Sunday, April 30, 2017

George Soros; Shadow Government

It has been recently revealed that George Soros, billionaire and Communist, illegally funded money to defeat populists and conservatives, but not in the United States as has been insinuated.  He spent 6 million dollars back in 2014 to influence the elections for the European Parliament.  He used his tax-exempt charity that is prohibited from making such contributions, but George Soros is similar in character to another man who would not allow the law to derail his agenda and his name was J.P. Morgan.  Good ’ole J.P. when given the bad news from his attorneys that he could not do something—J.P simply hired people who could do his bidding.  J.P., Carnegie and Rockefeller bought an election by propping up James Garfield, in order to enrich themselves.

So as one can see, political shenanigans have been going on for time and memorial.  Oh yes, George Soros has his hand in American politics as well, but in a more subtle fashion—by paying unemployed college graduates to lead protests all over the nation.  Election fraud is more closely scrutinized in the United States, but that does not mean nothing is going on behind the scenes.  Hitlary Clinton sunk her own ship for not paying attention to the voters.  Hitlary’s aim was to rally her followers and perhaps overwhelm the polls.  Theoretically, it worked and subsequently won the popular vote, but she ignored “fly-over country”, as well as 3 States that were once Democratic strongholds, for which she never stepped foot in them during the campaign.  My understanding is that at least 40,000 Pennsylvania registered Democrats changed their political venue to Republican!

Another article I picked up states the “Shadow Government” is much larger than perceived.  In my personal estimation, it is not necessarily the number of people involved, but how powerful the positions held are manned and by just picking up the phone can rally up loyal people who will do anything for them.  No doubt those so-called “loyal people” might have some serious skeletons hiding in their closets.  This is how Herbert Hover maintained his position in the FBI for decades under several presidents.

This “Shadow Government” has been firmly in place at least since the Eisenhower Administration, for which this particular information was known to Eisenhower and passed it on to JFK, who was so close to dismantling what I call “The Matrix”, that it became necessary to eliminate him.  Much more about this can be found in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

Much of the cost of the United States Government can be attributed to “The Matrix” via the bureaucracies and government regulations that were never legislated, but enforced by policy and edict, at a cost of almost two-trillion dollars per year.  The number of agencies that exist depends upon who you ask, which ranges from 60 to nearly 500!

You see my friends; this was my point when I stated in prior blogs that either a democracy or communistic governments can be corrupted to a much higher degree than one monarch, which is the very reason for both WWI and WWII—to eliminate the monarchs of Europe.  In saying this, I am not espousing crowning a king, but we need to revert back to our organic Constitution prior to the end of the Civil War and as they say, the devil is in the details in a book I have written mentioned above.  The key to the elimination of the bureaucrats is the fact that they do not represent the electorate, but are a law unto themselves and for the most part do not answer to any of the 3 organic branches of our government and as I also stated in prior blogs—I am convinced that these bureaucracies aka, “The Matrix” (Shadow Government) is an undeclared forth branch of the United States Government. 

The bottom line is “Control” and it matters not who may get hurt in the process of enforcing policies being implemented as if they were law.  There is no “policy” that is equal in venue to law!  “Policy” is a matter of administrative edicts and only used within the purview of an organization with by-laws, such as the ethics of government employees.  Are “We the People” government employees? Actually, in a subtle way we are all working for the government, but that is another story.  And yes, the details are in the book mentioned above.    

Friday, April 28, 2017

The First One Hundred Days

April 28th 2017 Blog

I know… this is day 99 for the Trump Administration, but I do enjoy my weekends off and it will be my younger brother’s birthday tomorrow.  It is interesting to note that “The First One Hundred Days”, was coined during the FDR Administration in 1933, but was actually referring to the first one hundreds of Congress!  Another interesting note is that FDR signed 99 Executive Orders during those first 100 days in office.  President Obama signed 26 Executive Orders within his first 100 days and President Trump signed 56.  Mind you, President Obama’s many Executive Orders circumvented what should had been legislated through Congress, but there was a Demoncratic majority in the Senate, so they did not mind toeing the Liberal/Democratic line for one of their own.

Chuck Schumer could not help himself to chime in for a comment about President Trump’s first 100 days and stated, “…the swamp is murkier than ever.”  I believe he is correct in that assessment, because for who should know better than Chuck Schumer, for the simple reason he is one the alligators!  We can only hope Schumer’s constituents are taking careful notes on their representative and ask, “What did Chuck Schumer accomplish in these last 100 days?”  I can tell you plainly that Schumer was doing precisely what Hitlary was doing on the campaign trail; bad mouthing Donald Trump.  A man on the job is judged by his accomplishments and a man who does nothing more than criticize, lacks judgment and good character.  May we add Nancy Pelosi to this mix?

We have witnessed a man who believes so much in the American Dream that he wants that dream for as many as he can during his tenure as President of the United States.  He has yet to break a promise.  In addition, there were things happening that became systemic, just because people around the world see him as a man of convictions and character.  The Stock Market has yet to blink since it has been rising without stopping, even before his inauguration.  Illegal immigrants poised to jump our border have waned by about 70 percent, which metaphorically speaking President Trump is “The Wall”!  

Speaking of promises; yes President Trump has been facing what I have warned in my first blogs… that he will be fighting an uphill battle.  The main reason why he cannot get all of his promises through is because of all the political posturing that is so prevalent in Washington D.C.  The “political posturing” is systemic to those who truly wield all the power and anyone possessing this power, will not give it up so easily. 

There is one thing that President Trump needs to do, in order to get his promises fulfilled; and that is to emulate Ronald Reagan, by bringing the issues directly to the people, but not by just being a “twitter bug”.  President Trump could be far more effective if he stages rallies in the districts of those who will be up for their mid-term elections and present his case.  If we are to “Make America Great Again”, we must start with a committee of one and not pointing the finger, because when one points their index finger there are always three pointing back.  Come on… you know the old slogan for recycling… “When considering change, let it begin with me.”  If one is going to continue do the same things over and over again, how can one expect the results to change? 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

April 27th 2017 Treasury Secretary announces huge tax cuts; Nancy Pelosi, mental breakdown? Break up of 9th Circuit Court?

