Monday, February 27, 2017

February 27th 2017 Blog

It seems that President Trump was correct about some “fake news”.  President Trump’s treatment of the press is not really new, but is really a matter of style in regards to this particular President.  I received news about a case that dates back to February 15, 2017 and is directed squarely at CNN.  The report states that Judge Orinda Evans did not declare the network “fake news”.  However, she did rule that the network is guilty of a “series of false and defamatory news reports” concerning Davide Carbone, the former CEO of St. Mary’s Medical Center.

“The Court finds these allegations sufficient to establish that CNN was acting recklessly with regard to the accuracy of its report i.e. with ‘actual malice.”

During her ruling on the 30 million dollar lawsuit against CNN, Judge Evans ruled the corporate media giant purposefully manipulated numbers and reported the bias.  Judge Evans did not mince words in her 18-page order allowing the case to go forward and dismissed CNN’s attempt to get it thrown out of court.  Conservatives have accused CNN of being biased and unfair for years.  At least one Federal Court agrees and vindicates President Trump’s accusation(s) against those who produce “fake news”, for which my personal take on “fake news” is overstated and needs to be called “Liberal biased news”.

There is something else that needs to be said in regards to the above and the video can be found for the following; there was a discussion of “fake news” on one of the networks and it was stated that President Trump in his “tweeting” is influencing or changing people’s minds, to which one media anchor stated, “That is our job.”  To me that sounds like a “State controlled” news agency.  And I did state in a prior blog that most news is “controlled” by “The Powers That Be”, for which many news producers are mere puppets.

Reporting news is one thing, but providing bias commentary is another, from the same mouth as is being reported.  Commentary is reserved for the editorial pages of a newspaper or coming from directly from a “commentator” on a program and specifying “this is an opinion”.  Interviews are also a reporter’s job, for which all reporting finds its way the “editor desk” and the editor can also provide his personal commentary, based upon the reporters’ submissions.  Some reporters can provide or form an opinion, based upon all the information from all the sources he or she has gathered, but must be stated that these opinions might be speculation.  

Friday, February 24, 2017

February 24th 2017 Blog

There is so much brouhaha about the media and their affiliation of “fake news” that it might be a good idea to clear some of the air about it.  For one thing, we cannot discount the fact that the general media outlets during the Trump campaign were essentially negative in tone, for which even most of the polls agreed with that assessment.  But we cannot discount the fact of the negative input from many of the news reports, which do have at least some influence upon many voters and thus will have some effect upon polling.  In all fairness and even President Trump was magnanimous about the mention of the L.A. Times poll who did get it right.  It is quite ironic that the L.A. Times was the paper that began “political correctness” back in the mid-nineties.  I know, there are still some "head scratching" going on about how President Trump won.  Let us first not forget all the animosity toward those who supported Trump during the campaign, which quelled many into silence about who they were going to vote for come election day and this was the precise reason why the so-called "politically astute" got it wrong! 

President Trump’s indictment of some media outlets producing “fake news” is somewhat well-founded, but not entirely true.  It may have been better instead of labeling such “bad press” as being more twisted than fake.  I must inject that it is at least plausible that President Trump’s allegations of “fake news”, stems from a subtle revenge of what the press did to him since he “threw his hat in the ring”.  I firmly believe and I am repeating myself that President Trump could tone down his rhetoric about so-called “fake news”. 

It seems that President Trump needs continuous vindication of his base, by touting the “fake news” narrative and of course that base may be unwittingly cheering him on.  It would be far better to stress the positive aspects of the Trump Presidency and let the press dig their own hole(s).  “It takes a government to hide a lie, but the truth stands by itself.”  By expounding this quote, I am not saying that President Trump is telling outright lies—exaggeration might be a much better term, but then again President Trump speaks his mind and is not the political puppet we have been so acclimated to in our entire history.  And there might be times when President Trump could be honest to a fault and needs more “political temperament”.  He is a businessman and not a “cookie cutter” politician and does lack some political savvy.

There is no doubt that he is the most “refreshing” and “controversial politician” we have ever experienced and perhaps may have set the tone for future elections.  I could hardly believe my ears today when President Trump described CNN as the “Clinton News Network”, which is the kind of talk you might hear at the water cooler, but never on national television.  Yes, I was quite amused at that particular statement, but nevertheless not surprising coming from President Trump.  Speaking from his mind is probably his greatest asset and the very reason why he is so loved by his “core base”.  Yes, President Trump is a well-known negotiator and will with great pleasure take on the toughest “hombre”, for which his bid for the presidency and subsequent election was timely, because of so much instability in the world and needs a firm hand in giving some nations a well-deserved spanking.  

It is quite possible that President Trump had torn a page from Howard Stern’s playbook, when Stern was on NBC radio back in the 80’s.  The audience both loved and hated him, but even those who hated him listened intently for one specific reason… “We wanted to hear what he was going to say next!”  It was my only brother who brought this point to my attention, when Donald Trump began his campaign.  Every time candidate Trump would step up to the microphone, he had our undivided attention and I dare say so were his detractors.

We must give President Trump great credit for the progress so far, despite his lack of a full cabinet.  We cannot allow those who intentionally derail or attempt to delegitimize President Trump and his administration from making further progress in fulfilling his campaign promises, all of which are laudable, but the Demoncrats are extremely jealous for the simple reason they are finding themselves and the party in general in disarray.  Tomorrow is the day when the Democratic Party will choose the person who will (hopefully) lead them to clearly define their future.  However, if they continue to ignore “facts and substance” their future as a viable political party is hanging in the balance.  

Thursday, February 23, 2017

February 23rd 2017 Blog

Dear Readers of this blog; I have something that must be shared with you.  No, it is not the usual social/political banter, but the following comes from a chemistry expert and the subject is so-called “global warming”.  The logic of this treatise is impeccable and I accidentally tripped on it, when doing other research.  This kind of thing happens to all of us at one time or another throughout our lifetimes, but even more so to a researcher such as me.  The subject of so-called “global warming” has been very controversial since 1995 and even then I did not believe it, especially when the venue for the cause was from “human activity” and farting cows, for which this part was probably promulgated by vegans.

It must be clearly understood that it is “The Powers That Be” who are in charge and have been in the process of mind control through political demagoguery (more about this at another time) and in this particular case “pseudo science”.  

Chemistry Expert States Carbon Dioxide cannot cause Global Warming

by Dr Mark Imisides; Principia Scientific 

Scarcely a day goes by without us being warned of coastal inundation by rising seas due to global warming. 

Why on earth do we attribute any heating of the oceans to carbon dioxide, when there is a far more obvious culprit, and when such a straightforward examination of the thermodynamics render it impossible. 

Carbon dioxide, we are told, traps heat that has been irradiated by the oceans, and this warms the oceans and melts the polar ice caps. While this seems a plausible proposition at first glance, when one actually examines it closely a major flaw emerges. 
In a nutshell, water takes a lot of energy to heat up, and air doesn’t contain much. In fact, on a volume/volume basis, the ratio of heat capacities is about 3300 to 1. This means that to heat 1 litre of water by 1˚C it would take 3300 litres of air that was 2˚C hotter, or 1 litre of air that was about 3300˚C hotter! 

This shouldn’t surprise anyone. If you ran a cold bath and then tried to heat it by putting a dozen heaters in the room, does anyone believe that the water would ever get hot? 

