Monday, February 25, 2019

Lara Logan

A recent interview with Lara Logan has exposed the “Mainstream Media,” for what it is and has been for decades.  The news has always been biasing from the liberal front, for which is no coincidence.  It is “Powers That Be,” who have promulgated this bias, to put the American People to sleep, while the politicians and bureaucrats forward our government into a brand of socialism. 

Nearly all major news agencies have the news filtered, which is labeled as being safe for the public, in regards to leading us into a socialist reformation.  All one has to do is find out who the owners and producers are who control the news through their various agencies.  Diversity is not allowed in the newsroom, but yet diversity is demanded in every American institution.

All of President Trump’s detractors are furious, be they Demoncrats or Republicans—but for one reason—greed.  It is greed for both money and power that is the primary source of the water for the political swamp known as Washington D.C.

President Trump is being hammered from at least four fronts: Demoncrats; Republicans; the Mainstream Media and Europe.  According to the “Left,” President Trump cannot do anything right.  Okay, why don’t we talk about all the wrongs done by the dictator, who bragged about having a pen and a phone?  The Demoncrats gave him anything he wanted, even if it kills people because they lost their health care coverage, robbed Medicare of nine-hundred million dollars to fund ObamaCare; robbed the Treasury of one-hundred and fifty billion dollars to give to the declared enemy of America and Americans, Iran.   Come on, I can fight anyone of you who think they know better, but cannot deny the facts, with one half of my brain tied behind my back.

President Trump made one error concerning humanitarian aid to Venezuela—the aid should be escorted by our military.  Mudaro is a socialist monster and must be removed for at least the crime of starving his people.  But this is nothing new—this practice has been done ever since we have attempted to bring aid to starving nations.  In most cases the food and medicine were left to rot on the docks—a fact left out of from those agencies, who were advertising for aid to these starving nations — the reason; to starve out the rebels who were forced to fight or die from starvation. 

Any humanitarian aid will never reach it's intended unless the politics of those nations are changed for the sake of human rights.  But of course, we understand that socialism must be maintained for the sake of every dictator, right?  There is no doubt in my mind that former President Obama was a practicing dictator, for whom both the Demoncrats and the Mainstream media agreed.  But of course, it is “the Powers That Be” who designed this “Matrix.” we occupy.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Perversion of History

It is now a fact and not a simple practice, to encourage “Political Correctness” in everyday life, which includes all historical perspectives.  There is no doubt in my mind that Communism is very much alive, well, and has slowly crept into our higher institutions of learning; to such a degree that all history, whether true or not, has taken a backseat to progressive thinking. 

Progressive thinking is a warmer way of saying “embrace socialism.”  Communism is a form of socialism.  If one has studied how the former Soviet Union taught history in their schools; the same will quickly discover how the perversion of our history has captured the minds of our youth, in the same manner.

Captain Kirk had to admonish Ensign Chekov about history, and to further say to him, “Is all your history that flawed?”  We are all products of education.  If the education is flawed, so will be our thinking.  The same is true for doctors, for which their bias emanates from Big Pharma, who are the single largest contributors to all medical institutions worldwide.  The above is why doctors are quick to administer drugs and surgery, instead of considering a holistic approach, as was done in times past.

It will not be long before what Zager and Evans had predicted from their song titled, “In The Year 2525,” stating “Everything you think do and say, is in the pill you took today.”  We are not there yet, but as long as there are “free thinkers,” efforts will be made to develop mind control substances, such as fluoride added to our drinking water, for which the Nazis discovered, makes people docile.  Only one-third of the Nazi Germany population supported the Nazi regime.

Anyone can come up with their truth to any issue, for which that particular truth will stand, as long as there are a consensus agenda and narrative to support it.  Both the Demoncrats and the media have wittingly conspired to accomplish the socialism of America.  This act was never part of the American fabric; therefore the above accomplishment comes from an outside source, which has infiltrated every government and educational institution, to bring about the final demise of the greatest nation to ever exist, in all human history.  The outside source for which I am referring is “The Matrix.”

We have no one to blame but those who are willing accomplices, who unwittingly serve “The Matrix.,” who are amply rewarded for their service.  Even Satan rewards those who do his biddings, such as the many who work for Hollywood and the music industry.  Matthew 4:5-9; this scripture means that Satan owns all the kingdoms of the world, no matter the era—for he is the ruler of everything on the Earth.  Satan has no love for humanity because we exist to replace Satan, who used to serve God but rebelled, along with one-third of the angels, who are known as demons.

It seems like a paradox that Satan rewards his servants and hates humanity all at the same time.  But one must understand that Satan has deceived the world of his existence, so we quickly dismiss a so-called “fallacy” of an evil force.  Satan is hidden from all works of evil, so we place blame on guns and not the person(s) who commit works of evil, which cause death and destruction; allowing them to live in prison when they all should be buried as were their victims.  As long as we allow evil to live, evil works will continue to flourish.  A sentence of death has always been a deterrent to works of evil.  So instead of mowing down invaders from the south, we let them in, which nullifies our immigration laws.