The efficiency of the Trump Administration never ceases to amaze me.  Our Treasury Secretary released a one-page proposal, outlining President Trump’s tax plan.  The proposal states making massive tax cuts for businesses and individuals that would have even Ronald Reagan green with envy.  It is about time “We the People” got a break for all the inside the beltway misspending and robbery of all those who support our favorite charity… Washington D.C.!  I stated in a prior blog that Washington D.C. is awash in money and things could not be better for all those who sponge off the American People. 

Perhaps now, the chickens are coming home to roost.  In addition, this is the price “We the People” pay, all in the name of Globalization.  We can no longer afford to fund the entire world with entitlements, military assistance, Planned Parenthood and the overreach of the EPA on a worldwide scale.  Did I say “entitlements”?  Yup, because the United States under the Obummer Administration has sent billions to Mexico for Food Stamps!

For now, the details of President Trump’s tax proposal are unimportant, only because the Demoncrats are going to fight to take President Trump’s Administration down.  However, it is because of the collusion of the Demoncrats that their constituents are becoming restless…why… because very little is getting done in their respective districts, which puts the Midterm elections hanging in the balance, but the Chuck Schumer/Nancy Pelosi gang is always shortsighted.  As long as the Demoncrats refuse to reach across the aisle, they will find themselves in a political quandary.

It seems that Nancy Pelosi is suffering from speech missteps, or a mental breakdown according to “The Federalist Papers”.  Nancy Pelosi has been in politics ever since Nixon ran for president back in 1960, so she is aging.  Yes, I know, she looks quite good for a woman in her 80s, but then again plastic surgery works well for some people.  You should have viewed her back in 1960.  Her bosom back then was so pronounced that standing one foot from her face would be considered sexual harassment!  Even in 2010, Nancy Pelosi’s mental stability should had been more closely viewed, because of the statement she made to her colleagues in Congress; speaking of the ACA, “We need to pass this before we read it.”  This was the first time such a thing was ever heard in the Halls of Congress!

The 9th circuit court is at it yet again, with frivolous allegations that are clearly non-sequitur, in regards to the defunding of sanctuary cities.  Mind you, that all these judges who are fighting President Trump, whether it be an immigration ban or defunding sanctuary cities, are all Obummer appointees by simply toeing the liberal line and will grasp at all the straw they can to derail the Trump Administration.  The problem is that these Federal judgeships are lifetime appointments.  In addition, if the Supreme Court is solicited to take on these cases could drag on for 2 to 3 years before it can be heard!  However, the Supreme Court could quickly intervene like they did in the New London case and without an invitation, but that is another story and the details are in my book, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

President Trump is seriously considering creating a 10th district Federal Court, mainly because 80 percent of all 9th circuit decisions have been overturned.  However, it is up to Congress to provide the legislation necessary to create a 10th district Federal Court.        

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 26th 2017 Blog
Global Warming

Yes, this will be my third blog about so-called “Global Warming”.  The title of the article I read is, “Climate-alarmist researchers say they’ve found a disturbing strategy to trick you into ‘going green’  Justin Haskins 

Essentially the article describes how to change one’s behavior into going “green”.  This is how the likes of Google do much of their marketing and are very much on the top of their game in the area of “Artificial Intelligence”, for which others are just starting to catch on.  In addition, there is some developing technology on the horizon for implanting a chip into our brains for communicating by telepathy!  This would make peeking via our electronic devices a non-sequitur, but communication by telepathy technology might be available in perhaps 4 years or less and I see it as a fulfillment of one particular prophecy in the Book of Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

It does say “on” their foreheads or in their hands, which might mean a bar code tattoo.  Nevertheless, the prospect of “telepathy” is at least very interesting and perhaps reserved for those in authority, for which any thought of betrayal could mean instant death, because such a chip could also contain either a poison or small bomb.  This will give the idea of “thought police” a whole different meaning!  Mind you, the “New World Order” or “One World Government” will be a totalitarian government, which simply means “total control” (slavery) over every human life on the entire planet.

No, the population will not be as large as it is now, for the simple reason that “The Powers That Be” cannot fully control 8 billion people, for which they already have planned to kill off at least half the present population of the Earth and is also in the United Nations playbook as “Agenda 21 and now Agenda 30”; for this is the true reason why we have GMO crops, forced vaccinations, Big Pharma, for which “FDA approved”, should be deemed as a warning label, abortion and doctors, who only are taught to cut you, drug you or both, for which a new term has emerged: “Iatrogentic Disease” on Death Certificates and means “death by doctor”.  I learned some time ago that there are two overt ways to die; death by nature or death by government.  So as one can plainly see, the odds are that “death by government” will come to most.
GMO crops were being touted as the way to feed the world—no my friends, it is a subtle way to commit murder, as is all the other items of death I mentioned above.  Have any of my readers here heard about the 100,000 East Indians, who committed suicide because of GMO crops?  Once the population is at least cut in half, it will be coincidently discovered that GMO crops are detrimental to human life, deemed as so-called “unintended consequences” (yeah, after all the damage is done) and then the “Seed Vault” located in Norway, built by Bill Gates will be opened, because those seeds are not GMO and the fact that the New World Order is going to want healthy slaves for their world.  All the above is old news to me and all of which can be found in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!” along with much more information on how your life is controlled, despite your so-called “freedom(s).

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25th 2017 Blog

It seems we have a soap opera in Washington D.C.  The characters are too many to list, but the media narrative remains the same.  It looks like General Flynn will soon be grilled for his part in dealing with both Russia and Turkey.  The Demoncrats have absolutely no interest in anything President Trump wants to accomplish and the reason is very simple… if the Demoncrats offer any help to President Trump, they will lose political profits.  Given the fact that in at least the past 8 years, the Demoncrats have lost well over one thousand seats nationwide and apparently it takes a foul-mouthed leader of the DNC to get their point across.

Of course the Demoncrats are salivating over the prospect that General Flynn will somehow implicate President Trump in the so-called “Russian/Trump connection” during the campaign and election.  The new budget is coming up before the weekend and the Demoncrats might just allow the government to shut-down, but that will only happen if President Trump insists on the parties getting together to consider “The Wall”, the repeal and replacement of “ObamaCare” and “tax reform”, for which the Demoncrats will allow no quarter and then blame the Republicans for the “shut-down”.