The problem gets even stickier when you consider the size of the ocean. Basically, there is too much water and not enough air. 

The ocean contains a colossal 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 litres of water! To heat it, even by a small amount, takes a staggering amount of energy. To heat it by a mere 1˚C, for example, an astonishing 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy are required. 

Let’s put this amount of energy in perspective. If we all turned off all our appliances and went and lived in caves, and then devoted every coal, nuclear, gas, hydro, wind and solar power plant to just heating the ocean, it would take a breathtaking 32,000 years to heat the ocean by just this 1˚C! 

In short, our influence on our climate, even if we really tried, is miniscule! 
So it makes sense to ask the question – if the ocean were to be heated by ‘greenhouse warming’ of the atmosphere, how hot would the air have to get? If the entire ocean is heated by 1˚C, how much would the air have to be heated by to contain enough heat to do the job? 

Well, unfortunately for every ton of water there is only a kilogram of air. Taking into account the relative heat capacities and absolute masses, we arrive at the astonishing figure of 4,000˚C. 

That is, if we wanted to heat the entire ocean by 1˚C, and wanted to do it by heating the air above it, we’d have to heat the air to about 4,000˚C hotter than the water. 

And another problem is that air sits on top of water – how would hot air heat deep into the ocean? Even if the surface warmed, the warm water would just sit on top of the cold water. 

Thus, if the ocean were being heated by ‘greenhouse heating’ of the air, we would see a system with enormous thermal lag – for the ocean to be only slightly warmer, the land would have to be substantially warmer, and the air much, much warmer (to create the temperature gradient that would facilitate the transfer of heat from the air to the water). 

Therefore any measurable warmth in the ocean would be accompanied by a huge and obvious anomaly in the air temperatures, and we would not have to bother looking at ocean temperatures at all. 

So if the air doesn’t contain enough energy to heat the oceans or melt the ice caps, what does? 

The earth is tilted on its axis, and this gives us our seasons. When the southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, we have more direct sunlight and more of it (longer days). When it is tilted away from the sun, we have less direct sunlight and less of it (shorter days). 

The direct result of this is that in summer it is hot and in winter it is cold. In winter we run the heaters in our cars, and in summer the air conditioners. In winter the polar caps freeze over and in summer 60-70% of them melt (about ten million square kilometers). In summer the water is warmer and winter it is cooler (ask any surfer). 

All of these changes are directly determined by the amount of sunlight that we get. When the clouds clear and bathe us in sunlight, we don’t take off our jumper because of ‘greenhouse heating’ of the atmosphere, but because of the direct heat caused by the sunlight on our body. The sun’s influence is direct, obvious, and instantaneous. 

If the enormous influence of the sun on our climate is so obvious, then, by what act of madness do we look at a variation of a fraction of a percent in any of these variables, and not look to the sun as the cause? 

Why on earth (pun intended) do we attribute any heating of the oceans to carbon dioxide, when there is a far more obvious culprit, and when such a straightforward examination of the thermodynamics render it impossible.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 22nd 2017

There is certainly no shortage of news these days; unfortunately most of it is negative, but I am sure we know from which side that resides.  It is strictly because they on the opposite side of the present administration and feel “short-changed”, because of the losses they have endured for at least the past 8 years—none more prominent than losing the White House.  There is only one explanation for the rhetoric, riots and outright defiance displayed by the “Liberals”; their lack of substance.  Substance is what defines who one is and the strict adherence to the beliefs and facts of human freedom, which our Forefathers clearly defined in our Constitution.

All those of so-called “attorney status” will have you believe that the Constitution is a “living document.  “The American Bar Association”, is a branch of a national organization titled; “The National Lawyers Guild Communist Party” and can be found recorded in the United States Code at: [28 U. S. C. 3002, section 15a].  They have become so big and entrenched that they no longer fear reprisal!  It has been the BAR that has deteriorated our system of justice, since 1938; the year we were legally designated as “commercial chattel”.  This simply means we were made into merchandise and this can be backed up with the institution of the Birth Certificate (1921, which is the same year we no longer had a treasury; ask me!) and the Social Security Number. 

Interesting fact about the Social Security System from 1933; it was at this same time that all the Jews in Europe, under the Nazi Regime who they were also numbered and literally “railroaded”!  Do not think for one moment that the Nazi numbering of the Jews is not the same as our Social Security System, because it is precisely the same.  Whenever one deals with the government and the banking system, you must produce your Social Security Number.  That number now follows us from the cradle to the grave, because one cannot leave the hospital without a Social Security Number given to a baby, which means it is a “tracking number”.  This “tracking system” will eventually morph into the “Mark of the Beast”, which by the way the name of the computer located in Brussels is named “The Beast”.  The “Mark of the Beast” is most likely going to be in the form of an RFID, implanted into us and without it, one will not be able to have a job, bank account, and purchase or sell anything!

The Birth Certificate is the documentation that a birth occurred, warehoused as “human resources” and traded in the market place as “human resources”.  Whenever one speaks of “human resources” they are referring to numbers, statistics and usefulness… not names!  For more information about the true nature of the Birth Certificate go here;  You are not going to like it and if you need any explanation I may be able to answer your questions.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 21st 2017 Blog

I warned you and it is just beginning to take hold around the world and the Liberals are praising it—It is an old Pagan religion that was a major form of worship both prior and during the time of ancient Israel.  Specifically, it is the worship of the Sun god Baal, which is the worship of Satan the Devil.  Satan is the god of this entire planet; Matthew 4:1-10; it presupposes does it not, that no one can give anything away they do not already own?  There is more, but the above is sufficient—do your own Bible study.  I would rather not give a comprehensive lesson in Bible history in this blog, because then the venue of this blog would change or perceived to be changed.  My 35 plus years of Bible study qualifies me to expound the word of God, along with the addition of God’s Holy Spirit in me.

Essentially the Bible is a jig-saw puzzle—the entire Bible!  One cannot study the Bible without both the Old and New Testaments.  The only basic difference between the two testaments is that the Old Testament is in the physical context and the New Testament is based upon more of a spiritual nature.

There are two non-secular books that magnify the worship of Baal—“Babylon Mystery Religion” and “The Two Babylons”.  Much of this religion is based upon sexual immorality, which is not far off the modern practices of today and the sacrifice of children.  The little ancient civilization known as the Nickelodeons were quite brutal in the sacrificing of babies.  They would take the baby by the legs, swing it up and smash their heads.

The worship of Baal and their symbols are now displayed in London and will be moved to near “Ground Zero” in New York City in September of this year.  The Harbinger of this Pagan god has been used to welcome participants to a summit dedicated to the “World Government”, located in Dubai.  They are using the reconstruction of the “Arch of Palmyra”; the Roman triumphal arch that once welcomed the travelers to the ancient “Temple of Baal” in the Syrian outpost of the Empire.  We are witnessing the resurrection of the ancient worship of Baal.  A study of ancient Middle East history will reveal what will eventually be prominently instituted all over the world.  We are also witnessing the ancient prophecies unfolding—in particular “Matthew 24” and the “Book of Revelation”, specifically referring to the “White Horse” of the Apocalypse and a peripheral reference to Daniel 11, regarding the “resurrected Holy Roman Empire, represented as the 10 toes of the statue, which parallels a scripture in the “Book of Revelation” referring to the “deadly wound that has been healed”.

