Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 31st 2017 Blog

There is something that many people outside Russia, who do not understand Russian heritage. It was the Vikings who conquered Russia about the same time they invaded Europe.  The Vikings noticed how disunited the Russian people were as a nation and began to be involved in politics.  Much of Russia is genetically predisposed as to having a "Viking" mentality and given way to be known as a "Bear", in regards to their geo-political stand and will never change.

Therefore, if the United States is weak or in a weakened position, Russia will take advantage, but if the United States maintains a strong presence or stand, Russia will back down, as they did during the Cuban missile crisis. As long as we maintain a strong and decisive stand against Russia, we will never be in danger of a direct attack from them.  But you see, it has been the shadow government of the United States that has used propaganda, in order to maintain a very high degree of defensive measures against a so-called "Soviet threat", but this was done to feed what Eisenhower described as the "Military Industrial Complex", who were directly responsible for our involvement in Vietnam, for which JFK tried to keep us out of that conflict, but with JFK out of the way, Johnson declared, "You now have your war," and when stating that was probably addressing the "Military Industrial Complex".  In regards to "Europe", they have socialized themselves into a corner, which has weakened them into allowing Russia to take over Crimea.  NATO could have intervened, but Obama did nothing to encourage any such action.  There is no doubt that the United States is the undisputed leader of NATO, for without our lead, the other member States will flounder.

Is the Treasury Department lying to us?

Maybe not lying, but skewing the facts. Statistics can be made to read anyway one wants.  And as a general once stated, "The government has to lie in order to protect itself." and "Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force!  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." George Washington.  Whenever the government talks about "national security" it is talking about security for our fraudulent government, which is why we have 17 different bureaucracies to protect the government!  The American People are just "Pawns", for it was Snowden who told the truth about how the NSA spies on the American People.  It is a simple matter of protecting the government, which is how and why they have so much power over us and will never relinquish that power unless forced to do so.  

Legislatures are declaring President Trump’s executive order to temporarily stop immigrants coming from 7 nations, for which Obama has previously identified as “terrorist states” in 2011.  President Trump has the constitutional authority to put forth this latest so-called “controversial measure”.  One might believe that this was done in order to fulfill a campaign promise, but it is much more than just that.  This particular “executive order” is slated to be effective for the next 120 days, which the Trump Administration believes this will be sufficient time to re-evaluate and make appropriate changes to the failed vetting process we currently have.

The Demoncrats are vehemently opposed to this action…why…because it did not come from them and are using their opposition as a political lever and that they claim is unconstitutional.  My response to this “declaration”, I say this; if indeed what President Trump ordered is unconstitutional, then formally charge him specifically with, “Perjury of Oath”.  This is a very serious charge and is an impeachable offense, but there is simply no evidence to support this “charge” and they emphatically know this.  The Demoncrats are doing this get media attention and public support, but if it is presented in Federal Court, it will be thrown out because there is no merit to the case.  The Demoncrats and their followers are in it strictly to generate “political profits”.

In defense of the opposition to the above action of the Trump Administration; he could have what would be the equivalent to a “board meeting”, with all the pertinent members of his cabinet and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  President Trump comes strictly from a business background and gets things done.  Now President Trump is playing in a new ball game, which requires a degree of political protocol.  Yes, these “protocols” slow things down sometimes in significant ways.  Those who do understand “political protocol” have weighed in by saying President Trump could have acted more responsibly and causing confusion to those who had to deal directly with these new orders.

The backlash is sparking resistance from some very large businesses such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft, who are supporting lawsuits.  These “lawsuits” are just more “political posturing” and have no merit, which will become quite evident when presented to the courts for evaluation.  However, as far as the “Left” is concerned, it is getting lots of attention from many ignorant people.   

Monday, January 30, 2017

January 30th 2017 Blog

The media has again put its foot in its mouth again, by allowing the leftists and some government officials to criticizing Trump’s ban from 7 nations, that Obama had on a list back in 2011.  Now we know all Americans in General have very short memories, or are just allowing the “news de jure” to continue to de-legitimatize Trump’s election.  The MSM will “…strain out a gnat, but swallow a camel,” a biblical quote when Yeshua was questioned about tithing.  And it seems like Schumer is attempting to break into Hollywood, with his pathetic display of what we are doing to Muslims, with a Muslim family poised behind him.

The following is from today’s “Horn News”, so pay attention and perhaps we can all learn just how short our memories truly are!

5 secret truths behind Trump’s immigration order
President Donald Trump is vigorously defending his immigration restrictions, as angry protests spread throughout the country, saying “this is about terror and keeping our country safe.”  Trump released a statement Monday asserting, “To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting.”  He’s right.  Despite the mainstream media outcry, the administration’s move is totally legal.  In fact, it’s actually very standard… and that truth is what the media is hiding in their condemnation of Trump.  Actually, it’s five truths. Because five out of the last six presidents of the United States have done almost the same exact thing.
 Where was the media outrage when former President Barack Obama banned Iraqi immigrants in 2011 for six months, and in 2012 barred the entry of persons that have worked with the Iranian and Syrian government?  Where was this fury when former President George W. Bush and former President Bill Clinton each used the authority six times; Clinton banned Haitians in 1991 and residents of Serra Leone in 1998, if they were related to anyone involved in that country’s ruling government – where were the accusations of racism from Democrats?
Former President Ronald Reagan used this same authority five times; the media won’t mention that, of course.
 And in 1980, former President Jimmy Carter used it to ban Iranians from entering the United States. His executive order suspended “all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States,” and said the U.S. government “will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires.”
 Trump’s order, which also suspends refugee admissions for 120 days and indefinitely bars the processing of refugees from Syria, has sparked widespread protests and denunciations from the same Democrats and talking heads in the mainstream media that cheered Carter and Obama and Clinton’s actions.
 And they’re ignoring the truth – this has been done many, many times in the past.
 It’s totally legal, according to section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 which states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”
 To their credit, the Trump administration has remained unfazed by the unfair coverage.  “America is a proud nation of immigrants and we will continue to show compassion to those fleeing oppression,” Trump said, “but we will do so while protecting our own citizens and border. This is not about religion — this is about terror and keeping our country safe.”
 “I have tremendous feeling for the people involved in this horrific humanitarian crisis in Syria,” he said. “My first priority will always be to protect and serve our country, but as President I will find ways to help those who are suffering.”
 In a background call with reporters Sunday, a senior administration official declared the order’s implementation “a massive success story,” claiming it had been done “seamlessly and with extraordinary professionalism.”
Any questions?  I did not think so…
What the MSM really needs to do is focus more on “critical issues” rather than “cultural issues”.  The same is true when it comes time for a choice of a replacement Supreme Court Justice.  And the Supreme Court itself is also guilty of having a focus on “cultural issues” rather than points of “constitutional law”, for which is their true “mission statement”!
 Let us see just how focused the Demoncrats are going to be as to what is sorely needed, in order to maintain the “Rule of Law” for the entire nation, as opposed to the political posturing that they overtly display.


