Friday, October 2, 2020

Scientists Discover Genetic, Immunological Reasons for Severe COVID-19 Cases


The following is the link that belongs to the above title from Newsmax. What follows the link is my commentary I posted on that website.

This latest report clearly shows Covid-19 was created to attack those specifically with the missing gene, and I would not doubt it is the result of genetically modified foods, which means the creators of Genetically Modified seeds, worked hand and glove with bio-weapon laboratories to create a changeling, for the specific purpose of population control--less men,--less babies, and so much affect women--probably because many women choose to not have babies, or opt for abortion.

Consider, after WWII, in the United States, families averaged 3.4 children, now that figure has dropped significantly which depopulates. We cannot have a growing population unless families are producing an average of at least 3 children. I believe the figure is now about 1.4 children per family.

It is my firm belief that abortion is more about population control than women's choice, and why abortion is so vehemently protected by the leadership of those who want more and more government control over everyone. When the government is funding abortions, it then becomes a more attractive option, especially for the poor.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Sweden Spared Surge as SARS-CoV-2 Infections Stay Low

The following link is to the article of the same title of this blog. What follows that link is my commentary of said article, which is also in the comments of the website of

There is only one way to unlock every secret to Covid-19--gather all those responsible at the laboratory in Wuhan, China and have a hearing. Guess what folks, that is not going to happen, for if it did, the entire world will be incensed at China, WHO, Bill Gates, so-called "health authorities and the general media.

The whole matter bottom line is control over the entire population of the planet, as a prelude to the establishment of a one-world government, which means any semblance of freedoms we enjoyed are no longer going to be valid. Those who resist the "New World Odor" will be banned from many things and places. Later on without the "Mark of the Beast," for which the computer that will hold everyone's data is named "The Beast," will control what we eat, where we live and everything will be controlled by the whims of the programming put into that machine--Star Trek revisited, "Return of the Archons,” "I Mudd," and the episode "Court Martial," when Captain Kirk's attorney argued in court that the most devastating witness against his client is a machine, for which if we allow that venue to prevail, we will be on the same level as the machine.