Monday, September 28, 2020

A few statements of Common Sense Logic


A few statements of Common Sense Logic

Logic is not difficult…

If you don't want to get hit by a car, don't protest in the middle of a highway.
If you don't want to get killed by the police, don't engage in illegal
If you're scared of the Coronavirus, stay home.
If you don't love America, leave it.

2300 years ago, long before Islam, Arabs discovered that forcing
people to cover their nose & mouths, broke their will & individuality,
& depersonalized them AND made them submissive...

That's why they imposed on every woman the mandatory use of fabric
over her face.  Then, Islam turned it into the woman's symbol of
submission to Allah, the man owner of the Harem, & the King.
Modern psychology explains it: without a face, we don't exist as
independent beings.

The child looks in the mirror between the ages of two & three & is
discovered as an independent being.  The mask is the beginning of
deleting individuality.  He who does not know his history is condemned
to repeat it...

Just because you toppled a statue doesn't mean you changed history.
It just shows how ignorant you are.  BLM has done more to promote
racism in the past 3 weeks than all the Confederate Memorials in the
past 100 years.  Would you hire a person who hates animals to care for
your dog?  Then, why elect people who hate America?

If you're driving alone in your car & wearing a mask, you don't need
to put a Biden sticker on your car...we already know!

The NFL now says it may bar all Military & Police Honor Guards from
being on the field.  I hope the NFL tanks completely!

Want to be Green?  Shut off your air conditioning, turn off your phone
& go plant next year's dinner.

The only thing that's gotten worse since Trump became President is the

For those of you who are serious germ-fearers...did you know that
doorknobs made out of brass disinfect themselves in about 8 hours
through a process called the oligodynamic effect?

If we don't start getting behind the Police, they'll all quit.  I know I would!

People are calling the Party that freed slaves racist & supporting the
Party that owned slaves & started the KKK!  Are they really that

If we are removing 'To Kill a Mockingbird' due to the use of the "N"
word, how many Rap albums are going with it?

Warning to BLM & ANTIFA:  Once you've managed to defund & eliminate
the Police, there's nobody to protect YOU from US.  Remember that!

Payday candy bar is changing its name because it's offensive to those
who don't work

Has anyone noticed that BLM, Antifa, Democrat/Communist Party
politicians and, Liberals can do whatever and say whatever against the
country with no accountability?  They attack a Conservative citizen
for standing when the National anthem is played to honoring the fallen
who gave their lives to defend freedom or showing support for their
choice for President or any type of patriotism for our country and
yet, they get offended when they are attacked for their actions
AGAINST the country?  It’s time to fight back against them with
whatever it takes.  Time to remove their FREEDOMS and THEIR
CITIZENSHIP for attacking the U.S.A.

That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump."
I'm not just voting for him.
I'm voting for the Second Amendment.
I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice.
I'm voting for the Electoral College & the Republic we live in.
I'm voting for the Police to be respected and Law & Order.
I’m voting for our jobs to remain in America.
I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this
country...for the American People to have their freedom.
I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.
I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I’m voting for Freedom of Religion including Christianity!
I'm voting for the American Flag that is disrespected by the Democratic Party.
I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion & not be censored.
I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my
country, for my children & my children’s children to have their

What are you voting for?

How many coal plants are there in the world today?


Green New Deal???

The EU has 468 - building 27 more... Total  495  

Turkey has 56 - building 93 more... Total  149  

South Africa has 79 - building 24 more... Total  103   

India has 589 - building 446 more... Total  1035  


Philippines has 19 - building 60 more... Total  79  


South Korea has 58 - building 26 more... Total 84  


Japan has 90 - building 45 more... Total 135 

China has 2,363 - building 1,171 more... Total 3,534  


That’s 5,615    projected coal powered plants in just 8 countries.   

USA has 15 - building 0 more...Total 15  

And Democrat politicians with their "green new deal” want to shut down those 15 plants in order to "save” the planet.