For those of you who are not familiar with past “government shut-downs”; we had a few of these before, but mind you the so-called “shut-downs” only affected 15 percent of the government.  Therefore when and if this does happen, only a very few will ever feel the effects and only in the Washington D.C. vicinity.  And only non-essential services will in reality be “shut-down”.  No one outside the Washington D.C. area will know the effects of a “government shut-down”.  In other words, you will not feel it, such as the micro-quakes in the State of New-Mexico, which is just the normal magma flow under their feet.  

Here is some interesting news that the New York Times, The Washington Compost and USA Today did not carry… Obama is receiving more than $400,000 for a speech from Wall Street.  Isn't that interesting… feeding the hand that has been biting Wall Street since 2005.

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24th 2017 Blog

Last week President Trump made an effort to reach out to the Demoncrats.  Chuck Schumer outright rejected a deal that would be a win-win for both sides.  There is no doubt that there is an unspoken vendetta against President Trump and will not allow him one inch of progress.  And yet, the Demoncrats expect to get some Republicans on their side, by stirring up unfounded rhetoric to appease their constituents.  It was a stand-up comedian who stated the opposite of progress is Congress.  Therefore, we can full-well expect the Demoncrats to reject anything of Republican or conservative value.

Mind you, it is a clear minority of 28 percent who support the Liberal agenda.  The recent protests in support of science, in the guise of so-called “Global-Warming”, are founded upon ignorance.  I very much doubt that very few of those protesters are not science majors or work in the scientific community.  It must be clearly stated that the most vocal of those protesters are paid $50 per hour and some are retained with an additional $2500 per month and expected to travel wherever an organized march might do some good.

Personally, if I had such an offer I would not have any compunction to work as a protester, for that kind of money.  Some of you might be thinking, why would this blog writer, who writes scathing articles about such things do that?  Simple question and deserves a simple answer—I need the money!  For the most part, these protests yield very little, with the exception of getting media attention.  However, I submit that these particular protestors are more ignorant and violent, than protestors in times past.  I must add, there are those of some authority and/or renown, who are encouraging a form of resignation that could morph into anarchy.

The unpaid people, who have joined the ranks of these crowds, have nothing better to do as well as being in support of ignorance, for which these same people are simply… sheep.  There are also feelings of hatred for the Trump Administration, because Hitlary lost and simply overlook any good that this Administration has accomplished—much of which has been done behind the scenes, without any overt media attention.

Former President Obama has announced that the future of our nation falls upon our youth—not exactly anything profound in the least and I strongly suspect that Obama is going to lead our youth to a United States that will no longer be recognized as the proud and envied nation it once was for at least two centuries, but the past 40 years have brought about many divisions of what is termed as ‘special interests”.

There is nothing wrong with “special interests”, because I have mine as well, but they are not particularly political in nature and I am not mounted on a “soap box”, to institute change(s) for a small following that does not dovetail with the intent of our Forefathers and our Constitution.  I firmly believe that Obama’s announcement is a prelude for entering the lecture circuit.  Obama will no doubt get unsolicited media attention and write books.

It is indeed currently incumbent to the Demoncrats that they are having a identity crisis.  If you remember the Hitlary campaign—there was no clear agenda if she did win that seat in the Oval Office, but apparently many were quite sure that she would continue with the failed policies of her predecessor.  However, I and the many others believe that Hitlary would tighten the screws on the American Public even more—she is a power-hungry bitch and I would not be fearful to say so to her face! 

Perhaps we should have proved this by allowing Hitlary to occupy the White House, but 4 years of her would be an American blood-bath, because she would take away our right to defend ourselves, kill every baby possible, poison the minds of our children with Liberal rhetoric, allow everyone who wanted to destroy us to reach our soil, steal every dollar she could from us and murder all those who resist!  Yes, I might be overstating these possible results, but it is not far from the truth.


Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21th 2017 Blog, CNN

CNN admitted that Trump was right about North Korea!  Thursday, the notoriously liberal CNN (which President Donald Trump has often referred to as “very fake news”) published an opinion piece on Trump that stunned critics.

The article, “Trump’s North Korea policy might just be working,” was written by former British ambassador to North Korea John Everard.  In it, Everard admits Trump was totally correct in his approach to North Korea and handled the situation far better than former presidents Barack Obama or Bill Clinton.  You read that right.  CNN, for all its anti-Trump bluster and rants, very quietly owned up to the fact that Trump successfully starred down the bloody dictator Kim Jong Un — and praised the president when North Korea backed down.
 It also credits Trump for his brilliant carrier group psych-out.  “Many observers feared North Korea would carry out its sixth nuclear test, or that the USS Carl Vinson and its escorts — which Pyongyang at the time thought were just off the coast of North Korea — would attack,” Everard wrote. “Very few people outside the US administration knew the carrier group was in fact some 3,500 miles away from the Korean Peninsula.”
 Why did Kim Jong Un fail to carry out his planned nuclear test on Apr. 15th?  “North Korea blinked,” the article said. “Although it is possible the extensive preparations around its nuclear test site were intended only to wind up the international community, it seems more likely that the North Koreans did indeed plan a nuclear test Saturday but desisted, probably because they assessed the risks of serious retaliation were too great.”
 Of course, don’t expect this to be the new normal.  CNN’s brief honeymoon with sanity didn’t last long.  Despite their unexpected praise for Trump’s masterful handling of the North Korean crisis, the so-called “Clinton News Network” went right back to their old ways Friday.  A refreshing bit of honesty from CNN — no matter how brief — is nice to see, though.
What President Trump did with North Korea and Syria/Russia, upset the Globalists big time and the very reason I stated in my blog yesterday that George W. Bush ranted, for the simple reason that he is also a “Globalist” and toes the line for the Illuminati!  I do not even want to think about what would had happened if Hitlary were sitting in the Oval Office!
I do not believe that my readers here remember the old Don Imus radio programs from the 70s and 80s.  Imus had a character on his show who was Hispanic and used that voice with all the inflections of some bad English.  That by itself was funny enough, but I specifically remember one particular program; and mind you this was during the “wipe your feet on me” Jimmy Carter Administration and American hostages were being held in Iran for 444 days and immediately released on January 20th 1981, the day of Ronald Reagan’s inauguration.  This Hispanic character was describing how the Carter Administration wanted to “negotiate” our hostages home.  Well, this Hispanic character stated, “We will negotiate alright, from the Bombay doors of a B-52!”  Now you can see why I quoted from Mr. Scott from Star Trek that “The best negotiator I know is a fully activated phaser bank.”
Too Bad Jimmy Carter did not have the backbone of this Hispanic character or as President Donald Trump has and the very reason why there have not been any threats from North Korea, Syria/Russia or Iran come to fruition.  Oh yeah, the Russians are showing off their bombers off the coast of Alaska, but that by itself is no true “threat” and not particularly newsworthy and the fact that the Russians do not have the stomach for a direct confrontation with the United States.  In addition, we must not forget that there are many things going on behind the scenes, within the Trump Administration that we will never hear about until those plans actually come into play.  Stay tuned…!


Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20th 2017 Blog

To my readers of this blog; in prior blogs I mentioned “The Matrix”; well, I am bringing it up again, only because of an article I received from one of my news sources and the fact that I know for sure that the “Bush Family” is one of the 13 original bloodlines of the Illuminati, as is also mentioned in my book, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  As “conservative” as I may sound, I am not a boot licker for any party; for when I view a “wrong”, I do not care what party it came from, or from whom.

This particular article states that George W. Bush has been silent all through the Obama Administration as a sign of respect, but only because of one systemic reason; the Obama Administration has been toeing the line for the agenda of the Illuminati; emphasis mine.  It has become incumbent upon President Trump to “drain the swamp”, for which I clearly stated that it was going to be an uphill battle, for which it has.  Nevertheless, President Trump is hell bent in cleaning up Washington and their divisive ways and the very reason why George W. Bush has broken his silence and simply proves that he was indeed a card carry member of the elites in Washington D.C. and a silent puppet for the Illuminati agenda, or “The Matrix”.

From what I was reading in this article, George W. Bush was being interviewed on National Public Radio last week and has nearly contradicted all of President Trump’s actions.  President Trump has broadly rejected globalist ideas, for which George W. Bush has at least 3 secret meetings with the leadership of both Mexico and Canada, to eradicate our borders.  I could say much more, but my book has far more details and has been my study since 2003.  Oh yes, George W. Bush did not overtly mention President Trump’s name, but clearly challenged his policies on refugees.  The general idea that former President Bush was expounding is not building the wall and allowing as many refugees  to enter the United States and meeting certain criteria.

You see my friends; it is the globalists (Illuminati) intention to have a one-world government.  From a prophetic point of view, this is going to happen no matter what President Trump does or does not do; for he is a part of God’s plan for His Kingdom to be established on the Earth.  However, it is my intention to expose the evil plot of a one-world government and when it happens; you might remember from whom showed you the way.  Please do not misconstrue these words, because all prophecy is conditional.  However, the conditions are nearly right for the “Great Tribulation” to begin.  I am waiting for one particular event to take place in New York City this coming September and depending on how it is received will determine if the “Great Tribulation” has started at that time.  Yes, I could give many more details, but this prophecy requires it to be “spoon fed”, because giving all at once will brand me as a lunatic or something along those lines.  Simply bear with me and as time progresses; it will begin to make sense.  In addition, you might want to refer to some of my prior blogs that deal with prophecy and the workings of “The Matrix”.  

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19th 2017 Blog Addendum

We in the United States have the most unusual of all political systems in the world, especially when it comes to campaigns and voting.  It makes me wonder about the college courses dealing with “political science”, which by the way cannot distinguish itself as a “science” any longer, since Donald Trump apparently made “political science” a non-sequitur!  One can name nearly every rule of “political science” and our now President Trump broke them all into tiny pieces. 

The above paragraph brings me to the recent “special elections”, in the State of Kansas that voted Republican and now a runoff vote will be taking place on June 20th in the State of Georgia.  One might think that these candidates would be supported by their local constituents, which might be true with the Republican base, but the Demoncrats are so desperate for a win, they had to be funded from outside sources to the tune of an excess of 8 million dollars!  In addition, Jon Ossoff, is not even a current resident of the district he is attempting to win.  He is what was referred to back during the days after the Civil War, as “Carpet Baggers”.  These were political opportunists, who rolled up their carpets and traveled to the Southern States that were in political disarray.

The Demoncrats were literally “banking” on a win in the first round of voting.  One should take note that there were 18 people who were coveting this Congressional position, so the voting was divided up and Jon Ossoff could not secure the 50 percent needed for a win, but lost this first round.  According to at least one historical account that was brought to my attention today; this same scenario had taken place once before and the runoff vote yielded to the Republican.  I am not saying this is going to happen again, but it is something to think about and we simply must wait until the votes are counted the day after June 20th.  

April 19th 2017 Blog

It seems our colleges have morphed into institutions for Communism.  Students are blocked from free speech classes and the so-called “free speech” safe spaces are only reserved for those who speak liberal agendas, which simply mean those who are not invited are those with conservative ideals.  No conservatives, military or Chick-fa-lay are allowed.  Therefore Communism is very much alive and doing well within our college campuses and have become breeding grounds for socialistic mind control.  It is no wonder our young people are rallying around the likes of Bernie Sanders.  

And what is the idea of being masked?  They should be proud to be part of a movement to destroy everything this country was founded upon.  Also, I cannot for the life of me, understand the motive behind the violence; not only to property but towards those who are wearing the wrong hat; “Make America Great Again”.  I dare anyone of my readers to tell me that “Black Lives Matter” is not a racist statement and prove it!  The “Black Panthers” is a racist organization and “Affirmative Action” is racial bias.  Being African-American implies dual citizenship. 

You are either an American or African… choose!  You see my friends; Black Americans need a distinction, so they have an excuse to cry foul, whenever something goes wrong between Blacks and Whites.  And things invariably do go wrong, for the simple reason that the confrontations happen to be between a Black and a White, for which all those same things happen between White on White and Black on Black.  Therefore, the only solution is that we are all Americans and any other distinction is plainly a racist argument and will always be that way to no end.

Yes, there are many examples of other nationalities, which have had these same distinctions, but eventually melded as Americans.  I am not saying to forget our heritages, but celebrate the fact that our ancestors escaped from whatever adversity they were experiencing and we met them on our shores with open arms.  And yes, there were many incidences of discrimination against those who were not so familiar with our language and culture, but like so many others before them overcame those stigmas and we also as Americans celebrate with those of foreign distinction, such as Saint Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo and many other such celebrations that parade our streets.  But no matter how one slices it… we are Americans!  

