Saturday, December 22, 2018

Syrian Civil War

James 4:1 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?  It might be well with my readers to view an old “Star Trek” episode titled; “A Taste of Armageddon”, and pay close attention to near the end when “Anon 7” pleads with “Captain Kirk”, as to the horrors of an actual protracted war, compared to a so-called “solution”, by waging war with computers and herding mathematically proclaimed “casualties” into suicide chambers.  If we want to tout the benefits of A.I., we might want to take a more magnified look at this prospect of control over our lives.  In addition, we might also carefully consider the touting of so-called, “climate change”, for which “human-caused” climate change might prompt the authorities to consider a scenario, as depicted in the movie “Logan’s Run”.

If wars were not planned, as every government around the world says, “Wars are a form of population control,” for which there is some truth in that statement.  The same could be said for abortion, but most abortions are taking place here in the United States, in order to slow down a “free thinking population”, and import a more easily controlled population from third world nations, who will gladly give up whatever freedoms they may have had, if we were a true nation of freedom, like we once were, but that ended in 1868.  However, no one told these aliens of the impending totalitarian takeover of the United States, by first establishing a socialist agenda, which is allowing more and more people into the United States, all without proper protocol and adding more crimes against American citizens, for which the Liberals are touting the elimination of “white men”.

Despite the above, we need to understand the United States has absolutely no business to assist or interfere in another’s “civil war”.  All one needed to do when viewing the masses of refugees fleeing Syria; imagine if you will, all the refugee men, if armed, could go back and reclaim what was once their’s. There are international laws in place that are designed to quell “chemical warfare”, for which the United Nations took no action, but President Trump was not shy about doing something about it, and there was very little resistance to this venue.  When a child’s spirit is one of rebellion; it does no harm to give that child a spanking in order to break that spirit.  It does no harm to the backside, for you cannot break it, because it is already split.

Now that “Isis” is under control in Syria; it is now up to the Syrian people to take full control over their own land.  Our armed forces are not for sale or prosecutors of another’s civil war.  As President Trump plainly and rightly stated, “We are not the world’s policeman.”  If a nation wants to embrace a democratic form of government—they need no help from us.  We are the example, but as it stands now; we are not to be emulated, until such time we take all the profit out of a war, for which was expounded by Major General Smedley Darlington Butler in a speech he made on or about 1932.  In addition, we are not in a proxy war against the Russians.  The Russians have their own problems at home, and this war is a distraction for the Russian people focusing upon the depressed economy of Russia. 

Without a doubt, there is much profit to be made in the prosecution of a war, and even more profit for those who produce the armaments.  J.P. Morgan knew this and was privy to the plans of the “Banksters” of a war they were planning for Europe, in order to remove the “crowned heads of Europe”.  So it was in 1903 that J.P. Morgan purchased Andrew Carnegie’s steel business, for which would be a primary supplier to both sides of the warring factions and reap tremendous profits.  The DuPont family was also well aware of the profit of war, which set up factories in early America for the manufacture of gunpowder.  All major wars since 1700 were all planned; the DuPont family knew it and so did J.P. Morgan and his banker backers. 

Washington D.C. is awash with money, for which many lobbyists are hired to peddle influence among our legislatures, which is the reason why our elected representatives no longer answer to their constituents back in their home States.  It is money, power and greed that makes up “The Swamp” that President Trump refers to be in process of draining.  I stated in one of my blogs when President Trump was just days in office that “draining the Swamp” is going to prove to be a daunting task.  I must say that the Mueller investigation has promulgated some media investigation to the “creatures of the Swamp”, who are the leftovers from the Obama Administration, and operating as if Obama were still in charge—perhaps he still is…? 

Many of these “swamp creatures” rear up their heads and the mallet is posed to knocking them down into their “rabbit holes”, only to pop up again someplace else.  These people seem to have the same immunity, for which I referred about Hitlary Clinton more than 3 years prior to now.  And again as I stated in a prior blog; “…the swamp is much deeper and murkier than President Trump perceives.  My hope is that President Trump might be likened to a “political transformer”, and pulls out his bag of the same kind of dirty tricks the “Demoncrats” practice.  With the “Demoncratic majority of the House of Representatives” poised to take place in January; President Trump is going to need a lot of help and support that he is not getting presently.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

What are a Republic and a Democracy? A short blog at the end about health care

We as Americans should be incensed at the behavior of the workings our current government; for which does not reflect or expound the context of our Constitution.  Benjamin Franklyn was quite succinct when he and the others, finally emerged from the hammering out of what has to be the greatest document for the benefit of “We the People” and answered a question from those outside who were waiting for what had transpired; to wit: “You now have a republic if you can keep it.”  Not too long after the Civil War had ended; our republic was changed to a “democracy”; for which a “democracy” is quite different from a “republic”.

The “democracy” that was created has morphed throughout one century, into “socialism”; for which the stake in the heart was promulgated by FDR, and was the beginning of what should be called “the fourth branch of our government, a bureaucracy.”  Any “bureaucracy” is government control, and in this case, it is “Federal control,” for which requires a standard of revenue that can be relied upon for its life and continued growth.  Enter the “Instant Rip-off Service,” or more commonly known as the IRS.  We may have a constitutional amendment that gives breath and life to the IRS, but it was not properly enacted.  As they say, “the devil is in the details,” that can be found in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  

The United States bureaucracies have a built-in, systemic edict of an increase in growth every year, which is why we have an ever-increasing “national debt” that will never be repaid, and the very reason why the cost of government is having a negative effect upon our economy and will continue to do so.  This is one particular reason why the “Demoncrats” were livid about President Trump’s tax reform.  Less money for the government simply means more money through both the front and back door of every American.  A lesser burden directly affecting the individual taxpayer is just one benefit.  Another benefit that indirectly affects the entire economy is the tax cut for business.  This was a reverse “double whammy” that was the vaccination of money we hard-working Americans deserved for a very long time.  Also, was President Trump’s basement door of cutting regulations is another that has effectively helped the entire nation to become more competitive in a global market.

Socialism demands more government control, which is merely a subtle form of slavery.  In reality, the “14th Amendment” changed the ownership of the slaves to the Federal Government, but also enslaved everyone else who is a “U.S. citizen.”  When we were a “republic,” we were “Citizens” of our respective States.  Anyone who has just read the above sentence might want to reread it with a more critical eye and find a distinct difference of a specific word mentioned twice… The difference is what defines an individual as either a slave or a free person.  Words and their meanings are quite acute whenever the law is involved; this includes the capitalization of words and gives more meaning to when it is stated about any legal document of “crossing T’s and dotting I’s.  It is these subtleties that excite me about the study of law.  It is said “knowledge is power,” but this does not quite ring true, especially when dealing with matters and points of law.  That particular quote should be rendered; “the right knowledge is power.”

