Saturday, October 21, 2017

Billionaire Philanthropy, Hitlary Clinton and North Korea

There have been recent reports of unprecedented philanthropy going on, with billions of funding toward so-called “humanitarian” venues.  It makes me laugh that this is going in these “end times”…why…because this world is becoming more evil with every passing day and this “philanthropy” is not without underlining evil intentions; particularly with George Soros and Bill Gates. 

I do not care what George Soros says about “democracy” because it is all a whitewash for what is coming down the road… a one-world government.  It might have all the makings of a democracy, but the only freedom you will have is if you succumb to the whims of the State.  You will be required to take the “Mark of the Beast” or starve and they will claim this is freedom of choice. 

Anyone with as much money as these people, who are philanthropists, cannot be allowed to run amuck according to the “Powers That Be” or the Illuminati.  This was clearly proven when Bill Gates visited Brussels back in 1998 and got a well-deserved pie in the face by the locals, who knew why he was there.  The locals are quite aware of the Illuminati and their headquarters in Brussels.  I am quite sure the meeting went something like this; “Play ball or else.”  The Illuminati can make or break anyone at anytime.  A refusal to succumb to the whims of the Illuminati will result in the removal of your wealth or your life.  Many have tried and died.  Yes, that woman reporter in Malta was one who would not quit.

I am somewhat immune to the powers of the Illuminati, only because I have a very small audience to this blog.  However, if my audience were much larger then Google would remove my blog and ban me from ever blogging on Google again.  Yes, Google is also playing a part in the coming one-world government; otherwise, they would not be in business or drastically reduced in their influence.

Many people simply do not want to be bothered with the truth.  “Just let me have my job, pay my taxes, have my cable TV and leave me alone.”  Yes, my friends; the above is the creed of the Joe Six-Packs and Jane Wine Coolers, who are nothing less than being apathetic and then wonder why they are deep in debt and cannot live without legal drugs.  All one has to do is turn on your TV and view the plethora of ads for drugs for nearly any little thing that bothers you.  But none of those drugs would be necessary if we had food that contained all the nutritional components they were designed to have in them, so our bodies would be able to maintain its healthy stance.  “Organic is not a new thing, it’s how food used to be.”  From a poster inside “Fragrance Basil Juice Café” located in my hometown of Norwalk, Connecticut.

Hitlary Clinton has no business lecturing President Trump about North Korea; mainly because of her dismal failure as a former Secretary of State.  In addition, from a historical point of view, what Hitlary is espousing is coddling an enemy to the point of paying tribute, and called for what is truly is…extortion.  This is a long-time political practice that has been going on ever since civilizations have risen.  The only other practices in order to avoid war were political marriages, but such marriages worked as long as the presiding monarch families remained in power, which is hardly the case with democratic or communistic forms of government.

The proof that President Trump’s policy towards North Korea is working, is the fact that Kim Jong Un does not have the guts for an actual attack.  Kim Jong Un will continue his saber rattling until he is able to secure enough extortion fees.  This will continue to the point when it becomes blackmail.  Most blackmailers meet their demise when taking it too far.

China is not merely sitting on the sidelines…why… personally, I cannot believe that China would allow North Korea to nuke their favorite client.  The Asian mind works differently from Western thinking; therefore China is quite aware of Kim Jong Un’s true intentions and will not allow him to go off the deep end.  It is at least plausible that China has some covert operation going on in North Korea and perhaps even as high as being among those high up within the North Korean government.  It is a well-known phrase; “To keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.”  This is to make sure that Kim Jong Un’s threats do not become a bitter reality.

Never in all our American history has there ever existed a nationwide and coordinated effort to subvert a President of the United States, which is threatening this nation’s resolve.  In times past—it did not matter who won or lost an election.  We accepted the results as being a part of our democratic process and continued on with our lives.  What has been happening this year is a purposely divisive and outright practice of anarchy, which was fueled by the Obama Administration that covertly funded any Liberal activist group, through monies obtained from government lawsuits, as opposed to dipping directly into the government budget.  In other words, Obama was a thief, which probably makes one wonder where he got that 1.3 billion he paid in cash to Iran to release some hostages.  Obama made “slick Willy” look like a choir boy. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Commercial Courts

Commercial Courts
All court cases involving government contracts such as the “Driver’s License”, presuppose one’s guilt as a “breach of contract”.  The same “one” might make a claim to their “constitutional rights”, but then again the so-called “authorities” have that covered via the “Birth Certificate” and the “Social Security Number”, for which those venues just mentioned created what is called “the straw-man” or “legal fiction”, which is also called a “corporation”, for which corporations have no rights.  The “legal fiction” is personified by the name in all capital letters and will find this venue on any and all government communications and most commercial entities, such as banks and everyone who distributes I.D. or discount cards.

The “Birth Certificate” is a government instituted document that creates or adds to the inventory of available commercial chattel that is marketed as “human resources”; in a word “slaves” to the plantation known as planet Earth.  The Social Security Number is the identifier of the slave, for which monies earned by the same are extorted via taxes and court fines.  The same can nearly be said for the “Death Certificate” that removes one from the human resources inventory.

The government created these “corporations”, and has the right to prosecute the same as per whatever rules, laws or policies might be enacted; the Constitution notwithstanding.  In addition, it is quite apparent that our police officers can kill anyone with impunity, because the government giveth and the government taketh away.  Moreover, President Trump signed into law that the police no longer need a warrant for their investigations.

All children are wards of the State and proof is the fact that courts can order a child to be subjected to the poison known as “Chemotherapy”, for which a nurse described it to me as being “Drano”.  In addition, “Chemotherapy” is only successful in one and one half percent of all cancer patients; all other die as a result of this so-called “therapy”.  The reason why parents need to bow to the whims of government is because of the “Marriage License”, which is just another government contract that one assumes must have in order to perform what was first instituted by God Almighty and man perverted it.

No matter how one may slice it; all the above is about power over people and the wealth that can be gained from them as well, which is the ultimate pyramid scheme.  The men at the top are a mere handful of men known as the “Illuminati”; all others below them are “Pawns” in this game we call life.  Anyone with enough wealth must belong to this club in order to maintain and hold on to their wealth.  Yes, this includes President Trump and Bill Gates.  However, it is well-known that our Forefathers were Masons, which is sub-organization of the “Illuminati” and turned on them, for which 31 of them and all their families were murdered.  No one with as much money as President Trump has, and you can name almost any multi-millionaire or billionaire, because they all belong to the “Illuminati”, or at the very least answer to them.

All your Fortune 1000 corporations are headed by Masons, as well as most if not all seated judges.  Money and power can purchase anything, which is very reason no investment banker went to jail or even threatened with jail time during the 2007-2008 crises.  You see my friends, all your news, music or any media is nearly all controlled.  If this particular blog had a large enough audience, Google would have me banned, because Google is also a big part of this “game”.  You can name nearly any institution you want and they are corrupted to one degree or another; yes, including all religions.  Even your Bibles were corrupted centuries ago by a power-hungry “Pope Innocent III”, who first instituted the “Inquisition”.

