It seems that James Comey has
practically convicted himself with his own mouth. It was said that this “Senate Hearing” would be telling and they who touted this were
certainly correct. I do not know much on
how the bias media has spun this story since this hearing, but I was surprised
to read about Chris Matthews admitted that the Comey testimony collapsed the “Russian Collusion Story”, which vindicates
President Trump and effectively puts Mueller out of a job. One can be quite sure that the Russians were
also tuned in to this hearing in particular.
If the venue were not so serious, it could be easily mistaken for “political satire”, and perhaps provided
some laughter for the Russians, because James Comey made an ass out of
himself. I will go as far to say that
Comey “mooned us”. The Russians are not so easily humored, but I
believe in this case might be different.
It is rather sad that the
demoncrats, the liberal electorate and the general media have simply wasted
time, expense and political capital for absolutely nothing; all in the slim
hope that they might get President Trump out of office and then Washington D.C.
can conduct business as usual… ripping off the American Public. Today President Trump in his usual flamboyant
style, had a press conference today along with the representatives of the
Department of Transportation, to expose how again the government and the plethora
of consultants have taken the American Public to the cleaners, when Federal
projects are planned, funded and executed.
Much of that funding is earmarked for environmental impact studies and
the many years of red tape for the permit process that takes place before the
first shovel full of dirt is taken from the ground.
President Trump posthumously displayed
two oversized binders of regulations that preside over all Federal construction
projects, which can range from a network of highways to the smallest road. President Trump then took one of those
binders and carelessly dropped it to the ground in front of his feet, but
footed it aside and said, “If I tripped
over it would make headlines,” for which the crowd broke out in
laughter. This is not too far off about
when Spicer mentioned to the Press Corps that if the President used Russian dressing
on his salad, somehow there would be a connection.
Such rather cavalier statements
simply tickles me, but there are those among the general public who are not
amused; most likely because they take President Trump way too seriously, as do
the Press Corps, when there was no laughter about Russian dressing. Humorous antidotes have their place and it
seems President Trump and Sean Spicer can spit them out as easily as Chuck Schumer
and Nancy Pelosi can spit out some of the most erroneous and non-sequitur
statements. There is absolutely no doubt
that the demoncrats are hand-wringing and increasing aspirin sales and please;
do not bring up the mid-term elections!
Perhaps now, the demoncrats have considered reconciling with the other
side of the aisle and have a few drinks.
President Trump has recognized
the fact that the United States has splintered overtly since the election of
Obummer, but this “split” actually had its beginning with the Los Angeles Times
with the introduction of “Political
Correctness” since 1995. “Political Correctness” is the eyeglasses
from which everything is viewed and has effectively made erroneous and
non-sequitur changes in our schools, institutions and government, for which
mobilized much of the electorate in the past 8 years and the most profound
results for this past Presidential election.
And then the “Liberals” ask, “What happened?”
There are some things in this world
that are self-correcting, no matter the resistance to those same things. “Political
Correctness” had morphed many well-known truths and firm beliefs and
twisted them into lies; one in particular stands out among the most used is “racisim”, even when “race” is not the exact issue! Religion is not a race, it is a belief
system. However, there are some “sects” that have taken “religion” and use it for nefarious reasons,
for which has blinded those who have cherry-picked the use of our First
Amendment and shove it in our faces, even though it circumvents the Right to
choose, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Is anyone sure that those who died from the hands of this “religious sect”, who use murder and
terror, would agree with those who say that it is religious discrimination
toward those who would do us harm? Would the same be true when Pope Innocent III
instituted “The Inquisition”? I think not!
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.