Saturday, January 28, 2017

January 28th 2017 Blog

There is a systemic reason why we in the United States are the unhealthiest of any other country on the planet.  Our food and so-called “food products” are contaminated with toxins and that problem is being exasperated with GMO crops, which contain built-in pesticides that we ingest and raises havoc with our digestive system.

Drugs are the answer according to Big Pharma, whose ads are just as prolific as cigarette ads were in the 1960s.  “Big Pharma”… you have a problem and we have a drug for it; now isn’t that just lovely and quite convenient.  Those drugs are far more toxic than cigarettes.  Although they may not cause cancer; they do however have many side effects they must list by law in the advertising.  But I am quite sure that many who view these ads might be more apt to believe how happy everyone seems to be in those commercials, because these drugs gave them a new life, or did they…?

It might be prudent to listen carefully to all the possible “side effects” or perhaps “unintended consequences” for consuming these drugs.  One could hardly believe how those “happy people” depicted in those ads would be, if just one of those “side effects” hit home.  It might interest you to know that we often hear about the deaths of those who use illegal drugs, but we hear nothing about the deaths in the consumption of legal drugs, which by the way are at least 150,000 lives per year.  That figure does not include those who were adversely affected in other ways.  Big Pharma does not care, because they are only interested in the billions in obscene profits their drugs are generating.  The FDA is no help either, because the FDA is administered by those who were former executives of Big Pharma.  And recent legislation has made both Big Pharma and the FDA even more dangerous, because the testing process of new drugs is going to be accelerated, in order to get them approved more quickly.

All food markets have the same basic design—all the produce, meat and dairy are all located on the back and side walls.  All processed foods are located in the middle isles, which nearly all of them contain, some form of poison.  And no matter how minute they may be, are still foreign to a healthy body.  The human body was designed to be healthy… not sick!  Your tap water also contains various poisons that escape normal water processing.  Therefore when I prepare pasta, which absorbs water, I use only filtered water and never bottled water.  Personally, I use a special water filter that is so effective, I can use water from the street!

Friday, January 27, 2017

January 27th 2017 Blog

There are only two overt actions that happen between nations; it is either trading goods or trading bombs.  These are the only two options that any two or more nations need to consider, when they are negotiating trade deals.  The premise needed is to choose one or the other, for this is what Trump and Putin need to seriously consider when coming to the table and hammering out a deal that will satisfy both parties.  The same will be true with Mexico, China and anyone else who must consider the consequences of the current unbalance in trade.  This is also the underlining reason why Trump has every intention to build up the military, so we have a viable negotiating tool to back up what we want to be included in any trade deal. 

Everyone wants peace, but they selfishly want it in their own terms.  Yes, they will talk a good fight before entering the ring, as all boxers do to stir up public sentiment.  Both Trump and Putin are politically posturing themselves that will be a prelude, as to what is going to be brought to the negotiating table.  Trump has already set a very strong tone against Mexico’s President, for whom I am quite sure felt miffed and hastily cancelled a scheduled meeting.  Mexico’s President then called Trump back and had a one-hour conversation.

Personally, I believe that Trump purposely came on very strong in the beginning, so that Mexico’s President will understand that Trump is going to be one tough customer, but Trump is a “deal maker” and will back down slightly or just enough to calm the opposition down.  Trump in the beginning of any negotiating deal is going to “test the waters” by always coming on strong.  As time and circumstance continues, Trump will then display a softer approach.

And of course the media is going to misinterpret the entire proceeding, only because they are not acclimated to Trump’s style, compared to Mr. Potato Head, who was soft and apologetic on a worldwide scale.  Obama was so soft; he not only ignored his senior military advisors, but also severely cut back our military and retired 5 aircraft carriers.  These actions told the entire world that Obama could be used as a doormat, as was Jimmy Carter.  

The Trump campaign was surprising, amusing and so exciting that this same venue is going to be applied to his Presidency.  If the MSM does not wake up to this venue they will be “scooped” through Trump’s twitter account.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

January 26th 2016 Blog

I have been studying the immigration problem since 2003 and it is quite appalling how our legislature has ignored their constitutional obligation to doing something about it; re; “Article II, section 8, clause 15 to wit: “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel invasions;”  Could this be more clear?  Article II is all about the responsibilities of our Federal Legislature.  Failure for doing so is at least a charge of “Dereliction of Duty” or “Perjury of Oath” and if it is deliberate can be interpreted as “Treason”!

When one takes the “Oath of Office”, it should not be taken so lightly that the “oath takers” shirk their sworn responsibilities.  President Trump is a shining example as one who has taken his responsibilities of his office, to the nth degree!  What is the matter with the rest of them?  Have they become so comfortable rubbing elbows with the “Elites”, to become like them and forget what it means to be a “public servant” and “SERVE” rather than to be served?

There is no doubt as to the status of “illegal immigration”… INVASION!  For which many of them are flouting our immigration laws and so-called “Homeland Security” has become more interested in “political correctness” than the “Rule of Law”, as well as not offending foreign public relations, for which “political appointees” have recently jumped ship, rather than to be shamefully dismissed from their offices and keeping their resumes unspotted.  Well, that is a matter of opinion and is not of my expertise.   

It was quite rude for the President of Mexico to cancel a meeting with President Trump.  Apparently, there was some disagreement as to how to proceed with the wall between our two nations, or not having a wall at all.  Everyone wants peace, but it is always the “terms and conditions” that repel most agreements.  There has to be a “mutual” understanding that will benefit both parties.  Mexico is on the receiving end of both past and current agreements and do not want that to change.  Well, what one can expect from a nation, whose government is rife with corruption?  That corruption extends to every public official and justice is meted out to the highest bidder, but make sure you also pay the supervisors of the officials who are granted you a favor, because if you don’t, they will be insulted.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 25th 2017 Blog

Controversy is probably the one word that aptly describes our current President Trump.  Well, that might be true with the MSM and with anyone in the “Liberal Lobby”.  Personally, I find all the “controversy” rather amusing, only because we had a former president, who has degraded the United States and the American way of life to being extremely polarized, through the vehicle of “political correctness” and who has severely weakened our position as a viable power in the eyes of the rest of the world.  Is this the America we want?  In asking this question, I am not promoting “imperialism”, for which has been an underlining cause of liberalism to promote their positions, which by the way is all in the name of “globalism”.

