Saturday, July 1, 2017

Creation verses Evolution and so-called "Climate Change"

Dear Readers of this blog, the deal I was talking about fell through, so my friends I am posting this latest blog.  I believe it might be fitting to let my readers know that this next blog may not be well-received, only because as a society, we have become comfortable with all the lies and deceptions of a world that is well on its way to a predicted end.  We have a God, who understands the heart of mankind, because He created it.  Mankind was created for one very specific reason, for which my readers will find as being impossible, but be warned that your Bibles are filled with a number of miss translations, in order to satisfy a power-hungry Pope Innocent III and have the church not only rule over the masses, but also to rule over kings.

Once mankind understands the true purpose of our “creation” and it is a “creation” and could never have just “happened”, for one reason and question; “Do you believe that something less than you made your brain?”  Well my friends, this is precisely what is being wrongly taught in our so-called “highest educational institutions”, for which by the way is still taught as a “theory”.  However, this “theory” has become the eyeglasses of how everything in our world is viewed, which is why we have been mistaken about many things about this world and especially the reason why we exist in the first place.  Yeah, perhaps I am doing a dance around what is the heart of the matter, but my readers deserve a thorough explanation.  The following is an excerpt from my book titled, “Growing Your Own Organic Groceries”.  Yeah I know it seems to be an intangible connection, but trust me it is quite more tangible than one might think.

To wit:  Ladies and Gentlemen: when I had read the above, I had to stop to make a comment to clarify and disarm all controversy over the evolutionists and the creationists. There is a huge gap, perhaps billions of years between verses one and two of Genesis I. There was indeed a creation, aptly described as the “Big Bang” that happened as the astrophysicists had surmised with great accuracy and expounded. But there had to be another creation, a re-creation if you will, because of the war in Heaven between Satan and his demons, against God and his Heavenly realm. There is no need to get into the scriptural details because this is not the agenda of this book. “The earth became dark and void”, is the proper translation, for which necessitated the need to re-create the Earth. Bear with me and it will all make valid sense. When anything that is created, it takes time to make the first one. But once it is completed, the next one and thereafter, takes far less time. Such is the case with the Earth. The first creation took billions of years to get it right, but when it came time to re-create it, it took only 6 days. Therefore a [re]creation took place as the Bible states, about 6000 years ago, for which there is no history of this particular species of mankind that ever existed before 6000 years. And therefore there is no such thing as “the missing link”. It is missing for the simple reason that it never existed! Anything prior to what is perceived as being a so-called ancestor of the present day man, is most likely a creation of Satan, for whom the Earth was given to him to rule over, prior to his coveting of God’s throne and the ensuing ‘war in Heaven’, for which planet Earth became collateral damage. Mark- Edward: DeBarbieri,RM

The above might read as if it came straight out of a Sci-Fi novel, but we can no longer afford to remain ignorant, because as I have stated in previous blogs we are heading for an end to this so-called “great civilization”.  It is considered “great” for one reason, our advancement in technology that has spilled over into every field of science.  Is this a particularly a “bad” thing? The answer is “No”, if it is separated from the overall greed of men and okay women as well, so as I will not be accused of being a “sexist”, but it is “the greed of humanity” that has provided a perversion of every good thing all this technology has allowed us; making life easier, but at the same time has made us very “insecure”.  This is why I describe “technology” as a two-edged sword and a district attorney agreed with my assessment.

All the environmental balances of the Earth had to be meticulously thought out, which simply means it is quite impossible that we are an “accident” of nature and can be described in the following; “If one believes in evolution, it is the same as if an explosion happened in as many printing shops as you might want to conduct the following experiment; place explosives in all print shops to see if one can create an encyclopedia as a result.”  Sounds like an interesting but a fallible experiment, doesn’t it?  The creation of the Earth was specifically designed to include human beings and everything we humans have created using the resources that was provided by our Creator.  Yes, Carl Sagan was correct when he stated that we are made from "star stuff".

