Thursday, May 18, 2017

Robert Mueller and Other Thoughts that are Related

Now that a “special” counsel has been assigned to the so-called “Russian/Trump” collusion, there is very little the media can do in regards to accusations, insinuations and witch hunting.  Robert Mueller, a former FBI Director is now completely in charge of this investigation and the media have no business interfering in this investigation by even asking one question.  The overall reason for this is Robert Mueller has no axe to grind, with the exception of this investigation, for which he can take his time to view all the facts and has an unlimited budget.

I have heard both positive and negative reports as to Mueller’s past work and relationships within the political arena, but I will reserve that particular judgment until criminal charges are brought forth, for which no charges can be made without solid evidence and no one (theoretically) is immune.  I have also heard and quite agree that this investigation is uncharacteristic, in view of those within the Obama Administration, who also deserved a “special prosecutor or counsel”, such as Eric IDK, Holder, regarding “Fast and Furious”; Hitlary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information and freely shared with her closest allies and I firmly believe that Obama had a lot of gall in sending 1.3 billion dollars to Iran for the so-called “release of hostages” and absolutely no one asked a question, as to where that money was procured.  It certainly did not come from the purse of Congress.

I already know something about that because Obama is a thief, as I stated a long time ago before this particular blog site was created.  The government also has lawsuits against companies and individuals, for which when the government wins those cases, any monies that are collected are supposed to be put into the Treasury.  But Obama diverted those monies to fund liberal groups, so it is no surprise to me that Obama was able to gather up 1.3 billion dollars to send to Iran.  Another overt act of theft by Obama was when the so-called “Affordable Care Act” became a so-called “law of the land”.  I say “so-called” because of my understanding of law, but that is another story and attempting to tell it in this blog would be short-changing my readers of the full story, because all these answers can be found in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

The short version is simply this; the ACA is not truly the “law of the land”; for that to be so means it must be a constitutional amendment and one must sign up for it, in order for it to be applied to individuals and families.  This means that the ACA is “Contract or Administrative Law”, for which most of our laws emanate and are in conflict with our Constitution.  Like I just stated, this is the very short version.  Oh yes, I nearly forgot to tell you that Obama had stolen $900,000,000 out of Medicare, in order to fund the start of the ACA.  You see my friends, in order for the ACA to exist; it must be manned by an administration, for whom must be paid, as well as the State run exchanges.  This is a huge problem whenever the government gets involved in a private matter and consequently we suffer with more invasion of privacy in the process, not to mention that the ACA Administration does not have one doctor and these people are making our medical decisions?

In addition, there is an underlining reason for the creation of the ACA, but one might quickly believe that it simply cannot be true, but it is and again the answer(s) are in my book.  However, I can at least state here that ever since the ACA became law, it was not too soon afterwards that many rural hospitals have shut their doors and all those in those same rural areas must travel at least one hour for optimum health care.  For those who feel that is not only an inconvenience, but also could prove to be deadly for some, have moved closer to those cities, if not into the cities themselves. 

This particular venue has been in the minds of many of us true patriots, since the early 1990’s and is quickly becoming a reality.  This is specifically at least one reason why there has been a huge boom in the construction of apartment complexes in the past 8 years.  The purpose is to herd people back into the cities, in order to have more control over the population, for which the news about 2 years ago only “touched” upon this particular venue and has been silence since.  This proves the statement that only two things will kill us; nature or the government, for which I stated in a prior blog. 

We can be thankful that many people have awakened from their slumber from decades of the “Swamp Creatures” of Washington D.C. and placed a true believer in an America that was once the envy of the entire world and in just 8 short years has slipped into “liberal litigation” all for the sake of “Political Correctness”.  Now the political pundits are beginning to run scared and in direct partnership with the general media, because the “Swamp” of corruption is being drained and the very reason why President Trump has so many enemies within our own nation.  This is result of the short-sightedness of the demoncrats, who would rather kill President Trump than kill our foreign enemies and allowing our enemies to pervade American soil, who have nothing but murderous intentions.

Sean Spicer is quite a brave man, when facing the enemy of the liberal press every workday and taking “political bullets” meant for President Trump.  I believe once all this political brouhaha is over with that Sean Spicer should be awarded some metal, which constitutes his bravery under direct enemy fire.  I believe that Sandra Huckabee also deserves some recognition for also taking “political bullets” meant for President Trump.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.