Friday, June 16, 2017

Play Ball!

“Play ball!”  It does my heart good that we have not allowed one a**hole to spoil an event that has taken place in the past 78 years.  In that time both the “Democrats” and the “Republicans” are tied at 39 games each.  It should not be surprising to see these two rivals go into extra innings, which they sometimes do in their professional setting.  I was able to view some of this game last evening, but I am not the “Head of Household”, which is defined as the holder of the remote control.  I was able to view enough to see that the Democrats needed a “Ringer” to pitch for them and walked a number of Republicans.  Fox News is following this game; providing both entertainment and commentary, but not a blow-by-blow announcer.  Joe Torre threw out the first pitch and I was quite amused when Krauthammer stated there is a lot of “stealing” going on out there, which is not too far off from their normal proceedings in the Congressional Chambers. 

The Democrats won this game, which can in some respects, make up for all the losses in their “day job” for the past 8 years.  Apparently the Democrats proved they are human after all, by allowing their earned trophy to be displayed in Steve Scalise’s office, until he recovers sufficiently to return to work.  It should be clearly noted that both sides of the aisle are not each other’s enemy; they are merely rivals with different points of view.  No government can be sustained if two parties have declared war on one another, which seems to be the case, especially since this last presidential election.  Make no mistake; the Democrats have a vendetta against the Republicans, for which the proof is the assignment of a special prosecutor, who now has hired 13 attorneys to continue the so-called “Russian/Trump collusion” along with anyone else who is even loosely attached to the Trump Administration, to find anything that would put President Trump in trouble.

There is an old saying regarding Congress; “When Congress makes a law it is a joke and when Congress makes a joke, it becomes law!”  There is a new one I heard from Gallagher, a stand-up comedian who stated; “The opposite of progress is Congress.”  No matter how one may slice it, all humor is based upon some inescapable fact or perhaps even some legends.  There are times that I do not mind “lampooning” an issue, group, individual or some outlandish statement.  Sometimes I simply cannot help myself because of my humorous nature, as my closest friends can attest.

I have just become aware that Katy Perry is the daughter of an evangelist, for which Katy has defined herself away completely from any semblance of Christianity, which is not surprising to me, because of the Satanic and Illuminati symbolism she uses in her videos.  And yes, most of those who are the highest celebrities are in partnership with Satan, for which their celebrity and money is their reward for doing “His” bidding.  And mind you, that Satan was Lucifer, when he was at the “Throne of God”, as well as God’s musician.  Oh yes, Katy got her start the same way Whitney Houston did; as a gospel singer.

Stephen Colbert made the news, when he stated in his monolog Wednesday night to say just two words to the President in regards to the ball field shooting… “Thank You”.  He was very conciliatory and genuine in his early presentation and earned him loud applause from the audience.  This is quite a more authentic showing than the one Nancy Pelosi presented, for not too long after her rendition, it was business as usual, which simply proves how separated both parties truly stand.  

Americans today are more likely to believe brown cows produce chocolate milk than they were to believe the national media in 2016 according to two separate studies.  Although the above is believed by 7 percent of Americans that figure is translated into 16.4 million Americans, which is roughly the population of the State of Pennsylvania.  Personally, I am quite sure this stems from the so-called “Education” of our youth, which goes back to the Clinton Administration, when public education was federalized and it was mandatory to place psychologists in every school, for which modern-day psychiatry consists of drugs, in order to remove “free thinkers” from society. 

“The Matrix” detests “free thinking” because slavery has no room for those who think freely.  This is precisely why Judges go to conferences that counter any moves by thousands like me, who know how to use the law to escape government contracts, such as licensing and not filing 1040s.  If one reads below the where the signature goes on the 1040, it simply states when signing the signer is abrogating their “5th Amendment Rights”.  One can closely examine the Constitution and will not find any semblance of licensing in any venue; therefore all government licensing is unconstitutional.  However, we do have the right to contract for whatever benefit we wish to receive, but by the same token, we also have the absolute right not to contract.  Again however, by the acceptance of both the “Birth Certificate” and the “Social Security Number”, we are now deemed as “corporations” and corporations have no rights!  Your corporate identification is personified by the entry of your “Social Security Number” at the top of the 1040.  “When giving you a number, I’m taking away your name,” a quote from the song “Secret Agent Man”. 

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.