Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 31st 2017 Blog

There is something that many people outside Russia, who do not understand Russian heritage. It was the Vikings who conquered Russia about the same time they invaded Europe.  The Vikings noticed how disunited the Russian people were as a nation and began to be involved in politics.  Much of Russia is genetically predisposed as to having a "Viking" mentality and given way to be known as a "Bear", in regards to their geo-political stand and will never change.

Therefore, if the United States is weak or in a weakened position, Russia will take advantage, but if the United States maintains a strong presence or stand, Russia will back down, as they did during the Cuban missile crisis. As long as we maintain a strong and decisive stand against Russia, we will never be in danger of a direct attack from them.  But you see, it has been the shadow government of the United States that has used propaganda, in order to maintain a very high degree of defensive measures against a so-called "Soviet threat", but this was done to feed what Eisenhower described as the "Military Industrial Complex", who were directly responsible for our involvement in Vietnam, for which JFK tried to keep us out of that conflict, but with JFK out of the way, Johnson declared, "You now have your war," and when stating that was probably addressing the "Military Industrial Complex".  In regards to "Europe", they have socialized themselves into a corner, which has weakened them into allowing Russia to take over Crimea.  NATO could have intervened, but Obama did nothing to encourage any such action.  There is no doubt that the United States is the undisputed leader of NATO, for without our lead, the other member States will flounder.

Is the Treasury Department lying to us?

Maybe not lying, but skewing the facts. Statistics can be made to read anyway one wants.  And as a general once stated, "The government has to lie in order to protect itself." and "Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force!  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." George Washington.  Whenever the government talks about "national security" it is talking about security for our fraudulent government, which is why we have 17 different bureaucracies to protect the government!  The American People are just "Pawns", for it was Snowden who told the truth about how the NSA spies on the American People.  It is a simple matter of protecting the government, which is how and why they have so much power over us and will never relinquish that power unless forced to do so.  

Legislatures are declaring President Trump’s executive order to temporarily stop immigrants coming from 7 nations, for which Obama has previously identified as “terrorist states” in 2011.  President Trump has the constitutional authority to put forth this latest so-called “controversial measure”.  One might believe that this was done in order to fulfill a campaign promise, but it is much more than just that.  This particular “executive order” is slated to be effective for the next 120 days, which the Trump Administration believes this will be sufficient time to re-evaluate and make appropriate changes to the failed vetting process we currently have.

The Demoncrats are vehemently opposed to this action…why…because it did not come from them and are using their opposition as a political lever and that they claim is unconstitutional.  My response to this “declaration”, I say this; if indeed what President Trump ordered is unconstitutional, then formally charge him specifically with, “Perjury of Oath”.  This is a very serious charge and is an impeachable offense, but there is simply no evidence to support this “charge” and they emphatically know this.  The Demoncrats are doing this get media attention and public support, but if it is presented in Federal Court, it will be thrown out because there is no merit to the case.  The Demoncrats and their followers are in it strictly to generate “political profits”.

In defense of the opposition to the above action of the Trump Administration; he could have what would be the equivalent to a “board meeting”, with all the pertinent members of his cabinet and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  President Trump comes strictly from a business background and gets things done.  Now President Trump is playing in a new ball game, which requires a degree of political protocol.  Yes, these “protocols” slow things down sometimes in significant ways.  Those who do understand “political protocol” have weighed in by saying President Trump could have acted more responsibly and causing confusion to those who had to deal directly with these new orders.

The backlash is sparking resistance from some very large businesses such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft, who are supporting lawsuits.  These “lawsuits” are just more “political posturing” and have no merit, which will become quite evident when presented to the courts for evaluation.  However, as far as the “Left” is concerned, it is getting lots of attention from many ignorant people.   

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.