Tuesday, June 27, 2017

What Are We Doing and Where Are We Going?

Dear Readers of this blog, a rather dramatic change has taken place with me, for which you have noticed no recent entries.  I was offered an opportunity to move to New-Mexico, to be involved in the construction of a small community.  It does take a lot of preparation to make such a sudden move, but I am single and do not have the usual “trailers” or “hold-outs” involved.  However, all people make us happy; some when they come in and others when they leave.  I really do not know how many of you appreciated my “entries”, because I have received such little feedback, one way or the other.  Perhaps, many of my readers are eminently satisfied with my writings and simply decline to comment.  Others might read my blogs with utter contempt and decline to comment, just to prove they are right that our current President and company are fostering hate, etc. 

No one has been more involved in the division of this nation than the previous administration, for which “Political Correctness” has taken the front seat, of the vehicle known as “Liberalism”, which is fueled with hate and discord and traveling as fast as this vehicle can move.  The “Hate and Discord” can be viewed in all the major cities, which are unprecedented and has only occurred one other time in our history, until this latest presidential election.  The “perpetrators” of the violence are “masked” as if they needed to hide their identity, which is same as the old term used as “Highway Men”, who loot and perform violence when those of the opposite aisle are simply minding their own business, become victims just because…

In addition, those who hate are simply acting mindlessly and the agitators of these groups are paid to sow hate and discord, as well as being a disruption of the producers who work hard, all the while the people who are for the most part unemployed and are envious of those who are working and being a productive part of society.  Instead of being part of the problem, why don’t the disruptors put down their signs, rip off their masks and become part of the solution instead of fueling the fire that is slowly but surely consuming this nation, which can end up as a civil war.

It is quite easy to draw a parallel to the predilection of the Civil War that took place back in the 19th century, which was when territories were slated to become “States”, would create two diametrically opposite factions, as to choosing to be either a “Free State” or a “Slave State”.  And the “straw that broke the camel’s back” was the election of Abraham Lincoln, for which all the congressional legislatures of the “Slave States” did not show up in Washington D.C. as prescribed in our Constitution, for which there was no quorum and at least in theory dissolved the “Republic of the United States” and was later reorganized as the “Corporation of the United States”, a few years after the Civil War.  Mind you, I am merely an observer and annalist of this great consumption of the once cooperative “Spirit of America”, no matter which party occupied the Oval Office. 

The “Liberators” want to liberate the entire planet, for which the “whole planet” is really none of our business, because we have our own national problems to solve.  So who are we to invite “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” to our shores without first properly vetting them and bestowing upon them gifts of a seamless and endless supply of whatever they may need, all without earning it at the expense of those who have worked hard all their lives, to see their well deserved benefits lavishly raining down on a largely thankless group of foreigners, who are not yet “citizens”.  No nation could normally withstand such unearned sustenance to be simply “given away”, without at least some justified compensation for a long sustained length of time.  Guess what folks; this was the final straw that broke the back of the once great Roman Empire.

Am I espousing the end of this civilization… yup, as long as it continues on this path of self-destruction?  The world has grown so much smaller within the past 150 years and even much smaller via the Internet and social media, when anything can be viewed within minutes if not seconds of the event happening.  Instant communication has never been this fast and has also at the very same time is becoming our Achilles Heel…why… for the simple reason of where our attention lies.  “The Matrix” could not be more pleased when attention is diverted away from the true causes of all these world events, which make way for “The Powers That Be” to molding our minds to prepare us for a shortly coming “one world government”, which will be declared as the savior of mankind… utter non-sense.

However, this is how this once great civilization will meet its demise in less than 10 years from now and within an even shorter time, if a particular event takes place this coming September in New York City, then count 7 years from that time forward.  I know far more than I am revealing here, I am just a messenger and killing the messenger is not going to change what is surely to come.

I am going to take some time off from this blog, because I have personal matters to fulfill for my own posterity.  There may be times when I feel I might have the time and inclination to post a blog now and then, for the sake of my readers.  I have one word of advice; do not be overwhelmed by all the newscasts, because they are a smoke screen for what is really behind the news, which is why most of our current news is “controlled”… to keep us so busy that we are not so inclined to peek behind the curtain.  The “curtain” my friend is “Biblical Prophecy”.  Without that particular understanding, all humanity will become lost in a sea of deception and quickly swallowed up by the “sharks” of this world, all of which is intended.  In essence, we are being “set-up” for the near demise of mankind and it is mainly because we have been lied to, or because of the “sin of omission”. Either one is deadly!  If my blog survives, which I believe will be eliminated in the near future, because of the “control” that needs to be firmly established, in order to prepare this world for a protracted and calculated take-over.

I have just one more request and it should not be so burdensome; copy all my blogs on a stick and mark it and keep this email address handy; mark.debarbieri@gmail.com  Once I move and have a physical address, I will publish it here and keep that as well, because soon the Internet will be under the full control of “The Matrix”.

Friday, June 23, 2017

A New Disease; The Art of the Deal and a New Executive Order

I am sorry to say that our health care system is going to have a peculiar problem on their hands with a new “Pre-existing Condition”, this one is known as “Hoof and Mouth Disease”.  These new patients are Nancy Pelosi and Phil Montag.  If there were ever a need to repeal and replace “ObamaCare”, now is the time for the Democrats to get on board, because if they do not get together with the Republicans, this “disease” may spread throughout the entire Democratic Party.  Which simply means the “mid-term elections” will be hanging in the balance.  The removal of Phil Montag has down-graded his condition from serious to critical and in desperate need of being in intensive-care.  It also seems that Nancy Pelosi is nearing critical condition as well, because there is talk that her prognosis is so acute that it could also threaten the entire Democratic Party.  

We must congratulate President Trump for pulling off a brilliant “political maneuver”.  One might suppose that if his enemies read his book, “The Art of the Deal”, they may have been able to surmise the tactic he used on Jim Comey that forced Comey to come clean during his last Senate hearing.  This particular tactic is not uncommon in the business world, but what do politicians know about business?  It is a tactic like this that borders on a kind of extortion, when another company is considering a hostile takeover of another company.  General Patton was quite successful in his campaign to out-maneuver Field Marshall Rommel in North Africa, because Patton read Rommel’s book.  

President Trump has virtually surprised everyone; the media who called him a clown; the politicians who probably laughed themselves to the floor and declared that Donald Trump knew nothing about politics and the general public who could not be more delighted.  In the future, a son of a Democrat might ask, “Daddy… what did you do during the election campaign of 2016?”  Well son, it was like this… we believed that many of the American People were pleased with 8 years of the Obama Administration, according to the polls, but later discovered that the polls were wrong, only because there were many “closet republicans” who would never give the pollsters an accurate sampling of what they truly believed.  And their reasoning was not unfounded, because they were fearful of those of who were of the opposing party, who might do violence to them.  Therefore, the voters fooled nearly all the analysts and we were “Trumped”.

President Trump signed a new executive order today; making it easier to oust the “gold bricking” employees of the Veteran’s Administration, which by the way numbers 350,000 employees and it seems that figure outnumbers our current standing army.  This is specifically what I meant, when I wrote in a prior blog that it is far easier to corrupt either a democratic or communistic government, than one stubborn Monarch.  Mind you, the United States prior to the end of our Civil War was a “Republic”, not a Democracy!  I did briefly explain this in a prior blog, but as they say, “The Devi is in the details,” and can be found in my book, “What Difference Does It Make?!” 

Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Commentary About GMO Crops Posted to “Comments” in “The Blaze”

There is one thing I enjoy doing more than just writing… and that is sharing information that is not “mainstream”.  There is a systemic reason why so much of the “right information” is not “mainstream”, is because everything that is “mainstream” is specifically designed to make us believe what “The Matrix” wants us to believe and become a way of thinking, which is why we have “Political Correctness”.  The following is another example of the kind of material I write about from time to time, for which this particular information is included in a book I have written titled, “Growing Your Own Organic Groceries”.

