Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Ignoring Islamic Terrorism and "The Matrix"

It is quite apparent that most of my readers were not interested in getting rid of “Radical Islamic Terrorism”.  How do I know this?  My readership fell to less than 50 percent of my prior blog.  One might suppose that most of my readers are very comfortable with “Radical Islamic Terrorists”.  I wonder if that would continue to be true, if “Radical Islamic Terrorists” seriously injured or killed one of their loved ones, hmm?  There is however another thought that entered my mind; is that some of my readers are recruits of “Radical Islamic Terrorism”.  Nah, that might be a bit of a stretch.  It could be true, because of unemployment; disappointed with their lives; or just want to make a name for themselves; not to mention the 70 virgins waiting for them in Heaven.

Ladies, I ask you… if you were a virgin, would you seriously be interested in a man who had nothing more on his mind than to commit murder, just to get laid?  To be sure, it would be a morbid form of flattery.  If one were to scour out history, the same might discover that most wars were caused by differences in religion and I dare say that it will not be the Islamic religion that will prevail, neither the Christian religion, when the near annihilation of man comes to pass to this present civilization.

Yes my friends, there are definite plans to murder at least half the world’s population, but it has nothing to do with religion.  However, a so-called “new religion” will crop up very soon, which will have some semblance of Christianity attached to it, but it will be in a false form, in addition to the worship of “Mother Earth”, emphasis mine, re: Romans 1:25

In reference to reducing the world’s population, this is at the very least plausible because of the forced vaccinations, which eventually cause cancer and other debilitating diseases, not to mention the forcing of feeding the world with GMO crops that are also poisonous and the very reason that Bill Gates built a seed vault located in Norway, with non-GMO seed, so that when the population is small enough, the seed vault will be opened to use good seed, because the “The New World Government” will want healthy slaves for their world.  All of this and much more is in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!” 

Look my friends, I know far more than I have ever revealed in this blog and there is a worldwide conspiracy that has existed since 1700 and is now quickly coming to a head, which is why I produced this blog.  A time is coming when I will no longer be able to do this blog and when that time comes the few of you who view this blog will wonder what happened to me and it might be because I know too much and will be removed if I am considered a threat to “The Matrix”, but for now there is no danger because of the very small audience I have.  The entire world is a stage and the people who directly serve “The Matrix” are the actors.  As for the rest of us… we are the “extras” and are expendable, or as the “Trekkers” might put it; “the red shirts”.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.