“Globalism” is simply “The Matrix” on steroids.  Any social-political movement that promotes false or spurious thinking is a “matrix”, which is a created reality and is correctly summed up in George Orwell’s "1984" and in another book that predates Orwell’s book titled, “Pawns in the Game", by William Guy Carr, 1958.  The later book I just mentioned cannot be found in any public library…why…because it is banned, as well as any other titles by this same author.  This particular book I just mentioned is an indictment on all governments on the entire planet, but only because of one very small group of elites who control all the money on the entire planet, known as the “Illuminati”, or in some circles “The Banksters”, yes… as in “gangsters”.   Control over all the money is more important than control over any government or its laws!  The Federal Reserve, the IMF, the IRS and the U.N. control nearly all the money worldwide.  By the way, the United Nations is the “mouthpiece” of the Illuminati.

If my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!” ever makes it into book stores; I full-well expect it to be banned as well and placed such a warning on the title page!  “The Matrix” has declared war on everyone on the planet.  And as in any war the first casualty is the truth, for which William Guy Carr attempted to get the truth out, as I am currently doing.  It was by pure accident that I found “Pawns in the Game” back in 1994 and since then thrust me into the study of law and other peripheral subjects, such as politics, which all dovetails.  Yes, it is a worldwide conspiracy and has been since the year 1700. 

The study of law will bring anyone to origins of many things, which is why we believe what we believe to this day, whether true or false!  The entire court system in the United States is all a fraud, with the exception of our Constitution, but that is also hanging in the balance, as the cover of my book aptly illustrates the contents.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 24th 2017 Blog

There is a new sheriff in town that has a twitter account and draws it like a gun.  Now we know that the “pen is mightier than the sword”.  Whenever the press becomes disingenuous towards the Trump Administration—President Trump has millions of followers, who can be alerted immediately “trumping the press”.  There is no doubt that the press is miffed, but payback is a bitch, when the media allows dishonesty to prevail.  However, we now have the addition of a Press Secretary, who is stumbling a bit, but overall is standing firm and has stated that if the “press” gets rough, the Trump Administration is not going to just take it on the chin.

I was nearly floored when President Trump pulled a “Lincoln” venue.  Actually, it was not entirely surprising because of President Trump’s promise to get America back on its economic feet.  President Trump signed one particular executive order to move forward on both the “Keystone” and “Dakota” pipelines, but with a twist that when Lincoln was being advised about the Transcontinental Railroad, fired right back at his advisors.  Let me explain.

When considering the Transcontinental Railroad; costs had to be considered.  Lincoln’s advisors told him that we could buy the rails cheaper from Great Britain.  Lincoln replied, “If we purchase the rails from Great Britain, we will have their rails and they will have our money.  But if we buy the rails here, we will have both the rails and the money.”  I am not aware that President Trump knew about the above, but I do know that he has the same “chutzpa” as Lincoln did back in his day.  President Trump made it clear that we would be buying American and hiring American in his Inaugural Speech and in just his second full day on the job has kept that promise!

Mind you, this is just the “second full day” on the job and has accomplished a great deal already.  I have already said that President Trump is going to have an uphill battle with many of those who vehemently oppose him; mainly the Demoncrats, who are convinced that their way is the only way.  But they have soon forgotten that they have been losing ground ever since the first election of Obama.  In the past eight years, the Demoncrats lost a total of about 1000 political seats in all 50 States.  Apparently they are not getting the message and will continue on the same road to failure. 

What the Democrats need to do is to redefine who they are and what they stand for, if they are to be a viable political party.  In the past eight years, the Liberals have had their way and the results have been a weaken and vulnerable house of cards and a sharply divided nation, not to mention has expanded worldwide.  Another systemic problem is the “pointing of fingers”.  But there is one particular problem with the “pointing of fingers”… there are always three of them pointing back at the person putting up the index finger.

President Trump is correct when he states that we must unify or we will fall very hard as a nation…”Patriotism leaves no room for prejudice.”  President Trump will continue to do everything he can to bring this nation together, but he cannot do it alone.  We must put our differences aside and do what is right and good, so that we can be a shining example of what it means to be an American.  Political correctness was specifically designed by Satan the Devil to dividing us as a nation. Has He succeeded to the point of no return?      

Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23rd 2017 Blog

This was President Trump’s first full day on the job, as the leader of the free world.  Hopefully today will be an example of how he will continue to lead this nation, for the sake of our posterity.  For far too long the United States has been baby-sitting and enabling many other nations with money that has greatly indebted us. 

The basic Democratic agenda is to take any problem or issue and simply throw money at it.  This is why there were protests in 600 cities around the world by mostly women, for the simple reason that they want the United States, through “Planned Parenthood” to fund their sex lives.  Apparently, these women were under the impression that the “sex enabling money” would continue to flow, but President Trump cut these “cry babies” off from their allowance.  Haven’t they grown up by now?

Okay, if we continue to fund their sex lives, we want to know how the experiment is going; by having them reveal their entire sex life to us.  I think we deserve something for our money… don’t we?  Just to be clear, I am being sarcastic, but I believe the point is well made.

The following is a recent news item; “Liberal Watchdog Group to File Lawsuit Arguing Trump has Already Violated Constitution.”  You are going to love this one, because this where my studies in law have prepared me to answer such dribble.  I must forewarn you that this might be rather long, because it deserves a full explanation.

First I will present the above group’s merit for this lawsuit, to wit: “According to CREW, “Citizens for Responsible and Ethics in Washington”, will argue that Trump has violated the Constitution’s foreign emoluments clause, which prohibits Trump from receiving anything of value from foreign governments, including foreign government-owned businesses, without approval of Congress, according to the group.”

This is quite laughable, for the simple reason this “clause” is not found in our modern “Constitution”.  When I say “modern”, I am referring to our current “Constitution”, which was rewritten in 1868, for which the “organic” 13th Amendment was omitted and subsequently replaced with the abolishment of slavery.  Well, that is not entirely true, but that is another issue that I have explained in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make”.

Apparently, CREW is going to refer to the organic “Constitution”; specifically the 13th Amendment written prior to 1868, to wit:

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."

The above can be used in the lawsuit against President Trump, if this organic 13th Amendment is recognized by the judicial branch of our government.  However, by allowing this to take place, nearly everyone who serves in both the House and the Senate would lose their jobs… why… the organic 13th Amendment includes those of attorney status who could not serve in either the House or the Senate!  I hardly think that this lawsuit is ever going to take place under these circumstances.

