Monday, June 19, 2017

Maritime Protocol and the "Witch Hunt"

I am not a sea captain, nor a sailor by any measure; however I do understand military and maritime protocol.  I am referring to the collision of two vessels; one from the United States Navy and a Japanese freighter.  Anyone who has ever served on a vessel of any respectable tonnage, knows that there is always a “watch” and for good reason, because no one ever knows when the unexpected may become a bitter reality, when lives and/or cargo are lost.  Long before the days of radar; “the watch” was a very important position in maritime history.  Please notice; I mentioned “before the days of radar”.  Now the question might be asked, who was “the watch” at either radar station?  Perhaps out for a smoke; maybe a cup of coffee; sleeping on the job, or simply absent from their assigned station?

From the early reports, it is apparent that the freighter attempted to steer away from an intimate collision, but it was too late and 7 sailors lost their lives from what is often called, “human error”.  And indeed “human error” is the overt cause of many “accidents”, either caused purposely or by simple negligence.  My dad was a private pilot and received a monthly newsletter called “Flight Line Times”.  I would often pick this paper up and have a read.  Yes, there were a good number of private pilot accidents and 90 percent of the time, the cause was “pilot error”.  Oh yes, my dad had an accident, but not by “pilot error”. 

The single-engine Aronca Champ (dubbed, “puddle-jumper”) stalled and my dad had to “dead stick-it”.  He searched for an open field and to his relief (he thought) found one and brought the plane down.  The wheels on the plane were “fixed” and could not retract.  Upon his one and only approach, discovered a stone wall, but alas could not clear it.  The landing gear hit the wall dead-on and the plane quickly flipped on its back.  It has always been said that any landing one can walk away from is a “good landing”… this was a “good landing”.  Because this was a farm of some kind and consequently in a rather remote area; the local news media most likely had a slow news day and got photos that made it in the local paper.  I had that clipping for quite a long time, but somehow moving from place to place got misplaced, never to be found.

When one deals in politics, the same must be able to cover any wrong-doings, otherwise will not only lose credibility, but also serve some serious jail time.  Such is the case of Hitlary Clinton, who is a true evil woman and was astute enough not only to install a few personal servers, but also have a piece of technology that Senator Trey Goudy never heard of, called “Bit-Bleach”.  Consequently, Hitlary erased in the neighborhood of 30 to 33k emails that can never be retrieved.  According to Jim Comey, the emails that were retrieved were enough to convict her, but Comey quickly gave her a “get-out-of-jail-card” at the very same time he read off a laundry list of crimes, for which all were prosecutable and overtly assigned himself as both a “prosecuting attorney” as well as a “defense attorney”, for which in any case is unprecedented in all our government history.  

Something needs to be said here; it was J.P. Morgan, who had his army of attorneys, for which many told J.P. he could not do this or that.  But J.P. would not hear of it and hired attorneys who only said “Yes” to him and consequently got his own way.  “Anything political is planned.”  This is the “creed” of those who are truly in charge of our government and Hitlary has far more power than one might realize, just like go old J.P.  There were most definitely voting fraud going on and it most certainly not the Russians who were in charge of this deception, for which has already been proven by our intelligence agencies.

Bob Mueller is most definitely on a “witch hunt” with all the blessings of the left and the demoncratic legislatures.  When one closely examines Mueller’s choices for attorneys, the same will discover they mostly have demoncratic biases, for which are grounds for dismissing them.  If one cares to dig a little deeper into history, the same will also discover that “Samuel Chase” was a Supreme Court Justice, who was the only Supreme Court Justice impeached for “Federalist bias” in his judgments.   

“The Matrix” or “Deep State” has so corrupted our government, it is far beyond repair, short of a much needed “revolution”, for which Thomas Jefferson stated, we need a revolution occasionally, and we are most certainly overdue for many decades.  And I must add that Benjamin Franklyn stated after enduring those sweltering hot days in July and stated, “You now have a republic if you can keep it.”  This is another reason why I wrote, “What Difference Does It Make?!” and consequently this follow-up blog. 

No, I am not preaching anarchy or anything so remote, but what I am preaching is a reversal of what the United States has morphed into a “politically correct society” that our Forefathers could never envision, but did design our Constitution with “checks and balances”, but as long as we continue to allow our legislatures, judges and “The Matrix” to ruin this nation, we deserve whatever bitter ending comes to pass.  The key to getting long-suffering “redress in our courts” and stop the Liberal insanity that has and is continuing to gain more and more ground, until such time that there will no longer be any “safe space” for conservative speech and common sense, is to call out everything for what it is and simply stop doing the “politically correct dance”.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.