Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20th 2017 Blog

To my readers of this blog; in prior blogs I mentioned “The Matrix”; well, I am bringing it up again, only because of an article I received from one of my news sources and the fact that I know for sure that the “Bush Family” is one of the 13 original bloodlines of the Illuminati, as is also mentioned in my book, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  As “conservative” as I may sound, I am not a boot licker for any party; for when I view a “wrong”, I do not care what party it came from, or from whom.

This particular article states that George W. Bush has been silent all through the Obama Administration as a sign of respect, but only because of one systemic reason; the Obama Administration has been toeing the line for the agenda of the Illuminati; emphasis mine.  It has become incumbent upon President Trump to “drain the swamp”, for which I clearly stated that it was going to be an uphill battle, for which it has.  Nevertheless, President Trump is hell bent in cleaning up Washington and their divisive ways and the very reason why George W. Bush has broken his silence and simply proves that he was indeed a card carry member of the elites in Washington D.C. and a silent puppet for the Illuminati agenda, or “The Matrix”.

From what I was reading in this article, George W. Bush was being interviewed on National Public Radio last week and has nearly contradicted all of President Trump’s actions.  President Trump has broadly rejected globalist ideas, for which George W. Bush has at least 3 secret meetings with the leadership of both Mexico and Canada, to eradicate our borders.  I could say much more, but my book has far more details and has been my study since 2003.  Oh yes, George W. Bush did not overtly mention President Trump’s name, but clearly challenged his policies on refugees.  The general idea that former President Bush was expounding is not building the wall and allowing as many refugees  to enter the United States and meeting certain criteria.

You see my friends; it is the globalists (Illuminati) intention to have a one-world government.  From a prophetic point of view, this is going to happen no matter what President Trump does or does not do; for he is a part of God’s plan for His Kingdom to be established on the Earth.  However, it is my intention to expose the evil plot of a one-world government and when it happens; you might remember from whom showed you the way.  Please do not misconstrue these words, because all prophecy is conditional.  However, the conditions are nearly right for the “Great Tribulation” to begin.  I am waiting for one particular event to take place in New York City this coming September and depending on how it is received will determine if the “Great Tribulation” has started at that time.  Yes, I could give many more details, but this prophecy requires it to be “spoon fed”, because giving all at once will brand me as a lunatic or something along those lines.  Simply bear with me and as time progresses; it will begin to make sense.  In addition, you might want to refer to some of my prior blogs that deal with prophecy and the workings of “The Matrix”.  

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.