Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Swamp and "The Matrix"

We as a nation have a rather unique situation that has openly reared its ugly head in recent years.  Actually, this particular situation has existed for at least the past three centuries, but has operated in the shadows, lest the conspiracy be discovered too soon, to eliminate it before it gained such a large foothold that it can never be removed.  This “foothold” is now so powerful that no one safe, no matter where one resides on the planet.  There was one point during our republic that one man recognized it, but only from one standpoint, but nevertheless a very important one. It was President Andrew Jackson, who at the time during his presidency was a controversy about the establishment of a national bank, for which President Jackson was vehemently opposed.  President Jackson clearly understood the issue of the establishment of a national bank, but would be under private control, with the Federal Government on the face of it, to make it seem as if it were a part of the Federal Government.  President Jackson simply would not allow the bankers to have control over this nation’s money, for which it clearly states in Article I, Section 8, paragraphs 5 and 6 that it is the Legislature who has control over the money and the regulation thereof.  President Jackson was so livid about it, he publicly stated referring to the bankers, “I will root you out!”

Unfortunately, that power was finally turned over to the Federal Reserve on December 24th 1913.  The “Federal Reserve” is a privately owned loan institution, and the timing was ripe to have the bankers take over our banking system, because prior to this time, there were two financial upheavals that took place in the latter half of the 19th century and the public demanded that something be done about preventing any of that from happening again.  Stocks fell, many banks failed, and the public had enough. There were a group of five men, who had a secret meeting back in 1910, planning the largest fraud to ever be established, in the entire history of the world.  One was a very powerful man of money, J.P. Morgan and another was Senator Aldrich.  In addition, we had a progressive President in office at that time, who signed it and it became law, but it was entirely repugnant to our Constitution.

Despite the establishment of the Federal Reserve, many banks were still closing their doors.  In fact, many more banks closed than prior to the establishment of the Federal Reserve, so the Federal Reserve Act accomplished nothing, but the establishment of a privately owned bank, who charged interest, by making loans not only to the local banks, but even more so to the Federal Government, hence “the national debt”!  There are far more details, but I will spare my readers and refer them to my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

I had not intended to talk about the “Federal Reserve”, but I thought it was important enough to mention it, to allow that to be an example as to what is happening now within the Beltway of Washington D.C.  President Trump refers to it as “The Swamp”, but as I stated in previous blogs; “The Swamp” is far larger, deeper and dangerous than President Trump may be aware.  This swamp or almost any swamp for that matter has many dangers lurking within the murky waters; filled with creatures that may be benevolent and others that are well-hidden and quite deadly.  Personally, I prefer the use of the phrase, “The Matrix”, for which I firmly believe is more accurate, only because this particular matrix is a created reality.  Since President Trump does not know who I am and my full understanding of what “The Matrix” is all about; I have accepted his metaphorical description of what has pervaded our national government for more than half-a-century. 

As we have experienced in recent times, the breakdown of what our government has openly declared that our Democracy, is quickly changing into a socialist form of government, via the media and a left wing party, not to mention “political correctness”, which is completely repugnant to our “First Amendment”.  My last blog entry touched on what I will continue here. 

The Kavanaugh circus is a fine example of the opposition to our Constitution and the presumption of innocence and proven to be guilty, for which not even a smidgen of guilt can be considered, because of the weakness of an accuser’s charges that cannot be verified, nor collaborated, not to mention, not even one credible witness as to the fuzzy account.  I said it before a number of times and it happens more often than one might imagine; “Anything political is planned!” I am not going to rehash everything that has taken place, if one has examined all sides of the issue, but beware; most of the media is left bias and has an axe to grind, because of what I had said in my last blog about “Operation Mockingbird”. 
In order to fully appreciate what is at stake, I am going to provide an excerpt from a book, whose author was banned from all public libraries, because of his indictment of every government on the planet, and this one particular book, “Pawns in the Game”, by William Guy Carr, 1958, was the book I found in a private library, back in 1994 and started me on my greatest adventure and enlightenment of what has plagued this world for so long.  I was always a seeker of the truth in any matter, but this truth is without exaggeration, completely over the top!  The following is part of the introduction of the above book I just mentioned.