From some recent reading, it seems that the press has morphed from reporting the news and providing more commentary and/or opinions, which of course tows the Liberal bias.  Essentially the press is going to be the engine that will drive the Liberal agenda; most likely in the direction of Hitlary’s bid for becoming the Mayor of New York City, which will be a stepping stone for the White House come 2020.      

Monday, February 20, 2017

February 20th 2017 Blog

It seems there is a great deal of conflict taking place among the Republicans, in regards to the repeal and replacement of ObamaCare.  Like I previously have warned, many bureaucratic insiders are the ones applying pressure, in order to keep at least some key components of ObamaCare intact.  It is quite apparent to me that it is the administrators of the ACA, who are applying all the political pressure, so they will not lose their cushy jobs.

Compromise on the ACA is going to be good enough—it must be “all or nothing”.  All the components of the ACA must be scraped, or if a compromise is reached to maintain some of the ACA components, will prove sooner or later to fail.  There are simply too many entitlements attached to the ACA that depend upon government subsidies, in order to absorb all the cost increases that have plagued every government program conceived, by “good intentions”.  In short, the ACA will forever depend upon ever increasing costs, just by virtue of being a “government program”.  This is precisely what I was talking about previously that the ACA will become another Demoncrat “sacred cow”.

In addition, it is much more than a “sacred cow”—it is just another way to take money out of our pockets to fill the coffers of the government bureaucracies.  This is one big reason why Rand Paul abruptly left a meeting with Republicans.  The government is simply too big and we the taxpayers are paying the price.  The replacement health care program that will be proposed is to be “patient” driven and not driven by political posturing.  This is what President Trump is referring to when he says we need to “drain the swamp”.  Much of the “political posturing” comes from the elites of either parties, who are prodded by the invisible shadow government, or the new term that is now in vogue; “the deep state”.

This “deep state” has been open for business since at least 1952, which was identified by President Eisenhower and was publically exposed by William Guy Carr, in his booked titled, “Pawns in the Game”, 1958.  In a previous blog I explained why we are a “democracy”, for which was a republic prior to the Civil War.  Any “democracy” is a socialist type of government, for which there is a fine line which separates us from Communism.  That “line” would most certainly be crossed if Hitlary were our current president.  And yes, she is now preparing herself for the 2020 presidential bid and will campaign for Mayor of New York City next year, in order to stay in the political limelight.

All the warnings of the ACA in 2010 have emerged and became one of the forefront issues of the Trump campaign.  However, not all those in the Conservative camp are in full agreement and unless all are onboard, the repeal and replacement of ObamaCare will be in a quandary.  Tax reform is another sticky issue, for which some Republicans are also in disagreement.  A major part of that “tax reform” issue will greatly affect Wal-Mart that is headquartered in Arkansas and home to a Republican, Tom Cotton.  Wal-Mart is one of the largest world-wide employers and also one the largest buyers of Chinese products.

The MSM may not be wittingly in favor of President Trump, but it does seem like they are in opposition by proxy from the “leftists”.  The MSM is not the true enemy of the American People as President Trump is currently touting.  The battle of Presidents and the press were also magnified by Thomas Jefferson, who was a champion of a “free press”, during the drafting of our Constitution.  It is rather ironic that nearly all of our Forefathers were in support of a “free press”, despite the fact that many social/political confrontations between our Forefathers would end up in print, for which when the offended parties met on social occasions, would vehemently apologize to one another.  President Lincoln also had his problems with the press.  I can only surmise these problems when the reporters supplied the ink and the soldiers supplied the blood.

Personally, I do not blame President Trump for his animosity towards the MSM, but Rush Limbaugh brought out that President Trump’s hard line supporters applaud President Trump’s bashing the press, which might be a reprisal of how candidate Trump was treated by the MSM all during the campaign.  Also, Rush aptly pointed out that President Trump could tone down his rhetoric about the MSM and focus more on his campaign platform and current accomplishments.  At the same time not allowing the press to dissuade his efforts or wipe their feet on him.  President Trump and his administration is not as politically savvy as his predecessors and needs some counsel in this regard, otherwise he might be in danger of political suicide.   


Sunday, February 19, 2017

February 19th 2017 Blog

It seems that no matter what President Trump does is not going to set right with the left.  Obama on the other hand could never do any harm, even though he was proven to be a liar and a thief.  President Trump does not lie intentionally, but does have a general tendency to exaggerate.  If you wish to fault him as being a “liar” that is a matter of opinion, but overall he has told the truth.  He has worked tirelessly for the past first month of his presidency, but of course “the left” does not see it that way.  In fact there was one specific thing he did do that Obama could never boast about… he saved the taxpayers one billion dollars in one hour, on the phone with Boeing, in regards to the 2 new “Air Force One” planes.  I would never believe he was able to earn anywhere that much in one year, as a businessman.

The wall that will be built between the United States and Mexico is purported to cost about 22 billion dollars.  Despite the fact that he has ever intention to collect that from Mexico; let us say for one moment he could not get one dollar and consider that our current illegal immigration problem is costing the taxpayers 113 billion per year!  Yes, they can attempt to scale the new wall to the other side, but it will slow them down and the wall will include technology to view them, for which the Border Patrol will be able to collect them, before they get too far. 

The Border Patrol is all for having the wall, because in their words, “It is a tool.”  Yes, the drug dealers can attempt to dig under it as they have done successfully many times before, but they will get caught way before they reach sufficiently to the other side, when ground sensors will quickly detect any unusual ground movement.  There is an old story that goes back to the days of prohibition, when Elliot Ness knew about a brewery that was being constructed and allowed it to be completed for two reasons; 1) to catch them “red handed” in the act of brewing their first batch and 2) to allow them to go broke spending their investment for nothing, not to mention a tiny “boom” to the general economy for all the equipment and supplies needed for construction.  Sufficient to say, let them dum-dums dig their tunnel and nab them when they get to the point of “cutting the ribbon”.

It is quite sad that the “left” is doing all they can to delegitimized President Trump and his administration, because every time they do it comes right back into their faces and be ashamed.  However, they are never embarrassed and will grasp at any straws they can mustard and excuse themselves; yeah like they just farted and simply cannot hide the smell they left behind…

Saturday, February 18, 2017

February 18th 2017 Blog

President Trump continues to be an example on how to be a leader of a nation and to use a term usually exemplified for a computer program—“user friendly”.  It was rather surprising that Melania Trump gave an invocation to give recognition to Our Creator; kick-starting today’s rally.  This is quite unusual for beginning a rally, but I believe this magnifies the general feelings of those in attendance and refreshing.  There is no doubt that Melania Trump is setting an example of what it means to be the wife of the leader of the free world.

There was one time that President Lincoln declared a day of fasting and prayer for our nation, when it was politically polarized, mobilized troops as a “police action” against those who destroyed Federal Property, namely Fort Sumter, for which we know morphed into a war.  One might suppose that such a violent act could be construed as a “protest”.  We are currently not too far off from that very sad period of time in our history and one can only hope that this polarization will not morph into a type of “civil war”.  The following is an excerpt from my book titled: “What Difference Does It Make?!”

