Friday, November 30, 2018

The Ukraine

The Ukraine is a newsworthy item, but needs a little more attention.  “I am too sexy for my shirt”, Putin viewed Obama as a whippy President and took over Crimea almost without a whimper.  It is rather unfortunate that both Crimea and the Ukraine are not NATO members.  However, because of what is easily deemed as a blatant act of aggression by Russia; anyone can come to the Ukraine to help defend it.  A word of great caution needs to be revealed here; it would be quite easy for either Russia or the Ukraine to stage a “false flag attack” on one of their own ships, in order to point fingers as to who started it.  In reality, it is clearly Russia who has already showed their hand.

I must point out that the United States has also staged their own “false flag attacks”; 1) the battleship “Maine” was attacked by one explosion, while harbored in Cuban port, back in 1898.  It is this type of provocation that gets public support to prosecute a war that could have been avoided.  However, politics has a twisted way of making things happen, whether the public wants it or not.  Despite where the fault lied; the United States engaged in a war that yielded a lot of once owned territory by the Spanish.  2) The “World Trade Center” was also a “false flag attack”; personally I can say this because of some privileged knowledge I possess, but there is also some public knowledge that raises controversy.  The so-called “9-11 Commission” was quickly put together to quell the public’s inquiries of what really happened and why.  However, there is so much conflict in regards to “evidence”, for which the government has their version of what happened; verses the physical evidence that raised the controversy.

It is the “Powers That Be”, or what I call “The Matrix”, who is in charge, as to what is going to happen, in order to fulfill their agenda of world domination.  Given the fact that the “Bush Family” is one of the 13 original bloodlines of “the Illuminati” (the Powers That Be) it is not entirely surprising that the destruction of the “Twin Towers” was a government ploy to get the public support needed to prosecute a war in Iraq.  And as an added bonus; for the United States Government to get a firmer hold on the American People, in the guise of “security”, to use Nazi like tactics against us at airports and banking.  As a predicted result, our government has tightened its grip on a so-called, free society.  It is a simple measure that was practiced back during the “Great Depression”, to take away things from people, for which the government took our humanity away from us, and reduced us to being numbered.  By the way, it was at this same time the Nazis were numbering the Jews throughout Europe; coincidence? I think not.

By numbering any population, the government gains control over it, for which has been done to the American People since the end of the Civil War.  My personal studies in law revealed a number of events that started the whole mess, and believe it or not, it was Lincoln’s fault, but it was not intentional.  This entire story is revealed in my book titled; “What Difference Does It Make?!”  This blog was started by me as an extension of the above book.  This blog also spares my readers from purchasing more books I could easily write based upon current events, which become “current” on a daily basis, just like a newspaper.  Then in order to get a proper perspective on the entire matter is to understand the story behind all the current events, for which my book could be considered a “primer”. 

Now that I mentioned it; there are two other “primers” that are just as important, if not even more so.  The first one is a banned book titled; “Pawns in the Game”, by William Guy Carr, 1958.  I found this book in a private library, because this book and author were banned from all public libraries.  One will discover why Carr’s books were banned when reading them, especially his last one mentioned above.  This is the book that started me on my greatest adventure…my studies in law and other peripheral subjects and the reason why I wrote “What Difference Does It Make?!”  I must make an apology here in regards to my book; I had two close friends tell me that my book is a little difficult to understand, which is almost certainly the same reason why I have so few readers of this blog.

Consider “The Book of Romans”, for which Paul, a trained attorney had written, and is probably one of the more difficult books of the Bible to read and understand.  I cannot apologize for Paul, but I can offer sympathies for my writings to my readers.  I have done all I could to write so my readers can get at least a rudimentary understanding of what is happening, but more importantly as to “why”.  The “why” is my personal analysis of the news at large, which is based upon both history and prophecy?  History does repeat itself, but for only one reason; each succeeding generation is left ignorant of the true stories of previous generations, by government edict, who are the producers of a biased form of history, for which purposely shapes every succeeding generation, in order to fit “The Matrix”. 

This was the basis of what the “Clinton Administration” was doing when it implemented “Outcome Based Education”, which became a takeover of every primary educational institution in the entire nation.  There were a few States who resisted and rejected the bribe(s) offered (Federal money).  This education takeover also included the addition of a psychiatrist in every school.  The reason is rather simple, only because I fully understand the background.  It was to quell all “free thinking children”, and administer a drug to combat “free thinking”.  “Free thinking” is paramount in a capital based economic system, which promotes the growth of knowledge and technology.  State controlled type government, or some form of “Socialism” represses capitalism, economic growth, knowledge and technology.  All education is under strict control (such as it is now in most public schools, thanks to Bill Clinton).  All colleges are systematically being transformed into pure socialist thinking and acting, which has effectively squelched free speech through the exclusive use of political correctness and gender neutrality; all of which is a clear violation of our First Amendment and natural law. 

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.