Tuesday, November 22, 2016

It truly amazes me when those who oppose Trump and his up and coming changes are totally repugnant to them. I have a message for those Liberals who had 8 years, all during the Obama Administration to make things better. Well… have an answer? But do not say you needed more time, because Reagan turned things around in his first 2 years! I suppose many of those who were not sentient during those years, do not know that the day after Reagan’s inauguration, the hostages in Iran were immediately released. I am quite sure that the Iranians were very clear that Reagan would have kicked the shit out them, as opposed to the “peace maker” Jimmy Carter, who allowed the Iranians to keep the hostages for 444 days.

In fact, all during the Obama Administration there has been nothing but growing riffs between races and cultures. Why? Because Obama not only grew up in a Communism environment, but has become a “Globalist”, which the same thing as welcoming the “New World Order”, which is a repressive government, with no God-given “Rights”, because they do not believe in the God of the Bible. Essentially, we are a nation of Christians, but we have always welcomed everyone, as long as they keep their practices among themselves and not forcing their own brand of law on the American Public.

It because of Obama’s policies that have empowered the tiniest of all minorities, magnified them, allow them to run amuck and cause havoc and mayhem, whenever the opportunity presented itself. First of all, that is not “law and order”, which is the only way that “We” as a nation can prosper. If we are not working together, then we are doomed as a nation, unless that is the agenda of the Liberals.
Real change cannot happen until some asses are kicked… and very hard! We cannot survive in a nation that allows judges to pronounce their own brand of law from the bench. We cannot operate in unity if we have two very different venues of law; the laws of the United States vs. Sheria law. Let them practice their own brand of law by going back to where they came from, or assimilate as Americans, because this was how it was done in the past and we prospered, like no other nation on the planet.

Muslims have infiltrated the United States Government since 1952; for this was the plot that JFK was going to expose, but was assassinated 10 days after that statement was made. He did not have a chance to fully investigate before revealing the actual plot.

Trump voters gave the Obama Administration 8 years to get it right, but failed miserably. We are so polarized, because of Obama’s “Policy of Empowerment” that the Justice Department sees no problem when “Black Lives Matter” has an agenda of murdering police officers. If one clearly thinks about it and I have said this before, but bears repeating; “Black Lives Matter” is a blatantly racist statement, because all lives matter; yes, including those still in the womb! Abortion is a form of genocide that was practiced by the Nazis. More than 56 million potential Democratic voters were murdered since 1973. One might suppose that perhaps Hitlary would have been our next President if government sponsored abortion were eliminated. Oh, I almost forgot; those 56 million who would have had many more millions of potential Democratic voters!

Sure a woman has a “Right” to do whatever she wants to do with her body, but not to committing murder. This is the result of those in government, who have taken “God” out of the equation, not to mention the general public, who want to get laid and not take any responsibility for the results. If indeed a woman has the “Right” to an abortion, then she must also have the “Right” to sell her pussy. In some ways they do, without breaking the laws against prostitution. Some marry for money and others play men for whatever they can get out them. When the money runs out, so does the honey.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.