Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 24th 2017 Blog

There is a new sheriff in town that has a twitter account and draws it like a gun.  Now we know that the “pen is mightier than the sword”.  Whenever the press becomes disingenuous towards the Trump Administration—President Trump has millions of followers, who can be alerted immediately “trumping the press”.  There is no doubt that the press is miffed, but payback is a bitch, when the media allows dishonesty to prevail.  However, we now have the addition of a Press Secretary, who is stumbling a bit, but overall is standing firm and has stated that if the “press” gets rough, the Trump Administration is not going to just take it on the chin.

I was nearly floored when President Trump pulled a “Lincoln” venue.  Actually, it was not entirely surprising because of President Trump’s promise to get America back on its economic feet.  President Trump signed one particular executive order to move forward on both the “Keystone” and “Dakota” pipelines, but with a twist that when Lincoln was being advised about the Transcontinental Railroad, fired right back at his advisors.  Let me explain.

When considering the Transcontinental Railroad; costs had to be considered.  Lincoln’s advisors told him that we could buy the rails cheaper from Great Britain.  Lincoln replied, “If we purchase the rails from Great Britain, we will have their rails and they will have our money.  But if we buy the rails here, we will have both the rails and the money.”  I am not aware that President Trump knew about the above, but I do know that he has the same “chutzpa” as Lincoln did back in his day.  President Trump made it clear that we would be buying American and hiring American in his Inaugural Speech and in just his second full day on the job has kept that promise!

Mind you, this is just the “second full day” on the job and has accomplished a great deal already.  I have already said that President Trump is going to have an uphill battle with many of those who vehemently oppose him; mainly the Demoncrats, who are convinced that their way is the only way.  But they have soon forgotten that they have been losing ground ever since the first election of Obama.  In the past eight years, the Demoncrats lost a total of about 1000 political seats in all 50 States.  Apparently they are not getting the message and will continue on the same road to failure. 

What the Democrats need to do is to redefine who they are and what they stand for, if they are to be a viable political party.  In the past eight years, the Liberals have had their way and the results have been a weaken and vulnerable house of cards and a sharply divided nation, not to mention has expanded worldwide.  Another systemic problem is the “pointing of fingers”.  But there is one particular problem with the “pointing of fingers”… there are always three of them pointing back at the person putting up the index finger.

President Trump is correct when he states that we must unify or we will fall very hard as a nation…”Patriotism leaves no room for prejudice.”  President Trump will continue to do everything he can to bring this nation together, but he cannot do it alone.  We must put our differences aside and do what is right and good, so that we can be a shining example of what it means to be an American.  Political correctness was specifically designed by Satan the Devil to dividing us as a nation. Has He succeeded to the point of no return?      

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.