Saturday, July 29, 2017

Dancing with the Stars and so-called "Health Care"

Dancing with the Stars?  Sean Spicer has taken his media soap opera on the road with ABC, by joining in with “Dancing with the Stars”.  It should not be so surprising when this man challenged the media on a daily basis to dance with him.  “Okay, here we are, again, with the President’s agenda and your Russian agenda; let’s dance…!”  One can also suppose that now that Sean is now a “free agent” he has become open to new and exciting offers.  I am not aware of the ratings for “Dancing with the Stars”, but I do know that when Sean Spicer was hosting the “White House Press Conferences”, the ratings topped all the soap operas, in those particular time slots.  Perhaps, the “Sean Spicer Show” was more of a reality program, where the basic plot does not change, the characters are the same and the plot thickens with every episode?

The so-called “Health Care” issue is not much better in regards to becoming a reality show.  Obama and the demoncrats took the opportunity to again screw the public to provide us with a so-called “health care system” that was specifically designed to fail from the onset…why… because their agenda was to morph it into a single-payer system, where the government has full control over our health care, administered by bureaucrats and not by doctors or insurance companies.  Oh, by the way, ever since ObamaCare the insurance companies have near doubled their profits, from 8 billion to 15 billion and they are complaining they want more government money.  If Hitlary were elected this surely would had happened already, because she and Bill attempted this back in 1993.  Hitlary is simply a power-hungry woman and her new book is not going to apologize for that hunger.

The last time she had a book was when the publisher fronted her 8 million dollars and lost big time.  Perhaps now, the publisher is not as squeamish because Hitlary has a larger audience, mainly because of the anti-Trump movement.  And there is no doubt that Hitlary is grooming herself through this book to give her a better platform to run again in 2020.  Apparently, if one is watching the news closely, will discover that the demoncrats have at least 6 other possible candidates for the 2020 election cycle.  It is my thinking that Hitlary will quash any and all DNC choices and take over the nomination.  Frankly, I do not give a hoot who wins the presidential election in 2020, because no matter who is elected this civilization is poised to destroy itself.  The reason is because there are forces at work that will bring this about and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

My suggestion is to find a quiet corner to live out whatever life we might have left and not concern ourselves with all the stresses brought on because of all the political bullshit that we will never have control.  Besides, stress will cause unneeded inflammation and then we become diseased and then we will need health care and all the amplified stresses that go along with it.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.