When reading my book, “What Difference Does It Make?!”… might be a rather daunting task, but I have worded it to give the ignorant reader at the very least a rudimentary understanding of the law.  When I just stated, “ignorant reader” that is not an insult, or even in the slightest an offense.  I was at one time just as ignorant of the law as any other person who would rather refer those matters to the attorneys they hire.  I must apologize for the following, but those who hire an attorney have already declared themselves incompetent.  Just so many of my readers of this blog are in good company; “the Book of Romans” is a study of law, for which is quite probably the most difficult book to read in our Bibles.  And yes, even though I am quite well educated in matters of law; I also find this particular book a rather difficult read.  Paul was a very complex and well-educated person, as well as passionate about his beliefs when he at first was persecuting converts.  Paul’s conversion was quite dramatic, for which he was humbled.  It rather tickles me that God could be considered a “drama queen.”  Oh, come on… God is no prude, and he could deliver well-deserved insults as well as admonishments.  It is not a sin to be a “drama queen.”   

We have another looming problem that the Demoncrats have every intention of grabbing the bull by the horns, and that is upholding ObamaCare.  The teeth of ObamaCare that so-called, “was declared as being constitutional by Chief Justice Roberts” was eliminated by the Trump Administration; and now a Federal Judge has declared what is left of ObamaCare as “unconstitutional,” and rightly so.  There actually more to this than meets the eye, only because of it's so-called, “points of law.”  I have written about this before, but just as some Biblical scripture bears repeating, so will I repeat what I have prominently blogged before.  ObamaCare was declared as, “the law of the land,” but from a pure standpoint of law that was never true, because any “law of the land” is a “Constitutional Amendment.”  

Obama and the Demoncrats simply had no patience to assemble a “Constitutional Convention.”  They knew this would never fly, only because all the truth of this particular Amendment would become well-known, and there would be no secrets.

Also, anything that requires a “signature” is a contract, for which anyone signing up for ObamaCare has entered into a government contract.  Your driver’s license is a government contract because your signature is required to make the contract valid.  Despite our “Right to Travel,” in regards to the licensing of drivers, this is an entirely different subject that I have also expounded previously.  Actually, the “Affordable Care Act” is an adhesion contract, as is the driver’s license, because they can stick anything they want onto it, and it then becomes instantly retroactive universally.  This is specifically why they saved the “Individual Mandate” to be implemented down the road, for which you would discover upon the implementation of the “Individual Mandate”, an additional deduction from your paycheck, for this was the coup de ta’ to make ObamaCare a single payer system, for which they apparently had in mind all along. 

What did I say in a recent prior blog about a universal health care system?  We currently have a deficit of 20,000 doctors nationwide.  Therefore, what will be the immediate effect of this system of health care?  Two words will become the byword of ObamaCare; “Rationed Care”, for which the health cares of millions of Americans, will plummet, within the first year.

Health Care is not a “Constitutional Right”, whether or not it is taxed.  The Supreme Court is not at all times “supreme” in their behavior.  The Supreme Court is not as laudable as it once was and is clearly divided within party lines.  Not until such time will I ever give my complete credence to the Supreme Court, unless they adhere one-hundred percent of the time to our “Constitution”, which includes “The Bill of Rights”, unfettered!

Health care is a matter of choice.  If your diet consists of fast-food or what I call a “policeman’s lunch”, coffee and a donut; what do you think will happen to your individual health care?  If you are eating junk, you will feel like junk.  There are simply too many choices of foods available that are not designed to be nutritious; not to mention the toxic ingredients in all processed so-called, “foods”.  Some of those “snack foods” contain specific ingredients that are designed to make you eat more of it.  “If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”  Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Border Wall

“Smile, you’re on Candid Camera”… President Trump invited both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to the White House yesterday; to discuss getting the money to complete the border wall.  Whenever President Trump wants something he will attempt to make a deal; which is how Washington D.C. works all the time.  However, neither Schumer nor Pelosi were in the disposition to give President Trump anything, no matter how small.  Prior to this; Pelosi was asked by a reporter if she would support a bill for the wall—she was not shy when she said “Nope; it would be immoral.”  Excuse me, but what is “immoral” about a wall that defines our border?  It is quite apparent that Pelosi and her Demoncrats colleagues have no inclination of putting up any kind of barrier, to protect us from an invasion.  Well, excuse me again, but did not Pelosi and everyone else who sits in our legislature in Washington, D.C., taken an oath to both protect and defend our Constitution?

For example; Article I, Section 8, Clause 15, to wit: “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repeal Invasions.”  Since Congress has been so inept in their duty; President Trump has the authority to act, based upon the above citing from our Constitution, to act accordingly, for which he has done by sending a military contingent to repel an impending invasion.  Do any of my readers know of a change that has taken place based upon “Article I, Section 8, and Clause 15?”  Therefore, a border wall is 100 percent lawful, in order to protect our border and its citizens who reside within that border. 

There is no doubt that both Pelosi and Schumer were quite uncomfortable sitting there denying any money for the border, while the cameras were on.  Schumer could not look President Trump in the eye and wanted the cameras to leave.  President Trump was not shy about taking the blame this time, for shutting down the government.  President Trump made a campaign promise to put up a border wall, and has done his level best to doing something about it, even if only a few miles got completed.  The only wall that really needs to be taken down—is the wall the Demoncrats have put up as not to be breached.  It seems to me that since the politicians cannot lawfully duke it out; then it is up to the voters to take matters into their own hands.  Hopefully, President Trump may see this as an opportunity to bring the entire matter to the American People; such as Ronald Reagan had done.

I was quite pleased when President Trump put out a “tweet”; citing the 150 billion Obama gave away to Iran, without so much as a whimper, and got absolutely nothing for that payment.  President Trump was only asking for a mere 5 billion dollars for the wall, but we can clearly see what we are getting for our money, so can those who would dare to breach it.  The bottom line is—the Demoncrats don’t want to give President Trump a “win”.  However, at the same time, the Demoncrats are just showing off the asses they are by continuing this denial, and abrogating their “oath of office”.  By stark contrast, if there were a Demoncrat sitting in the Oval Office, such as Obama, for they did not deny Obama anything he wanted; for which the Demoncrats had no problem with all that spending and accrued debt.  Back in 2006, both the Republicans and the Democrats were all for a border wall.  What can we say? Politics breeds strange bedfellows; short-lived affairs, and the beat goes on.