This is EXCELLENT!!  I knew the rough idea about the number of coal plants, but had not yet seen actual numbers until now.

This makes the point.  Whatever the USA does or doesn’t do won’t make a Tinker’s Dam regarding CO2 unless the rest of the world, especially China and India reduces coal-fired power plants as well.     

The whole “global warming” and “climate change” gambits by Democrats are to create a *supposedly* sound, scientific basis to justify a federal government power-grab and the passage of MORE laws to increase taxes and increased control of the privately owned power industry and its distribution.  Never forget the *main* motivation they have!  


“Oh, we will SAVE the planet!!”    100% Pure Bull

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Covid-19 and the loss of the last of our Freedoms


Star Trek was not far off with their “Prime Directive” agenda, for which our Constitution is this nation’s “Prime Directive,” and anything other than that agenda must become null and void—why—because our Forefathers knew as did all those who preceded us that God gave all of us “freedom of choice.” The “Bill of Rights” is demonstrably specific when it comes to basic rights and judicial proceedings.

It was Thomas Jefferson who vehemently fought to have the “Bill of Rights” included in our Constitution, only because he was well aware of the government’s will for power, for which the “Second Amendment” is specifically included so that if the government morphed into a tyrannical monster, we gun owners can remove that government by the same point of a gun that was employed against a tyrannical King George. 

Anyone who would want to abrogate our “Second Amendment” has already subscribed to strong government control over everyone. Therefore, no matter how laudable a law might be for any form of gun control, it is a step in the direction in the removal of freedom.

It is now apparent that since the removal of our guns cannot be overtly done quickly enough by “The Powers That Be,” they had to do an “end-around.” Enter “Covid-19” and all the protocols attached to it, not by law, but by mere government and medical edict or policy.

One cannot expect a long life when a system has been set up to shorten it. That system already exists—it is called “The Government Matrix,” for which administrative laws, designed by bureaucrats, who have no lawful authority or credentials to produce policies and edicts that circumvent our Constitution. So where did that so-called “authority” emanate? All that “authority” came from acts of Congress, from ideas by legislatures, who were prompted by their constituents to initiate government-sponsored programs for a benefit or benefits.

Anyone who is educated in the Constitution would understand that we already have the freedom to produce our own programs, that do not require government sponsorship, even if it is from a committee of one, as long as it does not infringe upon another’s rights. Re; the “Tenth Amendment.”

However, there is one thing getting in the way—greed. It is by human greed alone that wants these programs, and our representatives see such programs as a platform for the next election—“Oh look what I have done for you.” All of which means that greed for benefits and greed for power are thrown into the cauldron of “The Government Matrix,” which has grown so large and out of control, we have very little semblance of our Constitution left to lean upon. And one might also suppose that the government is now too big to fail?

There is so much litigation outside of our Constitution, which is why so much has cropped up lately as one is guilty until proven innocent, and reason why “Covid-19” is now a distinct part of being guilty until proven innocent, on a planet-wide scale. Can anyone see where this is all leading? For me, the answer is academic, because I have been predisposed to the knowledge that has brought me to this particular point, for the past 40 years. I am referring to what has been prophesized in the “Book of Revelation, Daniel 11 and Matthew 24,” a one-world government, or “Beast,” led by a metaphoric “woman,” who represents “The Church”, as it was in times past in Old Europe, for which Pope John Paul II declared back in 1981 to bring back Old Europe.

The following are commentaries I have written for several news agency websites and a health website.

WHO Official Hangs Up on Reporter's Taiwan Question, commentary 04/04/20

WHO is part of the so-called “United Nations,” for which the U.N. is the mouthpiece for the Illuminati. The only thing “united” about the United Nations, is their unfettered allegiance to the Illuminati, for it was by the power and authority of the Illuminati that created the United Nations. The Illuminati have no overt power, but what they do have is attach strings to the overt leaderships all over the world, granting them their autonomy as nations, but the Illuminati control all the world’s money. Oh yes, that includes the Federal Reserve, which is “Federal” in name only. It is a privately held loan institution, and the IRS is their collection agency. The 16th Amendment is a fraud, proven demonstrably by Bill Benson, and published a 2 volume book titled, “The Law That Never Was.” 

