Monday, November 5, 2018


The “Midterms” will be upon us in just a few days.  I wonder how many voters fully understand the ripple effects this particular election might have on a worldwide scale.  If the voters unwittingly maintain the status quo, there is no harm done.  If the voters increase the Conservative base in both the House and the Senate; there will be more growth in our economy and a more productive government.  If the Demoncrats get their power back from either the House or the Senate, could have worldwide implications and a strong possibility that many nations may give President Trump “The Finger”.

If indeed the Demoncrats get more of a foothold in the legislature; it will quickly turn President Trump into a “Lame Duck”.  President Trump might get some “Executive Orders” that neither the House of the Senate can rescind, or make null and void.  However, for the most part, in order to continue keeping his promises; all bets would be off the table.  In addition, there will be new investigations started to get President Trump impeached.  In my opinion, that might be a bit of a stretch, but it will further hamper anything he might want to accomplish, for the remainder of this term. 

It will not be long after the Demoncrats get their power back in January; that many world leaders who are not happy with the deals President Trump had made, for which they will cozy up to the Demoncrats to make changes and subsequently undo what President Trump has established, in regards to our economy.  There is no doubt that “ObamaCare” will top the list in their agenda, so they can secure a Demoncratic candidate for 2020, who will support any Demoncratic agenda to tax you to death.  The Demoncrats lifeblood is money, to support social programs that are designed to take more money out of your pockets, but also grow the government.  If this happens, you can kiss many of your jobs good-bye, and take a trip to Washington D.C., because the only jobs that will be available will be inside the Beltway.

CNN will wipe the sweat off their brow, because they will be saved by Demoncratic narratives that they have been touting all along.  Every lying personality on the air will have “Chasseur Cat” smiles.  The Middle East travel ban will be lifted.  North Korea will once again raise their sword.  Iran will have their sanctions lifted and a renewed nuclear deal.  The military will be severely cut back, because that will mean more money for social programs.  You might remember some previous blogs, when I highlighted the fact that the Roman Empire found its demise, by cutting back on their military, in order to fund social progams, which allowed the Barbarians to take over.  We will no longer have a secure southern border, and half the population of Central America will easily find their way into the United States, unfettered. 

If the above last two paragraphs whets your appetite; then I encourage everyone to vote Demoncratic this coming Tuesday.  If not, we cannot rest on the idea that others will be voting for whom we want; in order to keep what was gained in less than 2 years.  Great day people… what did Obama do in the 8 years he was in office?  About half the time the news camera was focused upon him, he was driving balls on some golf course, at taxpayers’ expense.  In addition, he did not travel alone.  Oh yes, the Secret Service was there, but so were many more others who were invited to have some time off.

How many times has President Trump visited any golf course, in the past 21 months; perhaps two?  I can hardly remember President Trump not engaged in the performance of his office.  Every chance the media got to view President Trump outside the Oval Office; they would get within earshot to ask questions.  President Trump at all times has been quite candid and gracious with the media, whether he agreed with their reporting or not. 

There is most certainly no energy crisis with President Trump and those who work for him are tripping over themselves just to keep up.  The ones, who could not keep up or were found to be working against him, are seeking other employment.  I would be wincing every time President Trump would fire someone.  I expected this from him because of his character during his employment with NBC, doing “The Apprentice”.  President Trump has certain expectations from those he hires; but when they disappoint or fail, he is not shy to let them go.  However, there are times when he is quite forgiving, and allows for a second chance.  In regards to his position as a politician, because this something new to him; so he is quite aware of the possible short-comings that come with the jobs, of those he trusts, because this is also new to them as well.   

There is another possibility, and one I have addressed in a prior blog; many Conservative voters are being covert, when it comes to poll taking.  This exactly how the so-called “professional pollsters”, during the 2016 election cycle; got it all wrong.  My brother and I both agree; the only poll that really matters is going to take place on November 6th.  Actually, the “covert voters” are correct in not revealing their political stand; because one; our vote is sacred; for two; politics is similar to a religious venue, and not normally discussed among those who are not of the same persuasion; for which can cause friction.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.