My compliments to Orin Hatch, who is retiring after his final session with his 40 years with the Senate—thank you for your long-time service to our country, and don’t be a stranger.  Paul Ryan is also retiring from the Legislature—although he has served, I believe he was a kind of “stealth elite”, among the Republicans. 

Monday, December 10, 2018

The Demoncratic Gloat Fest

The Demoncrats have poised themselves for a coming January session of “What can we do today to get President Trump impeached?”  Apparently, the House Demoncrats will take over where Mueller left off, or take up the slack he left behind.  I dare say that if Mueller and 15 loyal attorneys could not take President Trump down—do the House Demoncrats really believe they can?  One might suppose this might be possible if 219 Representatives devote full time to this end.  However, they will at the same time be abrogating their oath of office to getting to the job they were elected to do; and that is tending to the nation’s business, but one can also suppose that it is the job of the Demoncrats to remove President Trump from office, via a bloodless, political coup.

Consider the $30 million dollars that could have been earmarked for something other than doing a “Witch Hunt”.  At first, it was the presumption of “colluding with the Russians, to secure Trump’s election bid.”  Have I got that right?  However, since there was never any evidence pointing in that direction; Mueller decided to trim the branches of those involved in Trump’s presidential campaign; in the hopes to affect the taking down of the entire tree.  Although Mueller had implicated at least 13 Russians in the so-called “collusion”; it is virtually impossible to subpoena them as witnesses.

Now the Demoncrats have a problem, and that is the up and coming vote for the annual budget.  President Trump erred the last time, only because he needed money to rebuild the military that Obama allowed falling by the wayside.  Obama had other things in mind; such as funneling money to many various liberal groups and enabling illegal immigrants to have their hands unfettered into the “government cookie jar”.  This is clearly one reason why the “National Debt” doubled during the entire 8 years of the Obama Administration.  Another reason is the hundreds of millions of dollars spent for trips around the world to offer an apology for American’s so-called “imperialism”.  Not to mention his time off for golf, and we the taxpayers paid for all if it.  President Trump by stark contrast has only been on a golf course about twice in the past 2 years.  And I dare say, President Trump has been more watchful about spending taxpayer dollars.  Apparently, President Obama had allowed himself (being black) “reparations”.

Before Obama left office, he was very slick when delegating to those who are implicated in leaking and unmasking.  Obama carefully gave orders to numbers of senior and junior staffers, which gave them autonomy, for whatever action(s) were taken.  In this way, Obama was able to keep his skirts starched clean.  Not unlike “Slick Willy”, who stained a dress of an intern.

Hillary, by stark contrast would not give as much autonomy to her staffers—but for one systemic reason of a peculiarity of her gender—to have complete control, and when things go awry; destroy and shred all semblance of evidence; even to the degree of eliminating witnesses, for which “Seth Rich” is an example.  The circumstances of his murder are highly suspect, for the timing and any possible evidence he was privy.  By the way, Fox News did do some investigating into the murder of “Seth Rich”, but something went down and they suddenly dropped it.

Getting back to House Demoncrats… I perceive what they will be doing is peaking into everything Donald Trump has done, quite probably from the day of his birth.  The MSM most assuredly will have their ears perked up for whatever proceeds from any Demoncratic mouth.  If I were President Trump; I would be doing the same kind of investigating the House Demoncrats, to find out whose skeletons make the most noise from the closets.  In addition, I don’t think President Trump is going to sign a budget without his “entire wall on the border” being included.  Fog Head Pelosi said “Nope” when questioned about the wall and added, “It would be immoral”.  One must ask, “Is it immoral to protect American lives and keep from importing criminals, as well as protecting taxpayer’s dollars?”  Somebody, please do the math, as to the cost of the wall being about 25 billion, compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars that will be spent, by allowing illegal immigrants to roam free on our soil.         

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Cause and Effect

In recent years, there has been an unprecedented interest in the news.  It matters not so much as to the source, but it is the content that tends to shape public opinion.  This is why most media outlets willingly and knowingly, bias the news to reflect the management’s political views, or to conform to the direction of the blowing political winds.  This is not unlike the practice of former President Clinton, who was an astute politician.  Whatever was exposed during his tenure in the White House was always Bill Clinton’s practice as was during the time of being Governor of Arkansas.  Being more “more exposed” as President of the United States; Bill Clinton was not able to keep so many secrets, as was possible as Governor of Arkansas.  It was also Bill Clinton’s practice to test the political winds of the day; by metaphorically whetting his finger, to see which way the political winds were blowing.  This is why—despite his troubles in office—was able to weather any storm.  Now it seems it is the “Mainstream Media”, along with their Liberal consorts; who are generating those “political winds”. 

The “Clinton Dynasty” was the beginning of the media bias we are experiencing today.  This current “media bias” is the very reason why so many people have tuned out of the likes of CNN; MSNBC; ABC; NBC and CBS.  It was during the Clinton Administration that the acronym of the “Cable News Network, CNN” was aptly made into a by-word for “Clinton News Network”.  This same “bias” of the Mainstream Media was also shielding President Obama; for which those of his party became mute as to anything President Obama did or did not do; despite the law and proper protocol.  By stark contrast; anything that President Trump does or does not do; is instantly twisted to either demonize him or place direct blame, whether or not it makes sense.

It is not enough that the news, in general, is mainly “gloomy”, but this has been the usual trend, in order to grab audience attention, as well as advertising dollars that is the lifeblood of every news media.  It was once stated that in times past—the commercials that dominated the news program slots, were the ones for both “a headache and stomach relief”; and maybe the relaxing effect of a cigarette commercial.  Many media outlets are not unlike the executives of Madison Avenue; which is the advertising district of New York City; where the “headline” is the lead of what story is going to be told.

Social media is rife with much bias, as well as outright lies; because now nearly everyone is armed with an instant camera and “Instagram”; for which a photo can be worth a thousand words.  However, since 1995; digital technology has morphed to a paradigm when any pictorial media can be changed with the click of a mouse.  Movie special effects can easily make up for bad acting, or deficiency of a character; for which these digital effects can make any actor into a superhero.  This by itself has diminished both writing and acting; for which an “Academy Award” is given to the producer of “special effects”.  Compare our current movies with those from the “Golden Age” of moviemaking, when both writing and acting were rewarded and the “special effects” affected only the stand-in or stuntman.

