Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Divided Nation

We as a nation have a problem because we have many disgruntled Democratic voters, who have decided to protest the election, despite the overwhelming evidence from the voters and without dispute from the DNC. How did this happen? This is the first time in our nation's history that an election has sparked overt protests in our major cities! Every effect has a cause, which is the law of cause and effect. The reason why this unprecedented outrage has ensued, is simply because we are a divided nation, which is not much different from what happened when Lincoln was elected, but that is another story.

Why are we a divided nation? The reason is quite simple, but those of opposing views will quickly disagree, because they are like sheep, who have been led around by Liberal and progressive thinking and will excuse their bad behavior based upon a venue that was promulgated by the Los Angles Times of "political correctness" back in the mid 90's, for which the Obama Administration has magnified and backed up by the so-called "Supreme Court has caused this division and done on purpose! This division has been in the works since the assassination of JFK and Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was in the midst of closing the gap between "Blacks and Whites", but it was the "Powers That Be", who had to get rid of MLK, because they wanted that division to remain, to eventually bring about "Order out of Chaos", which is the creed of the Illuminati.

Obama has successfully and almost single-highhandedly increased the divisions of this nation to include illegal immigrants and allow those of a violent religion to be rubber stamped as "Americans" without earning it through the citizenship process! Washington D.C. is so corrupt with greed and power that they are willing to allow this nation fall and maintain their positions in government, for which civil laws were strategically in place to protect all government employees from being dismissed or fired, even if they broke the law!

Will President Obama do anything about this disorder of protests? Probably not. Oh he might give it some lip service, but not much beyond that and only as a matter of form to make it seem like he is doing something about it... not! This disorder is precisely what the "Powers That Be" have been planning for many years. There is no doubt that these protests will escalate until it is met with decisive and effective force, but personally, I do not expect that to happen, at least not immediately. Just like I did not expect any kick-ass immigration law to pass back in 2003.

I expect it to get as bad as if it were foreign terrorists involved, which will be allowed to become so violent that martial law will have to be declared and this will be a direct invitation to the confiscation of guns, no matter if they were used in a protest or not! Taking our guns away from us is paramount to taking everything else away from us, Once the guns are gone, the government can act with absolute impunity to take anything away from us, for which historically has happened many times!

It is quite possible that things will get so bad between now the inauguration of President elect Trump that it will be the Obama Administration that will become the savior of the disorder and preempt the inauguration of Trump. This is only a supposition on my part, but it is something to bear in mind, because anything political is well planned. It is because of my understanding of how the world really works that I can say these things.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.