There is much to be said about GMO crops and the first one is this; back in 1990 Monsanto made their first test of planting a GMO crop of corn in Mexico.  When the crop was nearing harvest time, a swarm of Monarch Butterflies landed on that corn—they all perished.  This by itself should have been a clue as to the losses of our bee population ever since the introduction of GMO crops, for which in order to produce these specialized crops, require a change to the DNA of the seed.  A change in the DNA then requires chemical additives after the seed is planted to assist the growth of the GMO crop.  All those chemicals are poisonous and therefore are a systemic part of the entire crop and we are consuming those poisonous chemicals and then we wonder why we in the United States are ranked as 39th in the whole world as to being “healthy”.

There is another tangible thing that also needs to be considered.  When a married couple is together for say a lifetime, it does not go unnoticed that eventually they resemble one another and the reason is the exchange of fluids between them, which contain their DNA.  Therefore if this be true, then who is to say that the DNA changes in our food will not change the DNA of those who consume that food?  And any insect both good and bad are killed by these chemicals, would this not be cause for alarm?  I dare say that the “changes” result in an unhealthy body, which is why we need ObamaCare.

This is the one thing that many need to fully understand; Monsanto and all those other companies who produce GMO products are in the business of manufacturing and selling chemicals.  They are not a “seed” company.  And the fact that they have patented their seed, makes it a foregone conclusion that they will be profiting for the entire life of humanity…guaranteed!  These companies are not interested in the health of anyone, excepting those who work on their properties; because they only serve organic foods in their cafeterias, as does the White House, hmm… 

And by the way, guess who hires the best scientists?  The food industries, which produce products specifically to add in our snack foods, are chemicals that assist in the increase to eat more of their products.  Therefore, one who consumes these so-called “food products” are getting a double whammy of poisons of one kind or another and consuming more and more of their poisonous products via GMO crops and enhancing chemicals; we are being slowly poisoned to death and in the interim, need to take more poisonous chemicals via Big Pharma to offset the effects of the first poisons we consumed.  “Now Remember, the first step in avoiding a trap is knowing of its existence,” Thufir Hawat, from the movie, “Dune”.      

Special Election; James Hodgkinnson and a President Trump Rally

It truly amazes me how some people can make an excuse for a dismal failure, even when those failures occur one after another.  How can one expect a measure of success, when one continues to do the same things over and over again, with the same results?  It has been said that “Your comfort zone is your failure zone.”  I am referring to the loss of Jon Ossoff’s bid to win a Congressional District.  Ever since Donald Trump won the Presidential election, no Democrat had a chance of winning the 4 special elections that have taken place.  The main reason for these losses is that the Democrats have no issues, or platform with just one exception; demonizing President Donald Trump.  All one has to do is examine all the past issues that make up the Democratic Party—Social Security; Welfare; Medicare; Medicaid; Illegal Immigration; a weak military and foreign aid mostly to dictatorships.

All the above “issues”, are all long since passed and are all accomplished failures.  Why anyone would favor a failure is beyond me.  Therefore the Democrats have nothing else to run on and simply rest upon their failures, which is eminently satisfactory to those on the receiving end to most of those benefits listed.  However, there was only one issue they did run on during the entire presidential campaign—demonize Donald Trump.  Other than that one personality, there were no other issues to provide a better focus, which simply meant “Keep voting for the Democratic Party and we will continue to maintain all the goodies we have provided for you.”  That particular statement has all the signs of “extortion”. Using Donald Trump as a basis as the one and only campaign plank, is simply not working.  It is also quite apparent with the so-called “Russian/Trump collusion”, for the simple reason they have nothing else to make them a viable voice.

It was quite plain to see all during the campaign the Donald Trump’s audiences were so swelled, many people simply waited outside those rallies.  Hillary’s audiences were quite sparse and the cameras would not pan around, in order to hide that fact.  Hillary did not once refer to her tenure in the State Department, mainly because of Libya.  But a more well hidden reason is the fact that she did not step foot in any Muslim held State.  She couldn’t for one reason; the Muslim Religion does not recognize women as being the head of anything.  And even more insidious is that women are considered “property”, and therefore Hillary could not espouse “women’s rights”.   

There is more to the story of James Hodgkinson in Alexandria, Virginia, where he decided to take the election process into his own hands, by literally removing the opposition.  Some people will become so obsessed that it becomes an unstoppable motivation to not only display those thoughts and motivation on social media, but also to the extent to becoming a committee of one to bring it to a bitter end.  Hodgkinnson rented a storage unit, where he kept a laptop; other components for his SKS rifle and 200 rounds of ammunition.  His numerous anti-Republican rants should have provided a clue to his mental condition, or to at least include some authority to have live chat with him.  The FBI is still investigating his electronic devices and Scalise’s condition has been upgraded from serious to fair.

It seems that President Trump has taken a page out of Ronald Reagan’s political playbook and continues to bring the White House closer to the people.  In this case it was the place from where all presidential campaigns get their kick-start.   There was no doubt about the positive feelings of the President Trump supporters, who cried out “USA! USA!” to drown out the chatting of the protestors.  President Trump just kept his demure look, viewed the commotion, while the police escorted the disruptors and stated, “We love our police.”

Apparently these “disruptors” represented an “Antifa” (anti-fascist) website called “It’s Going Down”.  These President Trump detractors are calling for physical violence against those who support our current President.  If you recall in a recent prior blog, I mentioned the possibility of civil war.  Such organizations and this type of thinking are the seeds that will ferment such a civil war.  “It’s Going Down” justifies violence as good and necessary for the survival of minorities and the disenfranchised.  It presupposes does it not that in all democracies the majority rules?  Yes, there is room for protesting, but not the level that is now being adopted.  I am not going to belabor this particular organization’s laundry list and leave that for my readers to investigate, if they are so inclined.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

"A Special Election" Health Care and Relocating Populations

The demoncrats will never change and the proof was made in this last “special election”.  The demoncrats firmly believe that money will secure elections and this same mentality is quite apparent when they want a government program to help people; mostly the poor, by simply throwing money at it.  This has been a proven fallacy ever since the “Social Security Act of 1933”.  Back then, you could bury someone for $255, but that particular benefit has never changed and depending upon what demographic area one is from; the present cost for a burial ranges from $3000 to $15000 minimum. 

Every “government sponsored program” is rife with ever increasing costs and all of them are essentially broke, for which the demoncrats are the perpetrators for suggesting and legislating all these programs.  When more money is needed, the demoncrats have no problem raising taxes, as well as voting themselves a non-disclosed raise, unless it is leaked to the press, or if one cares to view the “Congressional Record”.  The one lesson that we can learn from all this, is that money cannot buy everything, unless you are a poor person, who is indebted to their representatives for giving them an unearned and undeserved “handout”, thereby securing their next election. 

If one cares to examine both the “Ten Commandments” and “The Bill of Rights”, both these documents expound what is called “self-responsibility”.  The bottom line for both these documents is “do no harm”, which by the way, is much the same oath that doctors take.  For now, I will spare my readers from a new term that can be seen on “Death Certificates”… “Iatrogentic Disease”, which simply means “Death by Doctor”, for which I personally contacted “dictionary.com” and had this term added.  I wonder if Shariah Law expounds any form of “self-responsibility”, hmm…  Perhaps not, because one can hardly believe in the sanctity of life, when one kills another for the sake of religion, or the murder, oops, honor killing of a daughter. 

Probably the best example of a more recent “government handout program”, is “ObamaCare”, or how to remove competition from the health care market place; close rural hospitals; leave the entire nation with a 20,000 doctor deficient; raise the cost of every medical procedure and lifesaving drugs law, which will eventually end up with the rationing of health care.  Is that enough to sum it up?  The whole idea of a government sponsored anything, is to implement more control over the population.  Your “Birth Certificate” and “Social Security Number” follows you from the cradle to the grave and do not attempt to get a job; bank account, or credit without those documents.  Since when is “self-responsibility” equivalent to “government control”?