With social media and YouTube; anyone can be a “producer and/or director” of their own production; for which is far too easy to falsify any visual effect and not limited by imagination or fantasy.  With an outlet like YouTube, many can and have produced scenes that seem to be believable, but when someone attempts the same; come up rather short.  The question that needs to be asked, “Is it believable?”  Therefore many of us can appreciate the works of “Mythbusters”, who have taken these unbelievable scenarios and proved many of them to be demonstrably false.  And then there are those who want to make a name for them, and getting in their “15 minutes” of fame, when in fact they committed some horrible act that causes some serious injuries or even caused a death.  This reminds me of one item of interest that came out of the mouth of the late George Carlin, to wit: The next time there is an auto accident; tell the attendants to bring the bodies closer.”

In order to get to the truth of a matter, one must consider the source.  If the source is reliable and proven to be true; this is the source the same can rely upon.  Anytime the following is said: “…from an anonymous source”, must be considered “suspect”.  In addition, if there is a lack of witnesses; one might consider going to another source for confirmation.  If all the above is not good enough; consider the following:  There are only two venues of those who fully understand what is going on behind the news—1) those who create the news and 2) those that know and understand prophecy.

There are a number of those who know and understand the end of this age is coming; for which I am one, and understand the application of prophecy, and indeed some of which has happened as predicted, and much more to follow…why…because God said so.  There are nearly none in any of the media who know and understand prophecy; even if they did; would it be accepted by their bosses?  Not likely…   This is another reason why I have started this particular blog.  I have made some predictions in the past; for which all came true; only because of my understanding of prophecy.  There is one more factor involved, and that is “human nature”.  “Human nature” is what it is, can also be used to making some predictions.  One of those “natures” is greed.  Greed, for the most part, is applicable on a person to person basis, but it can also be easily applied to politics.  Politics is a combination of both “power and greed”, or a greed for power… just follow the money.

The bottom line is; one must know the cause, in order to understand the effect; for this is what is truly behind all news.

Friday, November 30, 2018

The Ukraine

The Ukraine is a newsworthy item, but needs a little more attention.  “I am too sexy for my shirt”, Putin viewed Obama as a whippy President and took over Crimea almost without a whimper.  It is rather unfortunate that both Crimea and the Ukraine are not NATO members.  However, because of what is easily deemed as a blatant act of aggression by Russia; anyone can come to the Ukraine to help defend it.  A word of great caution needs to be revealed here; it would be quite easy for either Russia or the Ukraine to stage a “false flag attack” on one of their own ships, in order to point fingers as to who started it.  In reality, it is clearly Russia who has already showed their hand.

I must point out that the United States has also staged their own “false flag attacks”; 1) the battleship “Maine” was attacked by one explosion, while harbored in Cuban port, back in 1898.  It is this type of provocation that gets public support to prosecute a war that could have been avoided.  However, politics has a twisted way of making things happen, whether the public wants it or not.  Despite where the fault lied; the United States engaged in a war that yielded a lot of once owned territory by the Spanish.  2) The “World Trade Center” was also a “false flag attack”; personally I can say this because of some privileged knowledge I possess, but there is also some public knowledge that raises controversy.  The so-called “9-11 Commission” was quickly put together to quell the public’s inquiries of what really happened and why.  However, there is so much conflict in regards to “evidence”, for which the government has their version of what happened; verses the physical evidence that raised the controversy.

It is the “Powers That Be”, or what I call “The Matrix”, who is in charge, as to what is going to happen, in order to fulfill their agenda of world domination.  Given the fact that the “Bush Family” is one of the 13 original bloodlines of “the Illuminati” (the Powers That Be) it is not entirely surprising that the destruction of the “Twin Towers” was a government ploy to get the public support needed to prosecute a war in Iraq.  And as an added bonus; for the United States Government to get a firmer hold on the American People, in the guise of “security”, to use Nazi like tactics against us at airports and banking.  As a predicted result, our government has tightened its grip on a so-called, free society.  It is a simple measure that was practiced back during the “Great Depression”, to take away things from people, for which the government took our humanity away from us, and reduced us to being numbered.  By the way, it was at this same time the Nazis were numbering the Jews throughout Europe; coincidence? I think not.

By numbering any population, the government gains control over it, for which has been done to the American People since the end of the Civil War.  My personal studies in law revealed a number of events that started the whole mess, and believe it or not, it was Lincoln’s fault, but it was not intentional.  This entire story is revealed in my book titled; “What Difference Does It Make?!”  This blog was started by me as an extension of the above book.  This blog also spares my readers from purchasing more books I could easily write based upon current events, which become “current” on a daily basis, just like a newspaper.  Then in order to get a proper perspective on the entire matter is to understand the story behind all the current events, for which my book could be considered a “primer”. 

Now that I mentioned it; there are two other “primers” that are just as important, if not even more so.  The first one is a banned book titled; “Pawns in the Game”, by William Guy Carr, 1958.  I found this book in a private library, because this book and author were banned from all public libraries.  One will discover why Carr’s books were banned when reading them, especially his last one mentioned above.  This is the book that started me on my greatest adventure…my studies in law and other peripheral subjects and the reason why I wrote “What Difference Does It Make?!”  I must make an apology here in regards to my book; I had two close friends tell me that my book is a little difficult to understand, which is almost certainly the same reason why I have so few readers of this blog.

Consider “The Book of Romans”, for which Paul, a trained attorney had written, and is probably one of the more difficult books of the Bible to read and understand.  I cannot apologize for Paul, but I can offer sympathies for my writings to my readers.  I have done all I could to write so my readers can get at least a rudimentary understanding of what is happening, but more importantly as to “why”.  The “why” is my personal analysis of the news at large, which is based upon both history and prophecy?  History does repeat itself, but for only one reason; each succeeding generation is left ignorant of the true stories of previous generations, by government edict, who are the producers of a biased form of history, for which purposely shapes every succeeding generation, in order to fit “The Matrix”. 

This was the basis of what the “Clinton Administration” was doing when it implemented “Outcome Based Education”, which became a takeover of every primary educational institution in the entire nation.  There were a few States who resisted and rejected the bribe(s) offered (Federal money).  This education takeover also included the addition of a psychiatrist in every school.  The reason is rather simple, only because I fully understand the background.  It was to quell all “free thinking children”, and administer a drug to combat “free thinking”.  “Free thinking” is paramount in a capital based economic system, which promotes the growth of knowledge and technology.  State controlled type government, or some form of “Socialism” represses capitalism, economic growth, knowledge and technology.  All education is under strict control (such as it is now in most public schools, thanks to Bill Clinton).  All colleges are systematically being transformed into pure socialist thinking and acting, which has effectively squelched free speech through the exclusive use of political correctness and gender neutrality; all of which is a clear violation of our First Amendment and natural law. 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Mueller Investigation

Isaiah 59:4 “None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.”

