Friday, November 2, 2018


I was alerted to our immigration problem back in 2002.  My answer back then is similar to what President Trump has prescribed in his recent White House speech; first of all President Trump declared the caravans coming up as an “invasion”; which precisely describes what has been going on, for the past 20 years. The second thing is to meet this “invasion” with our military.  This particular response has drawn criticism to the legal term of “Posse Comitatus”.  The legal definition is when a sheriff calls upon those who are willing to pursue or assist him/her for an arrest of a felon.  In times past, when we in the United States still had territories, and it was either a Federal Marshall or local sheriff, who would call upon men willing to go on a posse, in order to apprehend a lawbreaker. 

“Posse Comitatus” is now extended to the military, not to be involved in civilian matters; for which those who oppose this move by President Trump are declaring.  However, since what is clearly an “invasion”, President Trump has the authority to call upon the military for assistance, and is also declared a “National Emergency”.  In addition, President Trump is taking unilateral action, because of an inept Congress to get an immigration bill passed that will protect our borders, and apprehend the many lawbreakers running amuck all over our nation, to send them back to where they belong.  The Democrats are far off focus, for which they are resisting President Trump, but are derelict in their sworn duty to perform lawfully, as prescribed under “Article I, Section 8, Clause 15” of our Constitution, to wit: “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;” From a pure legal standpoint; all those who have been resisting an immigration bill; can all be cited for “Dereliction of Duty” and “Perjury of Oath”. 
Who is financing the caravans?  Nothing can happen without someone providing the funds for any kind of movement; people need to eat and eliminate.  All those thousands of people must have food, water and sanitation.  The money is coming from some Democratic venue, such as the likes of George Soros.  These caravans are no accident or coincidence.  “Anything political is planned.”  It was carefully timed for the 11th hour of the midterm elections.  How was it timed? When the funds were released! The Democrats have only one agenda; to get their power back, as they had during the failed Obama Administration. They most certainly don’t have any other agendas, because they don’t have any solutions, other than to do what they always do—throw more and more money at a problem, but the problem still remains; and who pays for it all?  The more money thrown at a problem, the more people are needed to run the bureaucracy and consequently the bigger the government.   Socialism works; but only for those who are in power.  Just ask Russia, China or Cuba.

The Democrats have been dragging their feet at every opportunity, and has pissed off President Trump.  The Democrats have caused this entire situation, to somehow secure the midterms, in order to have a Democratic majority; for which they will promptly impeach President Trump, for which they have no grounds, but hopefully enough votes, despite the lack of specific charges.  The Democrats will do the same as Mueller has done; to get an investigation going, and find at least one thing to get President Trump impeached.  It will most certainly gain lots of press; for which may keep CNN afloat with paying advertisers; for they need to gain the audience back they have lost in the past 2 years.  

All the bickering between the two parties has been a parliamentary nightmare.  We were never acting in a parliamentary manner, up until recently.  The British “House of Commons” and “House of Lords” are parliamentary, who openly fight and bicker all the time.  The lack of civility among the legislature was never so pronounced overtly, as it was during the Kavanagh hearings.  It seems that nearly all the Democrats have syndicated themselves, as a monolith minded body, to use all of President Trumps picks for offices as punching bags, and bad-mouthing all of his policies; even though President Trump is adhering to his promises made to the American Public.  It is then quite apparent that the Democrats don’t care about the American People; only posturing themselves to get their power back.

The Democrats are no longer a part of our Constitution; for the simple reason they want the government to completely control our lives, as do all Communist Nations.  Yes, I have just labeled our current Democratic Party as Communists, and rightly so.  President Trump has eliminated many regulations that have hampered business to the point, very few businesses can survive.  Government controlled health care has been tried and failed in several nations before us… what was Obama thinking?  Well, what can one expect from a man who was brought up by a Communist father, and who was mentored and financed by “The Powers That Be”?  Obama did not earn one penny to finance his education; it was all paid for by his mentors.

Obama became known to “The Powers That Be” as being “gifted”, and there is no doubt his was born with a silver tongue.  So his mentors “groomed” him for a future in politics.  The FBI; the CIA and other agencies also seek out “gifted people” in the colleges all the time.  They just need to fit particular criteria and not be a security risk.  “Security” is rather high up on the scale for all candidates.  They want the best, as long as they are attending college.  There are very few, who never made it through college, but became extremely outstanding in their own right and then they are invited to join the “Illuminati”, but there is a catch.  To be invited by the “Illuminati”, is either a “life or death” situation.  Bill Gates was one such man, who was “invited” back in 1998, for which the locals gave him a well-deserved “pie-in-the-face”.  Oprah was also invited, and look who she is supporting for governor of Georgia. 

When did it become incumbent for whom a celebrity supported, was ever used as a scale, to influence a voter?  Can anyone seriously listen to a celebrity, who thought about blowing up the White House?  Or listen to an actor, who stated, “When was the last time an actor killed a President?”  Or perhaps an actor, who has proven to be a hot-head in real life, mimics a President?  Actors are no more viable than anyone else who works for a living.  Actors just happen to be more well-known because of the kind of work they engage.  They are just as vulnerable to make stupid statements as anyone might at the water cooler, or at their favorite watering hole.     

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.