; Illegal Immigration; a weak military and foreign aid mostly to dictatorships.

All the above “issues”, are all long since passed and are all accomplished failures.  Why anyone would favor a failure is beyond me.  Therefore the Democrats have nothing else to run on and simply rest upon their failures, which is eminently satisfactory to those on the receiving end to most of those benefits listed.  However, there was only one issue they did run on during the entire presidential campaign—demonize Donald Trump.  Other than that one personality, there were no other issues to provide a better focus, which simply meant “Keep voting for the Democratic Party and we will continue to maintain all the goodies we have provided for you.”  That particular statement has all the signs of “extortion”. Using Donald Trump as a basis as the one and only campaign plank, is simply not working.  It is also quite apparent with the so-called “Russian/Trump collusion”, for the simple reason they have nothing else to make them a viable voice.

It was quite plain to see all during the campaign the Donald Trump’s audiences were so swelled, many people simply waited outside those rallies.  Hillary’s audiences were quite sparse and the cameras would not pan around, in order to hide that fact.  Hillary did not once refer to her tenure in the State Department, mainly because of Libya.  But a more well hidden reason is the fact that she did not step foot in any Muslim held State.  She couldn’t for one reason; the Muslim Religion does not recognize women as being the head of anything.  And even more insidious is that women are considered “property”, and therefore Hillary could not espouse “women’s rights”.   

There is more to the story of James Hodgkinson in Alexandria, Virginia, where he decided to take the election process into his own hands, by literally removing the opposition.  Some people will become so obsessed that it becomes an unstoppable motivation to not only display those thoughts and motivation on social media, but also to the extent to becoming a committee of one to bring it to a bitter end.  Hodgkinnson rented a storage unit, where he kept a laptop; other components for his SKS rifle and 200 rounds of ammunition.  His numerous anti-Republican rants should have provided a clue to his mental condition, or to at least include some authority to have live chat with him.  The FBI is still investigating his electronic devices and Scalise’s condition has been upgraded from serious to fair.

It seems that President Trump has taken a page out of Ronald Reagan’s political playbook and continues to bring the White House closer to the people.  In this case it was the place from where all presidential campaigns get their kick-start.   There was no doubt about the positive feelings of the President Trump supporters, who cried out “USA! USA!” to drown out the chatting of the protestors.  President Trump just kept his demure look, viewed the commotion, while the police escorted the disruptors and stated, “We love our police.”

Apparently these “disruptors” represented an “Antifa” (anti-fascist) website called “It’s Going Down”.  These President Trump detractors are calling for physical violence against those who support our current President.  If you recall in a recent prior blog, I mentioned the possibility of civil war.  Such organizations and this type of thinking are the seeds that will ferment such a civil war.  “It’s Going Down” justifies violence as good and necessary for the survival of minorities and the disenfranchised.  It presupposes does it not that in all democracies the majority rules?  Yes, there is room for protesting, but not the level that is now being adopted.  I am not going to belabor this particular organization’s laundry list and leave that for my readers to investigate, if they are so inclined.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.