I thought the above Biblical quote aptly applies to what is happening in the Mueller investigation.  The precipitating cause of the Mueller investigation was the possible connection of the Trump campaign with the Russian Government; for which there is not a smidgen of evidence whatsoever of a possible link.  Nevertheless, there are people loosely connected with the Trump campaign, who were being prosecuted for no other reason, and offered “get out of jail cards” to make falsified statements.  But none of those connected to President Trump ever had any intention to lying.  However, it seems not to bother Mueller and his gang of Clinton loyalists to promote lies in order to remove President Trump out of office.

Yes, I said “Clinton Loyalists”, which is very close to the truth.  The Demoncrats as well as all the political elitists in Washington D.C. were miffed by the election of President Trump.  It would also not be far from the truth to say that immediately after the election; Hitlary went into seclusion, because of a huge unexpected let down.  I am quite sure that many of her supporters consoled her, but a plan was being fermented, in order to take Hitlary off the “Hot Seat” of prosecution by the Trump Administration.  The plan was to develop a “Matrix”, which is a created reality, or what is commonly known as “producing a narrative” for the Media, who also wanted Hitlary to be elected president, for which this same Media has done nothing less than twist every good thing President Trump produced, as he promised all during his election and much more that would never be reported truthfully. 

The plan, or false narrative was designed to take attention off any possibility of a Hitlary investigation, and place an unswerving focus on a “Trump/Russian collusion”, and doing it very quickly, before the Trump Administration could implement their own investigation.  The Demoncrats wasted no time in choosing a well-known, unscrupulous prosecutor, who will stop at nothing to wrongfully trim the branches of anyone connected to the Trump campaign; in the hopes that at least one will fall upon his own sword, in order to remove President Trump from office.
I cannot help but to be tickled by what Sean Spicer said to the press, during a White House Press Conference; in regards to the “Trump/Russian connection”, for which he stated, “If President Trump used Russian dressing on his salad, somehow there is a connection.”  In fact, this very statement was cited in one of my prior blogs.

If there is only one thing to understand about Washington D.C., it is this; it is all about money and power.  One of President Trump’s promises was to “Drain the Swamp”, well, I already said all I needed to say about this in two prior blogs.  However, just the utterance of this quote would make those who hold the reins of power very nervous.  Washington D.C. is well mired in unfettered “Liberalism”, for which any threat to dismantle or put some powerful people out to pasture; will never set well with those holding those seats.  Mueller is clearly one of those who are a vital part of the “Liberal Machinery” in Washington D.C.

The worst part of an evil is to allow it to continue.  It is very important to take careful note that anytime an evil person wants to remain in power; who would they most likely hire to protect them?  They would hire someone who is more evil than themselves, but whose loyalty is unquestioned.  Mueller is one of those who is so evil, he cares not for any repercussions it would create for the loved ones of the people he is prosecuting.  Mueller also hired only those who were very loyal to the Demoncratic Party.  The last thing Mueller needs is a loose cannon, or an incompetent fool.  The attorneys he hired were carefully chosen, and if one examines their contributions, many of them were financial supporters of Demoncratic campaigns.  President Trump was not far off when he stated that things are “Rigged”.

In times past, as is now; Mueller has prosecuted a number of innocent people by breaking them financially.  Those prosecuted people lost everything in order to defend their innocence, but to no avail.  The prosecuted people would “lawyer up”, at probably upwards of $500 per hour or more; thinking the price they pay would prove their innocence.  The presumption of innocence goes out the window with the baby and the bath water; for the simple reason that politics is brutal, uncaring, with no sense of morality whatsoever.

Planning a court case is quite similar to prosecuting a war, but with one exception in most cases; no blood is spilled.  However, there is pain and anguish when one is unjustly put away, and it is the power of politics that will keep them in jail, quite probably for the rest of their lives, or until all their enemies die before them.   “Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.” Isaiah 59:9

It is also interesting to take note that the Demoncrats are in the process to protecting the “Mueller Investigation”, by passing a law to that end.  Clearly, the power of the Demoncrats is threatened to the point that in order to protect this fraudulent investigation, they need to pass a law.  In my estimation, this is an act of desperation, in order to hold on to whatever power they have left, but more importantly to protect Hitlary Clinton from any possible prosecution, for which will take place soon after the “Mueller Investigation” is over, but it will never be over until President Trump is removed from office.   These people are not part of the American Dream.  In fact, they are acting in a treasonous mode, for they are attempting to usurp the President’s power to dismantle the “Mueller Investigation”.  However, that will not be the end of it, because the entire Justice Department needs some serious shaking up; beginning with the firing of Rosenstein.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Caravan Part 3

The United States has black and white document called “The Constitution of the United States”.  Despite what anyone says, in so-called “matters of interpretation”; the President of the United States has unilateral authority to act when Congress is either absent or inept; especially in emergency circumstances, for which an invasion of migrants are making their way to our border.  Their intention is clear; to cross our border; claim asylum, and infiltrate into our population, without showing up for their court date.

The decision these migrants have made to make this trek to our border, was not whimsical.  These people were invited by “The Matrix”, which is an invisible government within our government.  Although this trek is rather hazardous, these migrants were assured of a relatively safe trip, for the simple reason this migration has to be financed.  These people have to have food, water and sanitation.  In other words, this movement was planned and financed. 

This “migration” numbers about 12,000 is not unlike an army on the move.  Anyone who has ever been in the military has to know something about the logistics involved, when any group of a large size needs to go from point A to point B, is aware of what it takes to support such a movement.  It was Napoleon who stated, “An army marches on its stomach.”  12,000 people require 36,000 meals per day, which equates to truckloads of food, water and toilet paper.  I can hardly believe that mostly poor Mexicans have opened up their doors, and offered food to this huge group. 

The idea of portending an invasion is aimed directly at President Trump; in the hopes he will make a wrong move when meeting this invasion.  In regards to President Trump’s predicted response; the law is on his side.  Congress did nothing for the past 2 years to fix immigration, as if the legislature did not exist.  This by itself gives President Trump the authority to act.  The Supreme Court was not shy about President Trump’s immigration ban from several nations, and this latest incursion is not much different, for the simple reason this particular migration is a clear and present danger to Americans.  The DHS has already identified 500 of this particular group who are known criminals.  

