Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Respect for Law and Law Enforcement

It seems that no one week can go by without hearing about more police officers being gunned down.  Some of these killings are the result of disrespect for law enforcement in general.  There were some calls that were setups for an ambush.  We are quickly turning into a nation of anarchists, for which has become apparent with the recent despicable display by our Demoncratic leadership, on the Judiciary Committee, for which allegations were charged against Brent Kavanaugh and summarily presumed guilty, by not only the committee, but also from Liberal pundits, as well as the media; exclaiming “guilty until proven innocent”.  Such a precedent cannot and should not be tolerated under any circumstances, in a nation that prior to Justice Kavanaugh it was always, “Innocent until proven guilty”, for which was clearly upheld by the Republicans on the Judicial Committee and prevailed despite objections from the general media and protesters.

However, “an inch” was taken and despite the outcome, does not spell the end of this so-called controversy.  In matters of law, it is “controversy” that takes the center stage on any docket.   In a prior blog, I mentioned it was Diana Feinstein who purposely withheld material evidence of the principal allegation brought up against Brent Kavanaugh.  Let us take a step back for a moment, and consider the Bundy case.  During the trial of the Bundy’s, who resisted the so-called “authorities” in a standoff?  It was later discovered that material evidence was withheld, in order to railroad the Bundys.  In this case, it was evidence that exonerated the Bundys from a sure prosecution and conviction.  So as one can plainly see, there are forces involved to remove the presumption of innocence.

It is quite apparent that anyone can make a “claim”, for which brings about a challenge, and hence a “controversy”, for which the person upholding their “innocence”, can challenge the allegation(s) in court.  One can enter any court and view the entire procedure as to our system of justice.  For the most part, justice is served, but there are exceptions, and I clearly bring this out in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”   We as Americans, who reside in a nation that prides itself as a nation of laws, law enforcement and an envied system of justice, need to come forth and support those candidates, who fully support our time honored system and not side with anarchists.    

President Trump recently visited a meeting with the “Association of Chiefs of Police”, and honored 4 officers, who performed their sworn duty, braved dangerous situations and subsequently saved lives.  This nation’s police deserve the same honor as our soldiers who defend this nation.  The police, for the most part fully understand when going on duty, on any given day, could very well be their last.  And as I stated above, the bar has been raised by a divided nation, because of the disrespect of law enforcement.  There are a number of individuals who are metaphorically acting as insurgents, and targeting the police.  A potential terrorist could be one of our neighbors, and they are American citizens!  It seems that all authorities are being challenged, and it is a historical fact that the destruction of a nation usually comes from within.  This is how the Roman Empire fell; destruction from within, which came from a change in culture by adopting socialism.

We Americans, if we are true Americans, need to take to heart, to make this nation be proud again.  It used to be that way, but as I stated above, there are forces in place that want to abolish our Constitution, grill and torture nominees, as well as their families, who are well qualified candidates, but in the eyes of the power-hungry don’t want what is best for our nation, which is a demonstrable respect for our Constitution, which is the “Rule of Law”. 

I might take a rather harsh position to the Demoncrats, but they deserve to be challenged, for the simple reason they do not have the good of the nation at heart.  Their true motivation is the next election and to change our culture to be socialized, which will lead us to globalism.  During every election cycle, the Demoncrats are good at one issue; placing some kind of fear into the hearts of the electorate.  They cannot bring themselves to address the issues and their answer is the same one they have been touting for decades; “…throw more money at the problem, in the hopes that it will go away.”  This particular methodology has never worked, despite the billions of dollars spent on social experiments, all with the same result; the problem(s) are never solved, and in many cases exasperate the problem(s).  One does not have to look very far to see the results of Demoncratic leadership.  Detroit, Michigan has been run by the Demoncrats for 50 years and is now bankrupt. 

California is so liberal, and has misspent many billions of dollars, subsequently over taxing the people, who are fed up and have been leaving in droves since Obama entered the Oval Office.  More people are homeless in the once beautiful city of San Francisco that the city had to hire people to remove the human waste from the streets.  The sidewalks have been taken over by people living in tents and many of these people have jobs, but cannot afford to pay rent.  The State of Illinois has been corrupted by the Demoncrats for decades as well, and is also courting bankruptcy.  The City of Chicago all during the Obama Administration, to the present, has a very high murder rate that makes the news nearly every month.  President Trump addressed the problem and will implement the same program that worked so well in New York City; “Stop and Frisk”.  Mind you, this type of policing of people, only takes place when the situation calls for it.  And most likely happens in certain high risk neighborhoods, where the criminal elements are well-known by the patrolling officers.  I am sure some of the “elements”, when coming in contact with the local officers, who know one another from 20 paces; might humor some of the officers, by holding up their hands in anticipation of the well-known officer who approaches.

There was a time when our police officers were scantily dressed, by comparison to the “SWAT” like appearance they now have.  This attire became increasingly necessary, as the criminals are far bolder and in some cases, better armed and armored than the police.  This is specifically why we cannot allow law abiding citizens to be disarmed, because the police cannot be everywhere.  Actually, the origin of the “2nd Amendment” had a more systemic purpose; to put down a tyrannical government.  This was Thomas Jefferson’s idea; for he fully under-stood the human condition, in regards to what can happen when a government gains too much power and citizens are not able to get redress in the courts.  In previous blogs, I was not shy about mentioning the true reason for many of our ills; “greed”, and greed comes in many forms, including “power”. 

The “midterms” are quickly coming upon us, and as I stated before, this coming November 6th will become a watershed election, which will stem the direction this nation has taken, since the unprecedented election of Donald Trump, and his rather flamboyant and take no prisoners approach to his way of communicating with the American People, who chant and celebrate his fulfillment on promises made, and promises kept, which has been an absolute delight, compared to the stale politicians of times past.  

A new type of politician has arisen, to take the “bull by the horns”, to prove to the inside the beltway elites, how to lead and not overlord the many burdensome policies that magnify the power of bureaucracies, in place of the “rule of law”.  It is very unfortunate, we have mindless groups of people, who firmly believe they can implement change through civil discord, instead of what their hero Barak Obama stated, “Win elections.” 

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.