To wit:

The International Conspiracy
If what I reveal surprises and shocks the reader, please don’t develop an inferiority complex because I am frank to admit that although I have worked since 1911, trying to find out why the Human Race can’t live in
peace and enjoy the bounties and blessing God provides for our use and benefit in such abundance ? It was 1950 before I penetrated the secret that the wars and revolutions which scourge our lives, and the chaotic conditions that prevail, are nothing more or less than the effects of the continuing Luciferian conspiracy. It started in that part of the universe we call heaven when Lucifer challenged The Right of God to exercise supreme authority. The Holy Scriptures tell us how the Luciferian conspiracy was transferred to this world in the Garden of Eden. Until I realized that our struggle is not with flesh and blood, but with the spiritual forces of darkness who control all those in high places on this earth (Eph. 6:12) the pieces of evidence gathered all over this world just didn’t fit together and make sense. (I am not ashamed to admit that the “Bible” provided the “Key” which enabled me to obtain an answer to the question quoted above.)
Very few people seem able to appreciate that Lucifer is the brightest and most intelligent of the heavenly host and, because he is a pure spirit, he is indestructible. The scriptures tell us his power is such that he caused one-third of the most intelligent of the heavenly host to defect from God, and join him, because he claimed God’s Plan for the rule of the universe is weak and impractical because it is based on the premise that lesser beings can be taught to know, love, and wish to serve him voluntarily out of respect for his own infinite perfections. The Luciferian ideology states might is right. It claims beings of proven superior intelligence have the right to rule those less gifted because the masses don’t know what is best for them. The Luciferian ideology is what we call totalitarianism to-day.

It may be a cliché, but this is only the smallest tip of a huge iceberg revealed in this particular book.  I must inform my readers, and I repeat, this book cannot be found in any public library, but perhaps can be found in the “Library of Congress”.  However, it can be found on the Internet, if the website has not been taken down, since I viewed it back in 2005.  This particular book last publication was printed in 1978.  If my readers of this blog cannot find the website, or a copy of this very important book, I can provide it on a CD; email me here;

There are other scriptures I could mention in reference to the above excerpt, but why should I take all the romance out from my readers blowing the dust off of their Bibles and find them.  These scriptures are in the New Testament and will end up becoming a Bible study.  They say, “Knowledge is power.” However, like many things that seem to ring true, that phrase is not entirely accurate.  It should be rephrased; “The right knowledge is power.”  This world is full of lies, as was always true ever since the first generation of the human race.  In many cases, the truth is either hard to bear, or in the words of Jack Nicolson, in the movie, “A Few Good Men”, “…you can’t handle the truth.”  And then there are those who might say, “Don’t bother me; let me work, pay my taxes and bills, and allow me to enjoy my cable TV.”  This principal attitude has pervaded every fallen civilization.  The Roman Empire went on for more than 500 years, but they went the way as we in this nation is heading; toward socialism, which siphoned money away from the army for entitlements and then made way for the Barbarians to overtake the empire. 

We are quickly heading in this direction, if we continue to allow it.  We do have the equivalent to the Barbarians…illegal immigrants and by continuing to allow them to overrun our borders, we will fall prey to them.  How can we stop them?  This is where the rubber meets the road.  I said the following back in 2003; set up 30 caliber machine guns every 500 yards along the border and shoot every person attempting to enter illegally into the United States.  It would not take very long, by leaving all those dead bodies all along the border, for the news to reach those who have every intention of getting over the border to take advantage of our weak-kneed Congress, who will not strengthen the border through legislation.  I do have another suggestion; President Trump has the authority to declare a “national emergency”, and state to Congress in no uncertain terms, to get something done to secure our borders, or let the blood flow.  Well, it is either that or “Build that wall”, because walls stop people from crossing borders and entering (in times past) city states or fortresses. 

One thing my readers will never hear from me; I will never apologize for the truth, or whatever I know to be true, as well as proven to be true throughout history.  The left has no room in their hearts for the truth, but that may not be entirely their fault, because of the schools that teach lies.  For example; 2400 law professors have stated they do not want Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.  Let me qualify that; most law schools do not teach the Constitution, for one simple reason; most of our laws are based upon “contract/administrative law”, for which my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?! was written; comparing contract/administrative law to Constitutional law and how we got to that state.

Now however, it is the student’s fault for not considering other sources for their education, for which I was never a product of a flawed college education, in regards to anything other than the sciences.  Political science notwithstanding; President Trump flushed that down the toilet.  President Trump broke every rule of politics and has those inside the Beltway standing on their heads, running for cover and hiding under their desks, not to mention lawyering up very soon.

Stay tuned...

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.