Tuesday, June 27, 2017

What Are We Doing and Where Are We Going?

Dear Readers of this blog, a rather dramatic change has taken place with me, for which you have noticed no recent entries.  I was offered an opportunity to move to New-Mexico, to be involved in the construction of a small community.  It does take a lot of preparation to make such a sudden move, but I am single and do not have the usual “trailers” or “hold-outs” involved.  However, all people make us happy; some when they come in and others when they leave.  I really do not know how many of you appreciated my “entries”, because I have received such little feedback, one way or the other.  Perhaps, many of my readers are eminently satisfied with my writings and simply decline to comment.  Others might read my blogs with utter contempt and decline to comment, just to prove they are right that our current President and company are fostering hate, etc. 

No one has been more involved in the division of this nation than the previous administration, for which “Political Correctness” has taken the front seat, of the vehicle known as “Liberalism”, which is fueled with hate and discord and traveling as fast as this vehicle can move.  The “Hate and Discord” can be viewed in all the major cities, which are unprecedented and has only occurred one other time in our history, until this latest presidential election.  The “perpetrators” of the violence are “masked” as if they needed to hide their identity, which is same as the old term used as “Highway Men”, who loot and perform violence when those of the opposite aisle are simply minding their own business, become victims just because…

In addition, those who hate are simply acting mindlessly and the agitators of these groups are paid to sow hate and discord, as well as being a disruption of the producers who work hard, all the while the people who are for the most part unemployed and are envious of those who are working and being a productive part of society.  Instead of being part of the problem, why don’t the disruptors put down their signs, rip off their masks and become part of the solution instead of fueling the fire that is slowly but surely consuming this nation, which can end up as a civil war.

It is quite easy to draw a parallel to the predilection of the Civil War that took place back in the 19th century, which was when territories were slated to become “States”, would create two diametrically opposite factions, as to choosing to be either a “Free State” or a “Slave State”.  And the “straw that broke the camel’s back” was the election of Abraham Lincoln, for which all the congressional legislatures of the “Slave States” did not show up in Washington D.C. as prescribed in our Constitution, for which there was no quorum and at least in theory dissolved the “Republic of the United States” and was later reorganized as the “Corporation of the United States”, a few years after the Civil War.  Mind you, I am merely an observer and annalist of this great consumption of the once cooperative “Spirit of America”, no matter which party occupied the Oval Office. 

The “Liberators” want to liberate the entire planet, for which the “whole planet” is really none of our business, because we have our own national problems to solve.  So who are we to invite “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” to our shores without first properly vetting them and bestowing upon them gifts of a seamless and endless supply of whatever they may need, all without earning it at the expense of those who have worked hard all their lives, to see their well deserved benefits lavishly raining down on a largely thankless group of foreigners, who are not yet “citizens”.  No nation could normally withstand such unearned sustenance to be simply “given away”, without at least some justified compensation for a long sustained length of time.  Guess what folks; this was the final straw that broke the back of the once great Roman Empire.

Am I espousing the end of this civilization… yup, as long as it continues on this path of self-destruction?  The world has grown so much smaller within the past 150 years and even much smaller via the Internet and social media, when anything can be viewed within minutes if not seconds of the event happening.  Instant communication has never been this fast and has also at the very same time is becoming our Achilles Heel…why… for the simple reason of where our attention lies.  “The Matrix” could not be more pleased when attention is diverted away from the true causes of all these world events, which make way for “The Powers That Be” to molding our minds to prepare us for a shortly coming “one world government”, which will be declared as the savior of mankind… utter non-sense.

However, this is how this once great civilization will meet its demise in less than 10 years from now and within an even shorter time, if a particular event takes place this coming September in New York City, then count 7 years from that time forward.  I know far more than I am revealing here, I am just a messenger and killing the messenger is not going to change what is surely to come.

I am going to take some time off from this blog, because I have personal matters to fulfill for my own posterity.  There may be times when I feel I might have the time and inclination to post a blog now and then, for the sake of my readers.  I have one word of advice; do not be overwhelmed by all the newscasts, because they are a smoke screen for what is really behind the news, which is why most of our current news is “controlled”… to keep us so busy that we are not so inclined to peek behind the curtain.  The “curtain” my friend is “Biblical Prophecy”.  Without that particular understanding, all humanity will become lost in a sea of deception and quickly swallowed up by the “sharks” of this world, all of which is intended.  In essence, we are being “set-up” for the near demise of mankind and it is mainly because we have been lied to, or because of the “sin of omission”. Either one is deadly!  If my blog survives, which I believe will be eliminated in the near future, because of the “control” that needs to be firmly established, in order to prepare this world for a protracted and calculated take-over.

I have just one more request and it should not be so burdensome; copy all my blogs on a stick and mark it and keep this email address handy; mark.debarbieri@gmail.com  Once I move and have a physical address, I will publish it here and keep that as well, because soon the Internet will be under the full control of “The Matrix”.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.