The Constitution is very clear as to who is responsible for immigration—“Article I, Section 8, Clause 15—it is Congress who is responsible for immigration.  But when Congress is derelict in their duty; the responsibility falls upon the President of the United States, for which President Trump has done, and the courts have no authority or power to stop him.  If indeed the courts had such power and authority, then the courts would have stopped Lincoln from taking unilateral action, for the protection of Federal Property, and signed the “Emergency War Powers Act.”

The action President Trump took against an inept Congress, is to protect American lives and property.  This action was taken too late for the 4000 plus American lives that were lost, and the suffering of the families who are now burdened with their losses.  In my opinion, President Trump was far too generous towards Congress, as were the media.  Up to 150 countries are represented in the caravans that are moving northward—why—because of our inept immigration laws, and lack of enforcement of the laws we do have.

Friday, February 8, 2019

A Law that Legalizes Murder

The Stakes could never be higher for the unborn.  And now the “Left” has raised the ante, which is something of a dare to attempt to stop them.  New York State has set a new tone for abortions, for which it is now lawful to perform an outright murder of a child immediately after birth.  However, there are Federal Laws in place to protect children, for which that protection can go as far as a judge ordering a child forced into cancer treatment.   

The addition of murdering a child soon after birth goes against the edict and authority of “Child Protective Services,” for which the authority of this agency comes from the “Mariage License.”  I know, this is not what one would expect, but is entirely true.  Marriage licensing was first instituted in 1968, which immediately followed the re-organization of the United States that was caused by the protest of the “Slave States.,” whose legislative representatives did not show up as per “Article I, Section 4 and clause 2” of our Constitution, which was a threat of those same “Slave States,” if Lincoln was elected.  Therefore, at least in theory, the “Republic of the United States” was dissolved, and was re-organized as I stated above, into the “Corporation of the United States.” 

Despite the above, it is necessary to go back to origins, otherwise all understanding as to “why,” would be lost, for this is why we should study in depth; history, but not the history as re-written as per the “Liberal Agenda.,” but history as written from the contemporaries of those who lived in that venue.  State-sponsored education is all about shaping and forming a society as the government views it.  When the “Liberals” are in charge—they will purposely omit whatever does not fit their narrative, with the addition of applying “political correctness.”  It has been 23 years since the “Los Angeles Times” first instituted “political correctness,” which means one young generation has passed, most likely not knowing the origin of “political correctness,” and never questioned where it originated.  I am sorry to say this same mentioned generation is ignorant of something they are espousing.

Also, as a matter of being “legal,” we were numbered by the FDR Administration, along with our name in all capital letters, for which is a “legal fiction,” or corporation, for which a corporation has no rights—for this is the reason we are subjected to “Contract Law,” such as the “Marriage License.”  Everyone who receives any document from the government and in many cases from some commercial enterprises, such as banks, will always render our names in all capital letters, which is addressing the “legal fiction,” or “corporation.”

The above caught me by surprise, because now, by law, the woman carrying the child now can decide whether or not the child lives or dies.  However, in what I just described above, it is by “contract law” that children are wards of the “State,” for which it is the “State” that makes such decisions, for which “Child Protective Services” should be involved.  However, there is just one more letter of the law that prevents the above from happening—it is the “Birth Certificate,” for which this is the document that warehouses us into “human resources,” and the “Death Certificate” removes us from the “human resources” inventory.  Yes, my friends, we are bought and sold on the market as slaves, for this is why our signature is worth billions of dollars, for which we receive a minuscule share.

So it seems that the birth mother can make a “life and death” decision for the newborn child, because there is no “Birth Certificate,” and therefore no “legal fiction” or “corporation” can be added to the “human resources” inventory. 

As dark as the above might be, there is a much darker side to the new law of “legalized murder,” which actually should not be so surprising because of some states that allow euthanizing, for which I somewhat agree, but for one personal reason—I would rather be dead than be a victim of our technology.  Yes, technology can save lives, but also prolong life in a vegetative state, for which if it is within my power not to be imperiled by the technical prowess of sustaining a useless life, DNR.

The Darker Side of the New Law
Upon doing research, I discovered disturbing practices that date back to ancient times and at the very least metaphorically taking place now.  The song is the same but played in a different tune.  I am referring to the practice of “child sacrifice.”  Ancient history is rife with the practice of sacrificing children to so-called “appease a deity.” 

In the country of Uganda, children are routinely kidnapped, dismembered and included in rituals of witchcraft.  Kidnappers are paid $1400 for each child.  The practice carries the death penalty, but few are convicted.  Despite the superstitions of places like Uganda, this same practice of “child sacrifice” is practiced in Europe as well as in the United States.  So as one can see, sex is not the only reason as to why our children are kidnapped. 

Also, we need to question as to how these new-born sacrifices are being disposed of and probably sold, such as when a hidden camera exposed the buying and selling of fetuses from “Planned Parenthood.”  Is it possible, that this new law is designed for the specific purpose of allowing a child to be born for an unknown market?