Monday, February 13, 2017

Why I wrote “What Difference Does It Make?!”

I have written this book because I am uniquely qualified to do so, but there is another even more important reason; we American People simply do not have even a rudimentary understanding of what law is or what it means.  We just do what most people do and that is to hire an attorney, who is supposed to know the law, but it would greatly surprise many that most attorneys are not truly interested in their clients.  We are as a common denominator “commercial chattel”.  We are merely a “human resource” that is taxed to the nth degree and fleeced by our courts.

Attorneys have 4 agendas; 1) the BAR; 2) the court; 3) money; 4) the client, all in that order!  If you are charged with a so-called “crime”, unless it is a capital offense it is deemed a “civil action”.  In such cases the best an attorney can do for you are plea bargains, but it will still cost you something.  You could, if you dare represent yourself in court.  It has been said that a person who represents him/herself in court, has a fool for a client, but this phrase was promulgated by attorneys, in order to hide the truth.  Mind you, one cannot represent one’s self without the correct knowledge and fully understanding court proceedings.  For when going to court, on your own, you must know exactly what you are doing and exactly why you are doing it, which is going to require doing your homework.

Having the correct knowledge can mean the difference between freedom and slavery.  Perhaps “ignorance is bliss”, but when being hauled off to jail and declaring yourself incompetent by hiring an attorney might set well with most people, for the simple reason that they do not know any better.  Perhaps that particular “phrase” is comforting to most people, because it “sounds good”, but can be dangerous.  I am here to tell you that the danger is quite real and will affect most of the Western World fairly quickly.  

I call these people “Joe Six-Packs” and “Jane Wine Coolers”.  Law is purported to be rather complex, but that is only because of the BAR, which is a foreign Communist organization and court rules that vary from one court to another.  So as one can see our courts have been corrupted by Communists.  Some courts do have their court rules in printed form, but many other courts make up their own rules as they meet resistance from people like me who can defend themselves.  There are thousands of court cases when people defend themselves, but we do not hear about them, especially when the defendants win!  There was one on youtube, when the judge was so lost with the defendant that she left the courtroom.  The man knew what he was up against and was properly prepared.  This is what I meant by knowing exactly what you are doing and exactly why you are doing it.  I said this twice now, only because it bears repeating and your Bibles are no different.  Without an understanding as to the “why” you are doing something, you would be lost.  Knowledge without wisdom will yield very little.

By reading this book, you can have at least a rudimentary understanding of law and with a little more study that goes beyond this book can make one know what freedom truly means.  I am not an attorney, even though my studies in law have gone beyond 20 years and I do not want to become a “union member” of the Communist organization known as the BAR.  One’s BAR membership is the so-called “license” to practice law, for there is no such thing as a license to practice law.  One must apply for a State issued business license in the practice of law, but it is not an overt “license to practice law”.  Look at the 6th Amendment of our Constitution.  Tell me if you can see any place it says you must have an “attorney” represent you.  It simply states that you have the “assistance of Counsel”, which can be anyone you choose, including yourself, because “Counsel” is not defined!

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.