“ObamaCare” would never have been necessary if just one law was passed, to allow all health care insurance providers to cross State lines.  Simple and then it would not had been necessary to rob “Medicare” of 900 million dollars to initially to fund “ObamaCare” and of course we would not be in the predicament we have been duly warned about during the legislative debates of 2010, not to mention a reckless statement coming from the House Minority Leader that “We must pass this bill before we read it.” 

Now I am going to make mention of something that could come straight out of the “Twilight Zone”.  I and others, who circulated in the same circles, know that there is covert movement that is systemic to “The Matrix” and have known about this since 1995.  That faction has every intention to herding people back into the cities.  There are a number of proofs to this paradigm; the rise in the cost of gasoline; the closing of rural hospitals; the unprecedented amount in the construction of apartment complexes throughout the nation and that most of the really good jobs are now becoming more prevalent in the cities.  9-11 was a false flag attack, which promulgated the so-called “Patriot Acts, I & 2”; The Military Commissions Act of 2007 and the NDAA on the eve of New Year’s of 2011.  If you believe that 9-11 was not a false flag attack; I have proof that will blow you out of the water.  Some of that proof was viewed right in front of our faces, but we simply did not see it in such a way, because the explanation would seem to come from a Sci-Fi movie and the proof that such a thing exists was in the removal of the debris.

A special note to my readers; someone brought to my attention that I have misspellings in these blogs.  There was just one unintentional misspelling of the country of Hungary, for which I apologize. If one carefully breaks down one particular spelling, it aptly describes a certain political party.  I do this for one reason and unless they change from their unconstitutional like conduct, I will continue to purposely misspell it.  Nothing has done more spiritual damage to this nation than “Political Correctness”, which seems to be fully adopted and used at every possible opportunity, in order to make everyone else look like the “bad guy”.   

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

“There is nothing more terrifying than ignorance in action.”

There is a systemic reason why students are against “Free Speech”, as guaranteed by our “First Amendment”.  The reason is very simple; the left’s issues and rhetoric is too weak to stand up against opposing arguments or more to the heart of the matter… the truth.  I viewed Ted Cruz today in an interview.  He stated that college campuses are a place to present and debate ideas.  While Ted Cruz was attending college, one of his professors was Alan Dershowitz and is a Liberal, for whom Ted Cruz had some “spirited debates”, including outside the classroom and are still good friends.  This is what colleges should be emulating and not creating enemies of their own brothers and sisters; meaning all Americans.

We never in our history have taken to the streets our displeasure of an election result.  We simply did what all other previous generations have done and waited for the next election and this is what made America so great… that we can become our own activists at the polling booths.  But now all that is changing and it comes from at least one billionaire radical named “George Soros”, who has also interfered in Europe’s election process as well, but I am quite sure that none of my readers ever heard about this.  To those who are not aware of “George Soros’s” background… he was born in Hungry and was a Nazi collaborator and now a Communist.  Therefore, if you want to believe that the “Cold War” ended back in 1989, I have some sorry news for you.  The “Cold War” is now located in our backyard and college campuses, as well as many of our once laudable institutions.

I am also going to mention another place that Communism is practiced and my readers will be quite incensed about this one… in our courtrooms.  The reason; the BAR is a foreign institution with its roots in Communism.  When one studies law like I have for more than 20 years, the same can make the same discoveries I have.  “The American Bar Association”, is a branch of a national organization titled; “The National Lawyers Guild Communist Party” and can be found recorded in the United States Code at: [28 U. S. C. 3002, section 15a]. re; “What Difference Does It Make?!” 

It should be quite apparent that I know much more than I reveal in this blog, but even more so, I have a much greater understanding on how the world really works.  Solomon said it best, “…with knowledge comes great sorrow…”  Some people simply do not want the truth, but the truth can be a two-edged sword; one side understanding all truth and the other side is for those as Jack Nicolson stated in the movie “A Few Good Men”, you can’t handle the truth!”  There is another third aspect of the truth, with great power [and knowledge] comes great responsibility.  It has been stated that “knowledge is power”, but I firmly believe that statement has an omission and should be rendered; “With the right knowledge is power!”
I never want my readers to ever be in a lurch and the very reason in prior blogs I have stated, “I want feedback!” for which I have received so little.  Okay, there might be two reasons for this “sound of silence”.  1) All my readers are in complete agreement… yeah, right.  2) Very few want to display their ignorance.  Guess what folks, prior to my intense studies, I was in this same venue of ignorance.  I was a dummy, but I am not asking my readers to do as I have done, because every one of you has your own life to live, families, children, etc.  I was never married and consequently no children, so you could say I was in a rather unique situation when all my time was my own.  I traveled, lived and worked in several places in the United States, which by itself was an education.

I am not here to give you my entire biography, but there are times when certain things need to be shared when the time and opportunity is ripe, or lends itself to be revealed.  I am here, despite any retractors, to open minds to at least some of the truth as I have come to know and understand it and the fact that I know what I know and the responsibility that it carries.  A city that wants to be visited has the most lighting.  “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6; “There is nothing more terrifying than ignorance in action.” Goethe- Engraved on a plague at the Naval War College.

And now for something completely different...

There are times when one needs to break away from all the doldrums of the news, so we can take a step back and perhaps take a closer look at what we are and the things we believe.  Most of what we believe is the result of what we have been taught over the years, but much of those beliefs take hold of us from our childhood years.  As children we really had no clue as to how the world works.  The schools make attempts at preparing us, but only from an academic perspective, so we can read; write and work with figures.  Then as we grow, so do the subjects, such as history; science; social studies and civics. 

However, there is very little preparation to deal with a world that is bent on self-destruction.  Classrooms are somewhat insulated from the realities we will face when we finally reach adulthood.  Sure, we as children “view” the news on television, but for the most part they just images that are edited for content, as well as whatever the political slant is for those who produce these newscasts.  There is so much more that needs to be understood, as to the reasons why this or that is happening around the world, along with the suffering, pain and anguish.

When we are children, the adults, for the most part our parents and families want the best for us.  As laudable as that sounds that is a flailing dream.  This is why we need to go beyond our formal education and dig deeper into those things that overwhelm our minds with questions.  We simply cannot be satisfied with the so-called “authorities” tell us…why… because it is these same “authorities” who want to maintain their power over us.  Anyone who gains a degree of authority, usually never wants to surrender that authority, such is the case with our government or any government on the planet. 

Our Forefathers endured very hot and sweltering days to forge what is probably the most perfect government they could humanly produce.  And mind you, these were all men of education, who have studied history, past and present governments and found the shortcomings of the one they left behind.  It stands to reason does it not that the very foundation of our government should be taught in our schools—Our Constitution, but it is not…why… because the “Liberal Agenda” does not agree with it, which simply means they have every intention of changing it and have, by those who are self-serving individuals of power, who appoint judges who legislate from their benches, in addition to subjecting “Our Constitution” to their own so-called, “interpretation”.  It was when Benjamin Franklin who emerged from the end of that meeting, for which someone quickly asked him, “What happened in there?”  Ben Franklin replied, “You have a republic if you can keep it.”

The following is my response to one person, who declared my writings as “nonsense” and mind you, I asked for feedback.  I removed the name, because I am not sure if this person has decided to read a little more of my blogs, after writing the following somewhat “belabored” response.  I could not think but to consider this person to be rather “confused”, because most of us are misinformed and I firmly believe this person deserved better.

Good morning ____, thank you for your response about my blog. Trust me, I appreciate your feedback and I can understand you describing my blog as "nonsense".  This conclusion can only come from a lack of having the right information and growing up under a public education.  Don't get me wrong, I am also a product of "public education", which is defined in at least one encyclopedia as being what both government and society wants us to know and is not necessarily the truth. 