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 18th 2017 Blog

I am a subscriber to Bob Rankin, who is very computer savvy and I thought I pass this information to my readers; here is the link to his latest article;
[HOWTO] Secure Your Laptop (Ask Bob Rankin)</a>

I do not feel quite chatty today and it might be because of some personal matters that have been bothering me lately.  Nevertheless, I could not ignore some of the news items of the day.  It is quite sad to see so much violence being reported, but that might be caused by the lack of other new items that tend to predominate, from mostly geo-political venues, such as North Korea; Afghanistan; a little from China and nothing from Russia, Syria or Iran today.

What strikes me the most is the “increase in violence” and “rumors of war” looming and brings me to be thinking about Yeshua’s words in Matthew 24, about the two mentioned items in quotes and being that both are the “news of the day” and that these are the “end times”.  We must seriously consider that two dictatorships seem to be hell-bent on destruction; namely North Korea headed by a child-like personality and seems to have no compunction to threaten peace with weapons of mass destruction.  The other being Iran, who might just be closer to having destructive nuclear capabilities soon than we might think or believe and the fact that these two nations have been exchanging information with each other. 

Yes, Russia is also figured into this equation, because they are supplying the raw materials for these nuclear aspirations and Hitlary has also contributed, with the Uranium deal that has sequestered 20 percent of all the Uranium production of the United States, which was brokered through a Canadian Corporation; sneaky!  There is no doubt in my mind that Hitlary used her position as Secretary of State to poise the world for destruction, but not without enriching herself, as well as some others along the way.  Podesta is 35 million richer because of Hitlary and Comey is 12 million richer.  Yes that is correct; the same Comey that is the current head of the FBI.  It seems that Comey still occupies his position, only because he might have many things hanging over the heads of the Trump Administration, such as Hover had over all those Administrations he remained under, for so many decades.  Now I hope that now my words about Trump facing an uphill battle in “draining the swamp” will come to mind.

Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17th 2017 Blog

Dear readers of this blog; the following is another article about so-called “human caused global warming”.  In addition to the following, is the fact that back in 2003, I researched this and found on NASA’s website that the reason for our current climate change is from the Sun’s unusual activity.  However, in the past 5 years we have been going through a cooling cycle, which simply means that the Earth has a systemic correcting feature, when extremes take place.  The only correcting feature that does not exist, are those “human beings” who have been convinced by so-called “those in authority”, who have absolutely no scientific background whatsoever that “human caused global warming” does exist and have followed a misguided narrative promulgated by “The Matrix”.

Climate change myth SMASHED as scientists confirm solar activity is a significant driver of Earth’s climate

by Russel Davis; Natural News 

Results from a recent Swiss study suggest that fluctuations in the sun’s activity may provide insight to the apparent changes in the planet Earth’s climate. The study revealed that the Sun’s current activity is expected to diminish over time, which in turn may lead to slight reductions in global warming over the next few decades. According to researchers, these changes may result in a small decrease in the planet Earth’s temperature. The research was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. 

A team of researchers have created a calculation model to determine the impact of the Sun’s activity on the potential temperature changes in the planet over the next century. The team included scientists from the Physical Meteorological Observatory Davos, ETH Zurich, University of Bern and the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology. 

The calculation model showed that while high solar activity was recorded in the 1950s, the planet’s temperature is still projected to drop by up to 0.5 degrees Celsius once the Sun’s activity tapers off to its minimum. Solar activity, in other words, could actually cause global cooling. 

However, PMOD director and project lead Werner Schmutz said that while such decline in planetary temperature would be significant, it will not fully counteract human-induced global warming, in his view. “We could win valuable time if solar activity declines and slows the pace of global warming a little. This will be no more than borrowed time since the next minimum will inevitably be followed by a maximum,” Schmutz stated, as reported in 

Solar fluctuations influence Earth’s climate, experts say 

The research team looked at the impact of solar activity on the planet’s past climate in order to develop an efficient climate effect model. PMOD scientists have calculated the Sun’s radiative forcing. Factors such as electromagnetic and particle radiation were accounted for in the calculation process. ETH Zurich researchers then examined the impact of radioactive forcing on the Earth’s atmosphere. Scientists form the University of Bern then studied how the atmosphere and the oceans interacted. 

The team then assumed a more prominent radiation fluctuation striking the Earth. Compared with previous models, the new assumption was more intense in nature, the researchers noted. Evaluating the effects of other phenomena such as volcanic eruptions prove to be less conducive, according to Schmutz. Using the current model “is the only way that we can understand the natural fluctuations in our climate over the last few millennia,” Schmutz said. 

However, the project lead pointed that useful data on solar fluctuations have been made available only recently, and that the Sun’s activities over the following years are yet to be examined. “To that extent, our latest results are still a hypothesis. But since we have been observing a consistently strong phase since 1950, it is highly likely that we will experience another low point in 50 to 100 years’ time. It could be every bit as intense as the Maunder Minimum, which brought particularly cold weather during the 17th century,” Schmutz added, adding further credence to the “global cooling” hypothesis. 

Additional data on solar activity and links to planetary climate 

A research team of more than 100 experts in solar physics, geomagnetism, climate modeling and atmospheric chemistry worked together in 2011 to determine the effects of solar activity on the planet’s climate. The researchers examined current climate models and found certain mechanisms that demonstrated how variations in the Sun’s activity impact climate variability per region. The scientists did not identify mechanisms that link solar activity to the onset of global warming. (Related: Read more about solar activity, solar weather, and other space events at 

However, the research team was able to evaluate the effects of solar activities on certain regions in the planet. According to the study, variations in ultraviolet radiation may trigger stratospheric changes near the equator and across the polar regions. Data also revealed that solar winds impact the planet’s global electric field. This in turn affects aerosol formation and rainfall, researchers said. 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13th 2017 Blog

BOOM! The “Mother of all bombs” or MOAB (Massive Ordinance Air Blast) a 21,000 pound killing machine; was dropped in the early evening hours in Afghanistan, in an area well-known to be hiding places for the Taliban.  This one bomb cannot hold a candle to the 69 Tomahawk missiles fired in Syria.  Those Tomahawks cost about two-million a copy, for a total of 138 million.  The GBU-43 costs a mere sixteen million and is far more devastating.  Without a doubt, the entire world has its ears perked up and perhaps the likes of North Korea, Iran, Syria and maybe Russia, might have some second thoughts about their arrogant stands.  There is no doubt that this new “killing machine” is a game changer.

