Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Will the Fun Never End?

It seems that no matter what President Trump does, the demoncrats are utterly compelled to oppose him—this despite the fact that the demoncrats were miffed by FBI Director James Comey, back in late October, for which all the political pundits as well as the media missed the boat to label what Comey had said, as the preverbal “October Surprise”.
In terms of “draining the swamp”; this latest firing has shaken Washington like an earthquake with many aftershocks that will probably continue, all the way into the Senate confirmation hearings of a President Trump replacement, not to mention all the crying and foot dragging of the demoncrats, who will put the replacement’s feet to the fire.

 The media is going to milk this news to the nth degree, in order to fulfill their agenda to take President Trump down.  It is one thing to do your job, but then it becomes a circus, when it is overdone.  There is absolutely no proof whatsoever, to the so-called “allegations” of a Russian/Trump election connection, as expounded by three of the highest ranking intelligence agencies, despite all the brouhaha of the liberal media, who are still salivating to find a way that will prompt a President Trump removal.  
There is no doubt that President Trump is draining the swamp, which can be compared to Elliot Ness breaking up an Al Capone beer operation and does not set well with many Washington insiders, who do not want the swamp drained because it will reveal all their sins that were buried under the murky water, for so many decades.  The alligators of “The Matrix” are not going to sit idly by and allow President Trump to ruin their party, who are drunk with all the blood that has been spilled, in order to maintain the integrity of “The Matrix”.  Therefore we can expect a lot of stonewalling, misinformation and outright lies to prevail.
Appointing a special prosecutor to the so-called “Russian/Trump connection… technically “No”, politically “Yes”, which leaves us with quite a paradox and it will take some careful consideration, for which the Senate has already declared that there will be no special prosecutor appointed.  We cannot even have advanced scheduled visitors, without the media asking if this particular meeting is overshadowed by Comey’s dismissal!  The Russian in response to this query by reporters, by the look on his face, most likely was rather miffed, because the question was irrelevant and uttered some half-a-dozen words in Russian, for which both he and Tillerson turned and walked away.  This meeting is no doubt is in response to President Trump’s stand against anyone who might condone acts of internal terrorism against their own people… meaning Syria.  This meeting is also a prelude to an upcoming meeting with “I’m too sexy for my shirt”… Vladimir Putin, scheduled for this coming July in Moscow.
In addition, President Trump is attempting to undo all the damage created by our former “leading from behind”, Obama Administration.  In terms of our standing as a world power, President Trump has re-established a degree of respect even from our enemies; unlike Hitlary’s “press the reset button” and perhaps should had pressed the Staples “Easy Button” instead.  I suppose I am making light of a serious situation, but it is rather laughable, given all the diplomatic missteps of the entire Obama Administration, who thought an army of attorneys, were better armed and our soldiers were literally disarmed, because of Obama’s policy of the “rules of engagement”, which probably allowed more of our soldiers to be killed, all for the sake of “political correctness”!  Such was the great error of the Vietnam War, for which diplomacy began with the “shape of the negotiating table”, absolutely true!  “Ignorance of history is slander of our times.”  Gustave Flawbert, 1821-1880.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.