Apparently the idea for the removal of the organic 13th Amendment was to allow those of attorney status to serve in both the House and the Senate.

Okay, let us say this lawsuit is approved.  It is possible that the 13th Amendment could be interpreted in accordance to the merit of this lawsuit.  However, unless it could be proven that President Trump is being directly paid from any one of these foreign governments; this lawsuit, in conjunction with the “organic” 13th Amendment could take President Trump out of office.  But at the same time if one wants to take this to the nth degree, then every attorney who is currently serving in the legislature will also have to be removed from office.

The key to this lawsuit is to discover if indeed President Trump is being directly paid from any foreign government, for which a foreign government is the true owner of any business, for which President Trump is receiving revenue.  I am not aware that CREW has done their homework in this respect to the discovery process.  If upon the “discovery process” that no foreign government has direct ownership of any business President Trump is engaged, then the lawsuit has lost its merit.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

January 22nd 2017 Blog Addendum

I thought it might be a good idea to make clear that ObamaCare is not really a law that every American must follow.  Since it is not “constitutional law” it is “administrative law”, which is the “difference” I talk about in my book I have been touting.  Because ObamaCare is “administrative law”, is the very reason why we have to sign up for it, if we want it.  Yes, I know about the so-called “penalties” but that has yet to be challenged in court and could be a big win if challenged from a constitutional venue, but very few understand that… I am one of those “few”.

If ObamaCare were “constitutional law”, we would not have to “sign for it”.  But because it is “Administrative Law”, in order to have it, it must be signed for to make the “contract” valid.  You see my friends, “administrative law” is virtually the same as “contract law” and it is our signature that makes the “contract” valid, just like your “driver’s license” is also a “government contract”!
It is rather simple, but not many people have looked into the subject, because they trust their attorneys.  Nearly all attorneys have 4 agendas; 1) the BAR 2) the court 3) money 4) the client… all in that order!  All colleges that teach law teach mostly “commercial/contract/administrative law”.  Only those who plan to work for the government go to constitutional law classes.

The “BAR” is communist organization, which is quite evident when attorneys who defend clients do not use constitutional law and the courts ignore defendants who attempt to use the Constitution.  The problem is a matter of “education” as to how to defend one’s self in a constitutional venue, because one would be quite hard-pressed to find an attorney who would defend the same under a constitutional venue.  The outline for such a defense is in my book.  In addition, one can leave the court not only with a dismissal, but also with an inconvenience check (money) from the court, as long as there is no (human) injured party is involved.

It takes a lot of explaining as to how we got to this awful point, which is why I wrote the book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!” and gives the reader at least a rudimentary understanding about law and the fraud that has been perpetrated upon us.  Justice is a relative term and is rather very difficult to achieve because of the many laws we have, which nearly are all “commercial/contract laws”. “The more laws the less justice.” Thomas Jefferson.

January 22nd 2017 Blog

I was reminded today about just how vehemently both the “Left” and the general media are against Trump.  Both had their “love affair” with Obama and company, but now the affair is over and the “lover” has walked out the door.  For at least the next 4 years, the tiny minorities will have to get along with the current administration or be ignored.  This includes the bias general media, who have done nothing less than fawn all over Obama and his “failed” policies.  They failed for the simple reason that there was no truth to them whatsoever.

The so-called “Supreme Court” is absolutely incorrect when they stated that health care is a “Right”.  You can study the Constitution until God’s Kingdom comes, but you will not find a smidgen of a hint of such a thing.  However, what is perfectly clear is that we have the “freedom to choose” how we live our lives.  This simply means living our lives without government interference.  With ObamaCare our choices were severely limited.

ObamaCare was touted as being the so-called “law of the land”, which is an absolute lie.  If it were truly the “law of the land” it would had been a constitutional amendment.  But Obama did not want to take time out for ObamaCare to be opened to a “constitutional convention”, for then all the lies of what Obama originally stated would then be exposed.

Nancy Pelosi was incredibly careless when she stated; “We need to pass this before we read it.”  No one in their right mind would say such a thing or promote the same for others to do so.  That particular statement was a “first” of its kind, to ever be spoken in the “Halls of Congress”.  And she continued; “It’s affordable” and repeated this again and again for more times than I counted.  Oh yes, when the subject of ObamaCare recently came up, Pelosi aptly dressed up in a dress the same color as “Pepto Bismo”… thank you Greg for that hilarious observation!

Trey Goudy stated in reference to ObamaCare being a “train wreck”, to wit: “Calling ObamaCare a train wreck is an insult to train wrecks.”  Let me tell you something my friends, that statement still tickles me.  It is laughable for one reason only, which is true with any joke… it told the truth!  If it were not true, it would not be laughable at all and diminished to being pathetic. 

The media and all their political connections to all the Washington D.C. agencies and bureaucrats will have to just get acclimated to being insulted by the Trump Administration, until they get over the loss of their former “lover”.  Trump is nobody’s fool and will call a “spade a spade”, as was demonstrated when confronted with a CNN reporter, for whom represented a news agency that took a news item and quickly put it out in the public eye, without confirming it with at least one or two other sources, as any responsible news agency would normally do.  Stay tuned!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

January 21st 2017 Blog

We now have a new and diametrically opposite president as compared to the past 8 years.  Many Liberals simply cannot get over the fact that they now have to take a backseat and let this administration do its job.  Liberals have been empowered for the past 8 years, but unfortunately they are just like cry babies who cannot get enough of a good thing.  This new administration is not out to change what the Liberals have gained, but is simply going to remove the “globalism” mentality.

We are a sovereign nation, as are all nations, for which Trump magnified that in his Inaugural Speech.  “Sovereign” simply means separate from the rest of the world and of their government influence.  Trump was very clear that we are not to interfere in other nation’s internal affairs.  However, we are to be the “lamp on a hill” to be the example of what it truly means to be an American.

President Trump is a prime example of what an American is and can be.  He, his family and all those under his employment understand the meaning of unity, for which Trump also stated in his latest speech “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.”  It is rather unfortunate that the protestors did not hear at least this part of his speech.  The protestors simply had no interest in anything Trump had to say; they simply hate him and everything he stands for.

You see my friends; many Americans have forgotten their roots, which is not entirely their fault.  The fault lies within the current Federal guidelines of primary education and must be corrected, otherwise after this next generation all bets are off!  According to Merit Student’s encyclopedia one purpose of education is to instill traditional values in the young, so as to preserve the structure of society.  Violent protests are the result of teaching wrong values and destroy the structure of society as we are now bearing witness.