“It must be clearly understood as to the “why” President Lincoln sent troops to capture and punish those who protested violently and attacked Fort Sumter.  First we need to bring in the background.  Since the 1840’s there were controversies within the newly formed ‘States’ as to chose between being either a “free” or a “slave” State.  Without getting into the sorted details of this rather sad time in our history, for which many were needlessly killed for such a controversial political stand.  Lincoln during his bid for the Presidency had to deal with this issue.  He won the election, but at the same time the Southern States threatened cession if Lincoln were elected.  That threat became a reality when the Congressional Representatives of those States did not show up on the first Monday in December, as prescribed in Article I, Section 4, and Clause 2 of our Constitution.

Since there was no legislative branch of the government to provide protection for Federal Property, such as Fort Sumter; Lincoln executed the “Emergency War Powers Act” to provide that protection.  By the way, what Lincoln did was by ‘executive order’, which is only used for emergencies, when the legislative branch is absent.  The Confederacy started a shooting war, when they were engaged in a violent attack upon Fort Sumter.  Despite the fact the only causality was one horse, the “Emergency War Powers Act” gave Lincoln the authority to order troops to capture and punish the perpetrators.”

We and the courts should not be so quick to render President Trump’s Executive Order to ban immigration from certain terrorist harboring nations, as an act of discrimination.  The Statute is very clear as to President Trump’s action was sanctified by law from the legislature back in 1952, for which President Trump brought a copy of that statute; read it verbatim to his audience and declared that the courts had no standing in their outrageous ruling.  President Trump has all the intelligence from the various agencies, who supply him with information that deals specifically with the security of our nation—the courts have no such privilege, which is why the legislature gave that power to the President of the United States and act with impunity when applicable.

President Trump continues to blast the media for their impeachable bias and withstanding the mentioning the Demoncrats for dragging their feet when considering our President’s selections for uncompleted cabinet positions.  In regards to the media—perhaps President Trump could be a little more magnanimous towards the press and say to them that it would not be necessary to bad mouth them and just do their job, without the bias commentary… simple!

Friday, February 17, 2017

February 17th 2017 Blog

President Trump has done it again—causing even more controversy.  One must understand that in any controversy the truth lies within.  I watched the entire press conference yesterday and could not leave it for one moment.  I was utterly compelled to remain watching, because I wanted to hear what President Trump was going to say next.  All the network news agencies and most of the mainstream cable outlets were beside themselves with outrage over this epic press conference.  I believe that Obama and company have spoiled the press, that has morphed into a pathetic group of “cry babies”.

President Trump is playing hardball and most of the general media just cannot get over playing “softball” over the past 8 years.  I have a very short message for the media… “Get over it!”  President Trump was not only a serious candidate, but is also proving just how formidable and tireless he is working for the American People.

I believe the media is being over critical and needs to focus more about what is being accomplished, but it seems they have sided with the Demoncrats, throwing out all kinds of “stumbling blocks” in the way and needs to be more open-minded to President Trump’s “off the wall” style and celebrate the fact that this president is not going to allow anyone or group use him as a doormat.  The media needs to pay more attention to the pressing issues and job performance of those who are serving in this present administration and their respective offices, for which they are all well qualified.  Yes, there is a degree of fumbling, stumbling and regrouping from a political standpoint, but these people are more business-like and politics is merely “office gossip”.  

President Trump does not deserve the piss-poor treatment his is receiving from both the press and the Demoncrats.  President Trump aptly stated he “inherited a mess” and is spending quite a bit of time cleaning it up.  It is quite apparent many people including the media, were comfortable with that “mess” for 8 years.  Any competent commander is always concerned about the condition of his ship and he morale of his crew.  President Trump is no different, who has no fear of storms when they arrive and rides those storms with unswerving confidence.

Those on Capitol Hill have one basic complaint—they are doing all they can just to keep up with President Trump’s pace.  Forget about the Demoncrats; they complain about everything; dragging their feet over frivolous issues with President Trump’s choices for empty cabinet positions.  I have never witnessed more overnighters by any party during my adult lifetime of 45 years.  There have been 3 overnight confirmation hearings just in the past 2 weeks.  The real problem is the bitterness of the Demoncrats, no matter how one may slice it… it shows!  They have only themselves to blame, for their lack of substance and Hillary never had any focus on the issues, who did not much more than bad mouth candidate Trump at every turn.

In general, the American People are quite ignorant, but not stupid.  The electorate has had enough of the political posturing and the dramatic proof was overtly displayed at every Trump rally—and the fun never stops—President Trump is going to attend a third rally since his inauguration, but not without first making a stop in South Carolina, for a visit to a Boeing plant to view their newest plane and encourage all those in attendance.  It is my understanding that this is another Boeing gamble since the introduction of their Boeing 747 back in the early 70’s.  The test pilot of that first 747 did something that would be considered quite risky for such a huge aircraft, but apparently the pilot had every confidence to do a “victory roll” for all the spectators on the ground to view.  I do not expect such a display to take place for this new 787-10 and it is something of a gamble for a rather large aircraft, by employing carbon fiber for the entire plane, which is a 10 percent weigh savings over the traditional aluminum.

I am not alone in my assessment of all bureaucracies that have morphed into a forth branch of our government, for which a contributor to “The Weekly Standard” so aptly stated, but if you recall, I said it here first and previously in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  In view of our bureaucracies morphing into a forth branch of government—this has been fermenting in my mind for several years and I did specifically address this paradigm in my book, mainly to point out the true cause of both world wars.  On the surface, such a statement might be considered a non-sequitur, but I did directly tie them together.  For every effect there is a cause, but not the causes recorded in your school textbooks and this is also addressed in a prior blog.

I am rather sorely disappointed about the lack of feedback from this blog I have been writing for the past 3 months.  I also made such a statement in my book, inviting comment.  Okay, I can understand that one might be rather embarrassed to publicly comment; so here is my email address; and put "blog" in the subject line. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

February 16th 2017

I hate to say this, but I told you so… I was very clear in my assessment of the Trump Administration even before President Trump’s inauguration and that it would be an uphill struggle in order to “drain the swamp”.  At this point I need to say that the “swamp” is currently up to President Trump’s neck.  It is quite apparent that the corruption goes both wide and deep.  In my opinion, President Trump needs to at least start to do some serious purging, any moldy leftovers from the Obama Administration.  But this alone is not going to be enough, because there are pockets of power within our government that goes back as far as 1952, for which became known to the then President Eisenhower and passed this information to JFK, who had every intention to remove the corruption, but was assassinated 10 days after making that announcement.  This simply proves just how desperate these “pockets of power” will go, in order to maintain their very sensitive positions.

There is no doubt in my mind that if President Trump reaches too deeply into “the swamp”, those who occupy these very sensitive positions will have no compunction whatsoever to eliminate him, just as they did with JFK.  There is no one in Washington D.C. who will ever admit just how systemic the problem truly lies, because those in the know are fully aware just how dangerous it would be, to provide any hints to reveal the sources of the corruption.  There is so much activity going on just to clean up the mess the Obama Administration left behind, which will make it very difficult to focus on the removal of the ongoing subversion that has been going on in Washington, D.C. for more than 60 years.

Look my friends, no one who is high enough on the totem pole is going to be removed and will never allow themselves to become vulnerable or even close to being threatened, lest they be exposed; so rest assured these no-name “elites” are protected by pawns, who will either wittingly or unwittingly take the fall, thereby leaving these elites untouched.  This is the extreme of what it means to be “politically in control”.  

There is so much shenanigans going on that President Trump is becoming distracted, to the point of slowing things down, for which very little will be accomplished as long as this continues.  Do not expect these distractions to be quelled—it will be one after another—like putting out spontaneous fires, which takes time away from the more important matters.