The army of the United States was deployed to meet this invading army of foreigners.  They may not have the authority to act in a hostile manner, but they are still compelled not to allow these invaders to cross our border.  They might shoot over their heads as a warning, which is what I personally would support.  President Trump did not mince words when he stated that if these invaders throw rocks, they are deemed as “deadly weapons”, for which those rocks are equivalent to being a rifle.  Rocks can kill people; just ask David, who killed Goliath.  I also see no problem using “tear gas”.  According to Article I, Section 8, Clause 15; it is Congress who is charged with “repelling invasions”.  Since we have inadequate immigration laws; President Trump is compelled to doing his duty and using his authority, to protect the American People from this invasion. 

Lincoln, because there was no quorum in Congress; had to implement the “Emergency War Powers Act”, in order to protect Federal property; for which Fort Sumter was one of those properties that was fired upon by the Confederate Army.  President Trump has this same authority to take action, because Congress is derelict in their duty.       

The Mainstream Media has called Trump’s use of “Tear Gas” a chemical attack.  For normal crowd control this is S.O.P. Standard Operating Procedure.  Pepper Balls are new to me; one might suppose this is a long-distance way of using what is “Pepper Spray”.  By the way you Trump haters; it has become recently known that President Obama also used “Tear Gas” against illegal immigrants.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Health Care for Everyone…?

It is virtually impossible to administer universal health care to every American, on a timely basis.  There is one reason for sure—there are simply not enough doctors to care for every Tom, Dick and Mary, who call for mere cold symptoms, because this is what is going to happen when health care is offered for free.  Right now, the United States is short by 20,000 doctors; so how can health care be available for everyone?  This does not include the many of those who need to support such a system, such as; nurses; hospital employees; home care specialists, etc.  The result is going to be “rationed care”, for which one must get in line, similar to aliens who want to be American citizens. 

Open up any local newspaper to the employment section.  What do you see?  Pages of display advertising for health care professionals—there are not enough now; so how can we expect to have government sponsored health care, when in fact the private sector cannot get enough employees to carry the current load? 

Universal health care has been both tried and failed in several countries, which is why many foreigners are coming to the United States, to be cared for on a timely basis, because of a mortality issue.  If indeed, the United States does get universal health care; the quality of care will plummet.  Make your appointment, and get ready for the long line at the doctor’s office, and be thankful if you can get a doctor’s attention for 5 minutes, because of the daily case load in the waiting room.

The above scenario is the reality of government sponsored health care.  Doctors simply will not have enough time to listen to your symptoms, and give a proper diagnosis in 5 minutes.  Right now, this kind of visit takes a minimum of 15 minutes!  Basically, human beings are quite lazy, and will run to the doctor at the slightest sniffle.  Personally, I have been doing my own “health care” since 1977; by doing my own research and treatment.  However, there were times when some emergencies did occur, and needed professional care.  Ever since 1977, I had over 17 different infections and cured every one of them within 2-3 days—how—with the right knowledge and without a smidgen of antibiotics.

The right kind of health care is a matter of education; but that does not mean we all need to attend medical school.  There are many basic health rules to follow and home remedies that will put all those who practice this method in jail, for practicing medicine without a license—this can only happen if someone tattle-tails to the so-called, “authorities”.  Authority is a matter of perception, not a matter of law; only because we have a Constitution that allows us more freedom than is actually practiced.  “If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”  Thomas Jefferson

I have been a student of law for more than the past 23 years; for which I have written a book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”; comparing “constitutional law” with “contract/administrative law”; for which the latter is practiced in all local court jurisdictions, for the simple reason we are deemed as “corporations”, because of the legal fictions that created these “corporations”, replacing human beings, and reduced to being warehoused as “human resources” via the “Birth Certificate” and numbered through the “Social Security System”.  Go ahead, and make an attempt to bring the “Constitution” into a local court, and be quickly cited for contempt, which is automatic jail time.  However, with the right knowledge; anyone can beat the local courts in less than 30 minutes, and leave with an inconvenience check in your hand.

Essentially, we are all “Wards of the State”, because no baby can leave a hospital without a “Social Security Number” and mandatory vaccinations, for which all vaccinations are not only a fraud, but will cause future medical problems.  I have a list of all the ingredients used in all vaccinations, and an 8 page document that puts the entire burden on the administrating doctor of these “vaccinations”, for which the doctor will at the very least hesitate to sign it, if he/she signs it at all, and therefore you may not have to take the “vaccinations”.  We do have the absolute right to refuse any treatment; but beware, there is a movement going on that will force vaccinations upon everyone, and for those who refuse these particular vaccinations, will be deemed as a biological hazard, with a strong possibility of being interned in a FEMA camp.

What really needs to be done is to bring “health care education” back into the classroom.  Too much time is being taken up in the schools for the indoctrination of future obedient followers of government edicts, for which “freedom” will quickly fall by the wayside.  Yes my readers, we are being lulled to sleep through the workings of “socialism, political correctness” and the fluoridation of our water that makes us docile; just as the Nazis did to the German people.  History is the teacher that can strike down any semblance of socialism.  Our Forefathers were aware of every government tried up to their time; for which they hammered out a “Constitution” during the hottest time of the year.  In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “You have a republic if you can keep it.”  Well… with the current political climate change taking place; it is not likely to last much longer.

Election Aftermath; Caravan Invasion and Gun Violence

I wonder how many out there understand the hypocrisy of the “Left Wing (nuts)”?  It rather tickles me when those on the “Left”, spout off about the “Rule of Law”; when in fact they break the law whenever it is convenient; or perhaps “Cherry Picking” whatever law(s) suit them for the time being.  What is really going out into “left field”; is when the law means nothing, if it involves identity politics; such as when they declare “Racism”, which seemingly trumps any law, rules, policy, and “political correctness” is paramount.  I stated in a prior blog that “political correctness” has been an incremental stepping in the direction of censorship, for which has effectively put the “First Amendment” on hold.

The latest leftist fiasco has taken place in two counties in Florida; for which a generation has passed, and the hanging chad has become a forgotten issue, as well as the machinery that produced them.  Nevertheless, these two Florida counties are once again plagued with old machinery.  However, such things are no excuse for both incompetence and breaking election laws, but the “Left” can easily excuse both, because every vote counts.  If we have followed the correct news reports about this crime; there were many violations of law and voting ethics that point directly to one “Election Supervisor”, who is grossly overpaid, because she has short-changed 900,000 voters in two counties, in the past 15 years of her tenure.

