Wednesday, June 14, 2017

"Those who hate must stop themselves." quote from a Star Trek episode, "The Day of the Dove"

What can one expect when so much hate is so overtly displayed ever since Donald Trump was elected president?  If one examines some of the New Testament Scriptures, the same will discover that “hate” is the same as if one committed murder, in the “spiritual sense”.  And again, the scriptures also reveal that in the “end times” the love of many will wax cold, Matthew 24:12.  We are witnesses to this display of hate on a daily basis, for which some who are either unbalanced or overzealous, will transform that same hate into action, for which we have seen on both coasts today.  And being that these are the “end times”, one can surely think that so-called “Climate Change” should pale by comparison.  I presented this at least once before… there are two overt ways to die, besides outright murder, accidents and disease 1) by nature or 2) by the government.  Based upon how the world has been leaning and that bias continues to increase; where would one place their bets?  The “bet” would be by far a safer bet than the Power Ball lottery.

At first, much of the violent protests have been aimed at “Trump Supporters”, but now some of that “hate” has been transformed to target our lawmakers.  There has never been a time when this ever had taken place in our history, when our public servants are going beyond their lawmaking seats and engaged in a charitable function.  Today was just practice for the function is to take place I believe tomorrow.  Last year they raised $650,000 and I wonder if what happened today might quell that function… I personally would hope not.  We simply cannot allow someone and only “one” to spoil what should be a celebrated event.

It also irks me, when so much news time is spent on just one a**hole.  I remember when they found Saddam Insane and the Fox News Network spent 36 consecutive hours on that particular story.  When the news networks do this, it has a tendency to overshadow other important news.  Such as what happened in 1981, when Brezhnev died and at the same time Pope John was touring the world.  It was this same day that the Pope was addressing an audience in Spain, for which he stated, “We must bring back old Europe.”  How many of my readers know precisely what the Pope was referring?  Surely, some of you who have studied European History in college must know this answer. 

The reference to “old Europe” was highlighting a time when the church ruled Europe.  Now, go to the “Book of Revelation” chapter 17, which describes the “woman” who rides the beast.  The “Beast” is the resurrected “Holy Roman Empire”, which will be a combination of both the “Church” (the woman) and the “Beast” (the State).  Mind you, do not confuse the “woman” who attempts to flee the “Beast”, for this particular “woman” is the “Church of God”, who worships God in both spirit and in truth.  And yes, the current “European Union” is a prelude to the resurrected “Holy Roman Empire” the deadly wound that was healed.  This precisely why I emphatically knew that Great Britain was going to separate from the European Union, so “Britexit” came as no surprise to me, but there is a systemic reason for this action.  So do not be surprised when this particular union (church and state) takes place probably in 4 years or less.  One might also examine Daniel 11 that describes the feet of the statue made of iron (Rome) and merely clay (church), which is a rather loose connection and the prior “Roman Empire” consisted of both east and west; the legs made of iron.  So as one can plainly see every major empire of the world was predicted in Daniel, which simply means, one cannot study the “Book of Revelation” without the “Book of Daniel”.  Eventually, this “European Union” will consist of 10 nations, 5 from the east and 5 from the west.

If one believes the above is rather deep, it goes far deeper, but for now I am not going there, only because there is plenty of meat here to digest.  That is of course if my readers care to examine the scriptures, Acts 17:9.

I am rather sorry to say that Nancy Pelosi seemed rushed this morning, when viewing her “bad hair day”.  She is usually very well-groomed.  The prayers offered this morning was a pathetic display of political pandering.  Once the invocations had taken place, it was business as usually, with all the political rhetoric and backbiting that keeps both sides of the aisle from getting to the business of serving the American People.  This is no different from both the media and the non-elected Liberal agenda continues with the false narrative of the “Russian/Trump collusion”.  All of which is keeping the Trump Administration too busy putting out these “fires” that crop up, which deters those who truly want to “Make America Great Again” to be put on the backburner.  Therefore, we must ask, “Are we going to let the Russians take us down by proxy?”

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.