What you are reading in my blog(s) is the result of a better education, based upon my studies in law, history and politics for more than the past 20 years. So very little of the truth ever makes it to the mainstream, only because "The Powers That Be" want it that way, in order to maintain a degree of covert slavery to most of the population. What started me was a book titled, "Pawns in the Game", by William Guy Carr, 1958 that I found in my former roommate's library.  I later discovered that this book and any other books by this author were banned...why... because he told the unvarnished truth. 

There is one law that everyone should know and understand the law of "cause and effect".  When one experiences a negative or positive effect, they both have a specific "cause".  Every cause has a purpose, whether it is a law, policy, political stand, medical procedure, etc. When we hear (mostly now) any negative news reports, they are specifically caused by someone who is in charge, but in most cases those particular people are hidden behind the scenes.  If they happen to be on the forefront, they might simply be "the fall guy or gal", or "pawns", who are expendable.

Please accept my apologies for perhaps belaboring this response and I hope you might read some of the other 170 plus blogs I posted in the past 6 months.  Much of what I write can be found in a book I have written, "What Difference Does It Make?!", which compares constitutional law with contract/administrative law, but it is not a boring book about law and goes beyond what is considered to be "normal".  "Normal" is used in the same way as "natural" when we purchase food.  That is of course you are aware of the evils of agribusiness.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Maritime Protocol and the "Witch Hunt"

I am not a sea captain, nor a sailor by any measure; however I do understand military and maritime protocol.  I am referring to the collision of two vessels; one from the United States Navy and a Japanese freighter.  Anyone who has ever served on a vessel of any respectable tonnage, knows that there is always a “watch” and for good reason, because no one ever knows when the unexpected may become a bitter reality, when lives and/or cargo are lost.  Long before the days of radar; “the watch” was a very important position in maritime history.  Please notice; I mentioned “before the days of radar”.  Now the question might be asked, who was “the watch” at either radar station?  Perhaps out for a smoke; maybe a cup of coffee; sleeping on the job, or simply absent from their assigned station?

From the early reports, it is apparent that the freighter attempted to steer away from an intimate collision, but it was too late and 7 sailors lost their lives from what is often called, “human error”.  And indeed “human error” is the overt cause of many “accidents”, either caused purposely or by simple negligence.  My dad was a private pilot and received a monthly newsletter called “Flight Line Times”.  I would often pick this paper up and have a read.  Yes, there were a good number of private pilot accidents and 90 percent of the time, the cause was “pilot error”.  Oh yes, my dad had an accident, but not by “pilot error”. 

The single-engine Aronca Champ (dubbed, “puddle-jumper”) stalled and my dad had to “dead stick-it”.  He searched for an open field and to his relief (he thought) found one and brought the plane down.  The wheels on the plane were “fixed” and could not retract.  Upon his one and only approach, discovered a stone wall, but alas could not clear it.  The landing gear hit the wall dead-on and the plane quickly flipped on its back.  It has always been said that any landing one can walk away from is a “good landing”… this was a “good landing”.  Because this was a farm of some kind and consequently in a rather remote area; the local news media most likely had a slow news day and got photos that made it in the local paper.  I had that clipping for quite a long time, but somehow moving from place to place got misplaced, never to be found.

When one deals in politics, the same must be able to cover any wrong-doings, otherwise will not only lose credibility, but also serve some serious jail time.  Such is the case of Hitlary Clinton, who is a true evil woman and was astute enough not only to install a few personal servers, but also have a piece of technology that Senator Trey Goudy never heard of, called “Bit-Bleach”.  Consequently, Hitlary erased in the neighborhood of 30 to 33k emails that can never be retrieved.  According to Jim Comey, the emails that were retrieved were enough to convict her, but Comey quickly gave her a “get-out-of-jail-card” at the very same time he read off a laundry list of crimes, for which all were prosecutable and overtly assigned himself as both a “prosecuting attorney” as well as a “defense attorney”, for which in any case is unprecedented in all our government history.  

Something needs to be said here; it was J.P. Morgan, who had his army of attorneys, for which many told J.P. he could not do this or that.  But J.P. would not hear of it and hired attorneys who only said “Yes” to him and consequently got his own way.  “Anything political is planned.”  This is the “creed” of those who are truly in charge of our government and Hitlary has far more power than one might realize, just like go old J.P.  There were most definitely voting fraud going on and it most certainly not the Russians who were in charge of this deception, for which has already been proven by our intelligence agencies.

Bob Mueller is most definitely on a “witch hunt” with all the blessings of the left and the demoncratic legislatures.  When one closely examines Mueller’s choices for attorneys, the same will discover they mostly have demoncratic biases, for which are grounds for dismissing them.  If one cares to dig a little deeper into history, the same will also discover that “Samuel Chase” was a Supreme Court Justice, who was the only Supreme Court Justice impeached for “Federalist bias” in his judgments.   

“The Matrix” or “Deep State” has so corrupted our government, it is far beyond repair, short of a much needed “revolution”, for which Thomas Jefferson stated, we need a revolution occasionally, and we are most certainly overdue for many decades.  And I must add that Benjamin Franklyn stated after enduring those sweltering hot days in July and stated, “You now have a republic if you can keep it.”  This is another reason why I wrote, “What Difference Does It Make?!” and consequently this follow-up blog. 

No, I am not preaching anarchy or anything so remote, but what I am preaching is a reversal of what the United States has morphed into a “politically correct society” that our Forefathers could never envision, but did design our Constitution with “checks and balances”, but as long as we continue to allow our legislatures, judges and “The Matrix” to ruin this nation, we deserve whatever bitter ending comes to pass.  The key to getting long-suffering “redress in our courts” and stop the Liberal insanity that has and is continuing to gain more and more ground, until such time that there will no longer be any “safe space” for conservative speech and common sense, is to call out everything for what it is and simply stop doing the “politically correct dance”.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Civil War

Dear Readers of this blog; do not be surprised if Google decides that I have revealed too much information about how the world really works.  Because "Google" is also a part of "The Matrix" and I may be kicked off of this venue.  This happened to me twice before on another website, where I provided commentary on many various news stories.  And yes, I saved all those commentaries, as I have saved all these blogs.

I saw this coming; a resignation of the Muslim occupation of one nation; in this case Great Britain.  If one does not already know this; usually what happens in Great Britain, soon happens in the United States and there is a systemic reason for this; the United States and Great Britain are very distant brothers from their father Joseph and the prophecy/blessings that Joseph passed on to his two sons; Ephraim   and Manassas, for which Manassas did become a “Great Nation (Great Britain)” and Ephraim became the “United States (a company of nations)”.  Despite the fact that the United States is one nation; each State is considered a separate entity and can be referred to the 10th Amendment of our Constitution, which is also known as “State’s Rights”.

The above is just the beginning of what I have envisioned as a coming civil war.  This is exactly the kind of venue “The Matrix” needs in order to affirm their foothold on any nation, or as is stated on our money in Latin, “Order out of chaos.”  This statement is the “creed” of the “Illuminati”.  This venue is precisely what happened in pre-Nazi Germany and ended up with a dictator, which completed the job that WWI did not complete; the removal of all the crowned heads of Europe.  You see my friends, the true reason for WWI was to remove the crowned heads of Europe and install either a Democratic or Communistic form of government…why… for one very simple reason; it is far easier to corrupt either one of these governments, as opposed to just one stubborn monarch.  If this blog keeps up, I will no longer have to refer my readers to my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!” because soon enough my entire book will end up on this blog; the horror!

Now that both “Great Britain and the United States” governments are thoroughly corrupted through “Political Correctness”, a new crisis must begin to finalize the complete take over and eventual enslavement of the free world.  And you thought Communism is bad, for this is a case of “Bad Cop and Worse Cop!”  Do not be surprised if martial law is instituted in various places in Great Britain and soon in the United States, because of the unrest and clashes with foreign invaders verses American citizens.  The introduction and implementation of “Shariah Law”, is a direct assault on our “Constitution”, therefore we cannot allow rouge judges to dictate to the President of the United States that they do not agree with a law that Congress gave our President back in 1952, to reject any class of people who wish to enter the United States.

