Sunday, October 14, 2018

Political Correctness

Ever since 1995, with the advent of “Political Correctness”, any issue, no matter how small, instantly becomes a “political football”.  Why is this so incumbent, when it becomes a “media event”?  For example, when the issue involves “illegal immigration”; anyone who speaks against it is summarily declared a “racist”.  Since when does anyone who is a preponderant of established law, become a “racist”?  The answer is actual quite simple, but no Liberal will ever address it as I will here.  The Demoncrats have lost nearly all the arguments on how to run the government.  Therefore, they need to demonize all others, who do not think like a Liberal. 

It is rather unfortunate, because “Political Correctness” has become the engine that has politically polarized this nation.  And until “Political Correctness” is eliminated, this “engine” will never die.  Therefore, as long as we will continue this venue as a nation, it will forever be divided. The Demoncrats, along with a complicit media, will provide as much fuel as it will take to keep this “engine” running.  In addition, our colleges are also moving in lockstep with “Political Correctness”, who come up with new PC phrases, to add to our “Politically Correct Lexicon”.  It is just a matter of one or two more generations, when this democracy will become a “socialist” nation, just as did the Roman Empire, for which became their epitaph.  Their military was left by the wayside, just as what nearly happened during both the Clinton and Obama Administrations.  However, when the political tide changed between and after those “administrations”, we had a revitalization of our military.

In recent years “Political Correctness” has morphed into the “death of free expression”, which was a prominent venue among our various rights.  Despite the political differences we always had as a nation; we prospered, but all that began to change with the introduction of “Political Correctness”, by the Los Angeles Times during 1995.  “Political Correctness” also threatens our venerated Constitution, which is “the rule of law”.  Without well-defined laws, we will soon be deceased as a nation.  There are three distinct venues that comprise any nation; land, with established borders; people and law(s).  If just one of those venues is missing, there is no longer a nation.  

The United States has land, with established borders.  However, it has become the rallying cry of the Liberals to do away with our borders.  We have people, but have been seriously politically divided.  No nation can exist for very long under this condition, which became a distinct reality from the 1840s, up until the end of the Civil War, with the issue of newly adopted States becoming a part of the United States, to be declared either a “free or slave” State.  When Lincoln was elected, the “Slave States” legislative representatives did not show up, according to the prescription of our Constitution as cited in Article I. And, at least in theory, dissolved the “The Republic of the United State of America”, for which there was no quorum and re-organized into “The Corporation of the United States”, but that is another story that I gave in detail in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”.     

Both the Liberals and the general mainstream media have lost sight of what we are supposed to be as a nation, which will soon become our demise.  Once we become “socialized”, will create a political vacuum and the United Nations already has their plan in place to take over.  How do I know this?  The United Nations is the mouth-piece for the Illuminati, for who are “globalists”, to eventually unite the entire planet into a one-world government.  Their agenda is precisely the same as what is stated in the Communist Manifesto, for which by the way, “The BAR” is a Communist organization and has changed our lower “courts of law” into courts of enforcing contracts, ever since 1938.

There is no love lost with me in regards to the lower courts, the many politicians and especially the Bureaucrats, who do not have the general welfare of the population in mind, but who are more interested in their positions of power, not to mention a paycheck.  However, there are some exceptions.  I do not challenge any of these people; because the career politicians already have their agenda set like concrete and simply roll with the punches.  Therefore, I have never involved myself in protests, or for a rather short time did involve myself with petitions, but there is no way to counter a “stacked deck”. 

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.