Why she was not fired the first time for her crimes?  Well… let’s just say; “Birds of a feather flock together.”  Now that Florida is blessed with a Republican governor; Brenda Snipes has submitted her resignation, for which she claims she wants to spend more time with her family.  As laudable as that sounds; I think many of us know better, especially since one of her last remarks; stated a claim of “racism”.  This particular word is the “clarion call” for the entire “Left”, as well as the “MSM”, to stand up and take notice.  Such a declaration defies logic, because a question should arise as to “How can this election fiasco be one of racism”?  This particular election was so very close that a Black man was nearly elected as governor; so how can “racism” be claimed, when the votes were very close to being equal in number for both candidates?  In addition, Brenda Snipes was well aware that she was most certainly to be fired, once Desantis is to take office as governor.  Therefore, in order to “save face”, she decided to resign.  If it were a Democrat that was elected, she would remain in her cushy job.    

Caravan Invasion
Somebody is lying… We have been told by the Demoncrats and the MSM that the people of the “caravans” are all good and poor people.  If that is true, then why are the residences of Tijuana declaring the people of these “caravans” are invaders?  In addition, the Mayor of Tijuana has said, “This is a Tsunami.”  Moreover, the people in these “caravans” are committing crimes.  One might suppose if the MSM is telling the truth—this simply means that everyone in Mexico are lying to us, but when some news organizations have gone to the protests displayed in Tijuana, have discovered from at least one person, on video simply said, “Trump is right, this is an invasion.”  And yet another protestor stated, “These are bad people.”  It seems apparent to me that both the Demoncrats and the MSM need to take a trip to Tijuana to get their story straight. 

I have one question to all those who oppose the ownership of guns.  “Name one gun that lost ‘control’, to get up on its own and discharge.”  As ridiculous as that statement is; it is this premise being used by those who oppose the ownership of any gun.  It matters not what weapon is used; it is the decision maker behind the gun who has decided they are better than those of whom are their targets.  Whenever I first hear of a “live shooter” or a “shooting incident”, involving random victims; my first impression is; “The shooter is on some drug.”  I have yet to find one such shooting incident that [mind altering] drugs were not involved.

Therefore the blame can never be directed at the weapon(s), but it is the mental condition of the shooter.  Before effective mental drugs were invented; these same people who are now on some sort of mental drug, were institutionalized, but many of these facilities have closed their doors because of the easy option of drugging the problem(s).  This of course presupposes that the recipients of these drugs are taking them at the prescribed amount and at the prescribed time.  Just for argument sake; let us say that all recipients of these drugs are taking them as prescribed and not missing one step.  The only possible trigger to set these people off might be the loss of effectiveness of the drugs.  The latter is a distinct possibility because this is true with all drugs, because all drugs do eventually lose their effectiveness and must be re-evaluated.  Unfortunately, we must wait for an active shooter to make them known to the doctors, to get their prescriptions changed, but at the cost of how many lives?  Therefore, we must lock up the potential mass murderers, if we are to stop these kinds of shootings.  

The removal of all guns is not the answer, for two reasons; 1) the Second Amendment and 2) we hear about how many people are killed by guns, but the same people who make these reports, do not say how many people are saved by the ownership of a gun, which by the way is three times the amount of people being killed by guns.  Very few people know why we have the Second Amendment.  This was Thomas Jefferson’s idea, for the simple reason for the people to get control over the potential of a tyrannical government.  “When we cannot get redress in the courts, then that is the time we take up arms.”  Thomas Jefferson.  History has proven time and time again; the confiscation of property always follows the confiscation of guns.  God also backs up this premise.  Now before anyone touts the 5th Commandment; although it is rendered “Thou shalt not kill”; is not properly translated.  The organic Commandment is; “Thou shalt not murder,” which is the deliberate taking of a life, but we are allowed to defend ourselves.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Deadly Environmental Impact; Ex Post Facto

I sincerely doubt my readers understand anything about the environmental protocol of leaving deadwood on the forest floors.  This particular protocol has been blamed (and rightly so) for the increase in the damage that any type or cause of uncontrolled forest fires; for the simple reason all that deadwood fuels every fire in our Western States.  Guess what folks; it was God who; when He created Adam; charged Adam to dress and keep the “Garden of Eden”, Genesis 2:15.  This simply meant to not only landscape the garden, but also to remove the entire amount of deadwood.  Deadwood has but one purpose; to be used by us human beings to keeping warm and cooking.

Now, before all the “tree huggers” have a conniption fit; I am going to give you one inescapable fact about wood.  Any wood that is either burned or left to rot; puts out the same amount of “carbon dioxide” pound per pound.  This is one particular omission that the environmentalists purposely hide; in order to maintain their narrative of so-called “saving the environment” and keeping their cushy jobs.  If the environmentalists are so concerned about “Carbon”; then I have but one suggestion to solve this problem…make charcoal! 

It was discovered that farmers in South America were making charcoal, to be sequestered in the soil; which by the way increases the effectiveness of fertilizer, and never wears out within one’s lifetime.  We are not talking about “ashes”, because that is an entirely different chemistry.  Charcoal is made by heating wood in a fully enclosed container, with the exception of a small vent; for it is the combination of carbon and oxygen that produces carbon dioxide.  Take away the oxygen and the heated destruction of wood, leaves only carbon behind.  By the way; this method can also be obtained, but more slowly by using direct solar energy.

Another narrative the environmentalist were touting back in the 1990s; was about the “Spotted Owl”; for which they claimed that it takes up to 5000 acres of untouched forest for one “Spotted Owl” to survive.  Again, as above; the environmentalist conveniently left out, when making this particular claim that there are very few natural clearings, within 5000 acres of untouched forest.  It is these few clearings that any owl needs, in order to be able to capture prey.  Therefore, if we want more “Spotted Owls”; we need more clearings, which also means clearing some carefully chosen places for lumbering; which has been done in times past, until the environmentalists got in the way, by filing lawsuits, etc.  

Therefore, if we need to place blame as to the unprecedented death and destruction of Paradise, California; we can put much of the blame upon the protocols of the negligent environmentalists.  We already know that it was a neglected campfire that started this particular fire.  However, it was the un-cleaned up deadwood that provided the fuel, to allow this fire to spread so easily.  When God speaks, He does not mince words; for He provided the proper protocol right at the very beginning; but of course, the arrogance and greed of men are constantly in the way.  This is because men are more proud of their arrogance; than heeding the “word of God”.  Men tend to worship their creations, rather than their creator; for which is quite evident throughout the centuries, of the pagan worship of other deities; whether they be in existence or created by the minds of men.

Ex Post Facto

It is rather laughable, as to the attorneys for the Demoncrats; who have every intention of somehow changing the current election law(s) in the State of Florida; which they hope will turn the tide of the election, in favor of the Demoncrats.  Well, there is one particular problem with that idea; for there is a clause in “Article I, Section 9, Clause 3” To wit: “No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.” 

