Saturday, July 29, 2017

"How to Secure Your Employment" Micro Chips and What to Expect in the Very Near Future

Recently there was an article about “How to Secure Your Employment”. The answer was to be micro chipped, which is being done in India and now Australia is micro chipping their population.  This is quickly becoming a fulfilled prophecy, known as “The Mark of the Beast”, for which no one will be able to buy or sell without this “Mark”.  Do not be surprised that within the next 4 years, you may not be able to enter a bank without one of these implanted chips and also will not receive government benefits, including health care, when entering a hospital, be able to get on the Internet or enter a library without being chipped.

Yes, for those who refuse to be “chipped” will be discriminated against and perhaps to be extended to include churches and any public assemblies, licensing or refusing to be vaccinated, which by the way has been proven to be all a fraud and promulgated by Big Pharma along with the CDC and the FDA, for which these last two are manned by former executives of Big Pharma, so where do you think the bias is going to lie?  The “prophecy” continues to say those who take the “Mark” will not be allowed to enter into the “Kingdom of God”.  This will be become more pronounced when the “Two Witnesses” come on the scene, halfway through the “Great Tribulation”.

At least for now, these particular prophesied “chips” do not yet exist, because they need to be programmed and this “programming” is either in the planning stages or is already stored for future use, such as what happened soon after 9-11, with the so-called “Patriot Act”, for which this legislation was completed in an astounding 45 days and therefore was already prepared well in advance for when such an event as 9-11 provided.  Remember my friends; “Anything political is planned”.  I was already prepared for such an event, when I was involved within a certain circle of friends back in 1995, who knew the above was going to take place.  The question was “when?”  And when I viewed it on live TV, when the plane hit the South Tower, I knew at that very moment, we were going to be thrust into a much deeper “police state”, for which “9-11” and the “Patriot Acts I & II provided.

The “chips” that now exist are to acclimate us for what is surely coming and very soon.  Personally, I have already predisposed myself to refusing any “chips” that might be offered.  And yes, there is a distinct possibility that I could starve, if I refuse to be “chipped” about 4 years from now.  But I know there is a God in Heaven who knows and counts the very hairs on our heads.  We were all born to die anyway and it does not matter how long we might live, the time always passes and so do we.  I prefer to die with the little freedom I have left, then to live under tyranny and slavery. 

Our Forefathers, were also aware of their lives hanging in the balance and 31 of those who signed the “Declaration of Independence” all perished along with their entire families.  The British were ordered to hunt down and murder all the signers and their entire families.  I am quite sure the above acts incensed many Americans at the time and were also prepared to die to protect the little freedom they had, so that we could enjoy what freedoms we once had and were stolen from us, beginning soon after our “Civil War”.  As they say, “The devil is in the details” and can be found in a book I have written, which is the same title of this blog, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

It matters not who is sitting in the “Oval Office”, the wheels of tyranny have been turning for more than the past 150 years and we are now witnessing the fulfillment of what “The Matrix” has designed for us, which is the same as what God prophesized centuries ago through his prophets from both the “New” and “Old Testaments”.  The Bible is a jigsaw puzzle and without “God’s Spirit”, it is impossible to put it together.  I do not expect many readers of this particular blog to fully understand, for the simple reason many believe men instead of “Our Creator”.  But a time is soon coming when the “Two Witnesses” will come on the scene and prophesize from “Jerusalem”.  And because we now have instant communication available, via satellites along with our hand-held devices, there will be no excuse for not heeding the acts and prophecies of these “Two Witnesses”.

If you believe that we could not have more controversy than we are experiencing now; you will want to be alive when the “Two Witnesses” will be in the news daily.  Every politician and anyone of renown will have to take a backseat and will probably do or say the most outrageous things, in order to get some headlines, which is not too far off what is happening now and is only a microcosm of what we can expect.  But why should I take all the romance out of it, for my readers can see it for themselves in their respective Bibles and find what I am talking about in the “Book of Revelation”, but do not ignore the later chapters of the “Book of Daniel”, because they dovetail.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.