Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Authorization of gathering intelligence of foreign persons; coddling of terrorists by Hitlary and Katy Perry

My apologies for not posting a blog yesterday, because there is so much going on; so much to read and research, as well as some personal matters to address.   President Trump’s visit to 7 places within 9 days, is akin to the movie titled, “If it is Tuesday, this Must be Belgium,” which is a whirlwind tour of Europe.  Even the Secret Service has to deal with much less sleep than usual, because of the pace of this trip.  It is a shame that our demoncratic lawmakers cannot see how hard this President has been working; not only to keep America safe, but the world at large.  But one can suppose that the demoncrats have an agenda of not keeping anyone safe from the proven harm caused by “Radical Islamic Terrorism”, or as President Trump now refers to them as “Losers”. 

Personally, I would call them “Cowards”, only because they do not want to brandish themselves in uniform and fight on the frontlines.  They prefer to make a name for themselves, to become heroes of their peers, for their reward is to be in Heaven with 70 virgins.  Do any of my male readers have such aspirations?  Not likely, mainly because most of us have a much better sense of morality.  Although there are men out there who think with their sex organs and it seems more so with many Islamic men!

We are continuing to witness the insanity of the “Left”, who truly believe we need to coddle and coexist with terrorists!  Can you spell “Death Wish”? Both Katy Perry and Hitlary Clinton were sharing the stage along those lines. The beginning of this kind of thinking began with “Political Correctness”, which has now been proven to be very deadly.  President Trump has abandoned all “Political Correctness” and call things just what they truly need to be called.  And one can suppose this is what incenses the “Liberals” to no end.  Oh yes, there was a Puerto Rico parade today in New York City and honoring (hold on to your seat) an FALN member, who was convicted on a armed robbery charge back in 1983, in addition to this particular group’s bombings during the 1970’s.  Isaiah 5:20 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

It is rather laughable that in the shadow of Congressional and Senate investigations, comes news that when President Trump returns, will be firing at least 3 White House staffers for leaking information to the press.  Not the kind of news that the Demoncrats want to hear; neither does both “The New York Untimely” and “The Washington Compost” want to print. 

And then there is the controversial issue of what is happening in the “IC” or Intelligence Community.  This concerns the statue of FISA section 702, which states in part; “…permitting the DNI and the Attorney General to authorize jointly, the acquisition of foreign intelligence information targeting non-united states persons, reasonably believed to be located outside the United States.”  This statue has the power to gather intelligence from any American citizen in contact with a foreign person of interest.  And it is up to the Intelligence Community enjoined with the Department of Justice that if there is evidence of criminal activity, has the authority to “unmask” them.  If I am not mistaken, a vote will be taken up this coming September, whether or not to continue with the “FISA Section 702”.  Given all the security problems, I strongly suspect this statue will be voted “Yes”.

If one has been closely following the news for at least the past 3 years, knows that both the CIA and the NSA have been spying on all Americans, who make communications, whether they be by phone or email and utter what is referred to as “keywords”, are instantly recorded and scrutinized for any possible breach of “National Security”.  It is fortunate for the American People that it was “Edward Snowden”, who rightfully blabbed about our “4th Amendment Rights” being violated, for which James Clapper lied to Congress when he answered a question about spying on Americans.  However, in certain circles it was already a well-known fact that we were being spied on, for which I was one of those so informed many years ago.

Oh, did I mention that Obama is now implicated also violating our 4th Amendment Rights during his Administration?  Yup, there are documents obtained by some news organization that I never heard of, who made this most recent discovery.  No doubt that when such things are discovered, there is far more that is hidden and may never know what or who are involved and very much a part of “The Matrix”.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.