Probably the biggest sin of our current education system is “government indoctrination”, for which comes from a tyrannical type of government.  Teaching that the government can do no wrong, no matter who gets hurt in the process, because it is all about the posterity of the “State”.

The Trump Administration is out to rid ourselves of “centralized government” and giving back to the people, to whom it truly belongs.  President Reagan said it best, “…government is the problem”.  As I stated in a previous blog, this administration is going against an elitist organization, which has wielded all the power since at least the Clinton Administration and will find it extremely difficult to fight these elitists and their hunger for power.  Many of these “elitists” are what I have called the 4th branch of our government; the bureaucracies, who are not elected and answer to no one except themselves and their supervisors.  They have no conscious or concern about individuals or their plight, in the wake of government or bureaucratic policies.  And as I stated in my book titled; “What Difference Does It Make?!” “Policy is never equal to law.”

Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 19th 2017 Blog

The day has finally come… January 19, 2017 or “Inauguration Day”, which comes every 4 years.  Our hope is that this new administration will fulfill not only the promises made, but also to dump the failed policies of the past administration.  It is very sad and unprecedented that so many of those who currently serve in legislature have decided to oppose our new president by becoming “no-shows”.  Such opposition has not happened since the election of Lincoln, for which the representatives from the Southern States decided not to show up at the prescribed time as stated in our Constitution.  What happened then, changed our then “Republic” to a corporate “Democracy”, but that is another story and can be found in detail in a book I have written titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

What these 60 plus “Demoncrats” did was undermine and stain the system of our government and have set the tone as to the relationship they are going to have with the “Trump Administration”, which is not a very good start!  My hope is that these “Demoncrats” will be viewed by their local constituents as being on the edge of treason.  It is not overt “treason”, but a protest that has not been seen since Bill Clinton was nearly impeached. 

There are going to be times when at least some of these “protesters” will want an audience with President Trump.  Knowing how Trump views this protest, might be the same as with all those who have been “abrasive” towards him during the campaign and after the election, for which he forgave them.  However, there might be at least a “hint” of trepidation as to their lack of respect for the “Office of the President” and not because of Trump’s personality or policies, for which Trump understands everyone cannot get along, but nevertheless respects their office.  This is where the media has taken a wrong turn, in regards to Trump’s relationship with Putin. 

Trump most likely disagrees with Putin on many issues, but he does respect the office that Putin occupies and Trump expects that same respect from Putin, for which from what I have seen so far… Putin does respect the “Office of the President of the United States”, but because of Obama’s weak position, Putin merely took advantage of that “weakness” to invade Crimea and now posed to invade the Ukraine.  The way I see it, it is going to be a “tug of war” between these two most powerful leaders of the world.  However, it is possible if not at least plausible that it might turn into a “pull for peace”.

Look my friends, Russia has always been known to be a “bear” and there is a distinct reason for this metaphor.  Once a “bear” stakes out their territory; anyone treading there is going to pay a heavy price.  One reason for this mentality comes from the invasion of the Vikings, for which the Vikings saw an opportunity for conquest.  Once that “conquest” took a firm hold, the Vikings changed their venue to politics and remained, which gives their ascendancy a “genetic disposition”.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January 18th 2017 Blog

Dear Friends, I am subscribed to a number of daily newsletters, which are all pertinent to my research and writing.  The following is a reply to one of those newsletters; the article titled, “What I do not like about Republicans”.  Career politicians are simply out for what they can get for themselves, at least in most cases.  Many are purchased by the highest bidding price among the lobbyists, for this is going to be Trump’s “Achilles Heel”, even among most conservatives, whether they be “Republican” or conservative “Democrats”.

Therefore, in regards to your local representatives, it would be prudent to keep a close eye upon them, because the mid-term elections will take place in 2018.  If we are as enthusiastic as we were during the Trump campaign, we can get some new blood into office, which has not yet been corrupted by crony political connections.  

Jeff, ever since ObamaCare passed in 2010, the Republicans have submitted bills to fix ObamaCare, but of course Obama vetoed all of them...why... because the Democrats wanted to create another "sacred cow" like Social Security and exclaim; "Look what we [Demoncrats] have done for you."  Demoncrats are probably the most insecure political and pathetic party on the planet. Socialized medicine never worked in Sweden, Great Britain and Canada. The proof that America has the best health care, is that Canadians have come to the United States for their health care. 

Indeed, the Republicans do not want overt control over the prices of Big Pharma drugs, because they have so much invested in those companies. If I had the money to invest I would also put my money there as well. Some drugs have a mark-up of 30,000 percent! And guess what... cancer is the biggest money maker of all medical procedures and care. So who is going to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs? In the past 2 years, 8 doctors from Florida who were treating cancer alternatively and successfully were murdered. This is how much money and power is attached to cancer and I can guarantee there will never be a Big Pharma "cure" for any cancer!!! The “American Cancer Society” is a forever bureaucratic organization.

Even judges have been purchased to back up the use of Chemotherapy and order it done, even though the success rate is only one and one half percent!!! A nurse I personally know described the chemo chemicals to me as "Drano". If spilled, one has to dress up in a full environmental suit to clean it up.

I am rather amused about "reducing the size of government". You may or may not be aware that government employees are usually never fired, nor have any bureaucratic agencies have closed their doors...why... simply because all government employees are protected by civil law, not to mention unions. You will see much opposition to the reduction of government. The only possible thing that can be accomplished is to reduce their budgets; anything other than that is going to be nearly impossible to do. 

There are many government agencies whose work overlaps other agencies work and that is equivalent to "waste and inefficiency". It will not matter what agency is involved; they will all cry "foul" if their budgets are cut and vehemently protest any talk of closing their agency. This is why I write about Washington bureaucracies as a "4th branch of government", who do not answer to anyone except their supervisors; the American Public... they are just "numbers" on lists of statistic papers. If you want to talk about "corruption"... the bureaucracies is the number one place to start! If you think the LIberals are a bunch of cry babies, just wait until any bureaucracies come under fire! George Soros was responsible for the creation of the BLM. Soros is a communist and part of their "Manifesto" is that there is no such thing as "private property", or any property rights whatsoever, the proof of which we have seen in Nevada and Oregon.    

