Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Caravan Part 3

The United States has black and white document called “The Constitution of the United States”.  Despite what anyone says, in so-called “matters of interpretation”; the President of the United States has unilateral authority to act when Congress is either absent or inept; especially in emergency circumstances, for which an invasion of migrants are making their way to our border.  Their intention is clear; to cross our border; claim asylum, and infiltrate into our population, without showing up for their court date.

The decision these migrants have made to make this trek to our border, was not whimsical.  These people were invited by “The Matrix”, which is an invisible government within our government.  Although this trek is rather hazardous, these migrants were assured of a relatively safe trip, for the simple reason this migration has to be financed.  These people have to have food, water and sanitation.  In other words, this movement was planned and financed. 

This “migration” numbers about 12,000 is not unlike an army on the move.  Anyone who has ever been in the military has to know something about the logistics involved, when any group of a large size needs to go from point A to point B, is aware of what it takes to support such a movement.  It was Napoleon who stated, “An army marches on its stomach.”  12,000 people require 36,000 meals per day, which equates to truckloads of food, water and toilet paper.  I can hardly believe that mostly poor Mexicans have opened up their doors, and offered food to this huge group. 

The idea of portending an invasion is aimed directly at President Trump; in the hopes he will make a wrong move when meeting this invasion.  In regards to President Trump’s predicted response; the law is on his side.  Congress did nothing for the past 2 years to fix immigration, as if the legislature did not exist.  This by itself gives President Trump the authority to act.  The Supreme Court was not shy about President Trump’s immigration ban from several nations, and this latest incursion is not much different, for the simple reason this particular migration is a clear and present danger to Americans.  The DHS has already identified 500 of this particular group who are known criminals.  

The army of the United States was deployed to meet this invading army of foreigners.  They may not have the authority to act in a hostile manner, but they are still compelled not to allow these invaders to cross our border.  They might shoot over their heads as a warning, which is what I personally would support.  President Trump did not mince words when he stated that if these invaders throw rocks, they are deemed as “deadly weapons”, for which those rocks are equivalent to being a rifle.  Rocks can kill people; just ask David, who killed Goliath.  I also see no problem using “tear gas”.  According to Article I, Section 8, Clause 15; it is Congress who is charged with “repelling invasions”.  Since we have inadequate immigration laws; President Trump is compelled to doing his duty and using his authority, to protect the American People from this invasion. 

Lincoln, because there was no quorum in Congress; had to implement the “Emergency War Powers Act”, in order to protect Federal property; for which Fort Sumter was one of those properties that was fired upon by the Confederate Army.  President Trump has this same authority to take action, because Congress is derelict in their duty.       

The Mainstream Media has called Trump’s use of “Tear Gas” a chemical attack.  For normal crowd control this is S.O.P. Standard Operating Procedure.  Pepper Balls are new to me; one might suppose this is a long-distance way of using what is “Pepper Spray”.  By the way you Trump haters; it has become recently known that President Obama also used “Tear Gas” against illegal immigrants.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.