Yes, these judges will do their “dance” and come up with unending excuses for not allowing the President of the United States to implement a lawful decree or proclamation.  And one must understand that it was President Obummer who appointed these Federal judges and allowed by our legislators, because they approved them all.  I strongly suspect that President Obummer was the preverbal “Manchurian Candidate”.  He could also be referred to as a “turnabout intruder”.  I have in a previous blog stated how a municipal or state judge can be removed, but I have yet to explore how to dismiss a Federal judge.  It is quite possible that “Federal judges” are not removable, only because they are on the Federal payroll and therefore protected by civil laws that protect all Federal employees from being fired.  What I just stated is caused by the unions who represent all Federal employees and got these civil laws passed, in order to protect their positions and salaries of those who are the heads of these unions and most likely an iatrical part of “The Matrix”.

In addition, referring to our former President, he did not receive nearly as much opposition as President Trump is receiving, only because President Trump is a threat to “The Matrix”, which is essentially the same as the “Washington Establishment” and who are also merely “Pawns in the Game”.  Indeed it is a “Game” and the rules are quite simple; “Play ball or else!”  It must be firmly understood that “The Matrix” can make or break anyone at anytime, which is why Bill Gates and his wife are willing partners of “The Matrix”. 

Some of my readers might remember when Bill Gates received a well-deserved “pie in the face”, when he was invited to Brussels back in 1998, the headquarters of the Illuminati (The Matrix) by the locals, who knew why he was invited there.  No one who controls as much money as Bill Gates can be allowed free reign, which is true for every billionaire and multi-millionaire on the planet.  And yes, this includes Oprah and President Trump, but I believe President Trump might be something of a loose cannon, which is why he is being actively investigated, along with his entire Administration, in order to stop him from “draining the swamp”; at least not too far. 

Now can one see in part, how “The Matrix” works?  Even many our Forefathers were members of the “Illuminati”, or were at least “Masons”.  Those who could possibly expose the plot of the “Illuminati” were eliminated, such as 31 signers of the “Declaration of Independence” and all their families were hunted down and murdered by the British, who burned down their homes with all the occupants inside.  Alexander Hamilton was assassinated in the guise of a duel.  One can be sure that Aaron Burr was an expert shooter, or this case an assassin.  Always remember; “Anything political is planned!”

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Addendum for the Day... A Commentary to the "Blaze", a news organization

Dear Readers of this blog; I not only write this blog, but also provide commentary to the various news organizations, when reading their articles.  Below is one such recent commentary in response to an article about some demoncrat, who decided to make an a** out of himself about guns and that shooter in Alexandria, Virginia.  It is probably my longest commentary I have ever made to any one particular news organization and much of this and more can also be found in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

To Wit:

What part of the Second Amendment do people not understand?  Our Forefathers were quite aware of the need to be armed, for the express purpose to be able to defend ourselves from murderers raving maniacs and the mentally disturbed.  Did you get that?  If you did not, then you are blind, dumb or just plain stupid.  The problem was never a “gun issue”… it was always a “people issue”, who possessed deadly weapons.  A weapon is only deadly in the hands of those who have intentions of doing harm, not the person who simply wants to provide a degree of protection and the Second Amendment provides that plain and simple, which also means there are no encumbrances attached to the ownership of any weapon technology can provide; exempting weapons of mass destruction. 

With that said, our Forefathers also fully understood that government can and ultimately do, will eventually morph into tyrannical tendencies, for which Thomas Jefferson stated: “When one cannot get redress in the courts, then it is time to take up arms.”  This simply means that when proper justice is not rendered, when it is the force of government taking action that threatens our “God-given Rights”, we have the absolute “Right” to arm ourselves and aim in the direction of the oppressors.  There are times when looking into the barrel of a gun that has a general tendency to change minds, especially toward those in power.

This is also why we have a “jury system” in our courts, in order to quell laws from trampling upon our “God-given Rights”.  This means it is incumbent upon our judges to behave in a manner consistent within the framework of the document they had sworn an oath to both protect and defend.  When a judge misbehaves on the bench, we can remove them and I am a witness to such a time when this did happen in Albuquerque, New-Mexico back in 2000.  You did not hear about this?  Be prepared to be stunned.  

There was a group of us who were pro-se, meaning defending ourselves in court, without an attorney.  One in our group was brought into court and some others in our group also attended this court session.  Every time the judge misbehaved, notes were taken whenever constitutional violations were taking place.  From what I understand there were at least 20 different violations and then those notes were sent to the “Judicial Standards Commission”.  Needless to say Judge Barbara Brown was subsequently removed from the bench.  The Media knew about this, but they were told lies about the reasons for the removal, only because if the truth were known, it would cause a serious judicial upheaval in every court in the nation.  Therefore, only a mere handful of us knew the truth.
Jim Comey is a very naughty boy—removing government documents and taking them home.  Any government employee who produces documents, no matter how minor, remains as government property.  James Comey when was fired instantly became a private citizen, but took it upon himself to remove documents he produced himself.  This is a direct violation of federal law.  It seems quite apparent that all who worked under the Obama Administration umbrella were somehow immune from federal prosecution.  If one cares to explore a little, the same will discover that the FBI was specifically established to be a watchful eye over federal employees, but somehow it morphed into a government police force over everyone in the entire nation. 

And now it is quite apparent that many who work for the government have found a high degree of immunity from prosecution.  This mainly stems from the government unions, who succeeded in getting civil laws passed by the Congress to protect all government employees, mostly from being fired.  This is specifically why the government has a general overall tendency to grow and never shrink, despite some firings that do take place.  Therefore the cost of government will always go up and it all must be paid for by the taxpayers one way or another.  The true definition of slavery is, “the many enabling the few”, which is why about half your paycheck is goes towards financing our government and their outlandish spending practices.  In times past, 1943 to be exact; it was a voluntary action to take 2 percent of one’s paycheck to support the war effort.  And guess what folks, it is still voluntary, because there is no law that states you must file a tax return.

Oh, by the way, it is quite apparent that the Putin Administration is keeping a very watchful eye on our newscasts, most probably the Fox News Network, because it was Fox News that has reported about the first paragraph of this blog.  Putin communicated to the United States that he will grant asylum to Jim Comey and room with Snowden; nah, I was only kidding about “rooming with Snowden”, but no doubt that Snowden will be at the airport to greet Comey and welcome him to the asylum; nah, just kidding again.

More disturbing news concerning the Trump Administration, but comes as no surprise to me, because I have blogged about all the trouble that Trump would have to endure in “draining the swamp” and would be a daunting task.  The main reason being there are too many people who are pawns for what is called “The Deep State”, which I have called it “The Matrix” for the past 20 years.  Everything that is known about this in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  The news I am referring to is Mueller’s hiring of 13 attorneys to investigate everyone in the Trump Administration and I just heard Mueller hired Hitlary’s attorney and plans on hiring more.  From what I understand the final cost is expected to be in excess of 100 million dollars. 

Every one of these attorneys are being hired at the rate of one-thousand dollars per hour and it all adds up to being a political vendetta.  Mueller is nothing but a paid for “political hack”.  All these so-called “criminal investigation” are orchestrated by “The Matrix”, who has full control over the entire process, even if some of these people who are doing the investigating might become a “fall guy or gal”, for the sake of keeping “The Matrix” intact.  And it is these hirelings who are the true criminals, who have no problem who gets hurt in the process, despite the innocence of those being hurt.  These “hirelings” are no different from those who have been hired by George Soros to become professional protestors.  This venue is not much different than how the spy organizations work; for if one or more spies are unwilling to do an assigned job, they become expendable and most likely will meet their demise by exposing them to the enemy.  And when this happens, all knowledge of them are disavowed.