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January 18th 2017 Blog

My Congressman sent me his usually email with issues to consider.  This one was about “cyber attacks”, for which I sent the following reply:

Congressman Hines, technology is a two-edged sword.  On the one side it is faithful servant, but there is also a “dark side”, which is something we have to live with… or do we?  I am going to take you back for a moment to 1973, when a USSR jet pilot was seeking asylum and landed in Japan.  Without a doubt our military was elated to be able to crawl all over it and fetch the technology within that craft.  They were scratching their heads as to why they opted to use the “lower form” of technology with the use of vacuum tubes.  On the surface that might seem laughable, but come to find out vacuum tubes are immune to EMP; Electro-magnetic pulse; electronics are not immune!

Our enemies are quite well aware of our dependency on our electronic devices and have EMP weapons specifically for the purpose of rendering all electrical systems useless and from what I understand; it would take a minimum of 2 years to recover from such a strike.  Everything in this nation is connected.  Even though such an attack would not kill anyone, the residual effects will put the entire nation at a standstill.  There is not one grocery store that could withstand no deliveries after a three day period… normally.  The shelves would be empty after just the first day of such an attack.  You could not pump gas or use an ATM machine.  

The electrical grid would be down, because of the damage done to the substation transformers and every one of them would have to be replaced.  And they would have to be built from scratch, because any in storage would also be destroyed.  In addition, all the electronic components would have to be purchased from someplace that was not affected from the EMP blast, or also manufactured from scratch.

So as one can plainly see, cyber attacks are Mickey Mouse compared to an EMP attack.  We can deal with the occasional and annoying disruption of a cyber attack and produce more effective counter-measures. 

You see my friends there is more to the issue of any attack against us.  Why waste time with a cyber attack, when about 3 or 4 EMP bomb blasts can put the United States back into the 19th century.  One might suppose an enemy might want to find out more about us, in order to enrich themselves before an EMP attack.  And guess what folks, there is a distinct possibility that we would not be able to retaliate, because every electrical system and electronic devices would become useless, unless protected from EMP.  Okay, we might be able to respond, but what would we gain?  We would be cold, hungry and drop like flies.  FEMA might be able to help, but for how long?  

January 17th 2017 Blog

I was reading an article today by Matt Walsh, from “The Blaze” titled, “If your sex life is none of my business, stop demanding that I finance it.”  I read some of these articles and from time to time I will offer my comments and herewith is one of those comments.

The key point in this essay or response is “self-responsibility”, which is sorely lacking among most people, despite their political affiliation. Many will simply go along with their lusts, desires and refuse to take responsibility for those actions. Rush Limbaugh brought out back in 1995 that ”abstinence” works every time; condoms break and birth control pills are not perfect either.

It is truly amazing that ever since the Federal Government has taken over our primary education system, they have effectively allowed ”self-responsibility” to be thrown out the window; the government can do no wrong and lying is acceptable behavior when necessary. You see my friends, the government itself acts with impunity and simply passes that same behavior to our children and then we wonder why the nation is in such disarray and opposition to what is right and what is clearly wrong. Black and white is all in “shades of gray” and then demand that the government (with the backing of taxpayer dollars) finance their irresponsible behavior and expect it to become overt policy and/or law!

The idea of “self-responsibility” is not a “new” idea, but has been practiced by humanity in general throughout the centuries and in all civilizations that have risen, but fallen mainly because some form of “socialism” crept in.  If one studies the “rise and fall of the Roman Empire”, the same will discover that “socialism” also crept in and completely eroded the fabric of that once great civilization.  In saying this, I am not in approval of their conquests, force and slavery, but it did stand the test of time for many centuries and its influence is still with us to this day.  Nevertheless, it did ultimately fail.

This same “Roman Empire” is just now beginning to rear its uglier head, within the purview of the European Union.  Because of the “socialist” mentality of Germany, which has allowed the migration of about one million Muslim immigrants; the Nazi Party is growing in strength.  This “rise” is aptly described in the “Book of Revelation” as the “…deadly wound that has been healed.”  It is at the very least “plausible” that if the Nazi Party raises the ante, the current Muslim population of Germany might find themselves being removed, unless they assimilate into the society they have migrated. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

January 16th 2017 Blog

The following is a recent letter I sent to a long-time friend along with my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

Hi Gracie, I know you have a “home-made” copy of one of my books titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  But I thought you might appreciate a more conventional type of published book instead and has been updated, including some additional information that is not in my “home-made” version.  As you can see I have also included my Google Blog site as part of my address.  This is so I can keep my fans updated as a continuous extension of the enclosed book.

As you know, it has been a most momentous past election year; the most exciting and controversial in all of our American History.  Even the so-called “experts” and so-called “polling organizations” were caught with their pants down.  However, it is quite “plausible” that the polling figures were purposely skewed to reflect the Liberal agenda.  But there was another unprecedented factor involved; there were many who were polled that did not want to admit they favored Trump, only because they would be looked down upon by their friends, neighbors and co-workers. 

But there is something vastly more important than polling that many Americans have nearly forgotten… that their vote is sacred, which covers our choice(s) from the day one’s “hat is tossed into the ring” and beyond the election itself.  In other words, our political choices are no one’s business at anytime, because once we advertise or voice our choice(s) we can easily divide our relationships and quite possibly the nation as a whole, which we have seen come to life during this past election year and extended way beyond the election itself.

Now that I have brought up the subject of “division”, one must be circumspect as to having knowledge of “The Matrix”, how it works, who is behind it, what is at stake and what are the rules.  There is no doubt that a “national” division has taken a serious hold on America, but this was done by the creators of “The Matrix”, in order to divide America and destroy it from within.  You will find this venue as you read my book.  There is and has been a plot to destroy America since not too long after WWII, for which Eisenhower discovered a “Dark Government” and passed that onto JFK, who stated the following at a university, just 10 days before he was assassinated, to wit:
“There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child.  Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.”

Nothing has changed; just the names of those who are involved and the rest of the entire planet are merely “Pawns In The Game”.  Whatever might transpire in the geo-political arena has all been planned and nothing is going to stop it.  A one world government will soon be established beginning in Europe.  The EU or European Union will be condensed as 10 nations; 5 from the East and 5 from the West, as prophesized in Daniel 11, depicted within the “Great Statue” of all the great civilizations who were to both rise and fall, for which the “10 toes” will be the last civilization that will fall and then God’s Kingdom will be established upon the Earth.  The last great empire of the Earth will be a combination of both “Church” and “State” as depicted in the Book of Revelation; viewed as “The Beast” (State) and the “Woman” (Church) who rides “The Beast”, drunk with the blood of the Saints. I am going to place this letter into my latest blog, but leaving your name off of it.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

January 15th 2017 Blog Addendum

In light of what I had just posted; I felt it important to add the following information in regards to Trump’s rant against CNN.  It came to my attention that before that particular press conference took place; CNN had the audacity to put up “reserved” signs on 8 front row seats.  And that 250 reporters eventually showed up and effectively disenfranchised from any of those “eight front row seats”.
January 15th 2017 Blog

Some rather disturbing news; it seems Trump has plans to evict the “Press Corps” from the White House.  Although the MSM has lambasted and dismissed Trump from the day he “threw his hat into the ring”, up until now; I cannot blame Trump for this latest rant against the press in general, not to mention CNN for their rude interruption of Trump in his last press conference.  I can understand that during his Presidency, such behavior will not be tolerated and is seriously taking steps to quell that kind of behavior, especially at the White House, by removing them.

