Wednesday, August 9, 2017

My move and North Korea

Greetings to my blog readers; yeah I know it has been some time since I have written here, but I was traveling and settling into my new location and subsequent job.  The Houston area is quite large and boasts a population of approximately four million.  Oil is the driving force in this community and business, in general, is quite brisk and a welcome relief to me from the depression in the State of Connecticut.  The pay scale is lower here, but so is the cost of housing.  I enjoy what I do for work and the place I work keeps me quite busy and I love it.

Is war with North Korea Imamate?  Perhaps, but President Trump is on the same page as I have been ever since the issue existed.  All North Korea has to do is carry out its threat and we can make North Korea a mere memory.  One other less bloody alternative to revert back to the “good old days of the CIA” when they would stage assassinations and allow a more benevolent regime to take over.  This would spare the general population to be punished for the sins of at least one man and a warning to those who serve under him.  The Chinese are just as much at fault for allowing this narcissist to make such waves that could place the entire world on the alert. 

The Chinese are just as appalled as their other neighbors, but it will never show and one could hardly believe that the Chinese would allow the nuking of their biggest client, the United States.  I am of the belief that the Chinese might have a “sleeper” or possible traitor in the midst of this regime, in order to secure the economic status of the Chinese/United States trade deals.  We also know that The Chinese had firsthand knowledge of just how responsive we are to threats when dessert was served.

It might be well to the entire world that the threat of a nuclear attack from any nut who might want to make a name for him/herself.  And yes, it could mean the end of this civilization as we know it, but then again this has been something that we had to live with for the many decades following the use of nukes over 70 years ago and the dire consequences thereafter.  Yes, it ended a long and bloody war, but at the same time, the rest of the world envied the ownership of such great power.  With great power comes great responsibility and there are those who are so envious for that kind of power that the first opportunity that comes along to use it, it would be almost impossible to quell such an action, for which we are now witnesses to that possibility.

And yes, it is conceivable that North Korea can hold the world hostage, which just might be their true intent, which is not unlike past military campaigns, for which many have paid tribute, to be spared from being attacked.  But such tribute will only last as long as there is the cash to spare and thereafter all bets are off.  In saying this, I am not one to allow a hostage situation to change anything.  Life and death happen to all of us; it is just a matter of when.  We all prefer “life”, but “death” is the final destiny of all and this is why I personally do not fear death because time passes and so do we. 

Do the above give us an excuse to do whatever we want and the hell with everyone else, even if our actions cause the death of just one or more persons?  The answer is an emphatic “No”, but there are many who will do anything to get ahead despite the consequences and in the end, as time passes, they come to meet their demise, so what was gained?  We see such things on a daily basis when we view the news and what effect does this have upon us?  “Oh, it does not affect me, because I was not there.”  That being so, still, a living and breathing human being, who was loved by someone will no longer exist because of the greed of one or more persons.

The bottom line is to live out our lives as what is best for all concerned.  If we cannot do that, what makes us so much better than anyone else who desires a quiet and fruitful life?  Yes, the government does carry a high degree of responsibility, but I know for a fact the responsibility does not go beyond the creed of our government and its survival as a corporation, which is true with every government on the entire planet, which simply means the general population is expendable and we are witnesses to this as well, when cops kill more innocent people than all the terrorist acts throughout the entire world combined in any given year.  This is why I have stated in at least one prior blog that there are only two things that can kill us; “nature or the government”.  “Nature” meaning either by old age or some disease; “government” as in being in the military and sent out to fight, or by some venue of resistance.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.