If anyone believes any of the above can be changed for the better, simply forget it.  For there were a number of others decades ago, who attempted this and were quickly buried or drugged to death in a mental institution.  The “Powers That Be” do not want free thinkers and the very reason why President Bill Clinton Federalized our public schools; instituted the placing of psychologists in every school to drug children who are asking questions that rub the establishment the wrong way; looks like freedom of speech is quickly taking a backseat. “Everything you think and say is in the pill you took today,” a phrase from the song “In The Year 2525” by Zigger and Evans, 1969.  In addition Roe vs. Wade was another way to get rid of more potential “free thinking future Americans”; about 60 million to date, not including those many more millions who would have also been born if those 60 million were not murdered.  

Saturday, October 14, 2017

A Revisited Police Report

It seems rather odd that the police cannot believe their own original report on the massacre in Las Vegas.  I also viewed a report about 16 questions the media avoided to ask; re: “Rise Earth”.  This incident is the same venue as the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995—when at the time President Clinton was backing some gun control legislation in Congress and needed public support.  It seems to me to be an oxymoron that a “bombing” has anything to do with guns.

Look, my friends—there are deliberate forces at work to effectively take our guns away from us.  This includes the drugging of the mentally incompetent instead of having them institutionalized to keep them safe from the public when they miss taking their drugs and go on a rampage.  The so-called “authorities” know that this would happen and purposely allowed the mentally ill to be drugged because they knew a few would run amuck, to commit murder and then blame the guns.  Remember what I stated time and time again?  “Anything political is planned!”

Every gun law since 1933 are all unconstitutional, which started with the ownership of the “Tommy Gun” or “Thompson Machine Gun”; in order to keep them out of the hands of the “Prohibition” mobsters.  We should be aware that any criminal or criminal organization is not going to pay any attention to a “gun ban”, and it is a known fact there were no more than 6 “Tommy Guns” among the mobsters during the time of “Prohibition”.  And it was during this same period, an attempt was made by the same mobsters to have a machinist produce “Tommy Guns”, but was squashed by Elliot Ness and his investigators.  Too bad we cannot say the same for our current FBI and the cache of weapons Stephen Paddock had and was able to get by security (what security?) of the hotel.  With that many weapons, he had to make several trips back and forth and the bags he was carrying hardly resemble “normal” luggage.

Anyone remember Jocelyn Elders?  She stated during the Clinton Administration the following: “We can make safer guns… we can make safer bullets.”  What is the purpose of guns and bullets?  To make them unsafe to those who dare encroach upon our life, liberty and property, which is our God-given right to defend ourselves and therefore in such a defense we have only to answer to God for our actions, and not to any man who dares to take that right away from us to defend ourselves; this includes all police, judges, attorneys, prosecutors, and politicians, most of whom have sworn an oath to uphold and defend our Constitution.  The Commandment that states; “Do not kill” is rendered incorrectly.  The actual translation is “Thou shall not murder.”  Our Forefathers knew this, but the Liberals and the like would rather have all gun advocates mowed down, such as what happened in Las Vegas and was “allowed” to happen.

Say what you will about the men in blue, but they are specifically trained to be paranoid about everyone; they will lie and take away our property as they see fit because they are not enforcing law, they are enforcing power over us along with the courts who use extortion which seems to be our only way for a “get out of jail card”.

But the main problem is our apathy to the power of the courts and so-called “law officers”, who are more about protecting the corporate jurisdictions than citizens.  But all that power they currently have did not spring up overnight.  We have been the preverbal frog in the slow to boil water.  With every succeeding generation since 1933, any constitutional power we once possessed has evaporated—why… because we do not take the time out to challenge the so-called “authorities”, which according to Thomas Jefferson, “We need a revolution every 20 years.”  So now all this power has morphed us into a police state that was clearly expected by a pro-se group I attended from 1995 to 2002 in Albuquerque, New-Mexico.  It is now evident our police forces within the United States are guilty of more murders per year than all terrorist attacks worldwide during the same period at present.  

Thursday, October 12, 2017

September 10, 2017 Blog; Storms

I know this blog is being posted very late. An oversight on my part because of my neglect and a plethora of issues that have overwhelmed me since my move to the Houston, Texas area.

I am quite sure the readers of this blog are not interested in my problems or excuses and I have no contention with that thinking.  The only contention I do have is for no feedback and/or ignorance.  It seems that President Trump has after all morphed into a politician, by making a deal with the Demoncrats, for which Paul Ryan seems to be beside himself in this regard.  This venue is not business as usual for our legislatures, but deal-making is.  One might suppose the Republicans, in general, are posturing themselves for the next election and from what I understand; 70 percent of the time our legislatures are directly involved in their re-election process and they get paid for it.  One can hardly believe that our employers would want their employees to take out even 50 percent of their time for job hunting.  It is also plausible that because we have a Republican President that the Republican Party is poising themselves to be the knight in shining armor.

It truly amazes me how much attention nature gets when it comes to storms, but all the while when most of the time nature is quite calm, but the real storm during the calm is the one that has since 1868 has taken our God-given Rights away from us.  During the midst of Hurricane Harvey; President Trump signed legislation to abrogate our 4th Amendment Rights by allowing searches and seizures to take place without warrants.  I personally believe that this legislation would pass no matter who is seated in the Oval Office.  Like I stated in a number of these blogs “Anything political is planned.” 

Whenever a nation is starving; we as Americans always supported sending food to those divested places, but there is only one particular problem that has been systemic ever since we have provided sustenance and that is the politics of those nations will stop any distribution of any life saving provisions and allow all of it to rot on the docks.  If you were a dictator; would you want to provide sustenance to your enemy?  America has always prided itself on our God-given Rights of freedom, but ever since soon after our Civil War; those Rights had been incrementally been stolen from us; like the preverbal frog in the slow to boil water.  We are not allowed to marry without a license, unless one understands how to avoid it and we no longer own our property, for the simple reason we are the property of our government via the Birth Certificate and the Social Security Number.  We are taxed directly, which by the way is forbidden in our Constitution, but it is being done to us anyway and we accept it by providing our share.  If one understands anything about government; sharing is one venue of Communism.

I am not saying there is something wrong with taxes, but they do have their place; such as the trade tariffs that existed in times past, which was the only revenue our government depended upon for the cost of government, but all that changed when the Federal Reserve System was established, which by the way is privately held institution and the national debt is owed to the owners of the Federal Reserve.  In addition it is the Instant Rip-off Service that exists for the collection of the loans made by the Federal Reserve.  The Federal Reserve System was established in late 1913 and the IRS came into existence in 1916, which by the way was only ratified by only two States, but became a so-called “law” despite the deficiency; Re; “The Law That Never Was”, Volume I and II, Bill Benson.  In addition, there was a C-Span program that was aired in early July of 1999 that was the most requested program from the public, for which Bill Benson was presenting this case, along with another man whose name is Joe Banister, who was a former IRS agent and it was his job collecting for the IRS.  It is a matter of public record that both the Federal Reserve and the IRS are of foreign origin.

The politicians simply could not resist such a boondoggle of nearly unlimited revenue, in order to secure their re-election bids.  And now we have gone the way of the later years of the Roman Empire that eventually spelled out their demise.  What has been happening to the United States since 1964 has been a Communist venue or what could be termed as a “Turn About Intruder”.  This of course is in addition to what Eisenhower warned us about as the “Military Industrial Complex”, or what is also known as “The Deep State”, “Shadow Government”, or a more definitive term that I personally espouse as “The Matrix”, which is more to the truth to being a created reality, because our names in all capital letters is a “Legal Fiction” or “Corporation” and corporations have no rights.