There is no doubt that the “Press Corps” will be miffed by such a move and I would not blame them in the least.  And it is quite possible that the “Press Corps” might take exception to CNN or any other news agency that has demonstrated a bias to the Obama Administration and his personal agenda to reform or remake America in his image, for which this past election has proven that America does not want or like Obama’s image.

It is possible that if the media were to demonstrate a better behavior towards the “Trump Administration”, the “Press Corps” might be invited back to the White House; at least that is how I personally consider the matter.  However, as they might give such a thought “lip service”, the MSM has an obligation to service the “Liberal Agenda”, only because the MSM is controlled by the “Powers That Be”, or what I call “The Matrix”.  “The Matrix” has globalist intentions, which eventually will bring the entire planet under a one government rule.  The “TPP” is a part of that agenda, which will give corporations control over the supply of everything… yes, including both food and water, not to mention employment.

At the very least, Trump is absolutely correct in treating the “TPP” as if it were a cancer of “free enterprise”.  NAFTA (1993) was a stepping stone in that direction and look what happened as a result; massive unemployment because of government regulations that caused businesses to relocate outside the United States. 

“NAFTA” was the brainchild of the Clinton Administration, for which Bill Clinton is a “globalist” and agrees with “The Matrix”, which is why he was allowed to run for the presidency in the first place.  If you believe that the United States Government is run from Washington D.C., you are sadly mistaken.  “The Matrix” is run from Brussels, for which Bill Clinton had a meeting with them before his bid for the presidency; not unlike his so-called “arbitrary meeting” with Lynch at the Airport.

Look my friends, there is a “shadow government” that has been in the works since not too long after WWII and Eisenhower found out about it and passed that information to Kennedy.  Kennedy attempted to dismantle that “shadow government a piece at a time, but was assassinated before he could reveal the plot to the American People. 

Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13th 2017

An Internet friend emailed me today with some news about the EU may be producing robots to fly planes, etc.  The following is my reply to this particular news;

The problem with robots is systemic... they are not sentient, which means they cannot think for themselves or being self-aware. No invention is ever better than the inventor or creator. Any being that is self-aware or sentient, must have a "soul" or a "spirit of intelligence"; for this is the so-called "missing link" that science cannot grasp or conceive. Physically speaking, the human brain is of the same quality of any animal brain. But it is the "Human Spirit" placed in us by God from the very moment of conception, for which the personality develops. God said to Jeremiah, "Before you were born I knew you." And in the Book of Ecclesiastes it states; "The spirit goes back up to God from where it came," (upon death).
Computers and robots will never be better than the programs that are put into them. And yes, I am quite aware that both Google and Apple are working on machines that can predict human behavior or some rudimentary form of "intelligence", but never will be able to program or duplicate human emotions, such as love, mercy and compassion or inspired thought.
The democratic left and the media will never admit any wrong doing, mistake or apologize for the same.  In fact there was a case in Florida, for which a Fox News reporter sued Fox New for not airing a story that told the truth about the bovine hormone.  The judge stated; “There is no law that states the media cannot lie.”  Therefore who or what can we trust?

 I found that the “Horn News”, “WND” (World News Daily) and “Common Sense News” to being reliable sources.  One might consider an article written December 27, 2016 from the Horn News, “Still Trust the Media?  Read this…” 
Trump was right to ignore the CNN reporter, for which CNN ran with an article produced by “BuzzFeed”, without checking the source(s) or do any “fact finding”.  Trump may have overstepped his bounds in regards to being critical of the media in general, but Obama had no problem bad mouthing Fox News at least on 5 different prior occasions.  One good thing about Trump’s tweets… he can never be misquoted!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 12th 2017 Blog

As much as I intended to view the Congressional Confirmation Hearings, I did have some trouble because I was nodding off near the middle.  No, not boring, but I have some systemic problem that has yet to be defined and my ObamaCare does not cover it.  No matter, I was deeply disturbed by a statement by Pompeo and not stuttering about collecting “metadata” from everyone.  “Metadata” is collected data from many sources and analyzed.  The CIA would be a third party in this venue, which seems to me to be a “backdoor” way of circumventing the 4th Amendment.  Personally, I am not happy about this venue, because I am sure that much of this “metadata” can be used as a blanket of identifying so-called “enemies of the State”.

Whenever the government speaks about “National Security”, it does not mean “security” for the American Public.  I have the authority to say this with impunity, only because I have studied this subject that has been peripheral in my 20 plus years in the study of law.  Therefore “National Security” simply means security for the corporate United States, which was reorganized as a corporation as early as 1868.  As they say the “Devil in the details”, which I have exposed in a book I have written titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  You can find this book on Amazon.

It has been said, “Not to judge a book by its cover.”  However, once the cover is viewed, it aptly describes the contents; in addition as to how we got there, where it is currently and where it is going.  Just the cover alone is going to incense all those who maintain the status quo of our commercial courts and placed a warning on the title page that this book might be banned by many of those of attorney status and could be yanked off the shelf, as was another book, or more aptly stated a particular author, who indicted every government on the planet, with his book titled, “Pawns In The Game”, William Guy Carr, 1958.  You will not find any books by this author in any public library.  I found this book purely by accident and circumstance, when sharing a rent with man in New-Mexico.  And this is the book that launched me into the study of law in 1994.

“What Difference Does It Make?!” is not particularly “heavy reading” and most certainly not a “dull book” as one might think, because it involves law.  I have for the most part have written this book so the reader can at least get a rudimentary understanding as to what the law really means and how to cut through the bureaucracy of any courtroom, when being hauled in for say a “traffic ticket”, without the benefit of an injured party.  I could explain this “head scratchier”, but it is best to get from my book.  I always try to keep my blogs rather short, but as one reader said to me, “You are a prolific writer.”  I firmly believe everything that is new to most people deserves explanation, for which my book does in detail and rightly so.  You readers of this blog are getting a “taste” of that particular book.  And please, not only for my sake, but for your own posterity, I truly would appreciate any feedback; good, bad or indifferent.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

January 11th 2017 Blog
Congratulations to the person who sent me a comment about my blog dated January 2nd 2017.  However, I was hoping to see such comments within the blog itself.  Nevertheless, I will address it here.  Herewith is the comment; “Not sure what you refer to here has to do with the 2014 tax return and the indication that only 3 % of the donations went to actual charity grants.”  My answer was simple, but I can see that some do not know the law regarding “charitable organizations. 