Apparently, Taiwan is snubbed because they have no loans with the Central Bank, which means there are no strings attached from them to the Illuminati. Marcos, who was once the leader of the Philippines had enough gold to issue his nation its own currency—not long after that Marcos was no longer the leader of the Philippines. Control over the money is paramount to the Illuminati, so it matters not what laws a nation might have, because money is a “control factor.”

No matter what happens to the economy, the Illuminati are ultimately in control, which is why the very rich, such as Billy Gates, Oprah, and many other billionaires you might want to name, are all under control of the Illuminati. So were our Forefathers, who were Masons, who were closely affiliated with the Illuminati, but they went rogue, which is why 31 of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were hunted down by the British military that murdered them and their entire families, something conveniently left out of our history textbooks.


9 States Hold Out Against Stay at Home Orders

Commentary 04/04/20

Why can these 9 States hold out? Article X in the Bill of Rights.  “Stay at home orders?” Since when has the entire population of the United States joined the military? The same holds true for any so-called, “orders by a policeman/woman.” 

The entire planet is unwittingly participating in a worldwide laboratory experiment, as a prelude to an up and coming “One-World Government.” Think not? The entire world is on edge about one tiny bug that has disrupted not only the economy but also the minds in the herding of sheep being led to the slaughter. This new bug is man-made, plain, and simple. If by chance it is natural, then how could it had been hidden from mankind for the thousands of years of written history?

Why don’t we talk about the hundreds of thousands of people who die in our hospitals from mistakes and infections? No? How about the hundreds of thousands of people who die from legal drugs? No? Shall I go on, or refrain from these overt embarrassments?

The trouble with such an experiment is we are no longer individuals but are merely measured as a statistic. 9-11 was a false-flag attack, for which very quickly followed, the unprecedented passage of laws that put all of under a police state—guilty until proven innocent. What you do not believe? Then why are we treated like criminals at airports and banks?

Now with this new threat, our freedom of movement and the ability to conduct business will never be the same. The bottom line with all this is all about one word; “control.” Do you savor being herded outside of your grocery store, and then let through the gate as if we were going to be branded?

A vaccine? Do not make me laugh. Every flu vaccine ever produced has only protected one out of every 12 people. I am 66 years old and have never had the flu shot, and never will, despite Bill Gates touting we need bio-metric devices embedded in us so we will not be labeled as bio-terrorists? emphasis mine. Bill Gates is a cog in the wheel of the “New World Odor.”

Guess what folks? For the past 4 weeks, I have been taking oregano oil as a preventative, and recently found out from a medical authority that it is an anti-viral. Everyone in the home I dwell in has gotten sick, but I have been spared. Coincidence? I think not. So, I will not follow any quasi-military protocol, I will not wear a mask and conduct all my business fearlessly, as I have been doing as if this virus never appeared.



Researchers Announce Potential Vaccine for COVID 19

Reply to Reply from my comment 04/09/20

Perhaps they did, however, every effect has a cause, for which our industrial society has produced unintended consequences, which is why we are forced to produce non-natural substances for unnatural effects of our industrial/technological age. We are now living in the 21st century, for which over 50 years ago the future touted back then, to where we are now, apparently ended up with empty promises, all because of one venue, "greed." Big Pharma, the CDC, and the FDA are all in the same bed together, with the prodding of those who really hold the reins of power, for which this new man-made virus is a worldwide laboratory experiment by those powers. Aw yes, a conspiracy story. Well, consider the entire world is on its edge from one tiny bug, and many of the sheep are following along to the slaughter. The world will never be the same after this, but I strongly suspect this is not going away--why--one reason--control over the entire population of the planet, and we are witnessing a dress rehearsal. Yes, my friend, I know much more than I have revealed in this small window. I know well how the world really works, and most of us will forever be held hostage to the whims of the New World Order. Any semblance of freedoms we used to enjoy are being thrown out--baby and bathwater. Get used to it, because the reins are going to get much tighter and uncomfortable.