Look my friends, what I have just described above can be viewed quite overtly on Youtube.  Watch as some people have attempted to declare their Rights in court and were instantly found in contempt, which by the way is mandatory jail time, until such time that the defendant decides to pay the extortion fees.  The reason is quite simple; you applied for a driver’s license, for which licensing is reserved for those who are contract drivers for commerce and was never meant to apply to private citizens.  All one has to do is read it.  However, we are literally forced to bow to the whims of our respective State governments and sign the government contract known as the “Driver’s License”.  One’s signature is the only proof the government needs to enforce that particular contract in any court and constitutional rights notwithstanding, because that contract revoked any rights you had as a traveler.  Any license does not make anyone a competent anything.  Licensing is permission to do such and such.  In all my days of doing construction work as a business man, I never applied for permission to do my work.  The reason is simple; my work was unchallenged; I did it all, concrete foundations, framing, electrical, plumbing, insulation, drywall, painting and flooring.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Useless Eaters; Income Tax; Food Stamps and the "Mark of the Beast"

My move to Houston, Texas was just short of not being able to bear, but I am getting through the mess and able to again take time out to continue with this blog.  I was reading something very disturbing and indeed quite alarming and it goes back to a prior blog about being micro chipped; aka, “The Mark of the Beast”. 

In times past and for some who are still living from those days; food was used as a weapon.  It was Hitler who used food rationing in order to increase production for the Nazi war machine and it was Stalin who used food as a weapon to quell the Ukraine from becoming a separate state, for which 20 million starved to death in just a two year period.

In more recent times, Henry Kissinger, along with President Gerald Ford came up with a classified plan in the reduction of what was first termed as “useless eaters” among developing nations.  What I am going to say next is going to seem outlandish, but is a direct parallel to what I stated in at least two prior blogs that there are only two things that will kill human beings; nature, which is death by old age or a natural disaster; or by the government and in this case the United States Government.  I do not want to hear that our own government would not go so far as to starve its own people because our government is not what it was prior to the end of the Civil War, as I have plainly stated and proved in my book,  “What Difference Does It Make?!”   

Well I suppose none of my readers of this blog have read it yet and I have been quite generous in supplying some of it here within these blogs, but as they say, “The Devil is in the details”, for which I have spared my readers a lengthy read, by maintaining a two-page limit to my blogs.  The United States, in general, is well-known for its generosity to all nations when disaster strikes, which by the way is all a matter of a political show and is temporary at best.  However, the overall plan is for the Corporation of the United States is to subjugate the people into a slave state, which we all are but do not realize it, only because we have certain false beliefs that have spoon fed to us generation after generation, such as; paying our far share of taxes, which by the way was never meant from its implementation of 1916 to tax individuals, because the Constitution prohibits a direct tax.

The reason we have a direct tax is that of WW II or more specifically because of the contract the IRS made with Walt Disney to produce something that would stir up patriotism and people would volunteer into contributing a mere two-percent of their paychecks for the war effort.  However, after the war that voluntary tax was not lifted and continued, but expanded to include everyone and now you have what Paul Harvey would say; “…the rest of the story.”  The whole idea of a “Federal Tax” was designed for federal employees who worked on federal property, corporate entities (because they are legal fictions authorized by the Federal Government) and those who reside within the District of Columbia would pay the tax and that was the entire extent of the intended “Federal Income Tax”. 

Now that we have “Food Stamps”, we now have about 50 million people who benefit from this particular program and if the government wanted to they could pull the rug from under all of those beneficiaries.  You say “The government would never do that!”  If you believe that then you do not believe what God says, for which I have already outlined in a recent blog about “The Mark of the Beast” and the consequences thereof.  I am only the messenger.  One might also seriously consider what is happening presently in cities across the entire nation with gatherings of the many fridge groups, who demand this and that and do not mind adding violence to the mix.  The government is not going to allow such anarchy to influence our present system of law and order.  As long as there are overt displays of violent protests, such things are accumulative and will eventually prompt the government to do something about if before it gets out of hand.

There are those in what is termed as “The Deep State”, which I have termed long before this as “The Matrix” and I use this term specifically for two reasons 1) any matrix is a created reality, for which false-flag attacks can promote certain public behavior; 2) because of the movie series with the same title, for which we are most familiar, who sincerely believe the government has all the answers and the general population be damned; our Constitution notwithstanding and that is another story, for which there is no room here to include and suggest reading my book, “What Difference Does It Make?!.  Yes, it might sound like I have been promoting this book and that assumption would be correct.  One interesting aspect of our electronic age is the fact that technology has permeated every facet of our society and this includes the printing industry, for which I was a part of back in the late seventies and all through the eighties when personal computers were in their infancy.

The United States Government has already prepared to “chip” everyone, but like I said in a prior blog to prepare us for when the specific “chip of the Mark of the Beast” will make it easier to be accepted as a way of life.  Do not be fooled, because these particular “chips” can be made to do anything; to even provide a “kill switch” to those who defy the “The State” in the smallest way.  This “kill switch” might be a simple alarm to notify the authorities of a breach; subject to an arrest and promptly executed most likely publically like the French did during the “French Revolution”; yes by guillotine, for which I know for a fact are hidden in the United States and I know of at least 4 of them that were discovered.  In the year 2000, 3 of them were discovered on a railroad flatcar and in 2010 another one was immediate discovered when offloading a container from a ship from Europe that dropped from a port crane (perhaps by a divine event) to reveal a guillotine whose recipient was a church that vehemently denied it.

I also know that President G.W. Bush ordered 109,600 railroad cars fitted with shackles; enough to “railroad” 15 million people, perhaps to any of the 600 FEMA Camps located throughout the United States; Alaska being the largest one can house up to 2 million.  From what I and others understand, it is Homeland Security who is in charge of these FEMA Camps and the hiring of those who will be administrating these camps.  So as one can plainly see, all the above has been planned for several decades.  

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

My move and North Korea

Greetings to my blog readers; yeah I know it has been some time since I have written here, but I was traveling and settling into my new location and subsequent job.  The Houston area is quite large and boasts a population of approximately four million.  Oil is the driving force in this community and business, in general, is quite brisk and a welcome relief to me from the depression in the State of Connecticut.  The pay scale is lower here, but so is the cost of housing.  I enjoy what I do for work and the place I work keeps me quite busy and I love it.

Is war with North Korea Imamate?  Perhaps, but President Trump is on the same page as I have been ever since the issue existed.  All North Korea has to do is carry out its threat and we can make North Korea a mere memory.  One other less bloody alternative to revert back to the “good old days of the CIA” when they would stage assassinations and allow a more benevolent regime to take over.  This would spare the general population to be punished for the sins of at least one man and a warning to those who serve under him.  The Chinese are just as much at fault for allowing this narcissist to make such waves that could place the entire world on the alert. 

The Chinese are just as appalled as their other neighbors, but it will never show and one could hardly believe that the Chinese would allow the nuking of their biggest client, the United States.  I am of the belief that the Chinese might have a “sleeper” or possible traitor in the midst of this regime, in order to secure the economic status of the Chinese/United States trade deals.  We also know that The Chinese had firsthand knowledge of just how responsive we are to threats when dessert was served.