To those who do not know what “ex post facto” means; it is simply a Latin term meaning “after the fact”; these rather arrogant attorneys have the gall, in making an attempt to get the election laws changed; after an election has already taken place, under current Florida law; “ex post facto”.  If anyone is seeking a “constitutional crisis”; here is one right in your face.  Whatever these Demoncratic attorneys have in mind; will never stand up in our Supreme Court; as long as the Supreme Court Justices adhere to the Constitution.  If for no other reason; President Trump wants jurors who will strictly adhere to the “Rule of Law”; which is our Constitution. 

In perhaps simpler terms; one cannot pass a law that becomes “retroactive”, from a prescribed date; for which President Clinton did this back in 1993; with the passage of the “death tax”; that was passed in March of 1993, but became effective as of January 1993; “ex post facto”.  Therefore anyone who died between January and March of 1993, were all liable for the tax.  Probably the only way the then President Clinton got away with it; is because this particular law was administered through the IRS; which by the way has no part in United States Law.  I will not go through the sorted legal quandary that was produced by the 16th Amendment, or the 60,000 IRS Codes; that have enslaved every corporate working American.  As they say; the devil is in the details; for which can be found in my book titled; “What Difference Does It Make?!”

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Nationalism; House of Representatives; Political Football and the Washington D.C. Swamp

It seems that President Trump can’t go anywhere without putting up with non-sequitur criticism. According to the definitions; there is very little difference between “Nationalism” and “Patriotism”. This is just another leftist narrative, for which these words will be redefined in the “Politically Correct Lexicon”. Changes in words come with every succeeding young generation; for example: the word “bad” 45 years ago, meant something good; “Oh that is so bad.” The Feminazis 40 years ago, thought that being a “bitch” was hot. President Macron has redefined “Nationalism” as to be unacceptable. I can hardly believe that with an approval rating of 26 percent that even Macron is going to gain any points in the polls, just because of non-sequitur issue of a few words.
However, this particular narrative has taken hold in both the Main Stream Media (MSM) and Hollywood, in the United States, and I am quite sure the Demoncratic House will also be touting this narrative as well…why…because President Trump’s name is attached to those words, for which President Trump will continue to be demonized, despite our thriving economy. The up and coming House this coming January, has already compiled a list of legal maneuvers that will be nothing more than a distraction to the Trump Administration. The allegations will simply have no teeth for that narrative to go beyond the Demoncratic House. All their time will be focused on “The List”, rather than tend to the business of legislating for their constituents.

One can scour Article I, but will not find any precedent to place any undue burden upon the Executive Office; unless it is for a specific “Act of Treason”, which is giving aid and comfort to an enemy. Please, please Bob Mueller; find just one smidgen of aid and comfort that President Trump has given to Russia. In fact, President Trump is on Russia’s hit list, for the current sanctions, and for the arming of the Ukraine. I can see nothing but “gridlock” between the House and the Senate, promulgated by the House’s “list” to getting rid of President Trump. I wonder how long it will take for voters who don’t know one end of the Constitution from the other end, to be dissatisfied with “The List”, and not tending to the business of the nation at large. I can estimate it will take about one year or less for “The List” to fall by the wayside. The House simply cannot uphold “The List”, for a great amount of time, because spending bills must be passed.
Both sides will play “political football” for a while, and then at the 11th hour, before a government shutdown takes place; there may be some crossing of the aisle. Very little legislation will take place in the new session of Congress, for which will open the door for President Trump to put forth more executive orders, to pull up the slack both Houses will be leaving. If we can get the Department of Justice cleaned up; they have the authority to cite the House Demoncrats for “Dereliction of Duty”. If the Department of Justice is also derelict in their duty; then the Supreme Court may have to intervene. This nation simply cannot be sustained by a group of legislatures, who for lack of a better term; protesting the Trump Administration, through legislative acts that cannot be enforced without demonstrable evidence.
It is rather incumbent for any group of discontented political hacks; to prey upon the branches and limbs, which are easier to indict, before going after the trunk of the tree. The “branches and limbs” don’t have the wherewithal to fight to the ninth degree, a legal battle they simply cannot win without enough financial backing. Mueller and company have been doing just that, to anyone even loosely associated with President Trump. It seems the real power in Washington D.C. is an army of attorneys, who have nothing better to do than ruin the lives of people, who are just doing the job they were hired to do, and left hanging out to dry.
I pointed out in prior blogs that President Trump will have an uphill battle to fight in “Draining the Swamp”. “The Swamp”, Mr. President is far larger, deeper and murkier than you one believed. In addition, “The Swamp” is filled with the most unscrupulous and vile creatures you will ever find. Washington D.C.’s make-up is a cesspool of both “greed and power”, that was established long before you built your first building, Mr. President. In order to make any headway within “the Beltway”, one must be just as unscrupulous and vile as those in the opposition. Any sense of morality goes only as far as one decides to enact; and Washington D.C. is not for the squeamish. Washington D.C. has its own rules, and has many pawns that will be forced to take the fall, to protect those who wield the most power.
Despite Hitlary’s loss for her bid for the presidency; she wields more power than President Trump in Washington D.C. Her tentacles go beyond “the Beltway”. During her tenure as Secretary of State, she was a god. Even though she was clearly breaking the law with the ownership of her own server; she has control over the Justice Department and as I stated in a commentary over 3 years ago; Hitlary is immune to prosecution. It should not be too much of a stretch of the imagination that Rosenstein has cowered to Hitlary, and somehow got to Jeff Sessions, who should have prosecuted her. The Mueller investigation is a smoke screen, in order to protect Hitlary.
President Trump has a rather strong constitution in regards to all the disrespect and insults he has endured during his administration. Jim Acosta had his press pass confiscated, for being disrespectful during a White House Press Conference; who came very close to assaulting a female communication intern. President Trump stepped aside from the podium, and came very close to removing Acosta on his own. This little move by President Trump was enough for Acosta to finally give up the microphone. If it were President Andrew Jackson at the podium; he would have step up to Acosta, get into his face and challenge him to a duel. I would not put it past President Trump to grab hold of Acosta and escort his to the door, but I am quite sure the Secret Service probably would have taken over, as a matter of protection for the President. This reminds me of the computer generated incident, where Trump is depicted to body slamming a wrestler. It was my hope this could have come true between President Trump and Jim Acosta. Such an incident might quell some of the disrespect President Trump has been getting from the plethora of so-called “journalists”, SNL and other late night programs.