Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 12th 2017 Blog

As much as I intended to view the Congressional Confirmation Hearings, I did have some trouble because I was nodding off near the middle.  No, not boring, but I have some systemic problem that has yet to be defined and my ObamaCare does not cover it.  No matter, I was deeply disturbed by a statement by Pompeo and not stuttering about collecting “metadata” from everyone.  “Metadata” is collected data from many sources and analyzed.  The CIA would be a third party in this venue, which seems to me to be a “backdoor” way of circumventing the 4th Amendment.  Personally, I am not happy about this venue, because I am sure that much of this “metadata” can be used as a blanket of identifying so-called “enemies of the State”.

Whenever the government speaks about “National Security”, it does not mean “security” for the American Public.  I have the authority to say this with impunity, only because I have studied this subject that has been peripheral in my 20 plus years in the study of law.  Therefore “National Security” simply means security for the corporate United States, which was reorganized as a corporation as early as 1868.  As they say the “Devil in the details”, which I have exposed in a book I have written titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  You can find this book on Amazon.

It has been said, “Not to judge a book by its cover.”  However, once the cover is viewed, it aptly describes the contents; in addition as to how we got there, where it is currently and where it is going.  Just the cover alone is going to incense all those who maintain the status quo of our commercial courts and placed a warning on the title page that this book might be banned by many of those of attorney status and could be yanked off the shelf, as was another book, or more aptly stated a particular author, who indicted every government on the planet, with his book titled, “Pawns In The Game”, William Guy Carr, 1958.  You will not find any books by this author in any public library.  I found this book purely by accident and circumstance, when sharing a rent with man in New-Mexico.  And this is the book that launched me into the study of law in 1994.

“What Difference Does It Make?!” is not particularly “heavy reading” and most certainly not a “dull book” as one might think, because it involves law.  I have for the most part have written this book so the reader can at least get a rudimentary understanding as to what the law really means and how to cut through the bureaucracy of any courtroom, when being hauled in for say a “traffic ticket”, without the benefit of an injured party.  I could explain this “head scratchier”, but it is best to get from my book.  I always try to keep my blogs rather short, but as one reader said to me, “You are a prolific writer.”  I firmly believe everything that is new to most people deserves explanation, for which my book does in detail and rightly so.  You readers of this blog are getting a “taste” of that particular book.  And please, not only for my sake, but for your own posterity, I truly would appreciate any feedback; good, bad or indifferent.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.