It might be well to the entire world that the threat of a nuclear attack from any nut who might want to make a name for him/herself.  And yes, it could mean the end of this civilization as we know it, but then again this has been something that we had to live with for the many decades following the use of nukes over 70 years ago and the dire consequences thereafter.  Yes, it ended a long and bloody war, but at the same time, the rest of the world envied the ownership of such great power.  With great power comes great responsibility and there are those who are so envious for that kind of power that the first opportunity that comes along to use it, it would be almost impossible to quell such an action, for which we are now witnesses to that possibility.

And yes, it is conceivable that North Korea can hold the world hostage, which just might be their true intent, which is not unlike past military campaigns, for which many have paid tribute, to be spared from being attacked.  But such tribute will only last as long as there is the cash to spare and thereafter all bets are off.  In saying this, I am not one to allow a hostage situation to change anything.  Life and death happen to all of us; it is just a matter of when.  We all prefer “life”, but “death” is the final destiny of all and this is why I personally do not fear death because time passes and so do we. 

Do the above give us an excuse to do whatever we want and the hell with everyone else, even if our actions cause the death of just one or more persons?  The answer is an emphatic “No”, but there are many who will do anything to get ahead despite the consequences and in the end, as time passes, they come to meet their demise, so what was gained?  We see such things on a daily basis when we view the news and what effect does this have upon us?  “Oh, it does not affect me, because I was not there.”  That being so, still, a living and breathing human being, who was loved by someone will no longer exist because of the greed of one or more persons.

The bottom line is to live out our lives as what is best for all concerned.  If we cannot do that, what makes us so much better than anyone else who desires a quiet and fruitful life?  Yes, the government does carry a high degree of responsibility, but I know for a fact the responsibility does not go beyond the creed of our government and its survival as a corporation, which is true with every government on the entire planet, which simply means the general population is expendable and we are witnesses to this as well, when cops kill more innocent people than all the terrorist acts throughout the entire world combined in any given year.  This is why I have stated in at least one prior blog that there are only two things that can kill us; “nature or the government”.  “Nature” meaning either by old age or some disease; “government” as in being in the military and sent out to fight, or by some venue of resistance.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

New Blood in the White House; Sandra Huckabee-Sanders and Police Tyranny

There is a whole lot of shaking going on… it seems the White House is going through some growing pains.  This is not so unusual for any new administration and without a doubt, the media is seeing this as a “red letter day”.  The media simply cannot get enough dirt and if possible dig up more dirt along the way.  It seems with all the “shaking” going on they might be losing their sources.  One might suppose now the “Washington Compost” will revert back to the old days of the Nixon Administration to find another “Deep Throat”. 

Personally, I am going to miss Sean Spicer and taking all the political bullets from the hostile media.  However, it seems that Sandra Huckabee-Sanders is not going to take it on the chin and can dish out some of her own rhetoric.  The Press Corps seems to want to maintain a narrative that there is still much Chaos going on in the White House, but Sandra has assured the media they are mistaken and confessed about the Chaos going on in her household with 3 preschoolers and soliciting for babysitters among the Press Corp.

Yeah, I am beginning to get back on track in keeping up with news de jour’.  However, on Thursday, I will be on my way to Houston, Texas for a new assignment and be traveling by train.  No, I refuse to fly because I will not be treated like a criminal, so my last flight was in 1999.  It presupposes does it not that such treatment by TSA is reminiscent of Nazi Germany?  “When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force.  At that point, failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.” John Perna

We see examples of such “tyranny” daily by our police officers, who have already declared all of us as the enemy and trained to be paranoid, which simply means everyone is a suspect, until proven innocent, unless you happen to be unlucky to be killed by either a bullet or even by a Taser, for which by the way in the past 10 years 500 people were murdered by Tasers by the police and the police in the United States are responsible for more murders than all the deaths that have taken place in any one given year by terrorists, worldwide.

Yes, some were actually criminals caught in the act, but many innocent people have met their demise at the hands of our police officers.  Even if you are lawfully carrying a gun to defend yourself, you will be going to jail, because both the police officers and our courts are ignoring our rights, but if you have read many of my prior blogs, I have expounded this many times.  It might do my readers a service to view a man named Gavin on “Youtube” and get firsthand knowledge and the experience of this man when confronting the police.      

Saturday, July 29, 2017

"How to Secure Your Employment" Micro Chips and What to Expect in the Very Near Future

Recently there was an article about “How to Secure Your Employment”. The answer was to be micro chipped, which is being done in India and now Australia is micro chipping their population.  This is quickly becoming a fulfilled prophecy, known as “The Mark of the Beast”, for which no one will be able to buy or sell without this “Mark”.  Do not be surprised that within the next 4 years, you may not be able to enter a bank without one of these implanted chips and also will not receive government benefits, including health care, when entering a hospital, be able to get on the Internet or enter a library without being chipped.

Yes, for those who refuse to be “chipped” will be discriminated against and perhaps to be extended to include churches and any public assemblies, licensing or refusing to be vaccinated, which by the way has been proven to be all a fraud and promulgated by Big Pharma along with the CDC and the FDA, for which these last two are manned by former executives of Big Pharma, so where do you think the bias is going to lie?  The “prophecy” continues to say those who take the “Mark” will not be allowed to enter into the “Kingdom of God”.  This will be become more pronounced when the “Two Witnesses” come on the scene, halfway through the “Great Tribulation”.

At least for now, these particular prophesied “chips” do not yet exist, because they need to be programmed and this “programming” is either in the planning stages or is already stored for future use, such as what happened soon after 9-11, with the so-called “Patriot Act”, for which this legislation was completed in an astounding 45 days and therefore was already prepared well in advance for when such an event as 9-11 provided.  Remember my friends; “Anything political is planned”.  I was already prepared for such an event, when I was involved within a certain circle of friends back in 1995, who knew the above was going to take place.  The question was “when?”  And when I viewed it on live TV, when the plane hit the South Tower, I knew at that very moment, we were going to be thrust into a much deeper “police state”, for which “9-11” and the “Patriot Acts I & II provided.

The “chips” that now exist are to acclimate us for what is surely coming and very soon.  Personally, I have already predisposed myself to refusing any “chips” that might be offered.  And yes, there is a distinct possibility that I could starve, if I refuse to be “chipped” about 4 years from now.  But I know there is a God in Heaven who knows and counts the very hairs on our heads.  We were all born to die anyway and it does not matter how long we might live, the time always passes and so do we.  I prefer to die with the little freedom I have left, then to live under tyranny and slavery. 

Our Forefathers, were also aware of their lives hanging in the balance and 31 of those who signed the “Declaration of Independence” all perished along with their entire families.  The British were ordered to hunt down and murder all the signers and their entire families.  I am quite sure the above acts incensed many Americans at the time and were also prepared to die to protect the little freedom they had, so that we could enjoy what freedoms we once had and were stolen from us, beginning soon after our “Civil War”.  As they say, “The devil is in the details” and can be found in a book I have written, which is the same title of this blog, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

It matters not who is sitting in the “Oval Office”, the wheels of tyranny have been turning for more than the past 150 years and we are now witnessing the fulfillment of what “The Matrix” has designed for us, which is the same as what God prophesized centuries ago through his prophets from both the “New” and “Old Testaments”.  The Bible is a jigsaw puzzle and without “God’s Spirit”, it is impossible to put it together.  I do not expect many readers of this particular blog to fully understand, for the simple reason many believe men instead of “Our Creator”.  But a time is soon coming when the “Two Witnesses” will come on the scene and prophesize from “Jerusalem”.  And because we now have instant communication available, via satellites along with our hand-held devices, there will be no excuse for not heeding the acts and prophecies of these “Two Witnesses”.

