Sunday, May 28, 2017

Katy Perry; Muslims and our Constitution

I am sorry, but I just cannot bear the likes of Katy Perry exclaiming that “…we just need to unite and love on each other and like, no barriers, no borders, like, we all need to just co-exist.”  Not exactly a statesman like way to sum up the way we should be feeling in the aftermath of such an inhuman act.  If “coexistence” were possible with the likes of hell-bent terrorists, then in all 8 years of the Obama Administration has been a dismal failure.  Everyone wants peace, but the opposing parties define “peace” in their own terms.  Peace to Radical Islamic Terrorists means women have no rights, excepting the right to be subjective to the whims of men, whether it is a head and face covering to an honor killing.  Is this what Katy Perry is referring?  

And one can also suppose that the outright murder of children is also a matter of feeling sorry for the down-trodden Muslims, who simply could not help themselves to move in and covertly use terror and disruption to become heroes to their peers; to be praised and thus rewarded by Allah?  If this is the motive of a deity, then this same deity does not deserve worship, nor does it show love.  It is completely impossible to unite with an ideology that condones terror, murder and slavery; not to mention forcing a state sponsored religion upon everyone and judged through Shariah Law.  

Our Forefathers understood that God endowed every human being with the right to choose, but only as long as the choices made do not infringe upon the same rights of other fellow human beings.  This is precisely why our Forefathers endured those hot and sweltering days in July, in order to create a limited government, along with 3 distinct powers of authority that maintains a balance of power, so as not to morph into a tyrannical regime.
However, ever since after the American Civil War, it all began to change, but that is another story, for which the details are in a book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  Another distinct change occurred not too long into the 20th Century, when the money system was changed, from the Treasury of the United States, to the privately owned Federal Reserve System, for which the national debt is owed to the owners of the Federal Reserve; one of whom is the Rockefeller Family and in just one year prior to the Obama Administration reaped 90 billion dollars in interest.  Now that interest payment is at least double since the end of the Obama Administration and that is only for one of the owners!!!

The Federal Reserve System was supposed to be the answer to the many bank closures that had taken place in the 1870s and 1890s.  However, because of the Federal Reserve System there have been far more bank closures!  Like I said in a prior blog; the devil is in the details.  Essentially, I have been “spoon feeding” my readers of truths such as the above, all of which can be found in the above book I just mentioned.  Much of that writing is timeless and can easily be applied in any one era or generation since the American Civil War.

The entire world has become Satan’s playground, ever since Adam and Eve, but even more so now since 1962, when the blessings of God began to diminish on us as a nation, for the results are self-evident, in view of the bickering, back-biting, false accusations and outright polarization of our so-called “leadership”.  However, the most insidious of all has been at least since 1952, the infiltration of the Muslims into our government, for which has been magnified through the Obama Administration, for the simple reason He was their overt leader and strategic placing of judges, who are His true legacy, in order for the Muslims to gain more and more ground or foothold, for which has become a never-ending frustration for the Trump AdministrationIt is in my opinion only that these judges need to be forcibly removed for subversion of our government and circumventing established law, for which Congress has the power to remove those judges under Article III, Section 1 and Section 2 of our Constitution; in addition to an Act of Congress, for whom has given the President of the United States, absolute power to reject anyone from reaching our shores; race or religion notwithstanding, because those things are not defined within those laws.

Look my friends; a big part of the problem has been the wrong mindset that the Constitution is a “living document”, for which it is not!  In fact, this thinking did not overtly exist until about 1938.  Any interpretation of law, belongs within the venue of “commercial/contract law”, not the Constitution, for this is our sacred cow!  For the most part the Constitution is not taught in all law schools; only to those who will be or plan on working for the government.

Go into any court and you will soon discover that the Constitution is not allowed in cases involving contracts, for which your driver’s license is a government contract; as is your marriage license and your Social Security Card.  This is specifically why I wrote, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  Essentially, we are all treated as “commercial chattel” or as the Bible states, “…make merchandise of you”, 2 Peter 2:3

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.