There is so much brouhaha going on about ObamaCare that we fail to see what is really lurking at the center of all this controversy.  In order to get a proper perspective on this particular situation, we need to go back more than 80 years, when the Social Security Act had taken place.  The Social Security Act was implemented in the “guise” of protecting elderly people from financial disaster.  The “death benefit” (in 1933) was set at $255, in order to cover funeral costs and that figure never changed since that time and today will not even pay for a burial plot.  It is interesting to note that the mortality rate for elderly people was about 62 years in age and the Social Security “benefits” in regards to retirement was set at age 65; so no one can tell me that his “fund” was strictly for the elderly and it became known that our legislatures have dipped into these funds to satisfy their “pork barrel” projects for their local constituents.

One also needs to understand it was the Demoncrats who have morphed the Social Security System into a “sacred cow” and therefore it is the Demoncrats who have taken ownership of this “system”, in order to make them the heroes, whenever Social Security was ever threatened even in the smallest way by those in the opposite isle.  Now that you have some background, it is the Demoncrats who have taken responsibility for the “savior” or our deteriorating health care system, which by the way could have easily been fixed by just one venue and not the mess that it developed into.  

But apparently, because the Demoncrats have been losing “political ground”, they needed another “sacred cow” and the ACA or ObamaCare became the venue they were praying for and for at least the following 6 years since 2010, when the ACA became a so-called “law”, they again have become heroes.  This is why they are vehemently opposed to any changes coming from the opposite isle and will defend ObamaCare even if it implodes, or in my view, “sudden death” and will make the Republicans the blame for the Demoncrats own shortsightedness.

Now my friends, I just stated above a certain phrase that many or all of you simply do not understand and that is “so-called law”.  The ACA or ObamaCare has been touted as “the law of the land”, but from a technical point of view that is an absolute lie!  A “law of the land” would be a constitutional amendment, for which this is not…why…because Obama could not wait for a constitutional convention to take place to consider the matter of government controlled “health care” and would expose the ACA as a fraud, when reading through the 2000 plus pages of the proposed law.  This is why Nancy Pelosi poising herself as a “statesman” said to Congress and in front of the rolling cameras, “We must pass this before we read it.”  In my estimation, this statement by itself merits her dismissal as a viable legislature, but her constituents back home has put her up on a pedestal, consequently re-electing her.

Now to the heart of the matter, as to being the so-called “law of the land”.  Just by virtue that we are required to “sign up” for the ACA is not the touted “law of the land”… no my friends, this is what is called “administrative” or “contract law”, which is voluntary.  There is not one “voluntary” thing in our Constitution, for our Constitution is the “Rule of Law” and it was specifically designed to limit the reach of government into our private lives.  However, it has been the BAR Association and the Progressives who teach law in our colleges, who have morphed the Constitution to be a living document, for which it is not, but they will vehemently defend their stand to their own demise, for which our Forefathers would label all such talk as treason!  It is the difference in these two venues that inspired the title and contents of my book, “What Difference Does It Make?!”   

I have stated before that the BAR is a foreign Communistic organization, which is a union of attorneys who must be a member, in order to practice law in the United States.  There is no such thing as a “specific” license to practice law.  An attorney will apply for a State issued business license for the practice of law, which is the same as a tradesman who applies for license to peddle his/her trade (such as a plumber or electrician) in a particular State.  

President Trump has not allowed the general press continues to lie with impunity, but as I stated in a prior blog; the general media to a high degree is controlled and has been for decades.  There has to be an understanding that there is a war going on, where no blood is spilled; there is no destruction of property and no hostages taken—that war is a war for the control over our minds.  Always remember these two things; 1) the first casualty in any war is the truth and 2) anything political is planned.

I will not stand by and allow ignorance to become the creed of our countrymen.  It is for this very reason that I have produced this blog and the one very important book I have written, “What Difference Does It Make?!” because the two venues of law we are living under must be fully understood if we are to be truly free people in a purported “free society”, because my friends, we are not truly free when we have law that finds us guilty, despite our Constitution, for which we are no longer a party, technically speaking.  And it is this “technicality” that drags us into our “commercial courts”, making us pay for something, for which only the “State” (which is a corporation) is the injured party and not a human being.  I have yet to have anyone challenge me to any degree a debate for these matters of law.  

I am not an ogre and I am not here to belittle anyone at anytime, but facts are facts and yes, the law and society is a black and white venue (not referring to racism) for which there is either right or wrong!  Therefore, I will not apologize for anything here, unless I am demonstrably proven to be wrong.  Let me repeat… I am not in any venue an attorney, but my 20 years plus in the study of law and practicing it in my own way as to my unique understanding of what is really going on and allows me to communicate in this fashion.  I can only apologize for the lengths I will go to, in order to make things as clear as possible and provide as much explanation, as possible, without mincing words.  I want to thank all of you who read this blog and maybe provide a better understanding.   

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February 15th 2017 Blog

In the words of John Cleese from Monty Python; “And now for something completely different.”  This is in reference to President Trump’s meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu and you would be hard-pressed to find this particular information elsewhere.  In addition, there is no one from the plethora of media outlets talking about it, with perhaps two exceptions… Hal Lindsey; maybe John Haggee and the TV program “Tomorrow’s World”.

Just to be clear; all the information you will see here is all “Biblical”, so if you have an aversion to this source of information, then you do not need to read this blog… at least for today. 

I will start with the secular point of view.  There is quite a dispute and controversy as to the land known as the “West Bank”, which is located at the eastern edge of Jerusalem.  This particular stretch of land was won by Israel back in the war of 1967 and 1973 and is considered a “spoil of war”, for which under International Law is a no-no, according to Arend cited the Annex to the Hague Convention of 1907 on the Laws and Customs of War, which says that "private property ... must be respected (and) cannot be confiscated." It also says that "pillage is formally forbidden."  Guess what… this is not what Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin agreed upon once WII was ended in Europe and the Soviet Union was able to gain full control over Eastern Europe.  Based upon this precedent, I would have to say that Israel had every right to all the land they spilled blood upon during those two wars.  If indeed, this “claim” is disputed, I would be quick to remind the concerned parties of what happened ex post facto of the Hague Convention.

In my opinion, as well as President Trump’s, “To the victor belongs the spoils of war,” which is why candidate Trump did not bat an eye about confiscating Iraq’s oil when we conquered it.  We spilled our blood there, as did the Russians in Eastern Europe… so why not?  There is more to this, because the Russians did suffer 7 invasions throughout their history, such as the Vikings, the Teutonic Knights and ending with Hitler.  Therefore Russia had a valid claim to Eastern Europe for “punitive damages”.  And therefore I would vehemently support Israel’s claim to the West Bank.

There is just one more secular point to be made.  Some of you might remember back in 1995-1996, there was a proposal from the international community, in regards to Israel and a possibility for a settlement.  And that proposal was “Land for Peace”.  At the time, I was already predisposed as to how this was going to end and found this proposal very amusing, for the simple reason that was not going to end in peace… guess what folks, I was absolutely correct!  Anyone who desires “peace” wants that peace on their own terms.  And in this case the Palestinians would not accept anything less than the expulsion of every Jew from the Land of Israel.  Therefore, no matter what might be proposed in regards to having “two states”, will not ever bring peace between Israel and the Palestinians.  In the end, there can only be one who will prevail and according to the God who created everything… I will give you just one guess who that will be.