If you believe that we could not have more controversy than we are experiencing now; you will want to be alive when the “Two Witnesses” will be in the news daily.  Every politician and anyone of renown will have to take a backseat and will probably do or say the most outrageous things, in order to get some headlines, which is not too far off what is happening now and is only a microcosm of what we can expect.  But why should I take all the romance out of it, for my readers can see it for themselves in their respective Bibles and find what I am talking about in the “Book of Revelation”, but do not ignore the later chapters of the “Book of Daniel”, because they dovetail.

Dancing with the Stars and so-called "Health Care"

Dancing with the Stars?  Sean Spicer has taken his media soap opera on the road with ABC, by joining in with “Dancing with the Stars”.  It should not be so surprising when this man challenged the media on a daily basis to dance with him.  “Okay, here we are, again, with the President’s agenda and your Russian agenda; let’s dance…!”  One can also suppose that now that Sean is now a “free agent” he has become open to new and exciting offers.  I am not aware of the ratings for “Dancing with the Stars”, but I do know that when Sean Spicer was hosting the “White House Press Conferences”, the ratings topped all the soap operas, in those particular time slots.  Perhaps, the “Sean Spicer Show” was more of a reality program, where the basic plot does not change, the characters are the same and the plot thickens with every episode?

The so-called “Health Care” issue is not much better in regards to becoming a reality show.  Obama and the demoncrats took the opportunity to again screw the public to provide us with a so-called “health care system” that was specifically designed to fail from the onset…why… because their agenda was to morph it into a single-payer system, where the government has full control over our health care, administered by bureaucrats and not by doctors or insurance companies.  Oh, by the way, ever since ObamaCare the insurance companies have near doubled their profits, from 8 billion to 15 billion and they are complaining they want more government money.  If Hitlary were elected this surely would had happened already, because she and Bill attempted this back in 1993.  Hitlary is simply a power-hungry woman and her new book is not going to apologize for that hunger.

The last time she had a book was when the publisher fronted her 8 million dollars and lost big time.  Perhaps now, the publisher is not as squeamish because Hitlary has a larger audience, mainly because of the anti-Trump movement.  And there is no doubt that Hitlary is grooming herself through this book to give her a better platform to run again in 2020.  Apparently, if one is watching the news closely, will discover that the demoncrats have at least 6 other possible candidates for the 2020 election cycle.  It is my thinking that Hitlary will quash any and all DNC choices and take over the nomination.  Frankly, I do not give a hoot who wins the presidential election in 2020, because no matter who is elected this civilization is poised to destroy itself.  The reason is because there are forces at work that will bring this about and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

My suggestion is to find a quiet corner to live out whatever life we might have left and not concern ourselves with all the stresses brought on because of all the political bullshit that we will never have control.  Besides, stress will cause unneeded inflammation and then we become diseased and then we will need health care and all the amplified stresses that go along with it.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Cause and Effect

There is so much going these days in terms of news items that are very difficult to keep up, but the more sinister agenda is what is behind the news of the day.  Like I said in a prior blog; “For every effect there is a cause.” And as far as the news in general is concerned, much of it are simply distractions from which the “cause” is virtual unknown, but the “effect” is the only thing we are allowed to see or experience, which produces mainly negative emotions, which produces undue stresses in the body, causing inflammation and if sustained we end up diseased in some form.  Most of our immune system is located in the gut, which simply means that negative emotions can cause intestinal upset and our digestive system is working 24/7.  When a health care provider places his/her stethoscope near the belly button; they are listening to our digestive system at work.

I know some of the issues I bring up can be rather upsetting and yes, those issues tend to stir me up as well, which is why I write about them.  The only difference in the way I write is provide a perspective that may not have been touched upon, especially when it pertains to prophecy, for which there is not one news agency, with the exception of CBN that has such a perspective and this assumes they have the correct interpretation of the scriptures.  When one understands Biblical prophecy, then the news takes on an entirely different meaning and one that “The Matrix” fears, because it tends to bring the general population much closer to the truth than they want.  And in at least my case, because I have this understanding, I can accept the truth and be able to live with the “effects”, for the simple reason that I know the “cause”.  

Another very important point that must be fully understood; all prophecy is “conditional”, which simply means if the “conditions” change, so does the prophecy.  However, because most of this world is currently blind to Biblical prophecy, the “conditions” will never change and therefore the prophecy will be fulfilled.  Personally, I have accepted the fact that the “conditions” will never change and that was 38 years ago.  This world with every passing day is becoming increasingly evil, therefore whenever I hear of the evils going on, with ever increasing frequency it comes as no surprise to me in the least.  So when Jack Nicolson says, “You can’t handle the truth.”  I can handle the truth, for the simple reason that the truth does not surprise me, because God said it first, through his prophets.

Yes, some of my readers of this blog might not find the above acceptable and I will most certainly never apologize for the truth; because I will always believe God, before I can accept what men say.  So when we hear of innocent people being gunned down by police officers, get over it, because this was prophesied, not specifically mind you, but I refer to what Yeshua said to his decibels in Matthew 24, in regards to the “increase in violence”, during the “end times”.  And by the way, were you aware that more innocent people are murdered by police officers than murdered through acts of terrorism in any given year?  This statistic is from guns, but in addition 500 people were killed by Tasers in the past 10 years by police officers.

Too many times Americans are at risk from some of those who were sworn to protect us are killing machines.  There is a “cause” for this and it goes back to when some of these officers served in the military, for which 5 percent of all military personnel are psychotic.  Can we stop it?  We might, if properly addressed, but it is quite doubtful and the Supreme Court, for the most part, has given all police immunity from prosecution for a wrongful death.  We are the only nation on the planet that has this particular problem.  If one cares to pursue this further, type this in your browser “killed by police”.    

Yes, it is quite sad that not only are lives stolen from us, but also the grief that is suffered by the many families who are greatly affected.  It is very unfortunate that any responsibility is thrown into the wind and those who are the cause are simply “excused”.  “Black Lives Matter” eat your hearts out, because you will see more and more killings by police and “color” does not matter. 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

"Kill the Messenger" and "Anything Political is Planned"

Dear Readers of this blog, I must apologize for neglecting entries and so much has happened that is now past and I have been far too busy with a particular client and getting ready to move out of state.  Frankly, I have been too tired when getting home a little late in the evening and my bed inviting me to take a much deserved rest.  I now have a few days off from this client, but I still need to prepare for my move.

I am very sorry that Sean Spicer is no longer going to grace the television screen with his banters with the bias press.  You may or may not be aware that these White House Press Briefings, with Sean Spicer hosting, has received much higher ratings than the soap operas, during those same afternoon time slots, whenever they occurred.  Some were started from 1 pm to around 3 pm.  I would have to wade through all the news, waiting for the time when Spicer would finally show up and take all the political bullets meant for President Trump.  I suppose it is the old axiom; “Kill the messenger!” 