It is because of “The Matrix” that America might never be great again.  President Trump is being fought on every possible front that the opposition can mustard, no matter how small the matter… drip, drip, drip and newspapers like the “Washington Compost” and the “New York Untimely”, as well as “The Clinton News Network (CNN)”; MSNBC and the like eat it up as if they were starving for news, for which they spew out sensational headlines like pig vomit.  There is not going to be an end to all this until the demoncrats gain all their seats back, including the White House, which means all the above will continue to dominate the news throughout the entire time of the Trump Administration.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Play Ball!

“Play ball!”  It does my heart good that we have not allowed one a**hole to spoil an event that has taken place in the past 78 years.  In that time both the “Democrats” and the “Republicans” are tied at 39 games each.  It should not be surprising to see these two rivals go into extra innings, which they sometimes do in their professional setting.  I was able to view some of this game last evening, but I am not the “Head of Household”, which is defined as the holder of the remote control.  I was able to view enough to see that the Democrats needed a “Ringer” to pitch for them and walked a number of Republicans.  Fox News is following this game; providing both entertainment and commentary, but not a blow-by-blow announcer.  Joe Torre threw out the first pitch and I was quite amused when Krauthammer stated there is a lot of “stealing” going on out there, which is not too far off from their normal proceedings in the Congressional Chambers. 

The Democrats won this game, which can in some respects, make up for all the losses in their “day job” for the past 8 years.  Apparently the Democrats proved they are human after all, by allowing their earned trophy to be displayed in Steve Scalise’s office, until he recovers sufficiently to return to work.  It should be clearly noted that both sides of the aisle are not each other’s enemy; they are merely rivals with different points of view.  No government can be sustained if two parties have declared war on one another, which seems to be the case, especially since this last presidential election.  Make no mistake; the Democrats have a vendetta against the Republicans, for which the proof is the assignment of a special prosecutor, who now has hired 13 attorneys to continue the so-called “Russian/Trump collusion” along with anyone else who is even loosely attached to the Trump Administration, to find anything that would put President Trump in trouble.

There is an old saying regarding Congress; “When Congress makes a law it is a joke and when Congress makes a joke, it becomes law!”  There is a new one I heard from Gallagher, a stand-up comedian who stated; “The opposite of progress is Congress.”  No matter how one may slice it, all humor is based upon some inescapable fact or perhaps even some legends.  There are times that I do not mind “lampooning” an issue, group, individual or some outlandish statement.  Sometimes I simply cannot help myself because of my humorous nature, as my closest friends can attest.

I have just become aware that Katy Perry is the daughter of an evangelist, for which Katy has defined herself away completely from any semblance of Christianity, which is not surprising to me, because of the Satanic and Illuminati symbolism she uses in her videos.  And yes, most of those who are the highest celebrities are in partnership with Satan, for which their celebrity and money is their reward for doing “His” bidding.  And mind you, that Satan was Lucifer, when he was at the “Throne of God”, as well as God’s musician.  Oh yes, Katy got her start the same way Whitney Houston did; as a gospel singer.

Stephen Colbert made the news, when he stated in his monolog Wednesday night to say just two words to the President in regards to the ball field shooting… “Thank You”.  He was very conciliatory and genuine in his early presentation and earned him loud applause from the audience.  This is quite a more authentic showing than the one Nancy Pelosi presented, for not too long after her rendition, it was business as usual, which simply proves how separated both parties truly stand.  

Americans today are more likely to believe brown cows produce chocolate milk than they were to believe the national media in 2016 according to two separate studies.  Although the above is believed by 7 percent of Americans that figure is translated into 16.4 million Americans, which is roughly the population of the State of Pennsylvania.  Personally, I am quite sure this stems from the so-called “Education” of our youth, which goes back to the Clinton Administration, when public education was federalized and it was mandatory to place psychologists in every school, for which modern-day psychiatry consists of drugs, in order to remove “free thinkers” from society. 

“The Matrix” detests “free thinking” because slavery has no room for those who think freely.  This is precisely why Judges go to conferences that counter any moves by thousands like me, who know how to use the law to escape government contracts, such as licensing and not filing 1040s.  If one reads below the where the signature goes on the 1040, it simply states when signing the signer is abrogating their “5th Amendment Rights”.  One can closely examine the Constitution and will not find any semblance of licensing in any venue; therefore all government licensing is unconstitutional.  However, we do have the right to contract for whatever benefit we wish to receive, but by the same token, we also have the absolute right not to contract.  Again however, by the acceptance of both the “Birth Certificate” and the “Social Security Number”, we are now deemed as “corporations” and corporations have no rights!  Your corporate identification is personified by the entry of your “Social Security Number” at the top of the 1040.  “When giving you a number, I’m taking away your name,” a quote from the song “Secret Agent Man”. 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

"Save the Planet... Kill Yourself!"

Judging from the very low readership from yesterday’s blog, I must conclude that many harbor “hate”.  Hate in the spiritual sense is the same as murder, for which some have aspirations of committing murder and the few of those actually carry out what they have been thinking all along.  Here is something to think about that I viewed on a bumper sticker; “Save the Planet… kill yourself!”  Nobody in the right mind would ever consider such a thought, for which this quote has no bearing, but at the same time is essentially what is currently happening, when we are consuming GMO crops and all the chemicals allowed into our food, for which some of those chemicals are not regulated by the FDA, only because the food industry was able to maneuver to getting some ingredients into our food without listing them on the packages.  Those particular “unmentioned ingredients” are hidden in the language as being “natural flavorings” or some other terminology. 

Ever since the bad mouthing of HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) they merely changed the wording to just “corn syrup”, but no matter how one slices it, it still comes from a GMO source.  It was about 5 years ago I emailed ARCO, who makes corn starch and asked straight out if they use GMO corn; the response was “Yes”, along with an explanation that I believe masks the true reason, in the way it was worded.  Sorry, I no longer have a copy of that response.  At that time I was not doing as much writing as I have been doing more recently.  I just wanted to satisfy my own curiosity.

Not to mention the bias of Big Pharma, whose influence has corrupted judges when they force the parents of children to be treated with Chemotherapy, when in fact there are far safer ways to treat all forms of cancer, for which the first protocol is prevention.  There is no coincidence as to the increase in cancer worldwide; it is all by design by “The Matrix”, who have more control over this world and everything we enjoy in it then one might realize.  It is also no coincidence that our bee population has declined by nearly two-thirds and never happened in all human history until the introduction of GMO crops.  You see my friends; the end of this civilization is at hand.  We all have witnessed the signs, but refuse to believe that this civilization will end, but that is precisely what the past civilizations also declared just before they ended and they also possessed great technology in their time.

Sure, we have the technology to solve nearly every problem, but it has been discovered that our great technology is a two-edged sword.  Identity theft was never a problem until we computerized every industry and the use of the Internet that can make anyone be anything they want to be and who would be the wiser?  Now as we have seen in the past 2 years that our political process can be threatened at anytime.  Just one EMP bomb detonated above the United States, will wipe out not only communications, but destroy much of the electronic components therein, which includes our electrical grid system and we could not recover from such a disaster for at least 2 years, which is the estimated time it will take to rebuild the electrical grid, barring accidents, delays and another EMP bomb detonated, before the job is finished.  There is no back-up plan as yet, but we make sure we back-up our data from our personal computers… don’t we?

Believe it or not, something of this same nature occurred in Europe during the “Plague”.  The “Plague” is an indiscriminate killer, which affected all classes of people.  After the “Plague” and it was business as usual, well… not so fast.  There were a shortage of accountants and keeping records without properly educated people to handle business transaction was a daunting task.  But there was a “knight in shining armor” that did come to the rescue and that was the printing press.  With this new venue in place made it easier to keeping records with printed columnar books.  With the printing business came another innovation and that was the production of paper, which came from another industry of textiles, notably the cotton bloomers that women wore, for which when they wore out were disposed of, but gleaned by the printers to make rag paper, or the more vernacular term “Velum”.   

