Sunday, June 4, 2017

The end of "Radical Islamic Terrorism"

We can end nearly all Muslim terrorism overnight!  How?  The solution is very simple and the answer comes directly from one particular belief of the Islam religion.  I will give you another hint: One might want to view an old Gary Cooper movie titled, “The Real Glory”.  It is a fact-based story about a Muslim uprising in the Philippines around the turn of the twentieth century.  There was an army assembled from the locals, but were afraid of the Muslims, until an incident had taken place, when they had a captured Muslim and needed information from him.  What they did would put “water boarding” on the back burner forever!  They laid out a pigskin on the ground and threatened to bury this captured Muslim in it.  In other words; kill him and wrap him up like a burrito and put him to rest.

It is a firm belief of Islam that if a Muslim is buried in a pigskin; they will go to hell.  So much for the 70 virgins they will miss out of in Heaven.  I had written about this idea years ago and no one has yet ever suggested such a thing.  Another proof of their fear of pork is when a shopper was getting checked out at a supermarket.  The cashier was a Muslim woman, who would stop everything she was doing when a package of pork needed to be scanned and refused to touch just the package that contained the pork!  In a prior blog I suggested bombing these terrorist with pigs and let Porky Pig splatter everywhere, which will reach many of the enemy.  We could make even better sport of it by loading up with paint-ball guns, but instead of paint in those balls, replace the paint with pig’s blood.  It would not be very long before these assholes will sue for peace!!!  Eat your heart out Assad, we have a far better weapon than poison gas!

Oh yes, there is one small problem with this scenario; I am quite sure that the animal rights people will have a conniption fit.  There is absolutely no way could this scenario had ever taken place during the Obummer Administration, only because the attorneys were taking the place of our generals and making all the “rules of engagement”, which included handing weapons to our soldiers without ammunition!  Personally, if I were the recipient of a weapon without ammunition, I would throw the weapon back at the person who handed to me.  Well, that is a bit of a stretch, because that would be considered gross insubordination.  Perhaps dropping it on the ground would send a clear message to my commander officer.  A weapon without ammunition is totally useless.  But one must clearly understand that Obummer is a Muslim and would rather not be at war with his brothers, so he did everything he could to hamper our efforts to defeat the enemy and made sure that any military movements that were planned, were made known to our enemy.  This by itself is treasonous, only because it puts our soldiers in harm’s way.  For what Obummer did is just as effective as a spy communicating troop movements.

This is one reason why our generals were abrogating their command or were simply fired by Obummer.  We can also add the fact that during Obummer’s tenure in office, he retired 5 aircraft carriers and can be seen docked in Norfolk.  It is such things like this that happened during the Vietnam conflict, when the politicians were running the war, which dragged on for 10 years.  We have been in Afghanistan for 15 years and with no sign of this ending anytime soon, short of simply pulling out.  Both Bill Clunker and Obummer loathe the military.  These people are “globalists”, which simply means they would rather not use military force, unless it were for political purposes.  We saw what happened in Benghazi, when Hitlary was in charge.  Libya was in a rather benevolent state (with the exception of radical Islamic uprisings) until Hitlary and the Obama Administration allowed the “Radical Islamic Terrorists” to change the regime.  Both Hitlary and Obummer knew exactly what they were doing and American lives were expendable.  

Some of us know that the Clintons have many dead bodies in their wake, since it became known back in 1995.  Although there is no overt blood on their hands, it is quite easy to know they were behind all those “hits”.  The proof is in a video titled, “The Clinton Chronicles”.  Every one of those murder victims were associated with the Clintons and therefore cannot be considered coincidental.  Leaving those people alive would at the very least destroy their political aspirations, if not, put them behind bars.  The Clintons are all about money and power and neither one of them will ever admit any wrong-doing, even though the evidence would prove otherwise. 

I emphatically knew at the time of Hitlary’s Senate Hearing regarding Benghazi that she would not be convicted of any wrong-doing, for one simple reason… she is too well protected by “The Powers That Be”, or “The Matrix”.  Both Obummer and the Clintons have a very firm power base that is common among every corrupt government on the planet.  And it is this same corruption that is the very reason I stated prior to President Trump’s inauguration that he was going to have an uphill climb to getting all of his agenda done.  Every opposition that President Trump is experiencing has the blessings of “The Matrix”.         

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.