Now, this can bring us to the issue of the once called “Global Warming” for which had to be renamed because of the fact that we are not warming up as previously announced, going back to 1995, when all this crap started.  In order to maintain the “narrative” it has been renamed as “Climate Change”.  This new name became necessary because they can now blame every weather condition on “human caused factors”.  We have no one to blame but our own ignorance for allowing this nonsense to take place and all those “protestors” are simply following a mindless narrative that is far from the truth.  I have already addressed this in prior blogs, if one cares to look into them and the proof I provided by a chemist, who is eminently more qualified than Al Gore and company.  Even NOAA has proof that so-called “Climate Change” is proven to be outright wrong, but was only put on the news only once, for which we may never hear about this controversy which will prove this fallacy of “human caused climate change” once and forever!

There is no way that God would create the Earth and humanity that if following simple directions simply cannot screw up the planet.  God knows we need to keep warm and cool and knows that we were going to utilize our buried energy to provide comfort for every human being who occupies the planet, because we are a microcosm of what God is… a creator, but in a much smaller way.

Okay, so where or how did our “intelligence” emanate?  Excellent question and I am rather surprised that none of my readers ever brought this up.  First of all there is no biologist who can argue that our human brains are no different in quality than any other creature on the planet, but with one distinct difference, for which God gave us a very good hint.  What?  Oh, you thought I was going to give away where to find it in the scriptures?  Why should I take all the romance out of finding it for you and keeping me honest?  Re: Acts 17:11  If I did give the answer, it would most certainly cause a second look at “abortion”, but I am not going there, at least for the moment, because it might take an entire blog to go through it.

Now, what I am going to say next is going to turn every religious belief upside down and put the controversy of eviloution to its final rest.  But please bear with me for just one moment more.  It was Satan the Devil who put the idea of evilution into the minds of Darwin and Huxley, for the simple reason that Satan hates God and the creation of humanity and will then therefore give my readers a much better understanding that “God is simply reproducing Himself through us.”  Humanity was God’s answer to avoid to ever having a rebellion like the one He had to deal with when Satan coveted God’s Throne and took one third of the angels with him, now called "demons".  

This is something that needs to be understood, so there will be no question as to why we were created as “corruptible beings”.  God, Satan, the demons and angels are all “spirit beings” and not subject to the corruption of the flesh, which means all flesh dies, but “spirit beings” live forever.  Mind you that “spirit beings” have no concept of time, for they existed before the universe was created and that is when time was also created.  Time never existed before the creation of the universe.  I am quite sure a question will come to mind, which is “Where did God come from?”  This question should be considered a non-sequitur, only because we have no concept of how spirit beings exist and have always existed, but the creation of the universe included the venue of “time” and therefore we do not have a clue as to how God came to be.

However, I simply cannot help but to include a conversation that did take place between I believe three astronomers.  Apparently these astronomers were having a discussion on how the universe was created.  The question of “God” entered this conversation and one asked, “Where did God come from?”  The answer could be entered into the satire chronicles, to wit: “That is why God created Hell for people who ask questions like that.”  It is because of my understanding of what my readers have been reading in this entire treatise that the answer provided was quite humorous.

So now my friends know the rest of the story and can now understand the meaning of the “Resurrection” and everything that was taught prior to it, for which very few have a true understanding today and merely follow what the false ministers have been teaching wrongly every since the third century.  One also needs to understand that it is mostly the New Testament that is rife with error, for but one reason, because of a power-hungry “Pope Innocent III”, who was instrumental in the translation of the “King James Bible” and it was this same Pope who instituted the “Inquisition”, against those who dare go against the tenants of the church, for which the truth was kept hidden in the mistranslation.  All the truth can be found in the Vatican, if one cares or dares to explore it, if allowed in the first place.  However, if one wants to go through an exhaustive research for every word in the New Testament, the same just needs a “Strong’s Concordance”.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.