There is one specific prophecy that must be fulfilled, before God’s Kingdom is established upon the Earth… the Temple will be rebuilt, where it once stood.  Anyone care to guess or know where that is supposed to be located?  It is this specific prophecy that spells the end of the overt Palestinian occupation.  There is not one nation or group of nations that can stop God’s prophecies from coming to pass.  This is why I laughed at the prospect of any so-called “peace proposal” regarding Israel and the Palestinians.

Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; let him who is on the housetop not go down to get the things out that are in his house; and let him who is in the field not turn back to get his cloak. (Matthew 24:15-18)

And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate. (Daniel 9:27)

Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 NAS)

I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, "Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count the worshipers there. But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. (Revelation 11:1-2)

These last two prophecies, as well as the first one I cited, concerns what will happen to the Temple during the last half of the “Great Tribulation”.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

February 14th 2017 Blog

As Darth Vader once remarked, “There is a disturbance in the Force.”  I am referring to the resignation of Michael Flynn, which will most certainly shift the focus of maintaining the business of our nation, to the defense of the Office of the Presidency.  The Demoncrats are at it again, for which they simply could not resist the smell of blood in the water.  They have every intention to topple President Trump’s Administration as well as President Trump himself.  They did mention that perhaps what occurred in the White House, in regards to the events leading up to Flynn’s resignation, might be construed as an “impeachable offense”.  This is not surprising to me in the least, for I did say in a prior blog; mention the fact that President Trump will face a daunting uphill battle against many of those who have control over much of the money and power in Washington D.C.

Now President Trump has the daunting task of replacing his security advisor, for which three names are being considered.  This position is very important in terms of security for our government and the entire nation.  And I truly believe that President Trump needs a political advisor; a real insider, such as Newt Gingrich.  Mike Pence is a valuable help, but not so much as an insider as Newt Gingrich.  

The Demoncrats have connections to many Washington insiders, who are the ones who truly control much of what happens in regards to the eventual demise of our nation and change it to a socialized government, which by the way is what happened to Rome, just prior to their downfall.  There was much clamor about entitlements, for which the public became to a high degree “apathetic” and allowed the military to deteriorate and then the borders were overrun by the Barbarians. 

Obama has allowed the military to deteriorate to the point that our standing army is less than it was just after WWII.  He retired 5 aircraft carriers that have been decommissioned and sitting at Norfolk; 18 percent of our Tornado fighter jets are operational and morale has at all time low.  Many millions are receiving entitlements in one form or another and eventually these people will become apathetic, because they firmly believe that they are owed a living and virtually there is no need to go to work; then they become fat and lazy, which is what happened to the Greeks. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13th 2017 Blog

It seems that President Trump is in a quandary about General Michael Flynn.  If President Trump fires him, he will lose a valuable asset to his staff.  If he keeps him on, he may suffer from all the political flack from the Democrats.  Apparently the investigation was completed, which is why President Trump is not pleased.  There was also a rumor floating around that he might consider General Petraeus to replace him.  However, there may also be some political flack from that choice as well, because of Petraeus was found guilty of leaking classified documents and fined $100,000.  Not exactly something that would be taken kindly on a resume.

What really should be of great concern are the White House leaks and a particular security leak from a secret meeting at Trump Towers that even his secretary was not aware.  There is either a traitor in his midst or a “bug” planted someplace.

President Trump’s cabinet is nearing completion and not too soon.  I believe his Executive Order to ban travel for certain people would have been better rolled out if he had his Attorney General confirmed at the time, or perhaps waited for Sessions to be confirmed before executing that Executive Order.  It is now known that President Trump is going to issue a revised Executive Order, in order to clarify the venue and agenda to satisfy the Liberal court, which should never had been necessary if all those concerned would just let President Trump do the job we hired him for; to protect and serve the American People and not allow possible subversives to enter, who will cause nothing but murder, suffering and destruction, which by the way is not too far off from what American protesters are currently practicing all over this nation and getting paid to do it!
Why I wrote “What Difference Does It Make?!”

I have written this book because I am uniquely qualified to do so, but there is another even more important reason; we American People simply do not have even a rudimentary understanding of what law is or what it means.  We just do what most people do and that is to hire an attorney, who is supposed to know the law, but it would greatly surprise many that most attorneys are not truly interested in their clients.  We are as a common denominator “commercial chattel”.  We are merely a “human resource” that is taxed to the nth degree and fleeced by our courts.

Attorneys have 4 agendas; 1) the BAR; 2) the court; 3) money; 4) the client, all in that order!  If you are charged with a so-called “crime”, unless it is a capital offense it is deemed a “civil action”.  In such cases the best an attorney can do for you are plea bargains, but it will still cost you something.  You could, if you dare represent yourself in court.  It has been said that a person who represents him/herself in court, has a fool for a client, but this phrase was promulgated by attorneys, in order to hide the truth.  Mind you, one cannot represent one’s self without the correct knowledge and fully understanding court proceedings.  For when going to court, on your own, you must know exactly what you are doing and exactly why you are doing it, which is going to require doing your homework.

Having the correct knowledge can mean the difference between freedom and slavery.  Perhaps “ignorance is bliss”, but when being hauled off to jail and declaring yourself incompetent by hiring an attorney might set well with most people, for the simple reason that they do not know any better.  Perhaps that particular “phrase” is comforting to most people, because it “sounds good”, but can be dangerous.  I am here to tell you that the danger is quite real and will affect most of the Western World fairly quickly.  

I call these people “Joe Six-Packs” and “Jane Wine Coolers”.  Law is purported to be rather complex, but that is only because of the BAR, which is a foreign Communist organization and court rules that vary from one court to another.  So as one can see our courts have been corrupted by Communists.  Some courts do have their court rules in printed form, but many other courts make up their own rules as they meet resistance from people like me who can defend themselves.  There are thousands of court cases when people defend themselves, but we do not hear about them, especially when the defendants win!  There was one on youtube, when the judge was so lost with the defendant that she left the courtroom.  The man knew what he was up against and was properly prepared.  This is what I meant by knowing exactly what you are doing and exactly why you are doing it.  I said this twice now, only because it bears repeating and your Bibles are no different.  Without an understanding as to the “why” you are doing something, you would be lost.  Knowledge without wisdom will yield very little.

By reading this book, you can have at least a rudimentary understanding of law and with a little more study that goes beyond this book can make one know what freedom truly means.  I am not an attorney, even though my studies in law have gone beyond 20 years and I do not want to become a “union member” of the Communist organization known as the BAR.  One’s BAR membership is the so-called “license” to practice law, for there is no such thing as a license to practice law.  One must apply for a State issued business license in the practice of law, but it is not an overt “license to practice law”.  Look at the 6th Amendment of our Constitution.  Tell me if you can see any place it says you must have an “attorney” represent you.  It simply states that you have the “assistance of Counsel”, which can be anyone you choose, including yourself, because “Counsel” is not defined!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 12th 2017 Blog

The media is now asking questions that project a narrative that puts a narrow set of thoughts in the minds of the public—a kind of public brainwashing.  This paradigm creates a type of “tunnel vision” and any other thought of fact will be met with protest.  I am specifically referring to what the media has been feasting upon like a pack of wolves, as to Michael Flynn’s conversation with the Russians, prior to Trump’s inauguration.  The fact that this particular “conversation” was discovered by the media does not bother me.  But what does bother me is how the media is spinning it, without first allowing a full investigation to first take place.