This new weapon is not really that new; for it was debuted in 2003 and tested twice.  However, this is the first time it has been deployed as a tactical weapon in a war zone.  It has a “kill zone” of about one square mile and its earth-shaking effects can be felt five miles away and viewed up to thirty miles away.  It has the capability of shearing off the top of a mountain.  Its plume resembles a volcanic eruption.  The whole idea of going to war, or this case President Trump inheriting a war, is to win; as General Patton stated, “…to make the other bastard die for his country.”  President Trump has every intention of wining, whether by negotiations or military intervention; for this is where “The Art of the Deal” comes into play.  We should be thankful that we have the right man at the helm.

When political negotiations fail; the time is ripe for military intervention, where there is no longer any quarter left for talk.  Mr. Scott put it this way; “The best negotiator I know is a fully activated phaser bank.”  President Obama could have used this weapon, but he believed that an army of attorneys was more effective, in regards to “rules of engagement”.  There were times when our soldiers were handed weapons without ammunition!  If it were me, I would throw back that weapon at my commanding officer!  Okay, deploy all those attorneys to the front of any war; armed to the teeth with the law and see just how far they get.  And it has come to my attention that President Obama did have a military plan to go into Syria and I had to do a double-take because he asked Congress for permission to implement that plan.  After thinking about it for a moment; Obama is an astute politician and I believe he specifically asked Congress for approval for one particular reason; if anything should go wrong, the blame would fall upon Congress.  Those in Congress are no fools and refused permission.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12th 2017 Blog Addendum

I am sorry to say that Press Secretary Sean Spicer had to apologize for a misstep about his rant of comparing Hitler to Assad, in regards to chemical spraying of humans.  Well, Hitler did gas people and probably because they needed more soldiers and bullets in the killing fields of the war, than using them for executions, as they did in the beginning of the Jewish slaughter.  I can understand why Sean Spicer had to apologize.  He even recognized his error and did not tarry about it.  However, it is in my opinion to never apologize for the truth, but at the same time not drugging up terrible past memories.

Speaking of “apologies”; I firmly believe that the Press Corps owes the American People an apology, for continuing the false narrative of the so-called “Trump/Russian connection”.  In fact, we have far more pressing issues to focus upon such as; Syria; Iran; Russia and North Korea.  Apparently, the Press Corps still has residual resentments towards President Donald Trump and simply feels it is necessary to toe the “Liberal” line that President Trump had stolen the election.

Russia issued a warning not to attack Syria again, which is quite laughable, because in a prior blog, I stated that Russia is never interested in a direct confrontation with the United States military.  Therefore this latest Russian warning is a hollow threat.  Did I mention the “Liberals” are beside themselves, because the commander of the USS Porter that was one of the ships that fired some of those cruise missiles is a woman?  Great day, one might think that this would be a “red letter” day for liberated women everywhere to celebrate!  In fact, these same women should be in green with envy, for this woman to wield such power!  Should we be thankful it was not that “time of the month” and completely empty the hold for every cruise missile on board?
April 12th 2017 Blog

The Elitists and Globalists are still touting “human caused climate change”, for which there is absolutely no proof whatsoever.  This narrative has been touted since 1995 and despite all efforts (with the exception of killing off most of the population) there has been no effective changes made.  A “carbon tax” is simply a tax and just another way to steal money from us and using “human caused climate change” as the engine to drive us into such a tax.  Many if not all protestors (mindless puppets) who are also touting “human caused climate change”, have no idea what they are talking about, for the simple reason they have not examined any of the so-called “evidence” and merely toeing the “Liberal” line for the Elitists and the Globalists.

In addition, both China and India are the heaviest air polluters and will not pay any “carbon tax”, which means we in the United States will bear all the burden of paying for foreign air pollution.  Such a venue is a totalitarian or communistic mentality and if we did accept TPP, we would most certainly be subjected to the “carbon tax”, because it would the global corporations who would be in control over all commerce.  Therefore, President Trump was absolutely correct in rejecting the TPP, because he knew the consequences, with certainty and lose all the sovereignty we have left.

It is also interesting to take careful note as to all those who are touting “human caused climate change”, who are the one that have a direct effect on our environment, by flying to and fro to all those meetings about climate change, in addition to their gas guzzling SUVs.  The key here is if we want change; let it begin with me… by acting locally and reverting back to an Aquarian society and permaculture.  Have they changed their lifestyle to living in earth sheltered homes, to take advantage of the thermal aspects by up to 50% in energy savings?  Are you aware that there are buildings around the world that are built from earthen materials that are still standing after many centuries?  The average age of a stick-built house is approximately 60 to 100 years and consumes a tremendous amount of energy in the production of thermally inefficient materials, in addition to the use of energy to transport those same materials to building sites and your local home improvement stores; not to mention the energy it takes to both heat and cool them.  Most earth type buildings can be built from soil on the building sites!!!

Climate change is an inescapable factor for being a resident of planet Earth.  Although we had eras of climate change, the Earth itself has built-in self-preservation factors; one of which are clouds, which reflect the sun’s energy back into space.  Another very interesting feature is our atmosphere that protects us from the intense solar radiation, even during the occasional solar winds. 

Our atmosphere has the same radiation protection as 13 feet of concrete!  This is in addition to our magnetic field, for without our magnetic field our atmosphere would most surely be stripped away as it did on the planet Mars, because its magnetic field disappeared billions of years ago.  Perhaps Mars did have life at one time, but one can dig deep into Mars and will not find a smidgen of life, so get over it.  Without oxygen, Mars is as dead as our moon.  Biology 101; “life comes from life”.  As an aside, going to Mars is not going to yield any benefits, because in order to live there, we would have to live deep underground, in order to be protected from the sun’s radiation.  If such is the case, then we would be better off and have a living environment to view by dwelling in our own oceans and we have that technology already.

Our planet Earth has gone through climatic phases with or without human life, so human life has virtually no effect on the climate, with perhaps one or two exceptions; the fact that we have some humans who think they are God or god like creatures, such as those who control HAARP and the chemical spraying of our atmosphere.

