Tuesday, June 20, 2017

And now for something completely different...

There are times when one needs to break away from all the doldrums of the news, so we can take a step back and perhaps take a closer look at what we are and the things we believe.  Most of what we believe is the result of what we have been taught over the years, but much of those beliefs take hold of us from our childhood years.  As children we really had no clue as to how the world works.  The schools make attempts at preparing us, but only from an academic perspective, so we can read; write and work with figures.  Then as we grow, so do the subjects, such as history; science; social studies and civics. 

However, there is very little preparation to deal with a world that is bent on self-destruction.  Classrooms are somewhat insulated from the realities we will face when we finally reach adulthood.  Sure, we as children “view” the news on television, but for the most part they just images that are edited for content, as well as whatever the political slant is for those who produce these newscasts.  There is so much more that needs to be understood, as to the reasons why this or that is happening around the world, along with the suffering, pain and anguish.

When we are children, the adults, for the most part our parents and families want the best for us.  As laudable as that sounds that is a flailing dream.  This is why we need to go beyond our formal education and dig deeper into those things that overwhelm our minds with questions.  We simply cannot be satisfied with the so-called “authorities” tell us…why… because it is these same “authorities” who want to maintain their power over us.  Anyone who gains a degree of authority, usually never wants to surrender that authority, such is the case with our government or any government on the planet. 

Our Forefathers endured very hot and sweltering days to forge what is probably the most perfect government they could humanly produce.  And mind you, these were all men of education, who have studied history, past and present governments and found the shortcomings of the one they left behind.  It stands to reason does it not that the very foundation of our government should be taught in our schools—Our Constitution, but it is not…why… because the “Liberal Agenda” does not agree with it, which simply means they have every intention of changing it and have, by those who are self-serving individuals of power, who appoint judges who legislate from their benches, in addition to subjecting “Our Constitution” to their own so-called, “interpretation”.  It was when Benjamin Franklin who emerged from the end of that meeting, for which someone quickly asked him, “What happened in there?”  Ben Franklin replied, “You have a republic if you can keep it.”

The following is my response to one person, who declared my writings as “nonsense” and mind you, I asked for feedback.  I removed the name, because I am not sure if this person has decided to read a little more of my blogs, after writing the following somewhat “belabored” response.  I could not think but to consider this person to be rather “confused”, because most of us are misinformed and I firmly believe this person deserved better.

Good morning ____, thank you for your response about my blog. Trust me, I appreciate your feedback and I can understand you describing my blog as "nonsense".  This conclusion can only come from a lack of having the right information and growing up under a public education.  Don't get me wrong, I am also a product of "public education", which is defined in at least one encyclopedia as being what both government and society wants us to know and is not necessarily the truth. 

What you are reading in my blog(s) is the result of a better education, based upon my studies in law, history and politics for more than the past 20 years. So very little of the truth ever makes it to the mainstream, only because "The Powers That Be" want it that way, in order to maintain a degree of covert slavery to most of the population. What started me was a book titled, "Pawns in the Game", by William Guy Carr, 1958 that I found in my former roommate's library.  I later discovered that this book and any other books by this author were banned...why... because he told the unvarnished truth. 

There is one law that everyone should know and understand the law of "cause and effect".  When one experiences a negative or positive effect, they both have a specific "cause".  Every cause has a purpose, whether it is a law, policy, political stand, medical procedure, etc. When we hear (mostly now) any negative news reports, they are specifically caused by someone who is in charge, but in most cases those particular people are hidden behind the scenes.  If they happen to be on the forefront, they might simply be "the fall guy or gal", or "pawns", who are expendable.

Please accept my apologies for perhaps belaboring this response and I hope you might read some of the other 170 plus blogs I posted in the past 6 months.  Much of what I write can be found in a book I have written, "What Difference Does It Make?!", which compares constitutional law with contract/administrative law, but it is not a boring book about law and goes beyond what is considered to be "normal".  "Normal" is used in the same way as "natural" when we purchase food.  That is of course you are aware of the evils of agribusiness.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.