Saturday, September 21, 2019

Middle East Tensions

It is very important to understand the reasons for war.  My readers should know that one such reason is “Military-Industrial Complex.”  Another reason, and probably applies to most nations other than the United States, is a matter of economy.  I have heard it stated in terms of international trade: “One is either trading goods or trading bombs.” 

Right now, Iran (as a nation) is greatly suffering from United States sanctions.  However, other nations are doing as much as they can to continue trading, and I strongly suspect smuggling to going on, as a matter of survival.  The oil market has stabilized, but Iran’s oil exports are severely limited through the United States sanctions.  Iran is desperate and needs to export more oil, or somehow get the price up to make up for the losses through the sanctions.  So we can full-well expect much “saber rattling” from Iran.

Unless there is a way to stealthily get tankers in and out of Iranian ports, they were utterly compelled to raise the price.  Therefore, an attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil production facilities was the logical approach.  Iran continues to deny responsibility, but that is easily construed as propaganda, for the sake of nationalism.  Iran has serious internal problems.  There is at least one faction leaning toward western ideas, and is dividing Iran.  Therefore, is incumbent for the Iranian leadership to somehow unite all Iranian people for a common cause; such as what happened to the United States on 9-11.

Iran has to deny they attacked Saudi Arabia, so as to quell western thinking from the disgruntled Iranian population.  President Trump would rather not attack anyone—he is slow to anger and quick to consider giving.  The only giving Iran understands is to give the gift of Israel’s annihilation, for the sake of Islam.  The tensions between Israel and Islam, goes back about 4000 years, when Abraham produced a son from his wife’s handmaiden, who produced a son named Ishmael—the father of all Arab people, re: Genesis 16.  This contention between these two peoples has not waned.  In the description of Ishmael, describes him as a “wild man,” and some translations state; “wild ass of a man,” which is still the heritage of Ishmael’s ascent.

In conclusion, Iran both needs and wants a war, but they are attempting to wash their hands from any responsibility.  Iran has almost nothing to lose with a war.  War will quell some of their internal problems, and it will justify any moves they make for their nation’s sake, including the continuation of producing a nuclear device.  I have in a prior blog, stated that Iran has absolute no intentions of backing off their aspirations of enriching uranium, in order to produce a nuclear weapon.  No one, who has an investment in such a weapon is not going to back off in that production—including a payment of one-hundred and fifty billion dollars.  Iran is hell-bent for the destruction of Israel, for this is their one purpose.  It is because Israel was a gift from God as an everlasting covenant, meaning forever.  Yes, Israel was taken from that land twice, but after a time returned from exile.  Israel was naughty, and probably the best discipline is deprivation—in this case, it was exile, or brought into slavery.

The so-called “Nuclear Deal,” was nothing more than a political agreement, because no official treaty was ever debated or produced.  Political agreements can be very short-lived, which depends upon if there is a change in regime, and is quite systemic with Islamic nations.  Case and point; President Trump nullified that nuclear agreement.  Any opposition to that decision is political posturing, and has no basis in litigation.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.