No matter how much of a tax is placed upon humans, will not change the fact that the Earth itself and the activity of the sun, will have the ultimate control over both our climate and weather.  It was during our “Ice Age” that there was more volcanic activity than any other time in our geological history; for the simple reason that with so much volcanic dust in our atmosphere, the sun’s energy could not reach the surface to heat it up.

For more information look for the following;
Chemistry Expert States Carbon Dioxide cannot cause Global Warming

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11th 2017 Blog

This morning, our new sheriff (no, not President Trump) Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a special trip this morning to Nogales, Arizona, to deliver a message to any want-a-be illegal crosiers of our southern border.  His presentation was seemingly to give his appreciation for the men and women of our border security agents, but it is in my opinion that Attorney General Jeff Sessions, purposely went out of his way, specifically to a border town to deliver his very stern message.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions could have easily and conveniently delivered this message from the comforts of his office in Washington D.C., simply by calling a press conference.  However, by showing up in person to this little border town has the metaphoric impact of the cruise missiles that sent a very clear message to Syria and their allies that we are not going to take it anymore.

Even before the do-nothing “Obama Administration”, we have become a doormat for every foreigner, who felt that the benefits of crossing illegally outweighed the risks.  In reality, it was President Reagan who more or less opened the door for illegal crossings, when he gave amnesty to 2.6 million illegal immigrants, who did cross our southern border up to that date in 1986.  It was the Obama Administration with its “Liberal Agenda”, who purposely invited illegal immigration, by sending information to Central American countries, on how to obtain government assistance once they crossed our border.  Who could not accept such a gracious invitation?

Ever since the inauguration of President Trump, illegal border crossings have seen their lowest levels in at least the past 6 years.  There is no longer a “catch and release” policy and many criminal illegal immigrants are being rounded up and immediately deported.  Once the criminal element is removed, the many other illegal immigrants will find themselves in jeopardy, which will create a vacuum of employment opportunities for more deserving American citizens to go back to work. 

We have already witnessed recently how the employment figures nearly doubled of anytime since 2010.  Granted, some of those employment figures are the results of the increased confidence of our current Trump Administration.  There has never been a time in all our history that any administration has invited so many representatives of a vast cross section of employers, for meetings with the President of the United States.  There is absolutely no doubt that those who fervently supported Donald Trump, during the election campaign are elated that this time we finally elected a true representative of the common people. 

I stated in a prior blog that President Trump has the soul of Andrew Jackson and by the way, Andrew Jackson’s portrait is prominently displayed on the wall to the President’s left, when sitting in the Oval Office.  If one cares to examine the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the same will discover a man of his word and had endured a number of bullets from several duels, all in the name of honor.  Soon after Andrew Jackson’s inauguration, he invited the public to the White House, for which a wild party ensued and some of “Old Hawk Face’s” friends from Tennessee had the guts to ride their horses into the White House.  That party was so boisterous that President Andrew Jackson had to get a hotel room to have some quiet sleep.  The term “Old Hawk Face” was an endearing term of the days when Andrew Jackson was a colonel in the United States Army, which is likened to “Mad Dog” General Mattis.  

President Trump is now faced with the possibility of having several war fronts looming.  Sure, as a matter of a “show of force” and resolve, there is going to be saber rattling on both sides and just like in the game of “chicken”, who is going to flinch first.  We have already proven our resolve with Syria and have deployed what one former United States ambassador termed as “100,000 tons of diplomacy” in close proximally to North Korea.  In our early 20th century, this term was coined as “Gunboat Diplomacy”, which has proven in times past to be very effective and the very reason for all those truly interested in peace, must be prepared for war, as stated by Winston Churchill.

As one can clearly see, there is much to be learned from our true history and not the watered down, politically correct, Common Core education of today.  This last sentence brought me to yesterday’s blog and was rather disappointed as to the audience it drew, as compared to the blog before that one, for which I nearly wet my pants when I saw the more than double of readers!  Thank you and I suppose I might refrain from anymore “off the wall” commentary, but I did see a necessity to highlight a very select group of people, who find pop music is perhaps an escape from the woes of the world in general.  I still encourage my readers to provide comment to these blogs and yes, I am very disappointed at the lack of “other’s thoughts”, not to mention cheers or jeers.  

Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10th 2017 Blog

And now for something completely different… I did something quite out of the ordinary in my research today.  Believe it or not, I am a music fan, but one might consider me quite old (63) to be viewing videos of current pop music videos.  We hear much of this kind of music on a daily basis from television advertising, so I did some exploring.  One in particular caught my ear from a recent Nissan television ad titled, “Black Sheep” by Gin Wigmore and have heard it before in fast food places.  By the way, I do not normally patronize “fast-food” places, because of the lack of nutrition that can be gained.  I would get nothing more than a cup of coffee and use their Wi-Fi.

Speaking of “gained” there is so little to be redeemed from “Pop Music”, mainly because it is a quasi-culture.  Most of what I viewed are sexual in nature—well there is no getting away from the fact that we are after all “sexual beings”.  Nevertheless, sex is often confused with what love is really all about, but I am not going to philosophize, because this is not the specific agenda of this treatise.  What really got my attention was the number of views of each of these.  I listened to the one that originally got my attention, but to the right of the “youtube” screen were other video listings and decided to click on “300 of the most viewed as of March 2017”.  All those songs were excerpts that were 10 to 15 seconds in length.  The number of views started at over 300 million to over 1.3 billion views of a song from Korea by PSY, which is a put-down song about the affluent, which is quite ironic.

I truly wonder… has anyone considered all the human energy and the investment of all the fossil fuel energy, required to produce all that music, as well as the never ending concerts?  And then I thought about the insurmountable amount of money needed to attend these concerts and records sales that might just put a dent in the national debt!  Not to mention the use of credit cards, to pay for those concerts and worry about paying for it later, if they have not already considered bankruptcy. How many of those concert goers have ever had one serious thought as to the economic impact of investing all that time in more constructive pursuits?

And I wonder how many of those concert goers lives would change, if they read, “The Art of the Deal”, which preceded the presidential election of the man who authored that book!  What is happening, is that all those listeners of pop music are doing nothing more than enriching the lives of the performers such as; Marc Anthony; Katy Perry; Rihanna; Miley Cyrus; Justin Bieber; Taylor Swift; Eminum, just to name a few.  Many are Hispanic, who produces their videos in the ghettos of Central and South America and all those poor people cheering them on.  When the making of the video is completed, these same people return to their impoverished lifestyle.