There is a stark contrast between the Trump Administration and the Obama Administration.  First of all, it was Obama who declared that his administration would be the most transparent.  Nothing could be further from the truth, for which we can cite at least two events; 1.7 billion dollars paid in cash to Iran, delivered just short of hostages being released… hardly a coincidence.  The second one is the so-called “Nuclear Deal” that was touted as a “treaty” is merely a “political agreement” between the then President Obama and Iran.  If it were a formal treaty, it must be approved by a 2/3 vote from the Senate.  Iran is the enemy of any nation who is not Islamic and one can hardly believe that any treaty between a Muslim nation and a non-Muslim nation is going to be adhering… does “Death to America” give us a hint?

In terms of “impact” it is the controversial ACA or ObamaCare, for which Nancy Pelosi had the gall to announce in the House of Representatives… “We must pass this before reading it.”  Now tell me; who in their right mind would sign a contract before reading the “terms and conditions”?  One Representative did read it and stated “You do not want this.”  It is a proven fact that anything the government touches is going to cost far more than anyone can possibly project.  Another very important fact that many did not have a clue, only because it was purposely omitted by the MSM, which all medical decisions were going to be made by bureaucrats and not doctors.  Now we have a medical man who is in charge of Health and Human Services.

With the Trump Administration, the shower door is not made from obscure glass.  President Trump has been very courteous by inviting the media for numerous meetings and in the signing of Executive Orders.  Name one Executive Order that Obama invited the media?  President Trump has also employed the daily use of his Twitter Account, which should incense the media because it “scoops” every news organization.

There is no doubt that there are times when President Trump produces “tweets” that may not be entirely factual and needs to apply a little more temperament or thought when tweeting.  The only time when Obama has been the most transparent is when he has made a military decision, allowing the enemy to know what is going to happen, so they can promptly prepare for it.  President Trump has made no announcements, except the fact that we are going to kick some Isis ass!  The question of how and when will let Isis sweat for a change.

Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10th 2017 Blog

President Trump has lost a battle with the Ninth Circuit Court.  The court’s argument is 29 pages of unsubstantiated rhetoric and does not include the statute that President Trump has the demonstrable power to block or ban immigration from any nation or group.  There is no doubt that the Ninth Circuit Court is in-step with the Demoncrats, in exercising “political posturing”, in order to at least slow down, if not stop the Trump Administration from outdoing his predecessor or Demoncrats, who have lost a substantial amount of political ground this last election.  The Demoncrats are frightened at the prospect of becoming irrelevant, because they have lost 1000 seats all across the nation in the past 8 years.

It has been suggested that President Trump re-issue the executive order to exclude those of legal status, to be able to travel to and back from those nations that the temporary ban has targeted.  For the moment, President Trump has decided to take the bull by the horns and fight for his original order.  In my opinion this is not a wise move and should bite the bullet to re-issue the order to satisfy the courts that those of legal status will not be affected by the order… simple!  In addition, it is also my opinion that President Trump seemingly considers himself as a CEO.  However, cooperation is a two-way street.  He must also realize that he has a hand-picked administration and should make more use to delegate responsibilities, mitigate political protocol and communicate more closely with the other 2 branches of our government.

President Trump’s intentions are indeed laudable, but he needs to be more politically circumspect.  The presidency is quite new to Donald Trump and perhaps needs to make a better self-assessment of his role.  Even his closest advisers may not be as politically astute as they need to be, but with one exception… his Vice President.  I can only guess that his advisers are apprehensive to use constructive criticism from a “political” standpoint.  I hope my “guess” is not the case, because President Trump did make his “picks” from the venue of competency and not from a venue of being politically astute.  This will work in a business environment, but it does not seem to be working as well as it should be in a “political” environment.

We now have a highly qualified Secretary of Health and Human Services, who will be the point-man in the controversial Affordable Care Act, dubbed as ObamaCare.  It is interesting to take note that many people do not know there is no difference between the ACA and ObamaCare.  Such an assessment proves just how ignorant many people are.  Placing blame is not the answer, because I am a product of a public education and a former viewer of network news.  If you remember in a prior blog, you know that I criticized education as being government controlled and the MSM is also firmly controlled, in order the maintain the integrity of “The Matrix”.  However, I have personally taken upon myself a little more responsibility and expanded my education to include my own research that goes back to grade school.  This made me a peculiar type person with few friends, but did participate with my friends as much as possible.  There was something else at work beside my “peculiar behavior” and stems from a spiritual venue and would rather not explain, because this is not the place for such a discussion.  And “No”, it is not from a religious venue.        

Thursday, February 9, 2017

February 9th 2017 Blog

Matt Drudge has decided to keep the Republicans in check, which I believe is rather premature.  Drudge is complaining that the Republicans need to move on with the campaign promise of “repeal and replace” ObamaCare and “tax reform”.  We are merely 3 weeks into a new administration and perhaps need to be reminded that Rome was not built in 3 or 4 weeks time.  In addition, way too much time has been spent on the confirmation of much needed cabinet positions, in order to provide proper protocol for a smooth running administration.  The Demoncrats are purposely holding these confirmations up, to disrupt and in a subtle way condemn President Trump’s agenda, not to mention the great disappointment that Hitlary was denied her throne.

President Trump has been moving along at nearly break-neck speed; working tirelessly, for which his highest priorities are the safety and security of the American People and the Economy; specifically jobs.  Jobs will provide security to American workers and increase revenue for the government for what we need to secure the nation.

I was both disappointed, but not surprised at the decision of the Ninth Circuit Court, to continue the suspension of President Trump’s temporary immigration ban.  Yes, there is no doubt that the “roll out” could have been made not to inconvenience lawful travel of individuals who should have been exempt from the ban.  President Trump is more acclimated to a business environment and needs some temperament to be more familiar with “political protocol”.  Before issuing his executive order for the ban, he should have all those who are delegated to implementing the ban, with him when signing the order.  He should have had the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of State and the entire Senate Committee on Foreign Relations present at the signing.  

Now this case will be presented to the Supreme Court, but I full well expect the Supreme Court to reject a hearing, based upon the lack of the merits of the case, in addition to the unquestionable power of the Office of the Presidency to institute the ban.  This means they will remand the case back to the lower courts.  The Justice Department will have to provide the defense and will focus on the merits of the case.  The Ninth Circuit Court will have to provide the specific injuries that occurred because of the ban, for which there are none that can be clearly evidenced.  

The Federal Judge and the Ninth Circuit Court are just as involved in “political posturing” as the Demoncrats are in the cabinet hearings.  The Statute that has given immigration ban power to the Presidency is the paramount issue.  According to Article I, Section 8, clause 15 of the Constitution; it is the distinct duly of the legislature to provide whatever remedy is needed to regulate immigration, for which the legislature back in 1952, put forth the Statute giving complete and unswerving power to the Office of the Presidency to institute an immigration ban.  It is very important to note that even the legislature is not involved in the same security briefings as the President and probably the very reason why the legislature gave that power to the Office of the Presidency in the first place. 
February 8th 2017 Blog

It should be very disturbing that there is so much political posturing, all in the name of globalism and multi-culturalism…why now?  There is no doubt that there is still exists a great disappointment with the past presidential election.  But such an overt display of resentment has never been so prevalent in all American History and the stakes could never be higher in terms of safety and security.