All such organizations [by law] must give away at least 10 percent of all revenue in any given year, which was my point of that particular submission.  Some people make a living by organizing a “charitable organization”, for the sole purpose of only donating 10 percent of the proceeds and retaining the remainder as an income.  You can see examples of this in many places such as convenience stores and fast food restaurants.

This past presidential election was by far the most exciting in all American history.  In addition, so are all the picks for cabinet positions… all non-political in most cases; only “political” when the need calls for such a position.  Therefore, I made it a point to view the confirmation hearings as much as possible. 

I truly appreciate the vetting process that goes into this very important aspect of the legislative part of our government.  For the most part despite party differences and in some cases within party lines, they have been respectful most of the time.  However, I have seen just one time when Ted Cruz was very critical of Al Franken and the assertions that were made, for which Senator Cruz cleared the air, but then it was not Al Franken who wrote the question, it was from an attorney.

In regards to Rex Tillerson, there were many questions put to him that were geo-political in nature and rightly expected for the very sensitive position that calls for such astuteness.  Rex is not as well-informed as those in the Foreign Relations Committee and it showed, but Rex was not going to hide his ignorance and was not shy about stating that he needs more information, for which he has yet to be vetted for security clearance, in order to be so informed. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

January 9th 2017 Blog

There is no doubt that overt racial polarization has increased since the empowerment of “political correctness” all during the Obama Administration and has affected Blacks and Whites, as well as other groups.  It is the acceptance of “multiculturalism” that has divided America, mostly among those who were empowered through government policy.

It used to be when those who came to America, who were infused into the American culture to be “Americans” and celebrated the cultural differences without prejudice and not expounding their roots to the point of confrontation.  

It has been and still is the policy of government to maintain cultural differences through a “Policy of Empowerment”, for which has caused a great upheaval even to the point of the use of public restrooms!  The above is not what “America” was founded upon.  It is the force of government that needs to be quelled and hopefully the new administration will seize upon the opportunity to once again define what it means to be an “American”. 

Friday, January 6, 2017

January 6th 2017 Blog
It is quite appalling, when 4 young thugs go out of their way to beat and torture a mentally challenged person.  Is this what our society has boiled down to, perhaps to feel alive?  Boredom seems to be the underlining cause, but that is the fault of the parents of these children, for which most of them are brought up without a man for a parent.  Stabilization in any family requires the both parents to keep a proper balance for bringing up children.  In addition, when the subject of children comes up with any couple who plans to have them, must agree as to how to bring them up.

It is quite obvious that all these children have had the wrong influences, in order to expound such awful behavior.  In Biblical times, such behavior under certain circumstances caused 20 children to be killed by a bear; they taunted a prophet of God, because he was bald.  Yes I know, these “children” are young adults, but I refer to them as children because they were not taught proper behavior or even respect.  “Respect” is something that even many full-grown adults do not have for anyone but their own desires, including within their own families; hence “domestic violence”.  I certainly hope you have noticed that I did not include “race” in any of this essay or treatise.  Black or White, all human beings are the same in terms of psychological development.

In regards to the increase of violence itself within the entire planet; “May God be true and every man a liar,” is a New Testament Biblical scripture.  Matthew 24 gives us a hint as to why all this violence is taking place and will continue to increase; read it and discover it for yourself, if you have not already made up your mind about who is right and who is wrong.   

I have no comment about Trump’s meeting with Comey, Clapper and Brennan, simply because it was a “closed door” meeting, involving national secrets.  I find that meeting almost laughable, only because those 3 men will no longer be manning their offices when they are replaced after January 20th.  I can only speculate that they are going to maintain the “Liberal” narrative that it was the Russians… period!  Trump however, may just have pulled out a “smoking gun” to prove otherwise and send those three off with their tail between their legs.

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that every nation who is computer savvy, is going to wage war with computers, for which I find that Star Trek was prophetic in this regard, for which I am referring to the episode; “A Taste of Armageddon”; the difference being that our cyber wars do not herd people into suicide chambers.  I said the following in a previous blog; “nations are either trading goods or trading bombs”.  Cyber wars are trading moves and counter-moves, which more like playing chess.  As long as this type of battle of wits does not include the counting of bodies, it is rather amusing.  But as they say; “The difference between men and boys are the price of their toys.”  Yes, we are talking about billions of dollars being spent, but what the hell… it is better than trading bombs…   

Thursday, January 5, 2017

No matter how one may slice it; all bureaucratic agencies are politically connected.  It takes politics to put a bureaucracy together and it takes politics to keep it going.  Bureaucratic policies depend upon which way the political winds are blowing.  For the past 8 years those “winds” were blowing from the Liberal direction and will continue to do so, until such time as the American People wake up as to how Washington really works.

Legislatures are bound by rules and the Constitution.  However, by stark contrast all bureaucracies have no such boundaries… why?  The main reason is because none of those “bureaucrats” have electable positions and answer to only their directors and/or supervisors and almost never to the American Public. 

There are literally hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats in and around the Washington, D.C. area, which include places in Maryland and Virginia, but this is because of the sheer size of our government.  Bureaucracies and bureaucrats will be the true Achilles heel that will prevent Trump from “draining the swamp”.

You see my friends, Washington D.C. is far more complex than anyone can realize, until such time as those who are elected to office soon discover that campaign promises are never so easily accomplished, with so many stumbling blocks in the way.

The CIA, NSA and 15 other Washington D.C. security agencies are also bureaucracies and we have seen that they have also blown by the current “political winds” of the past 8 years.  That became quite evident when in 2013, when Snowden spilled the beans as to the NSA’s spying on all Americans and a very nervous  Clapper was hauled into a Senate hearing to answer some rather embarrassing questions, for which Clapper lied, or at the very least covered the truth with political rhetoric.

Today however, I was rather surprised to see that Clapper was far more relaxed and quite candid in answering the Armed Services Committee questions.  And even more revealing was Clapper stated that there was no evidence that the so-called “hacking” resulted in any improprieties in the presidential election.  Perhaps the President-elect has changed the political winds?