So now we have a woman to take his place.  One might suppose that if Sandra Huckabee-Sanders were to take her position to the nth degree, she could declare “sexism” at least towards the male reporters, but she is above such utter nonsense and would rather argue the so-called “controversies” and let them have right between the eyes with a metaphorical 2 X 4.  And I am quite sure that Anthony (cannot spell his last name) has the all the intestinal fortitude to let loose on the press, when it is called for.  He does have that look and accent of a Mafioso and just come short of placing a dead fish on someone’s doorstep, for which looks crossed eyed at him. 

Look my friends, the press has no problem putting the heat on, so it stands to reason to give it right back at them, because they so deserve to be treated as they dish it out.  President Trump has yet to see or even hear that the press has said something positive about his accomplishments, as opposed to the false narrative of a Russian/Trump conspiracy or collusion.  Both the press and the Democrats simply cannot get over the fact that Trump won the presidential election and we still have three and a half years yet to go, so must we continue to hear all the bullshit?  Well my friends let it be known that 90 percent of those polled simply do not want to hear the bullshit anymore. 

Mueller and company are barking up the wrong tree and probably have all the same material that all our security agencies have and came up with the same conclusion; there is no Russian/Trump connection and therefore that prosecution team is now engaged in a witch hunt to find something about President Trump’s past personal dealings that may put him in a political quandary, but the true goal is to get him removed from office, no matter the means.  However, President Trump has the power to remove this prosecution team by simply firing them.  There is no doubt that both the press and the demoncrats will cry “foul” and declare that President has something to hide because he fired this prosecution team and the beat goes on.

The heart of the matter is simply that the demoncrats are sore losers and bias press is cheering them on.  We have better things to do than to promote a false narrative for the past 6 months and get to the business of getting America back on its feet, instead of crawling to the whims cry babies, which worked well with the Obama Administration, when considering gender changing friendly public restrooms.  “Oh pity me because I am not sure what gender I might be today.”  What utter and petty nonsense, when compared to the likes of North Korea, radical Islamic terrorism and the militarism of our police forces, who react often too quickly and murder innocent people and it happens much more often then we hear on the news.  When was the last time any of you heard about the 500 people that the police killed using Tasers in the past 10 years?

The above is only the tip of the iceberg, because it is Big Pharma who has the biggest grip on our entire so-called “health care system”.  Were you aware that ever since ObamaCare passed that the health care insurance providers have nearly double their profits, from 8 billion per year to 15 billion?  Rural hospitals have closed down because the urban hospitals did not want the competition and therefore raised the prices of hospital stays and procedures.  This is forcing people who need health care living in rural areas to travel one hour or better for care, which is purposely herding people back into the cities, which is why there has been a boom in apartment construction in many cities throughout the country since 2007 and most likely have federal backing.  None of that particular construction is being done on speculation and people are moving back into the cities.  This has been planned for at least the past 20 years, because of the circles of people I have been in personal contact, who fully understand the government agenda.  Always remember this axiom; “Anything political is planned.”

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Draining the Swamp and "The Meeting"

There are times when we and I personally may from time to time give in to procrastination.  And perhaps there are times when one might be overwhelmed with so many things going on all at once, it is rather difficult to be focused.  You see my friends we are all fallible to one degree or another and I am not afraid to admit my own failings.  I could perhaps fully explain, but would not serve my readers very well, only because everyone has their own problems and demons to overcome.  Let me just say that none of us, no matter how laudable our intentions are paragons of virtue.  Even Ben Franklin in his autobiography did not fear exposing himself to the fact that he suffered from thorns in his flesh, as did Paul and eluded to at least one fault as being a “thorn in his flesh”, in the “Book of Romans”.  Which goes to prove that no matter to what degree we attain a degree of greatness; we are still slugs at the bottom of the barrel, from a righteous point of view.

Despite all the above, because of what I know and understand, it would be irresponsible for me to hide under a shield and be selfish by not sharing what I know to be the truth, in any matter that I have researched and studied.  This is essentially what President Trump is going through in his efforts to “drain the swamp” and meeting resistance from every quarter, even among his staff.  There is no way that “leaks” just happen; for every effect there is a cause.  There must be at least one among President Trump’s staff, who is a operating in stealth.  If this person is ever discovered, it would be far better to set a trap than to merely drum this person out from their position.  It might be well for those who read this to view the movie “Dune”, mainly because there was someone very close to Duke Leto Atreides who was compromised by their enemy the Harkonnens, to betray the House of Atreides at a specific time and making them vulnerable to be destroyed.

Go back to my earlier blogs and witness that I had written before President Trump took office that his attempt to “drain the swamp” was going to prove to be a very daunting task, or at the very least, an uphill climb.  There are many thousands of government employees who have jobs and want to keep those jobs, even if they might have to sell their souls, because they never had it so good and simply cannot be duplicated outside the Washington D.C. Beltway.  And then there are those who are the power behind the bureaucrats, who are the protectors of these same bureaucrats and will not allow the swamp to be drained too much, to expose the truth about our very corrupt government.  There is no doubt these “power brokers” love what the MSM is doing in their efforts to take down the Trump Administration, which takes the pressure off the “power brokers”, lest they may falter and expose themselves.  

I firmly believe the meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was a setup by the Obama Administration, for which Loretta Lynch was a willing pawn to allow what I believe to be more of a Russian operative than an attorney; special entrance to the United States, when previous attempts through the normal channels did not allow.  I believe the second reason why I believe this to be a setup, is simply because Donald Trump Jr. came away empted handed of what was purported to be compromising information of the opponent Hitlary Clinton.  It is also very difficult for me to understand why Hitlary would be on the chopping block, when it was she who gave away 20 percent of our Uranium production to the Russians, which by the way is more of a treasonous act, compared to this meeting of the Russians with Donald Trump Jr. and leaving that meeting with virtually nothing.  This meeting was no more valid than if President Trump put Russian dressing on his salad and as empted handed as when Gerardo opened Al Capone’s hidden safe.

As far as Congress not taking their vacation and working out a better Health Care plan, I believe that the Republican opponents are correct in not voting for this bill and to completely repeal ObamaCare, or to allow ObamaCare continue to implode, when all the insurance providers throw up their hands and pull out of a losing proposition, which was doomed from the beginning, because the intention was to provide a single-payer deal, for which the government has all the say, as to who is going to get what and when, which is going to be rationed care and those over 50 years in age and older, will be last in line.  We are already short 20,000 medical practitioners since 2010 and with the government in control this figure is sure to increase, because of the mountain of paperwork made necessary through government bureaucrats, who do not have a “smidgen” of medical knowledge.  I said it in a prior blog; only two things will kill us; nature or the government and I would place my bets on the government and come out a millionaire.

Better health care is going to come from the private sector, as in any industry or business practice.  But it is the “Liberals” who firmly believe that big government is the answer to everything, which is what the Romans thought and look what happened to them.  Better and affordable health care is going to come from two sources 1) better education starting in grade school.  2) Allowing insurers to cross State lines and 3) get Big Pharma out of the FDA and out of our living rooms.  All the above will remove the government from out of what is our decision of what we want in terms of our health and well-being.