President Trump issued a temporary travel ban aimed at 7 nations, for which were identified by the previous Obama Administration.  This travel ban had to be initiated because of the lack of vetting or immigrants coming from that particular region.  An open door policy is a very dangerous proposition, especially when radical Islamic idealism has vowed to destroy us.

Now the politically active courts and so-called “justices” have decided that President Trump’s travel ban is a “religious” ban.  It just so happens that those 7 nations are predominately Muslim.  During the Obama Administration, both the State Department and Homeland Security had lowered the bar in terms of vetting, essentially allowing invaders to infiltrate our society causing political disruption not to mention Shariah Law into our system, using terror and murder, which provides a platform of fear.  

There is one thing that President Trump has that the courts do not have; “security briefings”, which is one reason why Congress gave the Office of the Presidency the power to proclaim an immigration ban, without regard to their religion or anything other possible venue that might be construed as being discrimination or racism.  In other words, the President is “God”, when it comes to immigration.  I do not want the reader of this particular blog to be dismayed, because this decision by President Trump comes from the lack of digression by the previous administration.  

In addition, the Obama Administration made no moves to countermeasure threats and attacks on the American Public and then diluting the venue of those attacks as “workplace violence”.  Obama could never utter the phrase, “Radical Islamic Terrorism”, so as to not offend and possibly provoke them into more acts of terror and murder, which is a bunch of crap.  The only thing that a violent people will respect is a direct confrontation.  If you recall in a prior blog, I mentioned that the father of the Arabs was Ishmael, who was aptly described as a “wild ass of a man”, for which we have seen many demonstrations of this overt behavior.

All the protests, mindless chanting and picket signs of hate for President Trump cannot “just happen”.  Everything that has taken place requires funding and all that funding comes from a declared Communist named George Soros.  These protestors are risking arrest, jail time and fines, so they are not protesting from a venue of passion.  They do it because they are paid to do it and in at least in my view, these people must also be unemployed and are not going to turn down a generous offer.

As long as we allow these violent protests to take place, without consequences, they will continue to escalate, become more brazen and overt. 
February 7th 2017 Blog

Well, the Senate allowed the “Nuclear Option” to take place.  We now have the first “radioactive” cabinet member in place.  Everything the Demoncratic Senators have done has been nothing more than “political posturing”, which one might suppose is going to make “political points” back in their home States.  Perhaps, but from a practical standpoint is nothing more than “foot dragging” and making us vulnerable as a nation, when cabinet positions are not filled.  Politics will always overshadow sound judgment.

Two Republican Senators were recipients of donations made from the NEA.  The NEA is a bureaucratic organization, endowed with a degree of political power, which has nothing to do with the superior education of our children, for which they allow our children to be “dumb downed”, with political correctness, sex education and multi-culturalism, not mention being drugged to keep them in line with the social-political agenda, when they ask questions that are embarrassing to the so-called “authorities”.

A Rothchild stated in not these exact words, but “Control of the money will overcome any law.”  This has been true no matter the era or civilization that ever existed.  We are witnesses to this systemic fact during the Senate committee meetings and the subsequent vote for the Secretary of Education.  Two Republican Senators have broken ranks for a “No” vote for Betsy DeVos, because of past contributions from the NEA.

The NEA is a very powerful organization and have no problem sacrificing the right education of our children for the sake of political power.  The teachers union is also complaisant in this venue and they are losing membership.  Adding fuel to this fire is the fact that now 28 States are “Right to Work” States, for which Missouri is the most recent addition, taking their cue from surrounding States.

The education of our children is paramount that will define the future of any nation.  There are many places in America, especially in urban areas that education has not only failing students, but also short changing all Americans.  Education has morphed into a “political hotbed” of controversy, which by itself is a huge mistake.  This same type of mistake that was made during the Vietnam Era; when the politicians were running the war, instead of trusting their generals.  In any war, your field commanders should be the last word for a decisive victory.  Even Patton had to deal with “political considerations” during WWII, which he at times publically resented.   

The protestors and consequential riots are part of a concerted effort to change the venue of government to a state of anarchy, which is being funded by a communist named George Soros, who during WWII was a Nazi colloberator.

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6th 2017 Blog

There has been a lot of attention going on with President Trump’s lawful order to put off immigrating people from 7 hotbeds of terrorism in the Middle East.  The most recent is a Federal Judge in Washington State, who has ruled to rescind President Trump’s order.  In order to make sense of this, we need to put the entire issue into proper perspective.  First of all, this judge does not have security clearance, in order to know what is being discussed in the Oval Office, in regards to national security.  The second thing is that President Trump is just doing his job by protecting us not only as a nation, but also individual Americans who deserve security from the importing of potential outlaws. 

The Obama Administration, employees in both the State Department and Homeland Security have dropped the ball as far as proper vetting is concerned and just allowing any Tom, Dick or Mary into the United States and financing their stay as well.  Who is paying for their flight tickets, their food, clothing and shelter?  Very few of these people have jobs waiting for them.  That is of course if their skills are more advanced than qualified Americans, who cannot find work.  In my view, all these people should be in safe zone in their respective countries and given a choice; 1) stay confined in their safe zone or 2) take up arms and reclaim what was once their land.  If this venue were happening in the United States, would you not take up arms to get your property back?

Yes, they have the right to be granted asylum, if indeed it is proven they are being politically prosecuted, but do not think for one moment that they have any constitutional rights before reaching American soil.  Women and children can be just as evil as any man and in fact Muslim children are being kidnapped, indoctrinated and smuggled into European nations as radicals and no doubt that could be done in the United States as well.

You want to call President Trump’s executive order a ban?  That is just fine with me, because President Trump is not doing anything more than past presidents have practiced.  The basic problem is the total ignorance of many Americans who are not aware of many things that related to national security.  The schools and the media are also complacent with the status quo of the previous Obama Administration and just adds fuel to the fire of protests of mindless chants and unprecedented violence, for which almost cost a man his life when being transported in an ambulance, with protesters blocking the way and a life-saving procedure was conducted in the ambulance instead of the hospital.  This happened in the City of New Haven, Connecticut yesterday.  If you did not hear about this, why should you not be surprised, because of the media’s blocking of such news, which would cast a large shadow over these protests?

Alright then, where is our allegiance? Is it going to be with the protestors or with the lawful election and policies of the Trump Administration?  As President Trump stated in his inaugural speech, “A nation without borders is not a nation,” in other words, the occupation of land.  This is just one of three venues that constitute the definition of a nation.  The other two are the people and its laws.  We are supposed to be a “lawful” nation, but this changing because of a cultural revolution that started with the Johnson Administration.  But then again, I have already stated that there is a shadow government that has every intention in the destruction of the United States as a sovereign nation.

A much better description of a “shadow government” is what I call “The Matrix”, which is a created reality.  A cultural revolution can be seriously considered the creation of a reality; the seeds of which were planted in the 60's and has grown out of control as we are witnessing to this day.  Again, as I stated in previous blogs; the cause is only a handful of people who really control the world and all that control comes in the form of money.  Laws mean nothing with the overt control over the money, because money can buy anything.  This is why the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and the middle class is almost non-existent.  We are quickly morphing into a third world type nation.  We can only hope that some sanity will take hold and be rescued from the ignorance that is so prevalent in our society.