Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 21st 2017 Blog

I warned you and it is just beginning to take hold around the world and the Liberals are praising it—It is an old Pagan religion that was a major form of worship both prior and during the time of ancient Israel.  Specifically, it is the worship of the Sun god Baal, which is the worship of Satan the Devil.  Satan is the god of this entire planet; Matthew 4:1-10; it presupposes does it not, that no one can give anything away they do not already own?  There is more, but the above is sufficient—do your own Bible study.  I would rather not give a comprehensive lesson in Bible history in this blog, because then the venue of this blog would change or perceived to be changed.  My 35 plus years of Bible study qualifies me to expound the word of God, along with the addition of God’s Holy Spirit in me.

Essentially the Bible is a jig-saw puzzle—the entire Bible!  One cannot study the Bible without both the Old and New Testaments.  The only basic difference between the two testaments is that the Old Testament is in the physical context and the New Testament is based upon more of a spiritual nature.

There are two non-secular books that magnify the worship of Baal—“Babylon Mystery Religion” and “The Two Babylons”.  Much of this religion is based upon sexual immorality, which is not far off the modern practices of today and the sacrifice of children.  The little ancient civilization known as the Nickelodeons were quite brutal in the sacrificing of babies.  They would take the baby by the legs, swing it up and smash their heads.

The worship of Baal and their symbols are now displayed in London and will be moved to near “Ground Zero” in New York City in September of this year.  The Harbinger of this Pagan god has been used to welcome participants to a summit dedicated to the “World Government”, located in Dubai.  They are using the reconstruction of the “Arch of Palmyra”; the Roman triumphal arch that once welcomed the travelers to the ancient “Temple of Baal” in the Syrian outpost of the Empire.  We are witnessing the resurrection of the ancient worship of Baal.  A study of ancient Middle East history will reveal what will eventually be prominently instituted all over the world.  We are also witnessing the ancient prophecies unfolding—in particular “Matthew 24” and the “Book of Revelation”, specifically referring to the “White Horse” of the Apocalypse and a peripheral reference to Daniel 11, regarding the “resurrected Holy Roman Empire, represented as the 10 toes of the statue, which parallels a scripture in the “Book of Revelation” referring to the “deadly wound that has been healed”.

From some recent reading, it seems that the press has morphed from reporting the news and providing more commentary and/or opinions, which of course tows the Liberal bias.  Essentially the press is going to be the engine that will drive the Liberal agenda; most likely in the direction of Hitlary’s bid for becoming the Mayor of New York City, which will be a stepping stone for the White House come 2020.      

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.