Friday, July 14, 2017

An Apology

I feel I must apologize to the readers of this blog for neglecting to make recent entries, because I am going through a change.  I just realized that I am 63 years old and that is a multiple of the number “7” and it is every 7 years that changes do take place in our lives, which going back 7 years is the proof of this phenomenon.  This is also evident of another recent blog when I mentioned that I was going to be absent for a time and not realizing a “life change” was taking place.  I also realized that I am also suffering from a mild form of a “burn out”.  For if I were a total “burn out”, I probably would not be writing this particular blog.  In addition, I do not want to excuse myself from my responsibilities of providing some sensibility to what is happening to the civilization.

In a matter of weeks, I will be taking on a new assignment in Houston, Texas.  There is a depression that has existed in the State of Connecticut for nearly a decade, for which in at least the past 3 years, 24,000 families have left the State and no knowledge of those who have left prior to these past 3 years, mainly because of my absence from this State and returned for the sake of my family just 21 months ago.  As far as work was concerned, I was doing fairly well until just 6 months ago, when my income dropped to nearly zero.  I do believe my readers understand that I take full responsibility for myself and would rather not rely upon government assistance, because that kind of thing is for the fat and lazy couch potatoes, which would stand to reason since the last Administration was headed by “Mr. Potato Head”.

I do believe if one cares to explore it, the same will discover the main reason why there are many depressed areas in this nation, is because they are headed by the “Demoncratic Party”.  Look what happened to Detroit after 50 years of “Demoncratic rule”.  There seems to be an unwritten creed of the “Leftists” of “tax and spend”, for which no civilization can sustain for too long and the extinct Roman Empire is a prime example of this.  They became so “fat and lazy” that they allowed the Barbarians to overrun the entire empire.  After which every bit of the Roman Empire legacy of great architecture left standing was neglected, because the Barbarians had no clue as to their purpose.  The entire State of Illinois is in a financial quandary because of unfettered “tax and spend” policies.

However, by a stark comparison, the State of Texas has taken the bull by the horns and has taken fiscal responsibility and put this State in the “black”.  In addition, they did not stop there and to further this responsibility has passed a law to punish those places who have declared themselves as being a “sanctuary” for those who do not deserve to be here in the first place.  Now, I must say something here that might be distasteful to some, only because they prefer to take up the violin for the down-trodden, who by no fault of their own, are victims of the awful politics from where they came from.  However, at the same time, the United States cannot afford to be a “sanctuary” for every down-trodden individual who crosses our border with impunity and full well expected a handout as advertised by the “Mr. Potato Head Administration”.   

If one wants to stop this gross misuse of politics in foreign nations, it is the direct responsibility of the people of those nations to effect a change; for which the United States can assist in such a change, without direct interference and merely apply sanctions, until such time that those nations begin to take the responsibility to serve the people, instead of the so-called “leadership” serving only themselves, at the expense of the people.  Yes, many people may die to effect the changes needed, but probably no more than the multiple thousands who died on their way to the borders of the United States.  And if those people who escaped the political oppression of those nations, fully understood how our nation struggled to become the greatest nation on the planet, they just might appreciate that account and go back to where they came from to fight for their freedom, which by the way is a basic “human right” and to ignore that right is inhuman.

We have no one to blame, but our own politicians for who most are self-righteous bastards, because of their neglect of our rights guaranteed by “We the People’s Constitution, have unbalanced the scales of both law and justice, for which by the way is the exact description of the caricature on the cover of a book I authored, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

Explanation of the cover of this book…
The cover of this book aptly describes the contents, so at least in this case you can judge a book by its cover.  This is a caricature is of “Lady Justice”, but as you can see with some changes that aptly describe our current system of law. The more overt observation shows how bias our system of law has overcome the constitutional venue. Lady Justice also has her left eye peeking from under the blindfold, which means that justice is no longer blind and to make sure the scale remains unbalanced. The blood on the sword is no longer touching the ground, but raised up and dripping with the blood of those who were sacrificed, in order to maintain “The Matrix”.
Mark-Edward: DeBarbieri, RM

Monday, July 10, 2017


Dear Readers of this blog; there are times I receive some interesting material that I believe should be viewed by as many people as possible, because there are after all two sides to every coin.  And yesterday's blog was one of them and today I have another that is sequitur to my last entry.  In addition, I am quite disappointed by the amount of readership to my last entry, but astonished by the vast increase of readership for the "Creation vs. Evolution" blog.  One might suppose that my readership is mostly composed of those who believe that they are entitled to a "Free Lunch".  However my friends, there is a price to pay for everything and it must come from someplace, which is why it is a Biblical principal that in order to eat you must work for it and I will never apologize for the "Word of Our Creator".

This is the reason CNN has dropped Buchanan. It's like Newt G. Said, "you're not supposed to bring up uncomfortable Facts." (verified on Buchanan's website)Pat Buchanan had the guts to say it. It is about time!

By Patrick J. Buchanan
You say we need to have a conversation about race in America. Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to. This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and  demands heard. And among them are these:
First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known. Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.
Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants. Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.
We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?
What more opportunity is it that the White people need to give to help the Blacks?
If the poor white got this much opportunity there would be no poor white or lower class of white trash people!!
The main problem why black people are not progressing is the, "They owe me factor"!! Get it in your head! No Body Owes You Any Thing!
Obama talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona? And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids?
Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America ?
Is it really white America's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?
Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?
As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time? Is Obama aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?
We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.
Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.
This needs to be passed around because, this is a message everyone needs to hear!
OK, will you pass it on?
YES. I did but will you? I passed it on because I'm for a better America. I am Not racist, Not violent, Just not silent anymore.
In GOD we trust!

Sunday, July 9, 2017


Editor's note: the following is a direct result of the many people who enjoy living off the government breast, enabled by the taxpayers, who work hard and sometimes two jobs to make ends meet, while the government breast feeders suck the life out of the nation.  This is how the Roman Empire deteriorated through socialism--have we not learned anything from history, or is it because our government wants us to be ignorant of history, in order to maintain a stranglehold on the population, for which our legislators for the most part are only interested in securing the next election... "Look what we have done for you and if you want more, keep electing the Democratic Party!"  And by the way, it has been the Democratic Party who has enacted most of our tax laws, in order to keep the funding going, just like the Energizer Bunny.

This is probably the best e-mail I’ve seen in a long, long time. The following has been attributed to Lewis Napper, a Jackson, Mississippi computer programmer. He didn’t expect his essay — a tart 10-point list of ”rights” Americans don’t have — to become an Internet legend.

We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional. We hold these truths to be self evident:
that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of Non-Rights.

ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone — not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc.; but the world is full of dummies, and probably always will be.

ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful; do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing.
Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we’re just not interested in public health care.

ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people.
If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don’t be surprised if the rest of us want to see you get the blue juice.

ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others.
If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don’t be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won’t have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.

ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an over abundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don’t care where you came from, English is our language. Learn it!

ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country’s history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of persecution.
The phrase “In God We Trust” is part of our heritage and history, sorry if you are uncomfortable with it.

If you agree, share this with a friend. No, you don’t have to, and nothing tragic will befall you if you don’t. I just think it’s about time common sense is allowed to flourish. Sensible people of the United States must speak out because if you do not, who will?

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Creation verses Evolution and so-called "Climate Change"

Dear Readers of this blog, the deal I was talking about fell through, so my friends I am posting this latest blog.  I believe it might be fitting to let my readers know that this next blog may not be well-received, only because as a society, we have become comfortable with all the lies and deceptions of a world that is well on its way to a predicted end.  We have a God, who understands the heart of mankind, because He created it.  Mankind was created for one very specific reason, for which my readers will find as being impossible, but be warned that your Bibles are filled with a number of miss translations, in order to satisfy a power-hungry Pope Innocent III and have the church not only rule over the masses, but also to rule over kings.

