Tuesday, August 1, 2017

New Blood in the White House; Sandra Huckabee-Sanders and Police Tyranny

There is a whole lot of shaking going on… it seems the White House is going through some growing pains.  This is not so unusual for any new administration and without a doubt, the media is seeing this as a “red letter day”.  The media simply cannot get enough dirt and if possible dig up more dirt along the way.  It seems with all the “shaking” going on they might be losing their sources.  One might suppose now the “Washington Compost” will revert back to the old days of the Nixon Administration to find another “Deep Throat”. 

Personally, I am going to miss Sean Spicer and taking all the political bullets from the hostile media.  However, it seems that Sandra Huckabee-Sanders is not going to take it on the chin and can dish out some of her own rhetoric.  The Press Corps seems to want to maintain a narrative that there is still much Chaos going on in the White House, but Sandra has assured the media they are mistaken and confessed about the Chaos going on in her household with 3 preschoolers and soliciting for babysitters among the Press Corp.

Yeah, I am beginning to get back on track in keeping up with news de jour’.  However, on Thursday, I will be on my way to Houston, Texas for a new assignment and be traveling by train.  No, I refuse to fly because I will not be treated like a criminal, so my last flight was in 1999.  It presupposes does it not that such treatment by TSA is reminiscent of Nazi Germany?  “When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force.  At that point, failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.” John Perna

We see examples of such “tyranny” daily by our police officers, who have already declared all of us as the enemy and trained to be paranoid, which simply means everyone is a suspect, until proven innocent, unless you happen to be unlucky to be killed by either a bullet or even by a Taser, for which by the way in the past 10 years 500 people were murdered by Tasers by the police and the police in the United States are responsible for more murders than all the deaths that have taken place in any one given year by terrorists, worldwide.

Yes, some were actually criminals caught in the act, but many innocent people have met their demise at the hands of our police officers.  Even if you are lawfully carrying a gun to defend yourself, you will be going to jail, because both the police officers and our courts are ignoring our rights, but if you have read many of my prior blogs, I have expounded this many times.  It might do my readers a service to view a man named Gavin on “Youtube” and get firsthand knowledge and the experience of this man when confronting the police.      

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.