Bill Gates  Most Dangerous Philanthropist in Modern History, Commentary 04/21/20

Read my prior commentaries mentioning “Bill Gates.” This particular article provides all the effects of Bill Gates charity, but not the underlining cause of it all, for which I have already exposed in my previous commentaries.

The following is an excerpt from my latest book titled, “The Government Matrix.”

“What can we do about the above diatribe?  We need to put the so-called “authorities” feet to the fire.  So-called “journalism” also needs to be put in check…why because of the producers who set the news agenda have those they must answer to might be “The Powers That Be.”  We need to dig into the credentials of the CEOs and producers of all news agencies, to find out if they have a membership with the “Masons.”  “Masonic Lodges” are repositories for the “Illuminati,” who are a handful of people who have control over all the money (IMF) on the planet.  The above is why back in 1998 when Bill Gates accepted an invitation to Brussels (the headquarters of the Illuminati) received a well-deserved pie-in-the-face by the locals.

Another excerpt from the same book:

Bill Gates was invited to Brussels back in 1998 and got a well-deserved “pie in the face” by the locals, who knew why he was invited there.  Do not be surprised to see Zuckerberg fully retire to engage in so-called “philanthropic” projects, just as Bill Gates has done.  I say “so-called” because vaccinating the world with poisons that will eventually turn into cancer, is not my idea of helping the planet.  And the “Seed Vault” that Bill Gates built in Norway is for non-GMO seed, hmm…?  If, indeed, GMO seed is touted as being the way to feed the world, why would such a vault for non-GMO seed be built?  Also, why do both Monsanto cafeterias and the White House only serve organic food?  I specifically know why, and some of the answer(s) are in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!” Many more of my comments about food are in another book I had written titled, “Growing Your Own Groceries.”

My apologies for the missing title of this commentary. Yes, I dropped the ball on this one for sure, which is quite uncharacteristic of me to have it untitled. However, the date of the following comment is 04-20-20

Luc Montagnier is correct about vaccinations, for which I possess several pages of failed vaccination protocols. Any drug, no matter how laudable, will eventually fail, because that is the nature of all man-made drugs. Whereby, at the point of eventual failure, it means one must step up on the drug or prescribe another in its place. The best cure for any disease is for babies to suck on their mother's breasts. Baby formulas are unnatural and contain GMO ingredients, which will eventually genetically modify the human body.

In short, we are all sick because of the industrialization of everything, especially when it comes to food and human nutrition--we must go back to an Aquarian society in regards to food, and shut down highly processed foods, for whence our bodies break down. I am not saying to literally shut them down, but doing it by a boycott. When in the supermarkets, avoid the center isles and completely go past the snack aisle. Yes, that means spending more time in the kitchen, ladies, instead of protesting and running for office. If you truly love your husbands and families take care of their nutritional needs. Yup, I am going to hear it from the liberal side for sure--bring it on!

Dismiss all products containing High Fructose Corn Syrup, or what is now just Corn Syrup, because it tricks the brain to eat more and damages the liver. Almost all soft drinks contain HFCS, we do not need them, which is specifically why they must advertise them.

Do we need a bio-weapon? No, so why do we continue to do evil things? Fire all bio-weapons scientists, for they only produce murder and supply blood money to the super-rich. It presupposes does it not, that if such weapons are not produced they can never be employed? And why does not the United Nations make it an international law outlawing such research and devices? Answer: To keep the nations in a state of flux, where no one super nation can overcome another—why because that prerogative belongs only to the Illuminati, who will institute a one-world government of their choosing. The IMF is the monetary arm of the Illuminati that controls who gets what money for what purpose. And since the year 1700 never lost control, but with one outstanding exception—the creation of the United States. The only reason for the creation of the United States was the fulfillment of prophecy, so God does have the last word, no matter what men scheme.