Once mankind understands the true purpose of our “creation” and it is a “creation” and could never have just “happened”, for one reason and question; “Do you believe that something less than you made your brain?”  Well my friends, this is precisely what is being wrongly taught in our so-called “highest educational institutions”, for which by the way is still taught as a “theory”.  However, this “theory” has become the eyeglasses of how everything in our world is viewed, which is why we have been mistaken about many things about this world and especially the reason why we exist in the first place.  Yeah, perhaps I am doing a dance around what is the heart of the matter, but my readers deserve a thorough explanation.  The following is an excerpt from my book titled, “Growing Your Own Organic Groceries”.  Yeah I know it seems to be an intangible connection, but trust me it is quite more tangible than one might think.

To wit:  Ladies and Gentlemen: when I had read the above, I had to stop to make a comment to clarify and disarm all controversy over the evolutionists and the creationists. There is a huge gap, perhaps billions of years between verses one and two of Genesis I. There was indeed a creation, aptly described as the “Big Bang” that happened as the astrophysicists had surmised with great accuracy and expounded. But there had to be another creation, a re-creation if you will, because of the war in Heaven between Satan and his demons, against God and his Heavenly realm. There is no need to get into the scriptural details because this is not the agenda of this book. “The earth became dark and void”, is the proper translation, for which necessitated the need to re-create the Earth. Bear with me and it will all make valid sense. When anything that is created, it takes time to make the first one. But once it is completed, the next one and thereafter, takes far less time. Such is the case with the Earth. The first creation took billions of years to get it right, but when it came time to re-create it, it took only 6 days. Therefore a [re]creation took place as the Bible states, about 6000 years ago, for which there is no history of this particular species of mankind that ever existed before 6000 years. And therefore there is no such thing as “the missing link”. It is missing for the simple reason that it never existed! Anything prior to what is perceived as being a so-called ancestor of the present day man, is most likely a creation of Satan, for whom the Earth was given to him to rule over, prior to his coveting of God’s throne and the ensuing ‘war in Heaven’, for which planet Earth became collateral damage. Mark- Edward: DeBarbieri,RM

The above might read as if it came straight out of a Sci-Fi novel, but we can no longer afford to remain ignorant, because as I have stated in previous blogs we are heading for an end to this so-called “great civilization”.  It is considered “great” for one reason, our advancement in technology that has spilled over into every field of science.  Is this a particularly a “bad” thing? The answer is “No”, if it is separated from the overall greed of men and okay women as well, so as I will not be accused of being a “sexist”, but it is “the greed of humanity” that has provided a perversion of every good thing all this technology has allowed us; making life easier, but at the same time has made us very “insecure”.  This is why I describe “technology” as a two-edged sword and a district attorney agreed with my assessment.

All the environmental balances of the Earth had to be meticulously thought out, which simply means it is quite impossible that we are an “accident” of nature and can be described in the following; “If one believes in evolution, it is the same as if an explosion happened in as many printing shops as you might want to conduct the following experiment; place explosives in all print shops to see if one can create an encyclopedia as a result.”  Sounds like an interesting but a fallible experiment, doesn’t it?  The creation of the Earth was specifically designed to include human beings and everything we humans have created using the resources that was provided by our Creator.  Yes, Carl Sagan was correct when he stated that we are made from "star stuff".

Now, this can bring us to the issue of the once called “Global Warming” for which had to be renamed because of the fact that we are not warming up as previously announced, going back to 1995, when all this crap started.  In order to maintain the “narrative” it has been renamed as “Climate Change”.  This new name became necessary because they can now blame every weather condition on “human caused factors”.  We have no one to blame but our own ignorance for allowing this nonsense to take place and all those “protestors” are simply following a mindless narrative that is far from the truth.  I have already addressed this in prior blogs, if one cares to look into them and the proof I provided by a chemist, who is eminently more qualified than Al Gore and company.  Even NOAA has proof that so-called “Climate Change” is proven to be outright wrong, but was only put on the news only once, for which we may never hear about this controversy which will prove this fallacy of “human caused climate change” once and forever!

There is no way that God would create the Earth and humanity that if following simple directions simply cannot screw up the planet.  God knows we need to keep warm and cool and knows that we were going to utilize our buried energy to provide comfort for every human being who occupies the planet, because we are a microcosm of what God is… a creator, but in a much smaller way.

Okay, so where or how did our “intelligence” emanate?  Excellent question and I am rather surprised that none of my readers ever brought this up.  First of all there is no biologist who can argue that our human brains are no different in quality than any other creature on the planet, but with one distinct difference, for which God gave us a very good hint.  What?  Oh, you thought I was going to give away where to find it in the scriptures?  Why should I take all the romance out of finding it for you and keeping me honest?  Re: Acts 17:11  If I did give the answer, it would most certainly cause a second look at “abortion”, but I am not going there, at least for the moment, because it might take an entire blog to go through it.

Now, what I am going to say next is going to turn every religious belief upside down and put the controversy of eviloution to its final rest.  But please bear with me for just one moment more.  It was Satan the Devil who put the idea of evilution into the minds of Darwin and Huxley, for the simple reason that Satan hates God and the creation of humanity and will then therefore give my readers a much better understanding that “God is simply reproducing Himself through us.”  Humanity was God’s answer to avoid to ever having a rebellion like the one He had to deal with when Satan coveted God’s Throne and took one third of the angels with him, now called "demons".  

This is something that needs to be understood, so there will be no question as to why we were created as “corruptible beings”.  God, Satan, the demons and angels are all “spirit beings” and not subject to the corruption of the flesh, which means all flesh dies, but “spirit beings” live forever.  Mind you that “spirit beings” have no concept of time, for they existed before the universe was created and that is when time was also created.  Time never existed before the creation of the universe.  I am quite sure a question will come to mind, which is “Where did God come from?”  This question should be considered a non-sequitur, only because we have no concept of how spirit beings exist and have always existed, but the creation of the universe included the venue of “time” and therefore we do not have a clue as to how God came to be.

However, I simply cannot help but to include a conversation that did take place between I believe three astronomers.  Apparently these astronomers were having a discussion on how the universe was created.  The question of “God” entered this conversation and one asked, “Where did God come from?”  The answer could be entered into the satire chronicles, to wit: “That is why God created Hell for people who ask questions like that.”  It is because of my understanding of what my readers have been reading in this entire treatise that the answer provided was quite humorous.

So now my friends know the rest of the story and can now understand the meaning of the “Resurrection” and everything that was taught prior to it, for which very few have a true understanding today and merely follow what the false ministers have been teaching wrongly every since the third century.  One also needs to understand that it is mostly the New Testament that is rife with error, for but one reason, because of a power-hungry “Pope Innocent III”, who was instrumental in the translation of the “King James Bible” and it was this same Pope who instituted the “Inquisition”, against those who dare go against the tenants of the church, for which the truth was kept hidden in the mistranslation.  All the truth can be found in the Vatican, if one cares or dares to explore it, if allowed in the first place.  However, if one wants to go through an exhaustive research for every word in the New Testament, the same just needs a “Strong’s Concordance”.