The bottom line, barring the above history lesson is the greed of men and not to discriminate, we must include women who either love power or the men who possess power.  Need I mention any names?  I have already stated in a prior blog that “The Matrix” has every intention of wiping out at least half the population of the entire planet…why… for the simple reason even they full well know they cannot control a population of 7 or 8 billion people.  Now do you understand why cancer and many other diseases are on the rise?  Not to mention one of the greatest population control venues created is abortion, for which ever since Roe vs. Wade has effectively murdered about 60 million (in the United States) potential democratic voters and more, because if those 60 million were not murdered would have produced more democratic voters.  One might suppose this might be the true reason why the democrats lost this last presidential election?

In those last statements I was being very generous to the democrats and perhaps if they were planning ahead (not!) they could have saved the United States from government sponsored abortions and used that as an accomplishment to win over more democratic voters.  Well, that is not what they were thinking, but then again we can never expect a soldier of “The Matrix” to think.  Most of our elected officials are only thinking about the next election and winning over their present voting blocks.  Abortion is a population checker and as far as “The Matrix” is concerned, a much cleaner, safer and so-called “unintended consequences”, to which there is no blame, as opposed to waging war(s). 

“The Matrix” fully understands what it takes to have control, but we dumb sheep simply go along with the plan, not knowing the trap that was set for everyone, then, now and in the future.  “Now Remember, the first step in avoiding a trap is knowing of its existence,” Thufir Hawat, from the movie, “Dune”.  Part of that “trap” is the licensing for anything, but for one exception… drivers for hire, which is clearly stated in the DMV booklets.  Another trap was the “Federal Reserve Act of 1913”.  Still another trap was the “Birth Certificate”, 1921, the “Social Security Act of 1933” and Marriage Licenses.  There are more examples, but these above mentioned are quite sufficient.

Prior to the end of the American Civil War, there were no licenses for marriage.  What changed?  Believe it or not, it was Lincoln’s fault, but was not intended.  Lincoln used an “Executive Order” to protect Federal Property, because of the unrest of the nation that was divided as to being a “Free State” or a “Slave State”.  All the “Slave States” congressional legislatures boycotted Lincoln’s election by not showing up at the appointed time according to our Constitution and therefore not having a quorum, which in theory dissolved “The Republic of the United States.”  But the United States a few years after the Civil War, reorganized into a corporation, for which promulgated the 14th Amendment and did not free the slaves as purported; no, their ownership simply changed hands from private ownership to government ownership, but included all non-slaves as well, which meant everyone!  Their first act was to require the States to issue marriage licenses and that took place in 1868, so now you know the rest of the story.  More details can be found in my book, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

"Those who hate must stop themselves." quote from a Star Trek episode, "The Day of the Dove"

What can one expect when so much hate is so overtly displayed ever since Donald Trump was elected president?  If one examines some of the New Testament Scriptures, the same will discover that “hate” is the same as if one committed murder, in the “spiritual sense”.  And again, the scriptures also reveal that in the “end times” the love of many will wax cold, Matthew 24:12.  We are witnesses to this display of hate on a daily basis, for which some who are either unbalanced or overzealous, will transform that same hate into action, for which we have seen on both coasts today.  And being that these are the “end times”, one can surely think that so-called “Climate Change” should pale by comparison.  I presented this at least once before… there are two overt ways to die, besides outright murder, accidents and disease 1) by nature or 2) by the government.  Based upon how the world has been leaning and that bias continues to increase; where would one place their bets?  The “bet” would be by far a safer bet than the Power Ball lottery.

At first, much of the violent protests have been aimed at “Trump Supporters”, but now some of that “hate” has been transformed to target our lawmakers.  There has never been a time when this ever had taken place in our history, when our public servants are going beyond their lawmaking seats and engaged in a charitable function.  Today was just practice for the function is to take place I believe tomorrow.  Last year they raised $650,000 and I wonder if what happened today might quell that function… I personally would hope not.  We simply cannot allow someone and only “one” to spoil what should be a celebrated event.

It also irks me, when so much news time is spent on just one a**hole.  I remember when they found Saddam Insane and the Fox News Network spent 36 consecutive hours on that particular story.  When the news networks do this, it has a tendency to overshadow other important news.  Such as what happened in 1981, when Brezhnev died and at the same time Pope John was touring the world.  It was this same day that the Pope was addressing an audience in Spain, for which he stated, “We must bring back old Europe.”  How many of my readers know precisely what the Pope was referring?  Surely, some of you who have studied European History in college must know this answer. 

The reference to “old Europe” was highlighting a time when the church ruled Europe.  Now, go to the “Book of Revelation” chapter 17, which describes the “woman” who rides the beast.  The “Beast” is the resurrected “Holy Roman Empire”, which will be a combination of both the “Church” (the woman) and the “Beast” (the State).  Mind you, do not confuse the “woman” who attempts to flee the “Beast”, for this particular “woman” is the “Church of God”, who worships God in both spirit and in truth.  And yes, the current “European Union” is a prelude to the resurrected “Holy Roman Empire” the deadly wound that was healed.  This precisely why I emphatically knew that Great Britain was going to separate from the European Union, so “Britexit” came as no surprise to me, but there is a systemic reason for this action.  So do not be surprised when this particular union (church and state) takes place probably in 4 years or less.  One might also examine Daniel 11 that describes the feet of the statue made of iron (Rome) and merely clay (church), which is a rather loose connection and the prior “Roman Empire” consisted of both east and west; the legs made of iron.  So as one can plainly see every major empire of the world was predicted in Daniel, which simply means, one cannot study the “Book of Revelation” without the “Book of Daniel”.  Eventually, this “European Union” will consist of 10 nations, 5 from the east and 5 from the west.

If one believes the above is rather deep, it goes far deeper, but for now I am not going there, only because there is plenty of meat here to digest.  That is of course if my readers care to examine the scriptures, Acts 17:9.

I am rather sorry to say that Nancy Pelosi seemed rushed this morning, when viewing her “bad hair day”.  She is usually very well-groomed.  The prayers offered this morning was a pathetic display of political pandering.  Once the invocations had taken place, it was business as usually, with all the political rhetoric and backbiting that keeps both sides of the aisle from getting to the business of serving the American People.  This is no different from both the media and the non-elected Liberal agenda continues with the false narrative of the “Russian/Trump collusion”.  All of which is keeping the Trump Administration too busy putting out these “fires” that crop up, which deters those who truly want to “Make America Great Again” to be put on the backburner.  Therefore, we must ask, “Are we going to let the Russians take us down by proxy?”

Friday, June 9, 2017

Senate Intelligence Hearing and a few other thoughts

It seems that James Comey has practically convicted himself with his own mouth.  It was said that this “Senate Hearing” would be telling and they who touted this were certainly correct.  I do not know much on how the bias media has spun this story since this hearing, but I was surprised to read about Chris Matthews admitted that the Comey testimony collapsed the “Russian Collusion Story”, which vindicates President Trump and effectively puts Mueller out of a job.  One can be quite sure that the Russians were also tuned in to this hearing in particular.  If the venue were not so serious, it could be easily mistaken for “political satire”, and perhaps provided some laughter for the Russians, because James Comey made an ass out of himself.  I will go as far to say that Comey “mooned us”.  The Russians are not so easily humored, but I believe in this case might be different.

It is rather sad that the demoncrats, the liberal electorate and the general media have simply wasted time, expense and political capital for absolutely nothing; all in the slim hope that they might get President Trump out of office and then Washington D.C. can conduct business as usual… ripping off the American Public.  Today President Trump in his usual flamboyant style, had a press conference today along with the representatives of the Department of Transportation, to expose how again the government and the plethora of consultants have taken the American Public to the cleaners, when Federal projects are planned, funded and executed.  Much of that funding is earmarked for environmental impact studies and the many years of red tape for the permit process that takes place before the first shovel full of dirt is taken from the ground. 

President Trump posthumously displayed two oversized binders of regulations that preside over all Federal construction projects, which can range from a network of highways to the smallest road.  President Trump then took one of those binders and carelessly dropped it to the ground in front of his feet, but footed it aside and said, “If I tripped over it would make headlines,” for which the crowd broke out in laughter.  This is not too far off about when Spicer mentioned to the Press Corps that if the President used Russian dressing on his salad, somehow there would be a connection. 