There is still another “darker side” that even fewer people consider and that is who is charge of this “quasi-culture”.  It is none other than the Prince and Power of the air, “Satan the Devil”.  Satan used to be at the “Throne of God” and was his music maker.  His name at that time was “Lucifer”, which means “light bringer” and music does have a lightening effect on the heart.  But now that “Lucifer” was cast down from Heaven to become “Satan”, which means “adversary”; who has effectively swayed particularly our young people into a culture that is short-lived.  So, what is to become of these people or what kind of future have they considered? 

Saturday, April 8, 2017

April 8th 2017 Blog

Nothing unites a country more than a common enemy.  I was pleased to hear that even the Democrats (yes I spelled it correctly this time because they earned it) are backing up what President Trump did this past Thursday night.  It is a shame that such action is necessary, because we have to endure a so-called “leader”, who has thumbed his nose at the entire world, in the use of a banned form of murder.

Some have criticized President Trump for acting in an unconstitutional like manner, but that is not the case, because Article II is quite clear that the President of the United States does have the authority to use unilateral action, when the need arises.  In fact, such unilateral action has been taken by Presidents 125 times in our history.  Decisive action became necessary, because of the nature of an unprovoked attack on defenseless citizens and attempting to hide this fact, by destroying the hospital where the many victims were being treated.  And yes, President Trump can and perhaps will continue to perform unilateral action, for which I personally feel this is the spanking Assad needed for being so naughty. 

In addition, it might become necessary for President Trump to request from Congress, a formal declaration of war, but we can only hope that the bloody nose Assad received might quell his aspirations.  Yes, of course Russia had to have a “show” of force, by placing one their ships in close proximally to our vessels, but I firmly believe they do not have the stomach for a battle, much less a protracted war.  Just go back nearly 55 years, when the Russians were attempting to break a blockade on their way to Cuba.  Yes, our President back then was breaking a sweat, but our resolve was to give the Russians a fever.

And yes, there is an end game to what President Trump has countered to Assad’s atrocity, but as Special Advisor Gorka stated there is an “end game”, but we are not tipping our hand, as did Obama, emphasis mine.  Clearly, the Russians and the Iranians have voiced their response, but neither one of them is going to twitch, because their silence thereafter is deafening.

I must say something here; President Trump has made some astute picks for key positions in his Administration; Nicky Halley has proven to be fearless in the face of all the representatives of the so-called “United Nations”.  And I must tip my hat to (Rock Star) Sean Spicer, who will not allow the Press Corp to intimidate him in the slightest and has a mind like a trap, when reminding all those in that tense room, of the many missteps they have made in many prior White House Briefings and not even a snicker, when Spicer makes a joke, but that might be the case because of his straight face when telling one, but tickles me, because if it were not true what he stated, it would not be funny, unless it was sarcasm.

Both the House and the Senate have two weeks off, to perhaps reflect upon the progress or disappointments since their first session.  Now they have some time to face their hometown constituents and hopefully those meetings will be more civil than the ones in the recent past.  We simply cannot afford a sharply divided nation, with the stakes so high, with both domestic and international tensions.   

Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 7th 2017 Blog

I am sure you have heard about Devin Nunes stepping down from the Congressional investigation involving the Russian interference of our recent national election.  There were several left-wing groups who filed a complaint to a government ethics office.  It is rather funny how all these different left-wing groups filed a complaint all at the same time, which means there had to be a coordinator, informing all these groups on what to do and how to do it.  And I firmly believe it was former President Obama who is that coordinator and I can back that up, even though no one else clued me in, which means this is purely conjecture on my part, but based upon some facts and why I surmised my firm belief.

We know that former President Obama was somehow able to come up with money not only for Iran, but also to covertly fund liberal groups.  There are always lawsuits coming against people from the government all the time and all the money rewarded to the government from those lawsuits are supposed to go directly to the United States Treasury.  However, somehow Obama was able to circumvent that protocol and keep those funds from the Treasury and used that money for his own purposes.  No one in the news was able to answer the question of how Obama got all that money he was giving away, but that particular question was never cited!!!

It is the Congress who holds all the purse strings for expenditures, but Obama circumvented those financial channels, as he did many times before when the legislature would not move on his agendas, using “Executive Orders” instead of the proper legislation process or protocol.  Nevertheless, I firmly believe the same left-wing groups that Obama gave all that money to, were called upon to get Devin Nunes removed from the Russian investigation and it worked! 

Even though Obama is out of office, he vowed to cause trouble for the next administration and the very reason why he is still located in the Washington D.C. area; in a large house with plenty of bedrooms to house all his former boot-lickers, like Sandra Rice and Valerie Plaine, who were his closest advisors.

Surprise!  President Trump is no slouch when it comes to decisive action, so in response to the gassing of civilians in Syria, President Trump ordered more than 40 Tomahawk missiles to be fired upon Syrian airports and chemical facilities.  If Obama were still in office, he would “draw another red line” and do nothing.  President Trump is far more astute than to tip his hand as to warn the enemy of an impending attack.  How much warning was given to the latest victims of gassing?  Can you spell “zero”?  In addition, Syria is not equipped to precisely place those gas bombs, so it is easy to say that only the Russians have that capability, for which Nicky Haley gave the Russians an ultimatum…do something or we (the United States) will!  24 hours was more than enough time for the Russians to make up their minds and did not think or believe that such a preemptive raid was in President Trump’s mind.  Unless President Assad sues for peace, he can full-well expect more such raids.   However, the "wild card" in this equation is Iran's involvement and it would not be surprising if some terrorist cell groups in the United States may stage their own raids in response.

The Russians might rattle their sabers, but personally I do not believe that Putin wants a direct confrontation with the United States.  There is only one thing at stake for the Russians in Syria… a much coveted warm-water port that they were able to secure.  Russia is well-known to be a “bear”, which simply means once they gain something, they are not so quick to surrender it.  In my opinion, I believe that President Putin might request a pow-wow with President Trump, for which Trump might consider allowing Russian to retain their “warm-water port” if they cease from using their aircraft for Assad.  However, Assad might have other thoughts about that, because I am quite sure that Assad traded a “warm-water port” for Russian air support.