Such rather cavalier statements simply tickles me, but there are those among the general public who are not amused; most likely because they take President Trump way too seriously, as do the Press Corps, when there was no laughter about Russian dressing.  Humorous antidotes have their place and it seems President Trump and Sean Spicer can spit them out as easily as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi can spit out some of the most erroneous and non-sequitur statements.  There is absolutely no doubt that the demoncrats are hand-wringing and increasing aspirin sales and please; do not bring up the mid-term elections!  Perhaps now, the demoncrats have considered reconciling with the other side of the aisle and have a few drinks.  

President Trump has recognized the fact that the United States has splintered overtly since the election of Obummer, but this “split” actually had its beginning with the Los Angeles Times with the introduction of “Political Correctness” since 1995.  “Political Correctness” is the eyeglasses from which everything is viewed and has effectively made erroneous and non-sequitur changes in our schools, institutions and government, for which mobilized much of the electorate in the past 8 years and the most profound results for this past Presidential election.  And then the “Liberals” ask, “What happened?” 

There are some things in this world that are self-correcting, no matter the resistance to those same things.  “Political Correctness” had morphed many well-known truths and firm beliefs and twisted them into lies; one in particular stands out among the most used is “racisim”, even when “race” is not the exact issue!  Religion is not a race, it is a belief system.  However, there are some “sects” that have taken “religion” and use it for nefarious reasons, for which has blinded those who have cherry-picked the use of our First Amendment and shove it in our faces, even though it circumvents the Right to choose, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Is anyone sure that those who died from the hands of this “religious sect”, who use murder and terror, would agree with those who say that it is religious discrimination toward those who would do us harm?   Would the same be true when Pope Innocent III instituted “The Inquisition”?  I think not!       

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Health Care

There is one aspect of health care that is completely ignored and that is “prevention”.  Constitutionally speaking; neither the government nor the medical community has any authority, propensity or motivation to promote the prevention of disease, illnesses or disorders.  “If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”  Thomas Jefferson.  This is something I personally have been promoting for many years and have written a book about it titled, “Growing Your Own Groceries”. 

“Growing Your Own Groceries” goes far beyond any gardening book you may have ever read.  I have made gardening “fun” again; removed all the drudgery associated with backyard gardening, with a simple and a nearly maintenance free raised bed system that is almost self-watering, or could be depending upon how far one may want to extend this system.  I have also included a good portion of this book to “soil science”, but do not let that deter you, because this is a peripheral issue that many simply would not want to be bothered.  However, there is one very important factor that is sharply focused on one “life-giving” component and is normally found in compost, but it is also found in a rather remote place in the Northwestern section of New-Mexico as a “carbon based compound”, similar to coal, but not burnable.  

The item of focus I am referring to is “fulvic acid”.  The overt study of “fulvic acid” had taken place back in the 1960s and believe it or not, as long as I have been doing organic gardening, did not discover this until 2010!  I dare say that many who are growing organically are not aware of this “life-giving” component, which by the way, “fulvic acid” transmutes into both humans and animals to improve our bodily functions, which includes the reproductive system, as in fertility in both sexes.  Now consider, if there is no “life” in our soil, how can one expect to be “life” in our bodies?

With the prolific use of GMO crops throughout the world and all the inclusive poisons thereof; can anyone wonder why we are so sick?  Not to mention all the other approved everyday poisons other than GMO crops in our food.  In addition, much of our produce and fruit are imported, which means it can take up to 6 weeks from the time it is picked to reach your local food market.  There are some grocery chains that do purchase produce in their respective local areas, when feasible.

Up until now, I have only skirted the above issues.  Health is our greatest wealth and by the way, the United States currently ranks as 39th in overall health in the entire world.  The blame can be attributed to a law passed in Congress that goes back to 1992 and the very reason why we have seen an expediential increase in the advertising and use of drugs.  I may have mentioned this in a prior blog, but it bears repeating again.  Big Pharma is the single largest contributor to all medical schools worldwide.  There are natural cures for everything that is wrong with the functionality of our bodies, but the FDA has outlawed these “cures”. 

I know I have mentioned the following at least once before, but again bears repeating.  The FDA’s executives are all former heads of Big Pharma, so where do you think the bias is going to lie?  One cannot “legally”, promote the use of natural remedies without stepping on the toes of the FDA and will have all those who do promote natural remedies to be arrested and jailed.  That is of course if someone files a complaint or someone tattle-tails.  Unless one is seeing a doctor of natural medicine, the same will be treated as most are, by the pushing of “legal” drugs down our throats.  However, if one does as I have since 1977 and take responsibility for our own health care; we can avoid all those poisons as well as all the lies that are still being told to us, by both the medical industry and the government.   

We also need to consider that cancer has become nearly a way-of-life for many and every one of my readers must know someone who has or is struggling with cancer of some kind.  Cancer is the biggest money-maker in Western Medicine and will continue to be so, as long as we believe what both the medical industry and the government tells us.  Let us ask this question; “Who in the Western Medical Industry is going to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs?”

President Trump is succeeding in increasing jobs in this nation, but what about our health?  ObamaCare is all about the government taking over a market-based industry and rationing it.  The only thing President Trump is doing in regards to our health care is an extension of government overreach.  However, if the government were truly concerned about the American People; they would promote preventive measures in order to stay out of the doctor’s offices and hospitals, but this is simply not going to happen, because our government in Washington D.C. has been thoroughly corrupted and “draining the swamp” is nearly futile.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Ignoring Islamic Terrorism and "The Matrix"

It is quite apparent that most of my readers were not interested in getting rid of “Radical Islamic Terrorism”.  How do I know this?  My readership fell to less than 50 percent of my prior blog.  One might suppose that most of my readers are very comfortable with “Radical Islamic Terrorists”.  I wonder if that would continue to be true, if “Radical Islamic Terrorists” seriously injured or killed one of their loved ones, hmm?  There is however another thought that entered my mind; is that some of my readers are recruits of “Radical Islamic Terrorism”.  Nah, that might be a bit of a stretch.  It could be true, because of unemployment; disappointed with their lives; or just want to make a name for themselves; not to mention the 70 virgins waiting for them in Heaven.

Ladies, I ask you… if you were a virgin, would you seriously be interested in a man who had nothing more on his mind than to commit murder, just to get laid?  To be sure, it would be a morbid form of flattery.  If one were to scour out history, the same might discover that most wars were caused by differences in religion and I dare say that it will not be the Islamic religion that will prevail, neither the Christian religion, when the near annihilation of man comes to pass to this present civilization.

Yes my friends, there are definite plans to murder at least half the world’s population, but it has nothing to do with religion.  However, a so-called “new religion” will crop up very soon, which will have some semblance of Christianity attached to it, but it will be in a false form, in addition to the worship of “Mother Earth”, emphasis mine, re: Romans 1:25

In reference to reducing the world’s population, this is at the very least plausible because of the forced vaccinations, which eventually cause cancer and other debilitating diseases, not to mention the forcing of feeding the world with GMO crops that are also poisonous and the very reason that Bill Gates built a seed vault located in Norway, with non-GMO seed, so that when the population is small enough, the seed vault will be opened to use good seed, because the “The New World Government” will want healthy slaves for their world.  All of this and much more is in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!” 

Look my friends, I know far more than I have ever revealed in this blog and there is a worldwide conspiracy that has existed since 1700 and is now quickly coming to a head, which is why I produced this blog.  A time is coming when I will no longer be able to do this blog and when that time comes the few of you who view this blog will wonder what happened to me and it might be because I know too much and will be removed if I am considered a threat to “The Matrix”, but for now there is no danger because of the very small audience I have.  The entire world is a stage and the people who directly serve “The Matrix” are the actors.  As for the rest of us… we are the “extras” and are expendable, or as the “Trekkers” might put it; “the red shirts”.